Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыРабочая тетрадь по дисциплине ОП.05 Иностранный язык (профессиональный) для студентов многопрофильного колледжа Введение в специальность: специфика работы секретаря

Рабочая тетрадь по дисциплине ОП.05 Иностранный язык (профессиональный) для студентов многопрофильного колледжа Введение в специальность: специфика работы секретаря

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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Магнитогорский государственный технический университет им. Г.И. Носова»

Многопрофильный колледж





Д.Ф. Костина







Рабочая тетрадь по дисциплине ОП 05 иностранный язык (профессиональный)

для студентов многопрофильного колледжа


Введение в специальность: специфика работы секретаря































преподаватель высшей категории

Многопрофильного колледжа Е.А. Михайлова






Костина Д.Ф.


Введение в специальность: специфика работы секретаря: Рабочая тетрадь. Магнитогорск: ФГБОУ ВПО «МГТУ», 2013. – 88 с.






Рабочая тетрадь предназначена для студентов многопрофильного колледжа специальности 034702 Документационное обеспечение управления и архивоведение, изучающих дисциплину ОП 05 «Иностранный язык» (профессиональный) в соответствии с рабочей программой  учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» (профессиональный), разработанной на основе Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования.

         Рабочая тетрадь ставит своей целью расширить знания студентов данной специальности в различных сферах общения, имеющих профессиональную значимость для современного секретаря.

Практическая цель находит свое отражение в материалах, которые знакомят учащихся с особенностями работы секретаря, правилами делового этикета, основными принципами взаимоотношений секретаря на рабочем месте.



1. Пояснительная записка.................................................................................. ….4

2. Введение в специальность: специфика работы секретаря

Unit 1 Моя будущая специальность

Тема 1.1: Личные и профессиональные качества секретаря. Поведение и манера говорить.  Введение лексики.

Грамматика: Причастие I, II в английском языке. Функции причастий в предложении…………………………………………………………………..5

Тема 1.2: Правила делового этикета.

Устойчивые конструкции в английском предложении.


Unit 2  Обязанности секретаря

Тема 2.1: Обязанности секретаря. Описание рабочего дня секретаря. Введение и закрепление лексики в монологической речи и лексико-грамматических упражнениях.

Грамматика:  Фразовые глаголы. Пассивный залог.……………………24

Unit 3  Взаимоотношения секретаря с руководством и клиентами фирмы.

Тема3.1: Взаимоотношения секретаря с руководством и клиентами фирмы………………………………………………………………………40

3. Дополнительные тексты (Additional Texts) …………………………….

4. Приложение (Appendix)

4.1 Составные элементы рабочей тетради………………………………..

4.2 Рекомендации по написанию хорошего эссе…………………………

4.3 Сводная таблица: специфика работы секретаря…………………….

4.4. Речевые обороты (Сonversational English) ……………………………

4.5. Рекомендации по работе с рубрикой Word Profile…………………….

5. Перечень использованной литературы……………………………….

















Пояснительная записка


Данная рабочая тетрадь предназначена для студентов Многопрофильного колледжа, обучающихся по специальности 034702 Документационное обеспечение управления и архивоведение, изучающих дисциплину ОП 05 «Иностранный язык» (профессиональный).

             Актуальность тем, предлагаемых в данной рабочей тетради,  очевидна. Значительное число совместных предприятий и расширение международных связей поставили вопрос об иностранном языке как неотъемлемом компоненте таких специальностей, как секретарь- референт, делопроизводитель, личный помощник руководителя и др.

        Рабочая тетрадь состоит из трех частей (Units). Вниманию студентов представлено много информативных аутентичных текстов с подробными комментариями и иллюстрациями. Тексты сознательно не подвергались существенной адаптации, чтобы сохранить языковые реалии, стилистику оригинала и идиоматические обороты. Разработчик рабочей тетради  исходит из того, что текст для изучающего чтения должен вызывать определенное волевое и умственное усилие у обучающихся, представлять для них интерес и иметь познавательную ценность. В текстах обеспечена повторяемость базовой лексики, причем некоторым лексемам уделяется особое внимание в силу их функциональной значимости в деловой речи. Примеры использования таких лексем приводятся под рубрикой Word Profile. После изучения тематических текстов студентам предлагаются лексико – грамматические упражнения, в частности упражнения,  целью которых является дискуссия либо написание эссе, сообщения и т.д. Весь опорный материал (устойчивые выражения для эссе, рекомендации и т.д.) включен в приложение (Appendix) в конце рабочей тетради. Однако при изучении тем не следует пренебрегать использованием дополнительной справочной литературой, словарями различных типов.

