Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыПлан-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "American High Schools" (10 класс)

План-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "American High Schools" (10 класс)

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Класс: 10                                                                                                                                                               

Тип: комбинированный урок.

Тема: Schooldays and work.

Подтема: Culture Corner. American High Schools.

Задачи урока:

·         Практическая:

·         Организовать чтение учащимися текста «American High schools» с полным пониманием прочитанного;

·         Организовать составление учащимися брошюры по содержанию прочитанного текста «American High schools».

·         Общеобразовательные: расширять филологический кругозор учащихся; научить наблюдать за фонетическими, лексическими, грамматическими явлениями изучаемого иностранного языка; приобщить учащихся к диалогу культур; повысить общую культуру учащихся;

·         Развивающие: развивать речевые способности учащихся: фонематический, интанационный слух, развивать готовность к иноязычному общению; развивать навыки письменной речи на основе прочитанного текста;

·         Воспитательные: воспитывать позитивное отношение к культуре другого народа, его языку; воспитывать культуру общения, которая принята в современном цивилизованном мире;

Средства обучения: учебник Spotlight «Английский в фокусе», О. В. Афанасьева, 10 кл., магнитофон.











Речь учителя

Речь учеников










Начало урока

Организационный момент.

Цель: организация класса для проведения урока.

П: беседа

Р: T – Сl/ TP(дежурный)


Речевая и фонетическая разминка.

Цель: введение в иноязычную языковую среду, подготовка артикуляционного аппарата учащихся.

П: декламирование скороговорки (на артикуляцию звука «[ð]»).

Р: T – Сl, Pls –T


Good morning, children! How are you today?

I’m fine too. Sit down please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today?

What season (month, day of the week) is it now?

Come to the blackboard and write down the date.

Look through the window! What’s the weather like today?

What is the temperature today?

We have already learnt the tongue twister. Let’s remember it.

Listen the repeat.

«These brothers bathe with those brothers, Those brothers bathe with these brothers. If these brothers didn’t bathe with those brothers, Would those brothers bathe with these brothers?» 

Good morning, teacher!

We are fine! Thank you. And you?


It’s winter (Monday, the twenty seventh of November).



It’s cold outside.

I don’t know exactly but I think the temperature is 5 degrees above zero.



Проверка отсутствующих



Дежурный ученик записывает дату на доске.







Запись скороговорки на доске.



















































































































































Основной этап урока

Задача 1.

Организовать чтение учащимися текста «American High schools»

Постановка задания, стимулирование интереса и потребности деятельности.

Цель: настроить учеников  на восприятие и понимание текста.

П: активное слушание.

Р: T – Сl
















Подготовка к восприятию текста, выполнение предтекстовых упражнений.

Цель: снятие лексических/ фонетических трудностей текста: семантизация новых ЛЕ;

П: беседа, составление диаграммы, упражнение на имитацию и перевод, запись слов в словарь. 

Р: T – Сl / TP1, P2, P3…/инд. раб.




























Первичное чтение учащимися текста.

Цель: восприятие и понимание текста.

П: чтение текста про себя.

Р: индивидуальная работа




Контроль понимания прочитанного.

Цель: проверка умений ориентироватся в прочитанном.

П: заполнение таблицы по содержанию текста

Р: T – Сl, TPl1, Pl2…


















Вторичное чтение текста

Ц: детальное понимание содержания текста.

П: выполнение упражнения на трансформацию слов, словарная работа.

P: индивидуальная работа.

Контроль глубокого понимания содержания прочитанного текста.

P: Pl1, Pl2,…


























Работа в парах.























































































































































Would you like to spend some time in the USA and study at an American school? Why?

Share your thoughts. Use your own ideas and the expressions.





Do you know anything about an American school? Do you remember the article about the rules in an American school, which we read some time ago. Lets recollect some facts. These notes will help you.


It is known that if somebody wants to have some success in his work, he or she should know why he has to do it and what he should do to be successful. Today, the topic of our lesson is “Educational Systems”. Today we are going to compare different Education Systems. We are also going to train skills of oral speaking and listening and enlarge our vocabulary.

To get acquainted with American schools better, lets read about the school system in the USA.

Look through the diagram and answer the following question.

How old are students when they:

·         start school

·         go to junior high school

·         go to high school

·         leave school

How is the system similar/different to the one in your country? Draw a diagram. Use the following:

·         Primary (Elementary) School

·         Junior Secondary (Middle) School

·         Senior Secondary School

Look at the board, repeat and write down new vocabulary:

encourage [ɪn'kʌrɪʤ] ободрять

independently [ˌɪndɪ'pendəntlɪ] независимо

journalism ['ʤɜːn(ə)lɪz(ə)m] профессия журналиста

experiencek'spɪərɪən(t)s ] (жизненный) опыт

unique [juː'niːk] уникальный

chat [ʧæt] непринуждённо болтать

depend on зависеть от

expectk'spekt ] ждать

debate [dɪ'beɪt] дебаты

committee [kə'mɪtɪ] комитет


Read the leaflet. What is it about? Look at the picture and headings and say what you think life in an American high school is like. Read to find out. While reading the text, complete the following table:

American School


School life

Sporting activities

Extra-curricular activities

Answer the questions.

1.What subjects can you study at an American school?

2. How do students get to school?

3.Where do they put away their coats and lunch?

4.How many hours of classes have they got?

5. How often do they get a report card?

6.What do students’ grades depend on?

7. What sports do American students do?

8.What extra-curricular activities have they got?

Read the text again and complete the gaps (1-8) with the correct word formed from the words in brackets.


Listen and check.




Use your dictionaries to define the underlined words by giving a synonym or an example.



















