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  • Holidays and traditions of English-speaking countries and russiaEmelyanova Zh...

    1 слайд

    Holidays and traditions of English-speaking countries and russia
    Emelyanova Zhanna, Shisheva Varvara 7 "G"
    MBOU SOSH №17

  • Introduction:Object: English holidays, culture, knowledge holidays. 

    2 слайд

    Object: English holidays, culture, knowledge holidays. 
    Subject: to study mamerialon the holidays.
    Hypoteses: if me do not study the holidays in the future we will not be able to apply their knowledge and use in travel.
    Relevance: on the lesson, holidays, tourism.
    Objectives: manifestation of attention to the study of the holidays in front of the tip.
    - to the study
    - to organize knowledge
    - to popularise

  • 3 слайд

  • January:Night of Robert Bern's: 25 - January
A national dish, Haggis, is mand...

    4 слайд

    Night of Robert Bern's: 25 - January
    A national dish, Haggis, is mandatory on the table. This chopped giblets with bacon, oatmeal, seasoned with various spices.
    During the life of the poet, this dish was considered the food of the poor, who could not afford real lamb meat. Housewives cook a hearty dish made from the offal of a sheep, which was intended for the release.

  • February:Valentine's Day: 14 - February
In the UK, as in many other countries...

    5 слайд

    Valentine's Day: 14 - February
    In the UK, as in many other countries of the world, lovers give each other flowers, candy and cards with romantic confessions.
    In Wales, as a gift lovers presented to each other carved wooden spoons. The most popular drawings carved on spoons have always been hearts and keys with locks.

  • March:St. Patrick's Day: 17 - March
The patron Saint of Ireland-one of the mo...

    6 слайд

    St. Patrick's Day: 17 - March
    The patron Saint of Ireland-one of the most fun and positive holidays, which is celebrated not only in Ireland and the UK, but almost all over the world. On this day, there is a green color everywhere, symbolizing the emerald Isle.Parades, concerts, performances, fireworks and festive services in honor of St. Patrick are held in different cities of the world.
    Easter: 8 - March
    On Easter Saturday, many people go to Church. Children receive chocolate eggs as a gift. Easter always means spring, flowers , green trees and young animals, especially lambs and chickens.
    On this day, cross buns are baked with raisins and candied fruits or currants inside, the top of these buns is incised in the shape of a cross.

  • April:Fool's Day: 1 - April
On this day in the UK it was customary to force e...

    7 слайд

    Fool's Day: 1 - April
    On this day in the UK it was customary to force each other to perform stupid tasks, for example, to find chicken teeth, bring sweet vinegar, buy a left-hand screwdriver, measure the length of the weight, get striped paint or something else that does not exist in nature at all.Make fun of each other from midnight to twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

  • May:Victoy Day: 9 - May
Every year on may 8, the Cenotaph-an obelisk in Centr...

    8 слайд

    Victoy Day: 9 - May
    Every year on may 8, the Cenotaph-an obelisk in Central London, erected in memory of those killed in the two world wars – holds a special ceremony and memorial service in the presence of members of the Royal family. On the streets you will not meet crowds of people celebrating or large processions and parades. In General, European countries tend to celebrate holidays with restraint.

  • June:Father's Day: 21 - June
The main attribute of the holiday in today's UK...

    9 слайд

    Father's Day: 21 - June
    The main attribute of the holiday in today's UK are gifts to fathers and grandfathers. This tradition is successfully exploited by the trade industry: on the eve of the holiday, almost all stores offer special discounts and gift ideas for men.
    The role of the father in the modern British family remains very important, despite the rapid feminization of society. 

  • July:Battle of the Boyne: 12 - July
12 - Julу there was a battle. In this bat...

    10 слайд

    Battle of the Boyne: 12 - July
    12 - Julу there was a battle. In this battle, which took place in Ireland, William III defeated Catholics led by James II and thus defended Protestantism in Northern Ireland.
    Since the 19th century, in Northern Ireland in memory of this battle on July 12 radical Protestants celebrate the victory over Catholics organizing processions known as marches of orangemen. 

  • August:Fringe Festival: 1-25 August
he festival presents all kinds of arts —...

    11 слайд

    Fringe Festival: 1-25 August
    he festival presents all kinds of arts — from musical to Comedy, from Opera to dance — in a word, there is a place for any, even the most extravagant, art form.
    The scope of the event is stunning, for three weeks, while the festival lasts, the audience has time to show more than 30 thousand performances of different nature: from Opera and musicals to shows and comedies. Anyone can perform on the stage.

