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Проектная работа на английском языке

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Municipal budget educational institution " Secondary school №12»



           Educational and practical conference " Laboratory of foreign languages"

Project work

Board game “ Faces of London” 



                                                                                                                      Made by:

Gorbacheva Ulyana Aleksandrovna

5 “G” form


                                                                                                        teacher of English

Krayushkina Alesya Alekseevna









Explanatory note……………………………………………………………4




Stages of creating a Board game……………..………………………………5

Playing field …………………………………………………………………..5

Game rules …………….………………………………………………………5

Game testing................................................................................................... 13


Internet source ………….………………………………………………………15













        Board games appeared  many years ago BC (“Senate” game in Ancient Egypt, “Chaupur” in India, dice and famous backgammon), and their popularity has passed through the millennia. Board games are convenient for their compactness (they can be used at home, in the classroom on the road, etc.), the ability to play alone or involve a large number of players, and, most importantly, it is always interesting and unusual pastime. But unlike modern gadgets, it is not time-wasting, but self-development. fans of Board games quickly develop imagination and ingenuity, logic and independence in decision-making.

        Board game — a game that can be played indoors, with the help of equipment placed on an ordinary or specially made table.

         In English-language sources are most often found two names - "table games " (games on the table) and  " board games " (games on a special Board).

         Through the game, the children learn to еxpress their own feelings, empathize with other children.












Explanatory note

       There is a wide variety of children's games in the world – it's outdoor games and Board games. But now they are being replaced by computer games. We don't notice how we stop communicating with our friends. Therefore, Board games are relevant solution to this problem. There is a real communication between the players during the game. Board games are one of the best family entertainment that capable unite not only friends but also all family members. In addition, these games are not just fun. They teach, develop logic and thinking.

    I often play Board games at home: checkers, chess and the usual "Walker". There are many varieties of board games. Its rules are not very difficult: single players or teems move over the board with goal to reach the finish point. Steps on the board are attended with different tasks marked on cards. Every completed task makes a player closer to the finish point.

     I set the following goal before myself: to create a Board game in English with my own hands.

    To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1.      Come up with the plot of the game,

2.      Develop rules of the game,

3.      Create a playing field and chips,

4.      Test the game with your classmates,

5.      After testing, make changes if necessary.


I put forward the following hypothesis: a Board game made by my own hands will attract the interest of classmates and increase motivation to learn English.






Stages of creating a Board game

      In English class we studied the sights of London. The capital of great Britain struck me with its history, a huge number museums, Royal palaces and parks. There was a desire to continue acquaintance with this magnificent city.

      Problem: How can I make my dream come true?

     Of course, create a Board game dedicated to the attractions of London.

     On the Internet I came across to the giant colouring poster with the sights of London, which consists of 15 sheets.  I immediately had ideas how to create an exciting and educational game.

    I discussed important issues with my teacher, we identified the key points in each part, and based on them, I began to create a game.


Playing field.

     For the playing field was chosen giant colouring poster which consists of 15 parts, it is convenient to place large circles on it, suitable for several players.      Players will not interfere with each other playing on such a large playing field. 

     All the playing field consists of different places and attractions of London. I really wanted the playing field to be colorful and attract the attention of the main players – children. So I tried to paint everything carefully and that would be all the attractions were as similar to the real.

     I cut out circles of colored paper and pasted them one after another. Colorful circles decorated our playing field even more.

Game chips and cubes I took from another Board game, but you can make your own.

       To allow players to explore the sights of the capital of England in more detail, I prepared QR codes with information about the places and pasted them next to each other. The player gets to the circle, scans the code using the phone and studies additional information.

                                                   Game rules.

1.      This game can be played by two to four people.

2.      At the beginning of the game, players choose the game chips and determine the order of the move.

3.      Game chips are placed on the playing field on the circle "№1".

4.      The first player rolls the dice and moves his playing chip to the number of circles on the field that fell on the cube. Next, players roll the dice in turn and also move their game chips.

5.      When you stop the game chips on the…

the number of the circle

The action performed by the players

Description Of Attractions

Red №3

the player loses 1 turn (scans code, watches  photo sights)

The Shard, also infrequently referred to as the Shard of Glass. Is a 95-story supertall skyscraper, designed by the Italian architect Renzo Piano, in SouthwarkLondon, that forms part of the Shard Quarter development. Standing 309.7 metres (1,016 ft) high, the Shard is the tallest building in the United Kingdom, the tallest building in the European Union, the fifth-tallest building in Europe.


Red №7



the player loses 1 turn (scans the code and reads  information )

London Eye  is one of the most popular attractions in London and one of the largest  Ferris wheels in the world. Its height is 135 meters, and it makes a full circle in 30 minutes. Capsules in which people rise, completely transparent and provide a beautiful view of the city at 360 degrees, but the floor is closed, so they don’t feel discomfort.

Red №13

The player moves to the circle № 15

Walk on a double-Decker bus.

Red №14


Player skips 1 move (scans the code, VR Tour “Westminster Abbey”)

Westminster Palace is also known as the Houses of Parliament and are one of the best known sites in London. Located in Westminster in central London, the Palace of Westminster has a long and rich history and has played a central role in many important and historic moments in UK history. The site along with near by Westminster Abbey and Saint Margaret's Church form a UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS).

Red   №16


the Player moves to the circle №18


Hot air balloon ride.


Red 22)


Player skips 1 move. ( scans the code and reads the information about the Royal festival hall in London)

Royal Festival Hall is an iconic 2,500 seat concert hall that forms part of London’s Southbank Centre. The other buildings included in the group are the Queen Elizabeth Hall, the Purcell Room and the Hayward Gallery. It is one of the top venues in the world for the performance of classical music. Concerts, dance, talks and other performances are staged at the venue.




