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Презентация - Great Russian Poets

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  •    Great Russian poets

    1 слайд

    Great Russian poets

  • There’s a green oak-tree by the shores
Of blue bay; on a gold chain,
The cat,...

    2 слайд

    There’s a green oak-tree by the shores
    Of blue bay; on a gold chain,
    The cat, learned in the fable stories,
    Walks round the tree in ceaseless strain:
    Moves to the right – a song it groans,
    Moves to the left – it tells a tale.
    Who wrote these lines?

  • In May 1820 - the poem "Ruslan and Ludmila" was written as a result of the be...

    3 слайд

    In May 1820 - the poem "Ruslan and Ludmila" was written as a result of the bet between Pushkin and Zhukovsky.

  • Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was born on the 26th of May, 1799 in the  Germa...

    4 слайд

    Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was born on the 26th of May, 1799 in the German settlement, Moscow.
    His primary education was given by a Frenchman, nanny and Grandmother .
    Pushkin had two nicknames: "Monkey" and "French" (the former for his dexterity, the latter because he first learnt to speak French, not Russian).
     In 1811 - Alexander Pushkin was sent to the Lyceum of Tsarskoye Selo .
     In 1819 - Pushkin joined the literature and theatre club, "Green Light".
    Alexander Pushkin

  • A Crater on Mercury is named in honor of Pushkin . 
 When Pushkin was in the...

    5 слайд

    A Crater on Mercury is named in honor of Pushkin .
     When Pushkin was in the southern exile, he was commissioned, as well as his colleagues, to write a report about the destruction of the harvest by locusts. While other officers "pored" over the figures, the poet wrote laconically, ‘Locusts flew, flew and sat down. They were sitting and eating until they ate everything and flew away again.’

    Interesting facts:

  • In May 1829  Pushkin proposed  to Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharova, but she acce...

    6 слайд

    In May 1829 Pushkin proposed to Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharova, but she accepted only his second proposal, a year later.

    They had 4 children.
    About fifty of their offsprings live in Russia, including Tatiana Lucas, whose great-grandmother (Pushkin’s grand-daughter) got married to Gogol’s great-nephew. 


On the 27 of January, 1837 - at 5:00 pm at the Black River there was the d...

    7 слайд


    On the 27 of January, 1837 - at 5:00 pm at the Black River there was the duel that ended with a fatal wound to the poet.
    On 29 of January , 1837 Alexander Pushkin died.

    The Bard is killed! The honor’s striver
    Fell, slandered by a gossip’s dread,
    With lead in breast and vengeful fire,
    Drooped with his ever-proud head.

    Who wrote this poem?

  • He served in the Hussar Leib Guard regiment in Tsarskoye Selo. For his poem...

    8 слайд

    He served in the Hussar Leib Guard regiment in Tsarskoye Selo. For his poem "The Death of the Poet“ he was arrested and sent into exile. On the way to the Caucasus Lermontov spent a month in Moscow.
    While in the Caucasus not only did Lermontov write poems, but he also painted. Thanks to his grandmother he returned to St. Petersburg.
    Lermontov's poetry tends to alienation and eternity. The most famous Lermontov's works are "Novice", "Borodino", "Hero of Our Time", "Masquerade", "Demon", "The Prisoner“.

    Mikhail Lermontov
    Mikhail Lermontov (1814 - 1841) was born to a family of an officer and he was brought up by his grandmother.

  • Lermontov had fun upsetting  somebody else’s marriage preparations. He was po...

    9 слайд

    Lermontov had fun upsetting somebody else’s marriage preparations. He was posing as a desperate lover, pouring the bride with flowers, poems, gifts and other signs of attention. He did not hesitate to threaten, with a promise to commit suicide if his “Juliet” gives her hand to another. But as soon as the marriage was broken off, “the poet in love” quickly replaced his ardent love with cold indifference. Or openly declared his playing a trick, while laughing at the “victim”...

    An interesting fact

  • I blurred at once the chart of trite routineby splashing paint with one swif...

    10 слайд

    I blurred at once the chart of trite routine
    by splashing paint with one swift motion.
    I showed upon a plate of brawny glutin
    the slanting cheekbones of the ocean
    Upon the scales of tinny fishes
    new lips summoned, though yet mute.
    But could you
    right to the finish
    a nocturne on a drainpipe flute?
    Can you identify the poet?

  • Vladimir Mayakovsky (July 7, 1893 - April 14, 1930)  was arrested three times...

    11 слайд

    Vladimir Mayakovsky (July 7, 1893 - April 14, 1930) was arrested three times.
    In 1911 he became a student of the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in Moscow.
    The first poems published in 1912 were “Night” and “Morning”.
     In May 1913 300 copies of Mayakovsky’s first book “I am!” were printed, with illustrations by the author and his “School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture” mates.  Responding to the outbreak of the First World War, he created a series of “anti-war” works.
    Vladimir Mayakovsky

  •  In the 1920s, he worked on advertising and packaging design.
 Since 1922 he...

    12 слайд

     In the 1920s, he worked on advertising and packaging design.
     Since 1922 he collaborated with the newspapers, wrote poetry for important events.
     In 1922-1924, Mayakovsky made several trips abroad.
     In the years 1925-1928 he travelled extensively and represented the Soviet Union.
     In March 1930, Mayakovsky organized a retrospective exhibition “20 years”, which traced all the fields of his activity.

     In 1918 he got some experience in the cinema as a writer, director and actor.
    He started drawing  satirical posters in 1919.

  • He joined the revolution and made a lot of perfect artworks as a Communist. B...

    13 слайд

    He joined the revolution and made a lot of perfect artworks as a Communist. But he was an extraordinary man, the kind the bolsheviks disliked. There was an internal conflict between him and the ruling circles. He was found dead in his own room. The official version is suicide. The truth is still unknown…

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Краткое описание документа:

Презентация содержит интересные факты о трёх великих русских поэтах и может быть просмотрена как целиком,так и по частям.

Каждая часть начинается с отрывка стихотворения данного поэта на английском языке, предлагаемого как загадка для детей.

По окончании просмотра Презентации можно предложить детям почитать стихи любимых поэтов как на английском, так и на русском языке. Как альтернативу можно предложить ученикам заранее выучить отрывки из известных по школьной программе стихотворений на английском языке,чтобы продолжить игру "Угадай-ка".

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