  • October:Halloween: 31 - October
It is a traditional celebration of Halloween...

    12 слайд

    Halloween: 31 - October
    It is a traditional celebration of Halloween in the UK. Skeletons and ghosts, evil pirates and killer maniacs, demonic creatures and alien aliens mix up with jokes, treats and children's laughter on this amazing day. 
    on this day it is customary to dress up and decorate their homes. And these ornaments are very specific-the more frightening images will be able to create, the better. 

  • Guy Fawkes Day: 5 - November
The only thing if this day falls on Sunday, the...

    13 слайд

    Guy Fawkes Day: 5 - November
    The only thing if this day falls on Sunday, the holiday is postponed to the day before and is celebrated on Saturday and the night of 4 to 5 November. This traditional festival Is also called the night of Bonfires and Fireworks, because on this day the streets are filled with thousands of lights. 
    Remembrance Day: 11 - November
    On the Day of Memory, a minute of silence is arranged in the country, which always begins exactly at 11 o'clock.The symbol of this date is red poppies. They are reminiscent of spilled blood. According to legend, after the battles during the First World War, wild poppies bloomed in the fields. And only with time, when the earth healed its wounds, the flowers disappeared from the fields.

  • Thanksgiving day:22 - November 
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thur...

    14 слайд

    Thanksgiving day:22 - November
    Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. On this day, Americans thank God for the mercies sent to them. Families get together for a traditional dinner, which includes roast turkey and pumpkin pie. Over time, this tradition has not changed, but the day is distinguished by a special solemn atmosphere and home comfort.


  • December:Christmas:25 - December 
Christmas is celebrated in England exclusiv...

    15 слайд

    Christmas:25 - December
    Christmas is celebrated in England exclusively with the family, as the holiday is truly family. In the morning, according to the custom go to Church,and then gather all together at the dinner table. Before you sit down at the table, decided to blow up "Christmas Cracker" - cracker, which is always a humorous message and a small souvenir. And then all proceed to eat the Christmas crown of dishes.

  • December:Boxing Day: 26 - December
The British hold sacred their centuries-ol...

    16 слайд

    Boxing Day: 26 - December
    The British hold sacred their centuries-old traditions, so everyone knows the history of the origin of the holiday. A few centuries ago, the day after Christmas, employers sought to encourage their employees and distributed money and valuables among them. Weaving factories encouraged their workers with cloth, grocery stores-products.                 

    New Year: 31 - December
    On New Year's Eve, the British arrange family dinners, go on a visit, to parties, to pubs, restaurants and have fun on the streets of cities.
    On New Year's Eve, the British make up a list of goals for the future: quitting bad habits, doing your favorite sport, saving money for an important purchase.

  • ConclusionIn our research we have considered the main state and religious hol...

    17 слайд

    In our research we have considered the main state and religious holidays. We have made a calendar of holidays compared by month and date. Many holidays, of course coincide with Russians, too, such as New Year, for example. There are also perfectly great holidays like Thanksgiving in the US or Guy Fawkes Day in the UK. 

  • Literature:1. "About the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland" (Elena...

    18 слайд

    1. "About the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland" (Elena Kostina),ISBN 5-7611-0254-4, Publishing Hose "Moscow Lyceum".
    2. "United States of America" (A.P.Minyar - Belorucheva,L.N.Sedelkina, N.V.Vasutina),ISBN 5-7611-0007X, Publising House "Moscow Lyceum".
    3. "Spotlight on the USA" (Natalia Timanovskaya),ISBN 5-89201-002-3, Publishing Hose "Autograph".
    4. "The USA hitory and present" (Lydmila Khalimova),ISBN 5-7863-0201-9, Publishig House "Rolf".
    5. "English" (Galina Vybrova, Oksana Melchinna),ISBN 5-7805-0321-4,Publishing House "AST PRESS".
    6. "Holidays in the USA" (Alyona Pavlova),ISBN –9667-0087-7, Publishing House "Clean Pods".
    7. "English relevant topic" (Timorshuk V.A.,Kubarkov G.L.), ISBN 5-8114-0045-4, Publishing House "Lan".

  • Thanks for attention!

    19 слайд

    Thanks for attention!

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