Player skips 1 move. (scans the code , looking at picture of Buckingham Palace)

Buckingham Palace is the London residence and administrative headquarters of the monarch of the United Kingdom. Located in the City of Westminster, the palace is often at the centre of state occasions and royal hospitality. It has been a focal point for the British people at times of national rejoicing and mourning.

Red 26

Player skips 1 move (scans the code, reads the information about the Royal Albert Hall)




Albert hall is the most prestigious concert hall in the UK. The full name of the attraction  (eng. Royal Albert Hall of Arts and Sciences). It hosts various cultural events: concerts, operas, ballets, film premieres and other events, both commercial and charitable.


Red 29


Player skips 1 move. ( scans the code, reads the information  “10 facts about the Royal guard”)



The Royal Guardsmen of the Queen’s Guard/

Iconic figures in British history and culture, the members of the Queen’s Guard are fully trained soldiers, assigned with the task of guarding the Sovereign residences in Great Britain, namely, the Buckingham Palace and St James’s Palace. They were in operation so far back as 1660, under the reign of King Charles II, then known as the ‘King’s Guard’. To date, the Royal Guardsmen have served four Queens and 10 Kings of the British Monarchy. The Famous Uniform of the Royal Guardsmen Unlike regular military officials, the Royal Guardsmen are uniquely dressed.
Their uniform consists of a prominent black bearskin cap. A red stripe runs down the seams of their dark blue trousers, held together with a white leather belt.
A scarlet red tunic with white strips, coupled with a dark blue collar, and blue and white cuffs, make up their upper garment. Gold buttons bearing the Queen’s insignia adorn the front.
They typically carry unloaded artillery but on occasion where there may be a threat to the throne if provided with ammunition.



Red №30

Player loses 1 turn. (scans the code, reads the history of Piccadilly circus)

Piccadilly Circus is a busy square in the heart of London. It is famous for the fountain that was installed here at the end of the nineteenth century and for the neon advertising that turned the square into a miniature version of Times Square.


Red 34




Player skips 1 move. (scans code, reads information about Tower of London»)


The Tower of London is one of the most famous and most interesting places in the city. The Tower was once a palace, a fortress, a prison and even a Zoo. Today it is known as a historical museum.


Red 35


Player moves to circle 39

 Missed his stop


Red №37 




Skips a turn


An important phone conversation



Red  38

Player skips 1 move. (scans the code, watch the video Royal theater " Covent garden»

Covent Garden is a district in Greater London, on the eastern fringes of the West End, between Charing Cross Road and Drury Lane. It is associated with the former fruit-and-vegetable market in the central square, now a popular shopping and tourist site, and with the Royal Opera House, which is also known as "Covent Garden". The district is divided by the main thoroughfare of Long Acre, north of which is given over to independent shops centred on Neal's Yard and Seven Dials, while the south contains the central square with its street performers and most of the historical buildings, theatres and entertainment facilities, including the London Transport Museum and the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane.


Red  №40


Player skips 1 move. ( scans code, VR tour of the Museum "Madame Tussauds»)

Madam Tussaud’s is the most popular waxworks museum in the world. There are wax models of the famous and infamous, both living and dead. You can meet great characters of history and art. There are actors, film stars, pop-singers, criminals, politicians and members of the Royal family here. There is a place where you can see all the celebrities at once.
The museum is situated in Marylebone Road, not far from the street which is famous as the home of the first great detective in fiction, Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes.

Red 44



Player misses 1 turn. ( scans the code, viewing photos of "Trafalgar square»)


Trafalgar Square is a public space and tourist attraction in central London, England, United Kingdom built around the area formerly known as Charing Cross. It is in the borough of the City of Westminster. At its centre is Nelson's Column, which is guarded by four lion statues at its base. There are a number of statues and sculptures in the square, with one plinth displaying changing pieces of contemporary art. The square is also used for political demonstrations and community gatherings, such as

the celebration of New Year's Eve.


Red №  46



Player misses 1 turn. (scans the code, reads information about City)

The City of London is the historic heart of London. Today the City is a mostly commercial district dominated by the stately buildings and skyscrapers that house offices for the finance industry. There are however plenty historical landmarks that were built in an era when the City was still densely populated. 







.        6.  The player receives a token for each studied attraction

         7. The winner is the player who visited more attractions.


Testing the game.

The first players were my classmates, who during the creation showed great interest and were looking forward to when the game will be ready. During the trial game it turned out that

-         six people can participate in this game , because the large playing field and dynamics of the game allows to do it.

-          it is necessary that the rules of the game are always in front of your eyes, because you often  have to refer to them.

-          It is necessary that players have phones with the installed program and have access to the Internet.






















In the course of the work was created Board game “Faces of London “. This game introduces players to the sights of the capital of England. With the help of Qr codes, you can explore places in more detail and even go on excursions to theaters and museums in London.

During the testing, it turned out that classmates liked the game created by my  own hands: a colorful playing field and the rules of the game, thanks to which there is a constant change of leading players.

There are other options for using the game: with the help of colorful pictures you can refresh the memory vocabulary on the topic (Places in the city), remember the prepositions of the place and practice in giving directions, playing dialogues. As well as describe where the objects are training construction (there is/there are.)

            My English teacher asked for the game to be used in an English lesson while passing the theme of London Attractions in 5th grade.

            In conclusion I want to say that  game created by me  is not just fun, but also helps to awaken the interest of children to learn English, helps to explore the sights of the capital and their location.














 ( №29)

 ( №30)

 ( № 34)

 ( №38)





City ( №48)


Shard №3

London  Eye ( № 7)

VR Tour Westminster Abbey

Royal Festival Hall ( 22)



Buckingham Palace (№24)



















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