Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку «Школы Великобритании»

Презентация по английскому языку «Школы Великобритании»

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  • British schoolPrezented.Ru

    1 слайд

    British school

  • The school year in Britain starts...

    2 слайд

    The school year in Britain starts
    in September.
    The lessons last 40-45 minutes.
    British pupils wear a school uniform. The favourite colors are blue, grey, black and green.
    The first foreign language they learn at school is French. Sometimes they also learn a second foreign language: German, Spanish, Russian.
    British students have Christmas holidays, Easter holidays and Summer holidays. Schools also have special half-term holidays in the middle of each term. These holidays last 2-3 days before or after a weekend.

  • School uniform

    3 слайд

    School uniform

  • Schools in England and America use their own marks: letters or percen...

    4 слайд

    Schools in England and America use their own marks: letters or percentage
    A – 90-100 -excellent ,
    B – 80-89 – good,
    C – 70-79 – satisfactory,
    D – 60-69 bad,
    E – 0-59 poor.


  • In Britain at the end of each term school sends a report to parents. It has t...

    5 слайд

    In Britain at the end of each term school sends a report to parents. It has the pupil’s marks in all the subjects and the teacher’s comments on the pupil’s progress.
    In Russia:
    during the term the pupils keep a homework diary. At the end of each term the form teacher puts all the final marks there. And the parents should sign it.

  • All the pupils have there own lockers (запирающийся шкафчик). In most Brit...

    6 слайд

    All the pupils have there own lockers (запирающийся шкафчик). In most British schools each pupils has two lockers: a gym locker and a hall locker. The lockers are important and guarantee the safety of the pupils’ belongings.

  • At the age of twelve Russian students go   to the sixth form.In most English...

    7 слайд

    At the age of twelve Russian students go to the sixth form.
    In most English schools forms start only at the secondary school, at the age of eleven.
    So at the age of twelve British students go to the second form.

  • Susan is 13. She goes to Earlham Comprehensive School. This is her timetable...

    8 слайд

    Susan is 13. She goes to Earlham Comprehensive School. This is her timetable for Wednesday.

    The school day starts with assembly. All schools orgonise a short daily meeting for the whole schools to give important information and give some form or religious worship (богослужение)

  • The five minutes between lessons is not a break. Pupils must use this time to...

    9 слайд

    The five minutes between lessons is not a break. Pupils must use this time to move quickly to the next lesson.
    During the lunch hour pupils have time to do many things besides eating. They can also read in the library, participate in clubs or sport, and go home.
    Some children go to Sunday school – classes giving religious instruction to children, organised by churches on Sundays.

    ed by churches on Sundays.

  • In British cultureIn British culture schools have names, such as Manchester S...

    10 слайд

    In British culture
    In British culture schools have names, such as Manchester School, Mary Hampden School, Abbey Road

    What about your country?

  • At English schools children call the male teachers Mr and the female teachers...

    11 слайд

    At English schools children call the male teachers Mr and the female teachers Miss/Mrs with the surname.
    What about your country?

  • What do you know about British schools?Mark the following statements true or...

    12 слайд

    What do you know about British schools?
    Mark the following statements true or false.

    School day starts with assembly.
    British pupils go to school on Saturday.
    There are schools only for boys and only for girls in Britain.
    Children of your age can go to a grammar school in England.
    A school year in Britain has four terms.
    The marking system in Britain is similar to that in Russia.
    Science includes chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics.

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    Пясецкая Марина Юрьевна
    Пясецкая Марина Юрьевна
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    • Всего просмотров: 44465
    • Всего материалов: 19

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Технолог-калькулятор общественного питания

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Курс повышения квалификации

Методика обучения немецкому языку

72 ч. — 180 ч.

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Курс повышения квалификации

Дистанционное обучение иностранным языкам как современный формат преподавания

72 ч. — 180 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
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Основы теории обучения испанскому языку

36/72 ч.

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Подготовка менеджеров по продажам: аспекты телефонных переговоров

10 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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Транспорт в экономике: роль, взаимодействие и потенциал

5 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Искусственный интеллект как помощник в поиске работы

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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