Предусматривается письменное выполнение упражнений непосредственно в тетради, что позволяет экономить время и упрощает работу. Перед выполнением заданий рекомендуется прочитать текст, понять, о чем он, так как содержание заданий тесно связано с текстом.

Для более глубокого изучения темы предлагаются дополнительные тексты (Additional texts).






Unit 1 Моя будущая специальность


Тема 1.1 Личные и профессиональные качества секретаря. Поведение и манера говорить

What should we take into consideration while choosing a profession? Is character important? I think, yes. Let us talk about your personal characteristics. The adjectives below will help you.

1) Students speak in turn, e.g.

I think you are (communicative and sociable)

In my opinion you are (generous and amiable)

I am sorry to say, but you are (a bit lazy, you should be more hard- working)

You are …, but sometimes you are …etc .






2) Choose ten adjectives to describe a good secretary. Use the phrases expressing your opinion (see Appendix). Compare your list of the adjectives with the list of your partner.


Analytical Reading

3) Read and translate the following phrases and words you can come across in the text. These are the main qualifications of the secretary`s job.

  • Loyalty
  • Conscientiousness
  • Initiative
  • Ability to write
  • Professionalism
  • Good dress and presentation


Read and translate the text. 

Loyalty: Secretaries must be absolutely trustworthy. No relationship in business involves a higher degree of trust and responsibility between two persons than the secretary – boss team.

Conscientiousness: It is important for secretaries to be prompt and flexible. Quite often they may have to work long hours. Confidentiality is another key factor. Secretaries must take pride in their work and be dedicated to their boss.

Initiative: The secretary should be able to act for the boss in his/her absence. True initiative on the secretary’s part is ability to know when to act on one’s own and when to do as directed.

Ability to write: Every secretary should be capable of handling route correspondence, reports, summaries and take good minutes at meetings.

Professionalism: Business can be tense and often under a lot of stress. A secretary who can work under deadline pressures and produce high quality work is of great value.

 Good dress and presentation: This involves looking and behaving appropriately. People’s first impression is important. Their ideas about the company/organization are influenced by the staff’s appearance.

1) Answer the following questions:

a) Why is it important for a secretary to be prompt and flexible?

b) Should the secretary be able to act for the boss in his absence?

c) What secretary is of great value?

d)  Why is people`s first impression so important?

2) Agree or disagree with the following statements (See Appendix)

a)  It is rather rare that secretaries work long hours.

b) The secretaries do not need to know how to take minutes.

c) The staff`s appearance  is not very important in the company.

d)  There is no need for a secretary to know when to act on one`s own.

3) Find English equivalents to these Russian words and word combinations in the text:  надежный, ответственность, оперативный, гибкий, работать сверхурочно, инициатива, работать с корреспонденцией, отчет, вести протокол, преданный, напряженный, сроки, работа высокого качества,


Word Profile

Find out the etymology of the word «secretary» in the etymological dictionary (see Appendix) Why is secretary called so? (The word ‘secret’. Secretaries keep secrets of the company they work for.)


Listening Comprehension

Listen to the text  B and fill in the table. Then compare it with your groupmates. 

                                                                                                            Таблица 1

Secretary`s duties

What problems can secretaries face at work?

Secretary`s clothes





Сheck the information in your table. Read and translate the text.  


An experienced secretary speaks about her job.

I am the secretary at a large business. I deal with people and incoming mail. Dealing with people is one of the most important parts of my job. I find it very enjoyable. I also input on the computer, send telexes and faxes.

I meet people from all over the country, all over the world, and all walks of life, which makes it the most interesting part of my job. They can be very nice. I think the nice ones outnumber the irritating ones. It`s a people-oriented job. It`s communication, whether it`s in person or on the telephone and that can be fun. Sometimes you have problems getting through, sometimes you get wrong number, but it`s all part of the job. You don`t often get annoying people face to face. You get more of them on the phone, because people feel they can say things over the phone that they perhaps wouldn`t say face to face. So, I do not find people frustrating in person.

          As a secretary you must always be professional – looking, your clothes should be immaculate. It`s better to wear skirts than trousers. Your attire should be fresh and clean. It`s better to simple jewellery – small earrings, a matching necklace and rings. Hands should be well – groomed and you can wear white or soft coloured nail-varnish. Your shoes should be clean and neat. Heavy make – up is not recommended. You always should look fresh and use just a little perfume.


1)    Answer the following questions:

a) What are the secretary`s main duties?

b) Why is it a people – oriented job?

c) What does it mean «to be professional – looking»?


