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Presentation. 6th grade. London in New Year's Eve

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  • London in New Year’s Eve

    1 слайд

    London in New Year’s Eve

  • London is the capital city of the United Kingdom known for the several innova...

    2 слайд

    London is the capital city of the United Kingdom known for the several innovative and traditional monumental buildings it houses. New years eve is the biggest and the grandest night of the year and London takes the celebrations up a notch. There are several places where many interesting events are held which can be visited for a fun-filled celebration of New year in London. The various popular hangout joints, pubs and nightclubs accommodated by this beautiful city also hosts a number of new years eve parties which are the go-to places for every party and dance lover.

  • Think New Year's Eve in London is all parties, pumping music and pyrotechnics...

    3 слайд

    Think New Year's Eve in London is all parties, pumping music and pyrotechnics? While these can be some of the best ways in which to celebrate the start of the next 12 months, if you peel back the layers of the city, you’ll find some unique options for celebrating the most famous countdown of the year. Here is our pick of the best ways in which to welcome in the new year in England’s capital.

  • Watch the fireworks go off at Embankment
Welcome in the new year with an eye-...

    4 слайд

    Watch the fireworks go off at Embankment
    Welcome in the new year with an eye-catching fireworks display right in the heart of the city. You haven’t celebrated NYE in London until you’ve watched this pyrotechnic presence in all its glory, stretching out along Victoria Embankment all the way to Westminster Bridge.

  • Celebrating New Year's Eve in London is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

    5 слайд

    Celebrating New Year's Eve in London is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
    Expect fireworks, sell-out club nights, late-night bar events, and plenty of fun out on the streets. 
    Trafalgar Square used to be the focal point for London NYE celebrations but nothing happens there anymore past a usually large screen to see the fireworks happening on the South Bank. The London Eye has stolen the thunder of the traditional New Year's Even on Trafalgar Square and is now the place to be.

  • London Eye Fireworks

The big event is fireworks by the London Eye. About 100...

    6 слайд

    London Eye Fireworks

    The big event is fireworks by the London Eye. About 100,000 tickets are made available to the general public in September with only four allowed per purchaser, so you'll need to plan
    ahead of time. 
    Every year on December 31, the event begins at 8 p.m. and ends officially at 12:45 a.m. on January 1. The fireworks display starts after Big Ben chimes at midnight and the lasts for around 10 minutes.

  • River Cruises

A luxury river cruise along the River Thames can be a romantic...

    7 слайд

    River Cruises

    A luxury river cruise along the River Thames can be a romantic way to bring in the new year. Most boats will plan to moor in sight of the London Eye fireworks at midnight so you will get the best view. Companies who have New Year's cruises include Silver Fleet,  Bateaux London and, although permanently moored, the R.S.Hispaniola is on the Victoria Embankment with a perfect fireworks view and offers dinner, dancing, and champagne.

  • Dining on New Year's Eve

You can dine with King Henry VIII in attendance at...

    8 слайд

    Dining on New Year's Eve

    You can dine with King Henry VIII in attendance at the Medieval Banquet in St. Katherine's Dock, near the Tower of London. For New Year's Eve, enjoy a banquet with live entertainment from King Henry's court. Plus you get to dress up too! 
    Restaurants like Duck & Waffle and Sushisamba often put on special New Year's Eve events with live music, DJs. Plus, these restaurants have stunning views of London. If you're really looking to do it up big, the Ritz hosts two black-tie dinners with live music including a marching band and a traditional piper at midnight.

  • Music

A huge New Year's Eve Party is held at Southbank Centre. It's an extra...

    9 слайд


    A huge New Year's Eve Party is held at Southbank Centre. It's an extravaganza of music, fireworks, dining, and cocktails. For one night, the world-famous Royal Festival Hall is transformed into a set-dressed spectacular: five floors of themed club nights, seven bars, two live acts, twelve DJs, eight dance lessons, and outdoor spaces offering the perfect view of the UK’s largest annual fireworks display.
    The Barbican also has had the tradition of a Viennese New Year's Gala for over 25 years. They invite you to enjoy an evening of family favorites from the Strauss family and friends.

  • Breakfast Can Wait

This is a popular event held at the rooftop restaurant of...

    10 слайд

    Breakfast Can Wait

    This is a popular event held at the rooftop restaurant of Ace Hotel for celebrating the new years eve in London. This rooftop restaurant turns into a vibrant and colourful party destination crowded with several locals, expats and tourists on the 31st of December every night. This event features a group of well-known DJs who play foot-tapping music throughout the night and the visitors cannot keep off the dance floor once the DJs start playing.

  • New Years Eve Ball
This event is conducted at the historic site of London’s N...

    11 слайд

    New Years Eve Ball
    This event is conducted at the historic site of London’s Natural Museum of History. One can experience an unforgettable night of extravaganza at this wonderful event which is hosted every year in collaboration with Guilty Pleasures. Melodious tunes from varied music genres are played through the night and visitors can enjoy dancing away the night to these tunes. A 3-course VIP meal is also offered here if one upgrades their London new years eve tickets at the entrance to VIP.

  • New Year Sale Shopping

New Year is surely an occassion for new things. There...

    12 слайд

    New Year Sale Shopping

    New Year is surely an occassion for new things. Therefore shopping has to on the top of your things to do during New Year in London. Many of the top shopping destinations in the capital of England have New Year sales or January sales. Make the most of this chance and shop your heart out. This will save you a lot money and you can grab everything you would need to enjoy the year ahead. So, New Year is one of the best times for shopping in London.

  • Winter Wonderland
Head to Winter Wonderland with your family and friends duri...

    13 слайд

    Winter Wonderland
    Head to Winter Wonderland with your family and friends during Christmas – New Year in London. This place hosts various exciting activities including skating show, acrobatics, comedy clubs, ice-sculpting workshops, and more. Winter Wonderland has the largest outdoor rink in UK where you can enjoy skating to the tunes of live music. Have a great time on the Giant Observation Wheel and ride on the adventurous roller-coaster loop. Hyde Park is one of the best places to visit in London and Winter Wonderland is among the ideal places for New Year celebration in London with kids.

  • British people celebrate New Year more modestly than Christmas. As a rule, al...

    14 слайд

    British people celebrate New Year more modestly than Christmas. As a rule, all the scenery remains after the celebration of Christmas. Until 2000, the New Year was considered a modest home holiday. However, after the grandiose and magnificent celebration of the millennium, the British began to call New Year’s Eve the night of parties, each of which is now accompanied by a magnificent salute.

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    «Английский язык (в 2 частях)», Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.


    2. Holidays and festivals in Britain: New Year's Eve, New Year, St Valentine's Day, Easter Sunday, Halloween, Christmas

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Основы изучения творческих дисциплин: введение в пропедевтику дизайна и изобразительного искусства

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Здоровые взаимоотношения: адаптация и развитие ребенка через привязанность и игрушки

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