Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПроектная работа на английском языке "Защита животных"

Проектная работа на английском языке "Защита животных"

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  • animals rescued from streets can become your best friendsРуководитель – М...

    1 слайд

    animals rescued from streets can become your best friends
    Руководитель – Мураками О.И.
    Работу выполнили ученики ГБОУ Школы № 1317
    Мищенко Иван 4В
    Фунтиков Андрей 4Г
    Трошкин Артем 4Б
    Федорова Варвара 4А

  • The problem of homeless animals is a typical problem all over the world

We m...

    2 слайд

    The problem of homeless animals is a typical problem all over the world

    We meet a dozen of homeless animals every day. Some people do not pay attention to them and some people buy food to feed them outside but this doesn’t change the situation a lot. A big number of homeless animals rises every day.
    A lot of people leave animals outside because they do not need them.
    We love animals and decided to contribute to solving this problem.

  • Aims and goalsOur aim is to attract attention of people to problem of homeles...

    3 слайд

    Aims and goals
    Our aim is to attract attention of people to problem of homeless animals.
    1.To find out information on this topic.
    2.To make a survey to find out the attitude of people to this problem.
    3.To attract peoples attention to homeless animals and rescued animals.
    4.To make a website to find animals a new home.

  • Problem

In Moscow there are a lot of homeless animals outside. This number d...

    4 слайд


    In Moscow there are a lot of homeless animals outside. This number differs from 23 to 100 thousand dogs and cats without home. Every year around 30 thousand people are bitten by homeless animals.

  • A survey

We were interested in peoples attitude to homeless animals and anim...

    5 слайд

    A survey

    We were interested in peoples attitude to homeless animals and animals which were purebred animals.
    According to the result of a survey many people including pupil’s from our school (84%) are ready to help. 65% have their own animals, 26 % have more than 1. 57% of animals were bought and only 5 % were taken from the streets.

  • Why animals become homeless?Main reasons:
Lost animals. Only 20% of people fi...

    6 слайд

    Why animals become homeless?
    Main reasons:
    Lost animals. Only 20% of people find their animals after they have lost them.
    2) Animals that people do not need any more.
    3) Animals born outside.

  • How do people abroad cope with this problem?In India, Bangladesh, Egypt, Bulg...

    7 слайд

    How do people abroad cope with this problem?
    In India, Bangladesh, Egypt, Bulgaria and GB homeless animals are being sterilized. In the USA, Italy and Russia this practice is only started to use. In Germany and France people pay taxes.
    Shelters (the USA, GB, France).
    4) Tax (Germany, GB, the USA, Italy).

  • How do people cope with this problem in our country?

Usually animals are put...

    8 слайд

    How do people cope with this problem in our country?

    Usually animals are put in shelters.
    1) Private shelters.
    2) Government shelters.

  • Our contribution1) We held a lecture for pupils of our school about homeless...

    9 слайд

    Our contribution
    1) We held a lecture for pupils of our school about homeless animals.
    2) Pupils helped to find lost animals. (three dogs got their homes thanks to our advertisements )
    3) We wrote a number articles for school newspaper.
    4) We already collected more than 450 kg of dry food for animals in shelters

  • Our plans 
 We are going to held a fair in May again. The main idea is to att...

    10 слайд

    Our plans

    We are going to held a fair in May again. The main idea is to attract attention to the problem of homeless animals and to collect food for animals in shelters. We will exchange gifts made by ourselves to food for animals. Moreover we will display our paintings and posters connected with animals. In addition, a video about homeless animals will be shown to the people made by students of our school.

  • ConclusionWe found out that all respondents are interested in solving th...

    11 слайд

    We found out that all respondents are interested in solving this problem. However, this trouble is man-made. Shelters are a solution, but we need to try to reduce the number of animals in shelters. We need to feel responsible for our animals. More and more people are ready to take animals from shelters and give them a new home. Making this project we wanted to attract the attention of people around us and show them that every person can contribute to solving this problem.

  • We collected more than 450 kg of dry food for animals in shelters

    12 слайд

    We collected more than 450 kg of dry food for animals in shelters

  • You wouldn’t throw your child on the street, please care for your dog properly

    13 слайд

    You wouldn’t throw your child on the street, please care for your dog properly

  • Sources1.	Бродячие собаки в городе. Проблемы и пути их решения. planeta. tspu...

    14 слайд

    1.Бродячие собаки в городе. Проблемы и пути их решения. planeta. tspu.ru /files/file/1302678930.doc
    2.Опыт зарубежных стран в решении проблемы бездомных животных. http://www.animalsprotectiontribune.ru/MgdObzor.html
    3.Проблема бездомных животных и пути ее решения. Справка
    4.Рябов Л.С. Бродячие и одичавшие собаки в городской среде.. Бюлл. МОИП. Отд. биолог. М, 1979,. т. 84.
    5.Животные в городе. Сб. тр. Научно-практ. конф МСХА/ИПЭЭ, 2000-2003.
    6.Александрова, М.И. Животные и люди / М.И. Александрова . - Спб., 2005. - 265с.

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