Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация на тему: " Открытие Америки"

Презентация на тему: " Открытие Америки"

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  • The Discovery of AmericaЦховребова Зинаида Владимировна,
учитель английского...

    1 слайд

    The Discovery of America
    Цховребова Зинаида Владимировна,
    учитель английского языка
    ГБОУ СОШ №8

  • T: I am glad to see you. I want you to show me with the help of your smiles h...

    2 слайд

    T: I am glad to see you. I want you to show me with the help of your smiles how you are today.
    I see you are fine. Me too.
    Now listen to the song, please, and try to guess what we are going to talk about.

  • T: You are right. We are going to talk about Columbus and his discovery of Am...

    3 слайд

    T: You are right. We are going to talk about Columbus and his discovery of America.

  • One group will draw a picture about the discovery of America and make a c...

    4 слайд

    One group will draw a picture about the discovery of America and make a cluster on Columbus’s voyages to America. Two other groups will compete with each other to show the best knowledge of English.

  • I.Phonetic drill and vocabulary workT: Listen and repeat the words: 
 to disc...

    5 слайд

    I.Phonetic drill and vocabulary work
    T: Listen and repeat the words:
    to discover (discovered) -открывать
    discovery- открытие
    discoverer- первооткрыватель
    gold- золото
    land- земля, суша, страна
    round – круглый
    to sail (sailed) – плыть на лодке,
    sure – уверенный, наверняка
    voyage – морское путешествие
    to reach (reached)- достигать, доходить
    Make up word combinations with the new words.

  • 1. Match the words from the two  columns

    6 слайд

    1. Match the words from the two columns

  • II. Listening 1)A video film about the discovery of America.
It’s time to wat...

    7 слайд

    II. Listening
    1)A video film about the discovery of America.
    It’s time to watch a video about Christopher Columbus. You’ll watch it twice and after that you will have a task.(Card 2)

  • 2) Fill in the gaps: 1.The king and queen of Spain gave Columbus…
   a) mon...

    8 слайд

    2) Fill in the gaps:

    1.The king and queen of Spain gave Columbus…
    a) money and boats; b) money and ships; c) money and horses
    2. After… days of sailing they saw a land.
    a) 62; b) 86; c) 72
    3. It happened on the … of October.
    a) 12; b) 20; c) 18
    4. Columbus brought to Spain from America …
    a) cucumbers, pumpkins, melons; coffee;
    b) tomatoes, corn, potatoes, cacao;
    c) plums, pears, grapes, tea

  • 5. Columbus took from Spain to America …
   a) horses, sheep, pigs, onions an...

    9 слайд

    5. Columbus took from Spain to America …
    a) horses, sheep, pigs, onions and wheat;
    b) turkeys, ducks, cows, sunflowers;
    c) dogs, cats, goats, herbs, rabbits
    6. Columbus’s advice, “If you want to be … work and study hard with effort and determination to accomplish many things”.
    a) lazy; b)retarded; c) happy

  • The discovery of America had a positive result. Columbus brought to Spain...

    10 слайд

    The discovery of America had a positive result. Columbus brought to Spain from America tomatoes, corn, potatoes, cacao, spices and gold. Columbus took from Spain to America horses, sheep, pigs, onions and wheat .
    But the discovery of America has also initiated the colonization of America.

  • III. Reading T:  Open your books on page 8, ex.7. Look through the text “Th...

    11 слайд

    III. Reading

    T: Open your books on page 8, ex.7. Look through the text “The Discovery of America” to find some information. The first group will find out the reasons that led to discovering of America. And the second group will name the facts of the great discovery. After reading the text we’ll discuss it using the fishbone diagram. One more task for both of the groups- there is one inaccuracy in the text. Who will find it the first?
    Have you found the inaccuracy in the text?

  • Fishbone                          Reason     Reason


    12 слайд

    Reason Reason

    Problem Conclusion

    Facts Facts

  • IV. Find the words in the “Magic Square

    13 слайд

    IV. Find the words in the “Magic Square

  • Check yourself:Columbus, ocean, Maria, Nina, ship, Santa, America, land, sa...

    14 слайд

    Check yourself:

    Columbus, ocean, Maria, Nina, ship, Santa, America, land, sailor, voyage, continent, west, India, sea, Asia, Pinta.
    La Santa Maria
    La Nina
    La Pinta

  • T:  Now listen to some more facts about Columbus. 
        Imagine that ou...

    15 слайд

    T: Now listen to some more facts about Columbus.
    Imagine that our guests don’t understand English. Please, be my interpreters and translate my sentences into Russian.
    He was born in Italy but lived in Spain. He went to sea at a young age and travelled a lot. Though largely self-educated, Columbus was widely read in geography, astronomy, and history. He believed that the Earth is round. That’s why he sailed west to find the shortest way to India. But instead of India Columbus discovered a new continent. He never knew about his discovery! He was sure that it was India. It took Columbus ten years to find money for his first voyage. But being persistent (настойчивый) he hoped against hope (вопреки всему) and reached his goal! (цель)
    So, never give up, my dears, and you will achieve your goals too!

  • Moreover, we’ve got a lot of examples of courage in our country. Among t...

    16 слайд

    Moreover, we’ve got a lot of examples of courage in our country. Among them I want to mention our countryman – a great sailor and a first rate captain of icebreaker “Arktika”. Can you guess who I mean?
    Our countryman was the first in the world in the surface navigation who reached the North Pole on his nuclear-powered icebreaker "Arktika“. There were a lot of attempts to do it before, but nobody could.
    Dear boys and girls! I want you to be proud o him and be worthy of his memory!
    And the last – I liked Columbus’s advice very much.
    Let it be your motto! (девиз)
    “If you want to be happy work and study hard with effort and determination to accomplish many things”.

  • Conclusion 1. Sing a song: “The song about Columbus discovery”.
2. Reflection...

    17 слайд

    1. Sing a song: “The song about Columbus discovery”.
    2. Reflection. Our lesson comes to an end and I‘d like you to express your feelings using the sinquan method. Let’s see the picture and the cluster.
    3.Home task - Learn the words from ex.4 p 7, ex. 9-11 p 10
    4. Estimation for the work and explanation of the marks given.

  • Now I know that…

    18 слайд

    Now I know that…

  • The First in the World    On August 17, 1977 the nuclear-powered icebreaker "...

    19 слайд

    The First in the World
    On August 17, 1977 the nuclear-powered icebreaker "Arktika" was the first in the world in the surface navigation which reached the North Pole. Though there had been a lot of attempts to do it before, but nobody could. Only our brave countryman and contemporary did this great feat!

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