Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыПроверочная работа по английскому языку по теме "Преступление и наказание" (11 класс)

Проверочная работа по английскому языку по теме "Преступление и наказание" (11 класс)

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Choose the correct options

It was late at night, two days before Christmas, when this happened. I had trouble sleeping then and was entertaining myself watching TV in my room upstairs. Suddenly, I heard some eerie sound from below. At first, I thought it was my imagination. It was past midnight, and I'd been watching horror movies, I thought. But the sound didn't stop. So, I pulled myself together and tiptoed downstairs to the living room. The sound grew louder. I didn't realise it was coming from the front door until it was too late. Two spooky figures suddenly blew the door open and rushed into the house. In the dim light of the Christmas tree and light strings, I saw they were wearing dark hoodies and black facemasks. I was immobilised with fear. They didn't notice me, as I was standing in the shadow. One of them started ransacking the room for anything worthy while the other one was the lookout guy. When one of them was turning upside down the stuff on the mantelpiece, they accidentally tore off one of the light strings which immediately made a harsh electric sound and exploded. The light in all of the house went off. But then it got even worse. Something suddenly flashed in the darkness and just in no time the fire broke out. I screamed and the strangers, startled, dashed out of the house.

  1. Why was the victim awake late at night?

The victim had insomnia.

The victim was having fun watching movies.

  1. What alerted the victim?

A weird sound alerted the victim.

A flash alerted the victim.

  1. What was the origin of the eerie sound?

The criminals at the door were making it.

The burning light string was making it.

  1. What was the criminals' intention?

They wanted to burn down the house.

They wanted to rob the house.

  1. Did the criminals succeed in stealing worthy stuff?

Yes, they did.

No, they failed.

2. Read the text and choose the correct options

Nowadays our society is deeply worried about the violation of human rights in many spheres of life. Teenage rights are not the exception. At school, boys and girls discuss political and social issues which can influence their lives. But do they really know what their rights are?

Let's start with basic human rights, which are morally and legally entitled to exist. These rights are taken for granted. So, you have the right to go to school, to express your opinion, to belong to some country or just to eat, drink and breathe fresh air. As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says, everybody is free from birth. You have the right to be equal by law.

But there is another side of the coin when the rights can be violated. Some basic principles don't imply the right to be treated as a slave, be punished or be laughed at. Nobody has the right to take your things without asking or torture you. The police or anybody else doesn't have the right to put you into prison or persecute without a serious reason.

Mark the sentences as true or false.

1. Human rights are violated today.

2.  It doesn't go without saying that we have the right to speak freely.

3  Basic human rights are recorded in the Declaration of Human Rights.

4. Everyone was born free.

5.  Every man isn't a slave.

6.  If anybody follows you without a reason, you can ask for protection of your rights.

3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму (-ing форма (герундий)) или инфинитив (с или без to).

  1. I’m hungry! How about ……(order) a pizza?
  2. I would like ……(be) a musician when I’m older.
  3. Her mother made her…… (tell) where she had been last night.
  4. It’s to late …….(apply) for the job. They’ve already found a teacher.
  5. I love …….(play) board games with my family.
  6. He went to the gym without……. (eat) any dinner.
  7. It was very unusual for our teacher ……..(shout) like that.
  8. There’s no point in ……..(do) this.
  9. I’d love…….. (see) your rabbit!
  10. Bill keeps …….(forget) to do his chores.
  11. You must……. (go) with her.
  12. Do you fancy….. (go) to the cinema now?

4. Закончи предложения так, чтобы вместо многоточия стоял герундий или инфинитив 

1. I’m keen on………

2. I’d like…………..

3. My friend suggested………

4. I can’t stand…………

5. I’m afraid of………………

6. He refused………………….

7. My mum let me………………….


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