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  • Places to visitin London

    1 слайд

    Places to visit
    in London

  • London is the capital of Great Britain.

    2 слайд

    London is the capital of Great Britain.

  • London is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more tha...

    3 слайд

    London is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 11 million people. London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old and beautiful. It was founded more than two thousand years ago.

  • Big Ben    The big clock on the tower of the Palace of Westminster in London...

    4 слайд

    Big Ben
    The big clock on the tower of the Palace of Westminster in London is often called Big Ben. But Big Ben is really the bell of the clock. It is the biggest clock bell in Britain. It weighs 13.7 tons. The clock bell is called Big Ben after Sir Benjamin Hall. He had the job to see that the bell was put up. Sir Benjamin was a very tall, stout man whose nickname was“ Big Ben”.

  • Тhe British Museum    The British Museum has one of the largest libraries in...

    5 слайд

    Тhe British Museum
    The British Museum has one of the largest libraries in the world. It has a copy of every book that is printed in the English language, so that there are more than six million books there . You can see beautifully illustrated old manuscripts which they keep in glass cases.
    You can also find some of the first English books printed by Caxton. Caxton was a printer who lived in the fifteenth century. He made the first printing-press in England. In the reading-room of the British Museum many famous men read and studied .

  • Trafalgar Square    It was named Trafalgar Square to commemorate the historic...

    6 слайд

    Trafalgar Square
    It was named Trafalgar Square to commemorate the historical naval victory won on the 21st of October 1805 by the British fleet under the command of Horatio Nelson over the French-Spanish fleet. The battle took place at Cape Trafalgar. Nelson's Column, with the statue of Admiral Lord Nelson on the top, rises in the centre of Trafalgar Square. The statue of Nelson, placed facing towards the sea he loved .
    There are many pigeons in the square and people like to feed them.

  • Piccadilly Circus     Piccadilly Circus (Piccadilly) is a street in central L...

    7 слайд

    Piccadilly Circus
    Piccadilly Circus (Piccadilly) is a street in central London. Piccadilly is famous for its fashionable shops, hotels and restaurants.
    Aluminum statue of Eros in Piccadilly Square Center was built in honor of the famous philanthropist, the 7-th graph Shaftesbury , who was responsible for building most of the land in the area.

  • The Tower of London     The Tower of London is the fortress in the historic c...

    8 слайд

    The Tower of London
    The Tower of London is the fortress in the historic centre of London, on the north bank of the river Thames. It is the oldest building in Great Britain. Now the Tower is the historical site and museum. The founder of the Tower was William the Conqueror and it was built in 1078. Later the Tower was whitewashed and since then it’s called the White Tower. The first prisoner was confined in the prison in 1190. At that time the Tower-prison was intended for noble and high rank persons. Among the most honorable and high-ranking prisoners there was the kings of Scotland and France and members of their families, and aristocrats and priests. Many executions and killings took place inside of theTower walls. The treasury was opened for visitors in XVII century. Now the Tower of London is one of the country's most popular tourist attractions. It is cared for by the charity Historic Royal Palaces and is protected as a World Heritage Site. Although it is no longer a royal residence, the Tower officially remains a royal palace and maintains a permanent guard.

  • Tower Bridge    At the end of the XIX century panorama of the Tower has been...

    9 слайд

    Tower Bridge
    At the end of the XIX century panorama of the Tower has been enriched by the monument, its appearance is closely associated with it. Tower Bridge, built in the spirit of medieval buildings, with "Gothic" towers, with heavy chains bridge structures. The bridge was constructed in 1886-1894's
    Tower Bridge - the monument is typical of England, where adherence to the ancient architectural styles persisted for centuries, and in some cases, still exists today.

  • Westminster Abbey    Westminster Abbey is one of the most famous, historic an...

    10 слайд

    Westminster Abbey
    Westminster Abbey is one of the most famous, historic and widely visited churches not only in Britain but in the whole Christian world.
    It was also the burial place of kings, queens and princes. Nearly all English kings and queens have been crowned in Westminster Abbey. Many visitors are attracted by Poets' Corner, with its memorials to great men of letters . Many outstanding statesmen, painters, writers and poets are buried there.

  • Houses of Parliament    The British Government is in the Palace of Westminste...

    11 слайд

    Houses of Parliament
    The British Government is in the Palace of Westminster in London. Westminster Palace is also known as the House of Parliament. Parliament consists of two chambers - the House of Commons and House of Lords. Members of the House of Lords are not elected : they inherit their seats from their fathers, titled persons . The Queen, Head of State, opens and closes parliament. All the laws are discussed in the House of Commons . The British Parliament consists of : the Queen, the House of Commons, the House of Lords.

  • Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace has served as the official London residenc...

    12 слайд

    Buckingham Palace
    Buckingham Palace has served as the official London residence of Britain's sovereigns since 1837 and today is the administrative headquarters of the Monarch. Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms. Buckingham Palace was built in 1703 for the Duke1 of Buckingham. The ceremony of the Changing of the Guard that takes place daily at eleven o'clock in the morning, is very interesting for tourists .

  • Thank you for your attention!

    13 слайд

    Thank you for your attention!

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