Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему : "Природное топливо"

Презентация по английскому языку на тему : "Природное топливо"

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  • Project:
The natural
            fuelpupils: Nazaryan Sve...

    1 слайд


    The natural
    pupils: Nazaryan Svetlana and David

    The teacher: Choban Aliona

  • The main goal 
is to find a new resource 
of energy.

    2 слайд

    The main goal
    is to find a new resource
    of energy.

  • Generator

    3 слайд


  • magnetframemagnetthe system voltage

    4 слайд

    the system voltage

  • 5 слайд

  • Turbo 

    6 слайд


  • Gas generator

    7 слайд

    Gas generator

  • Rubbish

    8 слайд


  • Gas generator

    9 слайд

    Gas generator

  • 10 слайд

  • 11 слайд

  • 12 слайд

  • The ozone layer in 1979 y. and in 2008 y.

    13 слайд

    The ozone layer in 1979 y. and in 2008 y.

  • 14 слайд

  • The way of acid rain

    15 слайд

    The way of acid rain

  • 16 слайд

  • 17 слайд

  • 18 слайд

  • Материал к презентации«Natural fuel»The earth is on the verge of disappear...

    19 слайд

    Материал к презентации

    «Natural fuel»
    The earth is on the verge of disappearance. Our planet is in our hands. The energy resources - coal, oil and gas come to an end. Of course, the government tries to inspire in all full confidence in the future. Is it so?...........
    In formation of non-renewable power of energy comes out tens, and even hundreds of millions years. Through 30 years, by calculations of scientists, stocks of these power sources can finish. Prospect is non comforting.
    - What should do those who hope to suffer this period of time?
    People have to find the energy resources and use them correctly!

  • Nowadays the electricity is created by generators. This is the element of aut...

    20 слайд

    Nowadays the electricity is created by generators. This is the element of autonomous electro station. Generator transforms the rotary mechanical energy to electric. Part of generator is the magnetic system and system of conductors (coils). The first creates the magnetic field, and the second rotates in it and converts into electricity. There is the system voltage in the generator.
    The generators are differed in the type of fuel and the type of the output voltage. On the fuel people releases to several groups:
    Turbo generator 
    Hydraulic generator
    Windy generator 
    Diesel generator and gasoline generator
    Gas generator

  • As you can see, the generators have  different components(fuel). For example,...

    21 слайд

    As you can see, the generators have different components(fuel). For example, the generator works afloat, gasoline generator - gasoline. The fuel can be different and is a major consumer of resources. 
    SO, We decided to introduce our new fuel for the gas generator- waste, which is around all the world.
    The main goal of our project is to find a new resource of energy .
    Waste is a material and object, from which the owner disposes of their own volition (or by law).

  • If you heat solid waste in a closed vessel of stainless steel (the retort) wi...

    22 слайд

    If you heat solid waste in a closed vessel of stainless steel (the retort) without access of air, then, due to the fact that domestic wastes are mostly organic components, they are under the influence of heat, must decompose into smaller components (liquid, gases). Consequently, these components will be drawn from the vessel and subjected to further combustion in the air. Allocated heat energy will move through the pipe to the gas-generating machine, which is transformed into the electrical energy. BUT! Can We keep the fire under the retort to heat waste? So we save some money, using more others (wood and coal) which will also damage our planet . We have found this solution. We will spend part of the allocated gas under the retort for further heating the rubbish, thus indefinitely using this cycle, where the primary resource will be rubbish.

  • By the way, as you have seen, our project does not solve just the issue of re...

    23 слайд

    By the way, as you have seen, our project does not solve just the issue of resources, but in addition the well known problem with the plenty of waste. Because the modern ecological state of our planet it makes it worse. Each person, according to the poll, throws in a year on average 250-300 kg of solid waste, and the annual growth is about 5 %, which leads to the rapid growth of rubbish dumps both legal and "wild". But imagine how people will change their attitude to waste, if it will depend on the amount of electricity in the house. They should stop dumping the garbage and carefully start to collect it and pass to the state.
    But what can hurt the waste? Maybe the plastic trash is completely harmless, and mankind should not be worried about the problem of recycling and disposal of plastic waste? Actually, everything what is made by plastic can harm nature.
    Plastic can decompose millions of years, thus releasing into the atmosphere of various harmful substances.

  • The combustion of waste is formed:a) heavy metals, which destroy the ozone l...

    24 слайд

    The combustion of waste is formed:
    a) heavy metals, which destroy the ozone layer of the planet;
    b) poisonous smoke into the lungs of humans and animals living close to the landfill and harms the health;
    C) the products of decomposition of plastic rises into the atmosphere and later falls back to the Earth as acid rain.
    Any litter takes a lot of space that could be used for agricultural aims.
    In the soil during this period accumulated a huge amount of substances that impede plant growth.
    As is clear from the above, in recent decades, the issue of garbage got an edge — either humanity wins out the garbage, or debris destroys humanity. And our project will be able to solve this longstanding feud, in which it wins in the end.

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    Чобан Алёна Михайловна
    Чобан Алёна Михайловна
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    • Всего материалов: 3

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