Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыПоурочный план по английскому языку на тему "Body parts" (2 класс)

Поурочный план по английскому языку на тему "Body parts" (2 класс)

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Lesson plan



Long-term plan unit:

Unit 1. Body parts




Teacher name:

Grade: 3

Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Body Parts

Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to understand some specific information and detail of short, supported information or talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics;  make basic statements which provide personal information on a limited range of general topics; recognise, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

Identify and name animal body parts

Talk about animals`  body parts using some of the new words in simple sentences

Recognize some of the new words with support in simple sentences


Assessment criteria

Learners have met this learning objective if they can: 

complete the tasks (90 %);talk about the animals body parts by using learned vocabulary

Value links

Teamwork: Ls will work well together in pairs showing respect and being polite with each other.

Cross - curricular links

Lesson is connected Biology

ICT skills

Usage of presentation of classroom rules; review

Previous learning

Body parts 1


Planned timings

Planned activities



5  mins


Warm up

Ls watch short video, guess the topic, and try to predict the LOs.

The topic and Los are presented.














Leaners are suggested to watch video, about different animals body parts.

Teacher shows PPT to pre-teach active vocabulary.

Learners work with new words, teacher will distribute flashcards (if necessary)


Leaners are distributed the papers with vocabulary words.

First ask Learners to work with picture dictionary and write the appropriate word next to given picture.

Together with their teacher, they will pronounce, spell the words. (Teacher`s support)

Learners practice grammar  have / has got



Ph. Training

Play "Animals Walk" game

Have everybody stand and show at least 1 animal. Other students should guess.


Differentiation by task

 T divides Ls into 2 groups, gives a vocabulary worksheet to each group, and asks them to follow the instructions.

1) The first group (high level) work with vocabulary  should read the words and make sentences with them

2) The second group ( low level) work with vocabulary and tell the name of animal which has got this part.


Speaking (Whole class)

Learners listen and answer questions in an animal quiz, e


How many legs do birds have?

How many paws has a cat got?


































5 mins


 Show PPT 2 and ask Ls how many animals body parts  they remember

Hometask: learn the new vocabulary  (home task worksheet)







Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check
ICT links

Less able students – greater support by means of prompts, visuals or writing difficult words on the board

More able students – independent work on definite tasks with little/no support

Allow for flexible groupings and cooperative learning, depending on the appropriateness to the task

Allow for extra time for students needing it, when appropriate

Give extra text or visual support to students needing extra English support

Create small learning groups for students needing extra support or enrichment with the co-teacher, when appropriate

through observation

·        Work with the SMART board not more than 10 minutes

·        Use water based markers

·        Ensure proper ventilation

·        Check sockets’ safety


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?


Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?








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Краткое описание документа:

Поурочный план по английскому языку на тему "Body parts" (3класс). Учебник: Smiles for Kazakhstan 3rd grade. Express publishing. Jenny Dooley.Virginia Evans.Series consult: Bob OBee.Translations by N.Mukhamedjanova . Activity book : Smiles for Kazakhstan. Express Publishing . Jenny Dooley. Virginia Evans.

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Педагогическая деятельность по проектированию и реализации образовательного процесса в общеобразовательных организациях (английский язык)

Учитель английского языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 19 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Учитель английского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 4 483 человека

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в дошкольном образовании


300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 233 человека из 53 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 460 человек


Эмоциональная связь между родителями и детьми

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 44 человека из 26 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 20 человек


Управление и менеджмент в спортивной сфере

7 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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Самопознание и личностный рост

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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