Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку "Леса России" (2-11 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку "Леса России" (2-11 класс)

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  • Forest of Russia2020

    1 слайд

    Forest of Russia

  • Forests are the main type of vegetation in Russia, covering 45% of its territ...

    2 слайд

    Forests are the main type of vegetation in Russia, covering 45% of its territory.
    Forests in Russia are a source of wood and many types of raw materials-vegetable (resins, mushrooms, berries, medicinal plants) and animal (meat, furs, valuable medicinal products-antlers, beaver and musk deer jet, bear bile, etc.)

  • Forest cover map of Russia in %

    3 слайд

    Forest cover map of Russia in %

  • In the landscapes of Russian painting and literature ,both professional and f...

    4 слайд

    In the landscapes of Russian painting and literature ,both professional and folk ,forests absolutely prevail over other landscapes.

  • Species composition of Russian forests:
coniferous (pine, cedar, spruce,...

    5 слайд

    Species composition of Russian forests:
    coniferous (pine, cedar, spruce, fir, larch) - 508.7 million ha
    soft-leaved (birch, aspen, Linden, poplar, willow, alder) - 119.7 million ha
    hard-leaved (oak, beech, ash, maple, elm, etc.) - 17.5 million ha
    Russian forests are diverse in their species composition and the number of tree species. Here and gloomy dark-coniferous taiga, and bright Sunny pine forests, and majestic oak forests, and white-trunked birch forests, and unique mixed forests, and high-trunked leafy taiga.

  • Types of forests:taiga- taiga- deciduous forest- mixed forest

    6 слайд

    Types of forests:
    - taiga
    - deciduous forest
    - mixed forest

  • TaigaThe taiga, the most extensive natural area in Russia, stretches from the...

    7 слайд

    The taiga, the most extensive natural area in Russia, stretches from the Western borders of Russia to the Pacific ocean. It occupies the territories of the East European and West Siberian plains North of 56°-58° n and most of the territory East of the Yenisei; taiga forests reach the southern borders of Russia in Siberia; in total, the taiga accounts for more than 60% of the area of Russia. In the meridional direction, the taiga is divided into Eastern (East of the Yenisei), with a continental climate, and Western, with a milder climate; in General, the climate of the zone is humid, with moderately warm (cool in the North) summers +10-20°C and severe winters -10-30°C; in winter — stable snow cover. Annual precipitation is 600-800 mm. In the latitudinal direction, the taiga is divided into three subzones — the Northern, middle and southern taiga. In the Western taiga, dense spruce and fir forests on wetlands alternate with pine forests, shrubs, and meadows on lighter soils. Similar vegetation is also typical for the Eastern taiga, but larch plays an important role there, not spruce. Coniferous forest, however, does not form a continuous array, but is sparse with sections of birch, alder, and willow (mainly along river valleys), and extensive swamps in waterlogged areas. Fur — bearing animals such as sable, squirrel, marten, and ermine are widely distributed within the taiga; elk, brown bear, Wolverine, wolf, and muskrat live there.

  • Deciduous forestThe territory of broad-leaved forests extends from the Wester...

    8 слайд

    Deciduous forest
    The territory of broad-leaved forests extends from the Western border of Russia to the Ural mountains. The main tree species are beech, oak, elm, Linden, maple and hornbeam. Forests are multi-tiered: the upper tier is replaced by canopy and undergrowth, which — in turn, are herbaceous plants and forest floor. The soil is covered with mosses. There are areas in which the magnificent crowns completely eliminate the undergrowth. The foliage, falling off, decomposes and forms humus. The ground in the undergrowth is rich in organomineral compounds. The forests are located in the temperate continental zone. The weather here is much warmer than in the neighboring taiga. Summer lasts for four months, the average temperature for the season is +10°C. This contributes to the growth of broad-leaved tree species. The climate is humid and there is a lot of precipitation. The average monthly temperature in January drops to -16 ° C. Maximum precipitation falls in the summer, there is no deep snow cover.The leaves can't survive the cold season, and fall off in mid-autumn. A dense cover of foliage, branches, and bark protects the ground from excessive evaporation. The soil is rich in trace elements, it provides trees with everything they need. Fallen leaves cover the root system, protect it from cold weather and stimulate the roots to further growth.The composition of the animal world in the European part is somewhat different from the far Eastern forests. Asian lands are covered with thickets of fern, Ilmen and Linden. The dense thickets are home to elk, Himalayan bear and Ussuri tiger. The cottonmouth, Viper, and Amur creeper are common reptiles. European broadleaf forests have become home to wild boar, elk, deer, wolf, weasel, beaver, muskrat, and nutria. There are also mice, lizards, snakes, moles and hedgehogs. Birds are represented by grouse, owls, owls, starlings, swallows and larks.

  • Mixed forestMixed forests are located in the Russian Plain, West Siberian Pla...

    9 слайд

    Mixed forest
    Mixed forests are located in the Russian Plain, West Siberian Plain, Amur region and Primorye. A variety of tree species can be found in this area. These forests are characterized by a pronounced tiering. Poplars, pines and firs stretch towards the light. Below them rise maples, elms, limes, and oaks. The tier of shrubs is represented by hawthorn, rose hips, raspberries and blackberries. The soil is covered with lichens, mosses and low grasses.Trees of mixed forests are easier to bear the severity of the climate than in neighboring broad-leaved ones. Vegetation can withstand frosts up to-30 ° C. The amount of precipitation depends on the region. There is more snow in European forests than in the far East. The maximum amount of precipitation falls during the warm season. Summers are mild and humid. The climate changes from marine to continental, from West to East.Continuous updating of the green mass helps to feed the trees and clean the land of unnecessary substances. The inhabitants of the forest use the resources of all tiers as a food base. Coniferous seeds attract birds, rodents eat nuts, larvae under the bark are food for insectivorous birds.Numerous once animals were exterminated as a result of uncontrolled hunting. You can also meet ROE deer and wild boar. Bison and red deer are preserved only in nature reserves. A well-known predator of the mixed forest is the common Fox. The European part is home to the badger. Squirrel, mink, Dormouse, marten, forest cat, brown bear are considered common representatives of the fauna of mixed forests. The world of birds is also diverse, especially a lot of woodpeckers, grouse, wild pigeons, chaffinches and Robins.

  • Thank you for your attention !

    10 слайд

    Thank you for your attention !

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Политическое проектирование и международные отношения"

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