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  • The Royal Family

    1 слайд

    The Royal Family

  • Elizabeth II's full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. She was born on April...

    2 слайд

    Elizabeth II's full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. She was born on April 21, 1926. She never went to school and was taught by home tutors. In 1947 she married Prince Philip; he was created Duke of Edinburgh. A year later she gave birth to a son, Charles. In 1950 she gave a birth to a daughter, Anne. Elizabeth succeeded to the throne after the death of her father in February in 1952. Her second son, Andrew, was born in 1960 and the third, Edward, in 1964.

  • The QueenPrince Philip
The Duke of EdinburghPrince

    3 слайд

    The Queen
    Prince Philip
    The Duke of Edinburgh
    The Duke

    Earl of


    4 слайд


  • The order of succession to the British Throne1. HRH The Prince Charles, The P...

    5 слайд

    The order of succession to the British Throne
    1. HRH The Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales (1948)
    2. HRH Prince William of Wales, eldest son of The Prince Charles (1982)
    3. HRH Prince Henry of Wales, younger son of The Prince Charles (1984)
    4. HRH The Prince Andrew, The Duke of York, second son of HM Queen Elizabeth II (1960)
    5. HRH Princess Beatrice of York, elder daughter of The Prince Andrew (1988)
    6. HRH Princess Eugenie of York, younger daughter of The Prince Andrew (1990)
    7. HRH The Prince Edward, The Earl of Wessex, youngest son of HM Queen Elizabeth II (1964)
    8. James Alexander Philip Theo Mountbatten Windsor, Viscount Severn, son of HRH The Prince Edward, The Earl of Wessex (2007)
    9. Lady Louise Alice Elizabeth Mary Mountbatten Windsor, daughter of HRH The Prince Edward, The Earl of Wessex (2003)
    10. HRH The Princess Anne, The Princess Royal, only daughter of HM Queen Elizabeth II (1950)
    11. Peter Phillips, son of The Princess Anne (1977)
    12. Zara Phillips, daughter of The Princess Anne (1981)

    HM – Her (or His) Majesty
    HRH – Her (or His) Royal Highness

  • The Queen celebrates her actual birthday on 21
April. She also celebrates he...

    6 слайд

    The Queen celebrates her actual birthday on 21
    April. She also celebrates her official birthday on either
    the first or the second, and sometimes the third, Saturday
    in June.
    King Edward VII, who was born on 9 November, was
    the first Sovereign to mark his official birthday on a
    separate day to his actual birthday throughout his reign,
    holding celebrations in either May or June.
    One Queen, two birthdays

  • Trooping the Colour Afterwards the Royal Family gathers 
on the balcony of Bu...

    7 слайд

    Trooping the Colour
    Afterwards the Royal Family gathers
    on the balcony of Buckingham Palace
    to watch a Red Arrows fly-past.
    Thousands of spectators watch
    as the Queen marks her official
    birthday with Trooping the

  • Trooping the Colour

    8 слайд

    Trooping the Colour

  • In 2006 the Queen 
celebrated her 80th birthday

    9 слайд

    In 2006 the Queen
    celebrated her 80th birthday

  • The Queen's Role Head of State
As Head of State, the Queen goes on official S...

    10 слайд

    The Queen's Role
    Head of State
    As Head of State, the Queen goes on official State visits abroad. She also
    invites other world leaders to come to the United Kingdom. During their
    visit, Heads of State usually stay at Buckingham Palace or sometimes at
    Windsor Castle or Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh.
    Head of the Armed Forces
    The Queen is also the Head of the Armed Forces. She is the only person
    who can declare when the country is at war and when war is over.
    Head of the Church of England
    The Queen is Head of the Church of England - a position that all British
    monarchs have held since it was founded by Henry VIII in the 1530s.
    The Queen appoints archbishops and bishops on the advice of the Prime
    Minister. The spiritual leader of the Church of England is the Archbishop of
    Represents the Nation
    The Queen represents the nation at times of great celebration or sorrow.

  • Being the Queen is a really busy job. Elizabeth II gets up early and begins...

    11 слайд

    Being the Queen is a really busy job. Elizabeth II gets up early and begins
    her day by looking through the newspapers. The Queen has daily meetings with
    her Private Secretary who helps her to go through her paperwork, and lots of
    meetings with ambassadors, new judges, and bishops.
    She opens hospitals, bridges and factories. Once a week, the Queen has
    a meeting with the Prime Minister and they discuss government business.
    Elizabeth II has to work from early morning until late at night and people watch
    her all the time.

  • Queen Elizabeth II is the 40th  monarch since William the Conqueror obtained...

    12 слайд

    Queen Elizabeth II is the 40th monarch since William the Conqueror obtained the crown of England.
    Tony Blair is the first Prime Minister to have been born during The Queen's reign. He was born in early May 1953 - a month before the Coronation.
    During her reign, The Queen has undertaken over 256 official overseas visits to 129 different countries.
    The Queen has opened 15 bridges in the United Kingdom during her reign.
    The Queen has given over 91 State banquets during her reign.
    The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh have sent about 37,500 Christmas cards during The Queen's reign.
    The Queen learnt to drive in 1945 when she joined the Army.
    In 1969 the first television film about the family life of the Royal Family was made, and shown on the eve of the Investiture of Prince Charles as Prince of Wales.
    In 2002, at 76 years of age, The Queen was the oldest monarch to celebrate a Golden Jubilee. The youngest was James I (James VI of Scotland) at 51 years.

    Some facts about the Queen

  • The Queen has received over 3 million items of correspondence during her reig...

    13 слайд

    The Queen has received over 3 million items of correspondence during her reign.
    Over the reign, Her Majesty has given regular Tuesday evening audiences to 10 British Prime Ministers.
    The Queen sent her first email in 1976 from an Army base.
    In 1997, The Queen launched Buckingham Palace's first official website.
    The Queen has opened Parliament every year except 1959 and 1963, when she was expecting Prince Andrew and Prince Edward respectively.
    The Queen was the first British Monarch to visit China when she visited in 1986.
    In summer 2005, The Queen opened the first "children's trail" in the Buckingham Palace garden for the Summer Opening.

    Some facts about the Queen

  • When was the Queen born?
What is the Queen’s full name?
When did she succeed...

    14 слайд

    When was the Queen born?
    What is the Queen’s full name?
    When did she succeed to the throne?
    Who did the Queen marry? When?
    How many children does she have?
    How many grandchildren does she have?
    When is Queen’s birthday?
    When does the Queen celebrate her official birthday?
    Where does the Queen live?
    Who is the first in the line to the British throne?
    What are the Queen’s duties?
    What does she do as Head of the Church of England?
    When did the Queen celebrate her 80th birthday?
    What does HM mean?
    What does HRH stand for?

    Answer the questions

  • В презентации использованы материалы:http://www.royal.gov.uk

    15 слайд

    В презентации использованы материалы:
    Диск English in Action. The Royal Family

    Презентация подготовлена
    Пестряковой Ириной Витальевной
    учителем английского языка
    МОУ СОШ № 3 г. Туринска,
    Свердловской области

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