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Презентация по английскому языку " Американская Пасха"

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  •  American Easter

    1 слайд

    American Easter

  • IntroductionAll nationalities have their own national holidays, traditions a...

    2 слайд


    All nationalities have their own national holidays, traditions and customs that are unique to their culture. Residents of every country love festive events, prepare for them, look forward to them, celebrate with pleasure and part with regret until next year. English holidays are an integral part of the culture of the English-speaking world, a way of their self-expression, the source of habits and behavior. The British love and honour their holidays and traditions: they have evolved over the centuries and include pagan and Christian rituals, official state dates, musical and sporting events. Not all English holidays are accompanied by weekends, but certainly all have their own history, symbols and rituals.
    Easter is a holiday that is celebrated in different countries of the world.
    And in every country this holiday has its own peculiarities.
    I chose the theme: American Easter and its features
    Today, Easter is celebrated in the United States, and like other important religious holidays, this day is quite important for Americans.
    Believers attend a solemn service in the church, and for those who do not observe such traditions, Easter Sunday is a great occasion to gather with loved ones and have fun.
    Let's find out what traditions dominate American society on this day. It should be noted here that there is no strict set of rules for celebrating Easter in the USA, but there are a number of customs that are popular among the population.

  • Goals and objectives of the projectThe purpose of the project is to learn the...

    3 слайд

    Goals and objectives of the project
    The purpose of the project is to learn the history of Easter`s`s origin and talk about it at the English lesson.
    To achieve the goal, I set myself the following tasks:
    1. Find and study literature on the topic of the project, including Internet sources.
    2. Conduct a survey of classmates on the knowledge of this holiday and process the results.
    3. Маке a report and presentation on the theme "Easter".
    4. Have a conversation with classmates at the English lesson about what they have learned.
    5. Make a presentation on the topic of the project.
    7. Draw conclusions.

  • American EasterEaster is a holiday that is celebrated in different countries...

    4 слайд

    American Easter
    Easter is a holiday that is celebrated in different countries of the world.
    And in every country this holiday has its own peculiarities.
    I chose the theme: American Easter and its features
    Today, Easter is celebrated in the United States, and like other important religious holidays, this day is quite important for Americans.
    Believers attend a solemn service in the church, and for those who do not observe such traditions, Easter Sunday is a great occasion to gather with loved ones and have fun.
    Let's find out what traditions dominate American society on this day. It should be noted here that there is no strict set of rules for celebrating Easter in the USA, but there are a number of customs that are popular among the population

  • Egg staining.According to CNN, Americans have been buying more than 180 mill...

    5 слайд

    Egg staining.

    According to CNN, Americans have been buying more than 180 million eggs for coloring for the holiday every year for the past five years, so we can say with full confidence that this tradition is quite common in the United States.
    There are many theories of the origin of this custom, but we will consider the most popular. According to one, eggs symbolize the arrival of spring, fertility and new life, therefore they play an important role on this day. Proponents of another theory believe that after fasting, during which it was impossible to eat eggs, they became a good gift for Easter.

  • Egg rolling.This is a game that is being played today even in the clearing a...

    6 слайд

    Egg rolling.

    This is a game that is being played today even in the clearing at the White House. All that needs to be done is to roll the egg from point A to point B as quickly as possible with a spoon on a long handle resembling a ladle.The game was popular even among the Slavic and Germanic peoples. Later this tradition was adopted by Christians. In their opinion, the rolling of eggs symbolized the stone that rolled down from the Holy Sepulchre on Easter Sunday.

  • Easter BunnyWho is the Easter Bunny, where did it come from and how is it rel...

    7 слайд

    Easter Bunny
    Who is the Easter Bunny, where did it come from and how is it related to this holiday?.. Let's figure it out step by step. In general, a rabbit, like eggs, symbolizes new life and fertility, which in pagan times were closely associated with spring celebrations.Later, when German and Dutch settlers appeared on the territory of Pennsylvania, they brought with them traditions and customs, among which was the legend of the hare, Oschter Haws, laying eggs just during Easter. And on the holiday, the children were engaged in their search.
    Soon the mythical hare turned into an Easter Bunny, which stopped laying eggs, and just began to hide them in the grass. Well, the children were looking for these gifts in the morning. This tradition exists to this day: at Easter, an "Egg Hunt" is held, during which the children are searching for pre-hidden sweets in the yard, which are often placed in plastic packages in the shape of an egg.

  • Fashionable Easter parade.Since ancient times, there has been a belief that...

    8 слайд

    Fashionable Easter parade.

    Since ancient times, there has been a belief that a new outfit for a holiday was supposed to bring good luck. Besides, Easter was a good excuse to go to a tailor or go shopping for a church wardrobe. In the mid-1800s, New York parishioners decided to arrange a small post-church fashion show, organizing the first such festive parade. This tradition is very popular in New York today.

  • Easter ham for the festive tableAccording to Bruce Craig, founder of the Culi...

    9 слайд

    Easter ham for the festive table
    According to Bruce Craig, founder of the Culinary Historians Community of Chicago, this tradition dates back to Germany of the VI century. In autumn, the inhabitants of these territories often hunted wild boars, and in order for the meat of the animal to be stored longer, it was salted. There were enough products until the spring holidays, and later the recipe for Easter corned beef was adopted by Christians.

  • Morning service in the church.As the story goes, Mary opened the tomb...

    10 слайд

    Morning service in the church.

    As the story goes, Mary opened the tomb of Jesus at dawn on Easter morning and found it empty. In honor of this event, many churches hold Sunday morning services.
    The first such ceremony was organized in 1732 in Germany, and soon the morning service gained popularity throughout the country. And since 1773, such events have been held in the USA.
    As I said above, there are no strict rules for celebrating Easter in the USA: someone attends a church service, others are limited to egg hunting, and for others it is a good reason to relax with family.

  • 11 слайд

  • Survey on the topic "Easter"1. Who created Easter?a) Jewsb) Christiansb)...

    12 слайд

    Survey on the topic "Easter"

    1. Who created Easter?
    a) Jews
    b) Christians
    b) the British

    2. What is Easter?
    a) the feast of the resurrection of Christ
    b) the feast of the birth of Christ
    b) the feast of the crucifixion of Christ

    3. When is Easter celebrated?
    a) From December 31 to January 1
    b) March 1
    (c) From March 21 to April 25

    4. The main tradition of Easter?
    a) Paint eggs, give candy to children
    b) Burn Shrovetide
    b) Dress up the Christmas tree

    5. What do they eat at Easter?
    a) Cakes
    b) potatoes, vegetables, lamb.
    b) Cake, cake
    B) gort, pitr

  • 13 слайд

  • СonclusionsDuring my work on the project, I found and studied literature, in...

    14 слайд


    During my work on the project, I found and studied literature, including Internet sources.
    Conducted a survey of classmates on the knowledge of Easter . I processed the results and found out that the students did not know the history of the origin of this holiday.
    Made a report and presentation on the topic "Easter".
    Had a conversation with classmates at the English lesson about what I had learned.
    5.Drew conclusions.
    The study of foreign languages, including English, is an integral part of the life of a modern person. Studying the history of the origin of holidays, you learn the historical past and culture of the country of the language being studied. In my work, I looked at the Easter, which are home to the USA, and learned a lot of interesting things. After conducting a survey, I realized that many people know and celebrate the holidays that came to us from other countries, but do not know their history. I hope that after listening to my report and watching the presentation, the pupils will remember the material and tell their parents and friends about the history of the Easter.

  • BibliographyThat American Life.

    15 слайд


    That American Life.

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