2) Find synonyms to these words in the text:

Business, mail, immaculate, make-up, job. What is the difference between these synonyms?


3) Find in the text Present Participle Active and Past Participle Active.  Analyse their function in the sentences.


Grammar Note

                                                                                                          Таблица 2

Формы причастия в активном залоге


Причастие настоящего времени

Verb + ing


Take these documents from the writing desk

Причастие прошедшего времени

V- ed (V2)


Where is the ordered letter?

Совершенное причастие

Having + V-ed (V3)

Having collected

Having collected the material, he was able to write the report.


Функции причастий в предложении.


Таблица 3

1) Сказуемое (переводится глаголом в соответствующем времени, лице и числе)

He is reading a book now.- Сейчас он читает книгу.

2) Определение
a) причастие I стоит перед определяемым словом (переводится действительным причастием)
b) причастие I стоит после определяемого слова  (переводится действительным причастием в составе причастного оборота)

They looked at the flying plane - Они смотрели на летевший самолет.
The engineer  examining the new equipment works at this company- Инженер, осматривающий новое оборудование, работает в этой компании.
The problem being discussed now is of great importance.- Проблема, которую сейчас обсуждают, имеет большое значение.

3) Обстоятельство
a) причастие I стоит в начале предложения (переводится деепричастием несовершенного вида или глаголом-сказуемым придаточного предложения)
b) причастие I стоит в конце предложения (переводится деепричастием несовершенного вида)
c) перед причастием I стоят союзы when; while (переводится либо деепричастием несовешенного вида, либо глаголом – сказуемым в составе придаточного предложения)

Continuing the expansion of the company, the directors hired more people- Продолжая расширение компании, директора наняли больше людей.
Being asked he answered all the questions.-
Когда его спросили, он ответил на все вопросы.
Having lost the key he couldn’t enter the office.- Потеряв ключи, он не смог войти в o.
Having been published in the journal the article was discussed by scientists.-  
Поскольку статья была опубликована в журнале, она обсуждалась учеными.
He spent the whole day preparing for his exams. - Он провел весь день, готовясь к экзамену.
While reading a book he used to make notes.- Читая книгу (когда он читал, при чтении), он обычно делал заметки


Do grammar exercises. Consult Tables 2, 3.

A) Translate sentences into Russian. Mind Present Indefinite Participles. What are their functions in the sentences?

1. The girl standing at the window is my sister. 
2. Having been sent to the wrong address the letter didn’t rich him. 
3. He sat in the arm-chair thinking. 
4. She came up to us breathing heavily. 
5. The hall was full of laughing people. 
6. The singing girl was about fourteen. 
7. Having read the book I gave it to Pete. 
8. The large building being built in our street is a new school – house. 
9. Having finished the experiment the students left the laboratory. 
10. Being busy, he postponed his trip. 
11. Having been written long ago, the manuscript was impossible to read. 
12. Having been built of concrete, the house was always cold in winter.

B) Put the infinitives in the brackets into the right form, using  Indefinite or Perfect Participle I. Translate these sentences.

1. (To write) out all the words, I started to learn them. 
2. (To buy) food, they left supermarket. 
3. (to bark) dog doesn’t bite. 
4. She entered the room (to smile). 
5. (To drink) coffee she was talking to her friend. 
6. (To find) the keys, we were able to open the door. 
7. (To make) the report, Tom left the room. 
8. (To see) her he raised his hat. 
9. My task (to finish), I went to bed. 
10. While (to learn) the pronunciation of the words we learned their meaning.

C) Translate sentences into Russian, mind
Past Indefinite Participle.

1. He doesn’t like boiled milk. 
2. I remember well his words said at the meeting. 
3. We don’t like the book bought last week. 
4. The stolen things were returned to the owner. 
5. Asked about this event, he replied nothing. 
6. The explanation given was not complete. 
7. When burnt, coal produces heat. 
8. The results received were of great importance for the further work. 
9. When reconstructed the theatre looked more beautiful than before. 
10. She showed us a list of the newly published books.


















Common Strengths

How does this present in the work environment?


Written communication skill evident in reports, correspondence. Verbal communication skills evident in presentations, managing conflict, selling, dealing with customers, active listening, meeting participation and negotiation.

Strong work ethic/diligent

Hard working, works extra hours, completes projects before time, takes on more than others, does more than required, maintains a high quality of work, imposes own standards of excellence, works without supervision, follows up on own.

Organizational and planning skills

Evident in time management, prioritizing, using resources effectively, meeting deadlines, multi-tasking, dealing with competing demands, achieving objectives and goals, setting targets, maintaining schedules and calendars, optimal use of available resources, coordination of resources to complete projects.

