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Презентация на тему " Еда"

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  •  “British Food”

    1 слайд

    “British Food”

  • English cooking is heavy, substantial and plain. The usual meals in England...

    2 слайд

    English cooking is heavy, substantial and plain. The usual meals in England are: breakfast, lunch or dinner, afternoon tea, high tea or supper.

  • In the morning an Englishman has his favorite breakfast of cornflakes with m...

    3 слайд

    In the morning an Englishman has his favorite breakfast of cornflakes with milk and sugar or porridge followed by fried bacon and eggs. Breakfast is generally a bigger meal than they have on the toast and butter. Perhaps some fruit will also be eaten.

  •  For a change one can have cold ham, or perhaps fish, some coffee and a roll.

    4 слайд

    For a change one can have cold ham, or perhaps fish, some coffee and a roll.

  • The usual midday meal consists of two courses – a meat course accompanied by...

    5 слайд

    The usual midday meal consists of two courses – a meat course accompanied by plenty of vegetables.

  •  After it comes a sweet pudding or some stewed fruit.

    6 слайд

    After it comes a sweet pudding or some stewed fruit.

  • Most Englishmen like what they called good plain food. Usually they have bee...

    7 слайд

    Most Englishmen like what they called good plain food. Usually they have beef steaks, chops, roast beef and fried fish and chips. They are not over fond of soup, remarking that it leaves them without free room for the more important meat course.

  • One of the most traditional dishes is deep-fried fish and chips , usually coo...

    8 слайд

    One of the most traditional dishes is deep-fried fish and chips , usually cooked with salt and spirit vinegar, and served wrapped in newspaper

  • Afternoon tea one can hardly call a meal. This may mean a cup of tea and a c...

    9 слайд

    Afternoon tea one can hardly call a meal. This may mean a cup of tea and a cake taken in the sitting-room or at work. For many Englishmen it is a social occasion when people often come in for a chat over their cup of tea.

  • But some people like to have the so-called “high tea” which is quite a subst...

    10 слайд

    But some people like to have the so-called “high tea” which is quite a substantial meal. In a well-to-do family it will consist of ham, tomatoes and salad, or tinned salmon, and sausage, with strong tea, bread and butter, then stewed fruit, or a tin of pears, apricot or pineapple with cream and custard, and pasties, or a bun.

  • It is well-known that every national cuisine has got its famous specialties....

    11 слайд

    It is well-known that every national cuisine has got its famous specialties. It isn't possible to imagine some holidays and celebrations without them. For example, Christmas pudding for British cuisine means very much. Some English people could dispense with turkey and goose, but a Christmas dinner in Britain without a traditional Christmas pudding would be strange indeed!

  • Practical work
As a practical work on the project, I decided to present to...

    12 слайд

    Practical work
    As a practical work on the project, I decided to present to your attention a British sandwich dish prepared by myself. It is easy to prepare and very tasty!
    To prepare the sandwich on an English recipe, we will need the following ingredients:

  • Take bread, cut it into equal slices flat and fry on each side only in butter...

    13 слайд

    Take bread, cut it into equal slices flat and fry on each side only in butter, until Golden crisp.
    Then, cut thin slices of ham and cheese, then the small circles cucumbers and tomatoes. The well-toasted toast, put lettuce and slices of fresh cucumber put the sliced ham, cheese, tomato slices.
    Put the lettuce, the second toast and the sandwich is ready. And here's what happened to me.

  • List of used sources and literature:

    14 слайд

    List of used sources and literature:
    4. https://ru.wikipedia.org/
    6. Internet sites

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    Евгеньева Мария Александровна
    Евгеньева Мария Александровна
    • На сайте: 8 лет и 7 месяцев
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    • Всего просмотров: 2913
    • Всего материалов: 9

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Китайский язык: теория и методика обучения иностранному языку в образовательной организации

Учитель китайского языка

300/600 ч.

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Специфика преподавания итальянского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

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Основы дизайна в Figma

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Технологии и автоматизация в машиностроении

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780 руб. 390 руб.
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Детское развитие: ключевые моменты взаимодействия с детьми и подростками

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