Close your books and say what new facts about an American high school you have learnt. Begin with…

I have learnt that…

I have never known/heard that…

It was interesting for me to learnt that…

Would you like to spend a year in an American high school or prefer to stay at your own one? Why? Discuss in pairs.

I would like to spend some time in the USA and:

- improve my English

- communicate with American peers

- learn more about the country, its customs and traditions

- experience life in an American school

School discipline: strict, female cops, never late for school, talking during a lesson/a test, cheating in class.

School uniform: baggy jeans, T-shirts, sweaters, sneakers, wearing pyjamas to a test

Eating in class: soft drinks, sandwiches, breaks(5 min.), lunch break (45 min.)











They start school when they are five. They go to junior high school when they are 12.

They go to high school when they are 14.

They leave school when they are 17.





Russian School System

Elementary School: Grades 1–4 (ages 6/7–10/11)

Middle School: Grades 5–9 (ages 11–15)

Senior Secondary School or Vocational School Grades 9–11 (ages 15–17) 4 Years (ages 15–19)




encourage [ɪn'kʌrɪʤ] ободрять

independently [ˌɪndɪ'pendəntlɪ] независимо

journalism ['ʤɜːn(ə)lɪz(ə)m] профессия журналиста

experiencek'spɪərɪən(t)s ] (жизненный) опыт

unique [juː'niːk] уникальный

chat [ʧæt] непринуждённо болтать

depend on зависеть от

expectk'spekt ] ждать

debate [dɪ'beɪt] дебаты

committee [kə'mɪtɪ] комитет











The leaflet is for people who don’t live in the USA but who would like to study there for a year. The picture and headings tell us that teaching styles are informal, class discussions take place, and that there are sports and other activities available in US schools.


1. You can study American history, journalism, business studies or drama.


2. You can get your American driving license while you are in the USA.

3. They put away their coats in their lockers.


4.They have got five hours of classes.


5. They get a report card about twice a year.


6.Students’ grades depend on their performance in class discussions.

7.Football, soccer, basketball, baseball.

8. Join the school newspaper, the debating club…



1 relaxed

2 education

3 driving

4 locker

5 twice

6 sporty

7 organising

8 extremely


Encourage: inspire with confidence, independently: on your own; without outside help,

journalism: the profession/study of writing or reporting news stories for the media,

business studies: a school subject that deals with all aspects of business, experience: happen to you; go through,

unique: special,

chat: talk

report card: the piece of paper upon which a student’s school grades are written,

depend on: determined by,

expect: to believe something will happen,

cheerleading: dance and gymnastics performed to encourage crowds to cheer on sports teams,

debating: a formal discussion on a particular topic,

committee: an organisation of people set up to promote sth




A: Would you like to spend a year at an American high school?

B: I don’t know. I think the sports and extracurricular activities are a good idea, but I would miss my friends and family in Russia if I went.

A: Well, I would like to go as I’d really like to study American history and get the chance to take driving lessons.

B: You should go!
































ex.1a p. 57























Запись новых слов на доске





















































































ex.4 p.57






































Задача 2

Организовать составление учащимися брошюры по содержанию прочитанного текста «American High schools».

Постановка задачи, вызов потребности и интереса к ней.

Цель: настроить учеников  на работу в группах и составление брошюры.

П: активное слушание.

Р: T – Сl





Составление учащимися брошюр с опорой на прочитанный текст.

P: работа в группах








Презентация групповых работ.

Ц: контроль и оценка работы учащихся в группах.

P: Pl1 – Cl, Pl3 – Cl,…





































Work in groups. Use the example on p. 57 to design your own leaflet. Gather information based on the guidelines provided in the rubric and form an outline of the information you will include. The information must be factual; your school must provide all of the activities that are included in your leaflet.

Design a leaflet inviting students from abroad to spend a year at your school.

Write about:


2.school life ( a typical day at school)

3. sports activities

4.extra-curricular activities.

Five minutes for your work. Then the leader of your group will present your leaflet. But I’ll put the mart to everyone.
























Are you aged between 15 to17?

Why not spend a year in Russia and experience life in a Russian secondary school?


In our school, the following subjects are taught: Russian language and Literature, Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Foreign languages (English, French and German), Biology, History, Art and Drama.

A typical day at school

You’ll travel to school by bus or metro, or on foot if you live nearby. School starts at 8 am and ends at 2  pm. There are about 6-7 lessons a day, each lasting 45 minutes each.

Sports and extra-curricular activities

A number of activities are on offer in the school, including skiing in the winter and swimming and soccer in the summer. There are a number of after-school clubs, such as music, chess, local folklore and ecology clubs.






















Заключительный этап урока

Оглашение домашнего задания.

Цель: настроить учеников на самостоятельную деятельность по выполнению домашнего задания.

П: активное слушание

Р: TCl

Подведения итогов урока, выставление оценок.

Цель: актуализация, обобщение и оценивание работы на уроке.

П: беседа

Р: TCl


You have three variants of your homework. Each of the variants is devoted to checking the

level of your understanding the topic:

1. Make up a test to check your classmates on the topic «Education»

2. Writing composition: «My School»

3. Make up a dialogue: «American and Russian education Systems»


Today, we have worked productively.

What have we learnt?

Express your impressions about the lesson.


Well done!

Your marks are…








Запись домашнего задания















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Особенности подготовки к проведению ВПР в рамках мониторинга качества образования обучающихся по учебному предмету "Английский язык" в условиях реализации ФГОС ООО и ФГОС СОО

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания с применением дистанционных технологий

Учитель английского языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

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Основы управления проектами: от концепции к реализации

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