Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку по теме " Гаджеты"

Презентация по английскому языку по теме " Гаджеты"

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  • Gadgets     Module 5 Lesson 2 
By I. Kukushkina

    1 слайд

    Module 5 Lesson 2
    By I. Kukushkina

  • We should:Learn how to write cinquains; 

2.   Plan a short report about favo...

    2 слайд

    We should:
    Learn how to write cinquains;

    2. Plan a short report about favourite gadgets.

  • Let’s learn a poem 
With mobile, laptop, iPad 
We can surf the Internet.

    3 слайд

    Let’s learn a poem

    With mobile, laptop, iPad
    We can surf the Internet.
    Walkman, player, MP 3,
    TV set and DVD
    We can use the whole day.
    If we have them, that’s OK!

  • What do you use these gadgets for?  I use __________ to__________________....

    4 слайд

    What do you use these gadgets for?
    I use __________ to__________________.
    E-book device
    MP3 player
    Digital camera
    Mobile phone
    Games console
    store information
    store music files
    take pictures
    talk to friends and parents
    send text messages
    send e-mails
    surf the Net
    read electronic books
    watch films
    listen to music
    play computer games

  • Guess what it is:  DVD, iPod, electronic book, webcam, laptop, iPad, smart-ph...

    5 слайд

    Guess what it is: DVD, iPod, electronic book, webcam, laptop, iPad, smart-phone, game console, robot pet. There are some extra gadgets.
    1. It is a small electronic gadget for playing music. It was made by the Apple computer company. You can carry it around with you and it can store a lot of music files which you get from the Internet. It is a /an __________.
    2. It is a small portable computer. You can carry it around with you and it can sit on your lap. You can use it to connect the Internet, send e-mails, store information. It is a /an_____________.
    3. It is a small mobile device that we use to call other people, take pictures, send text messages, connect the Internet, store information. It is a / an __________________.
    4. It is an electronic device that is connected to a computer and produces images on a website. It is a / an_________________.
    smart phone

  • Guess what it is:  DVD, iPod, electronic book  , webcam, laptop, iPad, smart-...

    6 слайд

    Guess what it is: DVD, iPod, electronic book , webcam, laptop, iPad, smart-phone, game console, robot pet. There are some extra gadgets.
    5. It is a small mobile computer device that was made by the Apple computer company. You can hold it in your hands and carry around with you. It is bigger than a smart-phone but smaller than a laptop. We use it for entertainment (listening to music or playing games…) It is a / an _____________.
    6. It is a small electronic device that we use to read stories in different languages, make notes and translate words. It is a / an _______________________.
    7. It is a virtual animal we play with. We can feed it, walk it, train it, clean after it. All we have to do is press buttons on the gadget.
    It is a / an ________________.
    Electronic book
    Robot pet

  • Match the words to their definitions Virtual pet 

    7 слайд

    Match the words to their definitions
    Virtual pet
    Take care of
    Come of it
    Have a point
    - don’t be silly
    - a machine controlled by a computer
    - small objects on a machine that you press to make it work
    - love
    - be right about something
    - to watch and protect
    - an electronic pet
    - a very young dog

  • Choose the correct endings to the sentences.1. Bridget is going to buy...

    8 слайд

    Choose the correct endings to the sentences.
    1. Bridget is going to buy
    A) a pet
    B) a gadget
    2. A virtual dog is
    A) a real dog
    B) a computerized toy dog.
    3. All Bridget has to do is
    A) press the buttons of the gadget
    B) feed and train the dog.
    4. The robot pet
    A) can show you real love
    B) can’t show you real love.

  • Fill in the table.

    9 слайд

    Fill in the table.

  • How to write cinquains?Cinquains (French) – poems that include 5 lines 
1. a...

    10 слайд

    How to write cinquains?
    Cinquains (French) – poems that include 5 lines
    1. a noun
    2. two adjectives
    3. three verbs
    4. a phrase
    5. a noun (summary)

    Mobile phone (n)
    Wonderful, electronic (adj.)
    Call, talk, send (verbs)
    I like it very much (phrase)
    Progress (summary)

    Robot pet
    Small, hungry
    Feed, clean, play
    It is like having a real dog.

  • Let’s write cinquains about gadgets!Smart- phone laptopMP 3 playerwebcamiPadi...

    11 слайд

    Let’s write cinquains about gadgets!
    Smart- phone
    MP 3 player
    Electronic book

  • Your home task1. Write a short report about your favourite gadget. Don’t forg...

    12 слайд

    Your home task
    1. Write a short report about your favourite gadget. Don’t forget to write
    - What it is;
    - What it can do;
    - What it can’t do;
    - What you’d like it to do.
    2. Work Book p. 30 ex. 1 (Match the words to make collocations).

  • What did you like at the lesson? What did you learn at the lesson?   Fill in...

    13 слайд

    What did you like at the lesson? What did you learn at the lesson? Fill in the table with a tick – V.

  • Our final poem One and two
I and you 
Three and four 
Want to learn more 

    14 слайд

    Our final poem
    One and two
    I and you
    Three and four
    Want to learn more
    Five and six
    About different things.

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