Flexible and adaptable

Able to change activities and priorities to meet new demands, willing to learn new skills and knowledge, make a positive effort to accept changes, able to work and communicate effectively with diverse people, willing to work in different environments, willing to attempt new tasks.

                                                                                                                Таблица 4


Common Strengths

How does this present in the work environment?


Gather the necessary information to make a sound decision, come up with viable alternatives, consider pros and cons for each, fully commit to the best action, follow through on decision.

Problem solving

Able to identify and define problems, analyze problems to find causes, find possible solutions, consider the possible outcomes of each solution, decide on the best solution and implement it.

Gathering, analyzing and managing information

Collect required information efficiently from different sources, integrate information and put it together in a logical format, process information, identify trends and patterns, distribute and communicate information correctly, store and maintain information efficiently.


Willing and able to coach others, enable and facilitate learning, impart knowledge, help people to identify and achieve what they are capable of, assess training and learning needs, develop appropriate learning interventions, adapt teaching/coaching style to meet employee's needs.

Team work

Work effectively in a team, contribute to team objectives, communicate effectively with team members, respect, listen to and encourage team members, pitch in, put success of team ahead of individual success.



Common Strengths

How does this present in the work environment?

Self reliant/ self management

Uses own resources, skills and abilities fully, accountable for own activity, progress and success, manages self towards goals, completes projects and activities independently, obtains own help and assistance, internally motivated and does not seek external rewards for good performance.

Self disciplined

Controls own behavior, self-motivated, prepared to work hard to achieve goals, sets own targets, avoids distractions, perseveres with difficult tasks and activities, does not procrastinate, continues with projects in the face of obstacles and challenges.


Handle disappointment, deal effectively with rejection, stay enthusiastic after a set back, maintain work performance despite difficulties, accept criticism, bounce back quickly, overcome obstacles to achieve, keep trying until task is completed.


Evident in selling, customer management, negotiating, dealing with objections, getting agreement/commitment from co-workers/management, presenting ideas, motivating people, gaining the confidence of others.




Common Strengths

How does this present in the work environment?


Maintain confidentiality, provide complete and accurate information, observe company policies and procedures, comply with regulations, maintain values and ethics in the face of opposition and pressure.


Works long hours, maintains fast work pace, tackles challenging tasks, stays positive, takes on extra tasks, maintains high productivity levels, tenacious in achieving goals.


Proactive attempts to sort out problems and issues, provide ideas for improvement, make full use of opportunities, identify needs and come up with solutions, take steps to make your job and the company better.


Writing Skills

1)Write an essay «Let me describe my future job». Use the information from the texts A, B and Table 4 above. Do not forget to follow Tips for a good essay (see Appendix).


2) Divide in groups. Make up the Power Point presentations of your future profession.  Also make a speech for your presentation. Use the information from the texts A, B and Table 4. Study the typical examples:

A) I am currently working as personal assistant/secretary to the senior vice president in charge of international information technology at Lippencott Management Consultants in San Francisco. This position demands excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to work in a role that requires not only the traditional blend of secretarial and organizational skills, but also the initiative and flexibility to thrive within a varied and often hectic environment. I am responsible for client liaison at international level, diary management, the organization of meetings and presentations, travel arrangements, as well as a variety of day-to-day functions. Other necessary qualifications are excellent shorthand and proficiency with a wide range of PC-based software packages, etc.

B) I am presently working as personal assistant/secretary for the head of the sales and marketing support department of the Van Nuys Corporation in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In addition to the usual secretarial duties, I am also responsible for the running of the department’s secretarial pool. This includes the supervision of eight secretaries and typists, extensive preparation of costs and expenses reports and frequent liaison with the company’s regional offices in Chicago, etc.





                   Тема 1.2  Правила делового этикета

Word Profile

Before talking about office dress code, find out the meaning of the words «etiquette» and «ethics» in the dictionary (see Appendix).  What is the difference between these two words?


Let us test your business etiquette.  Business and social etiquette can be tricky, and making the right moves can make a big difference.

A)   Take this quiz and see how you cope with the following business situations.

1.     Your boss, Ms Grace, enters the room when you’re meeting with an important client, Mr Bright. You rise and say Ms Grace, “I’d like you to meet Mr Bright, our client from San Diego”. Is this introduction correct?

2.     At a social function, you meet the CEO of an important corporation. After a brief chat, you give him your business card. Is this correct?

3.     You answer the phone for a peer who’s available, and ask, “Who’s calling, please?” Are you correct?

4.     You’re entering a cab with an important client. You position yourself so that the client is seated curbside. Is this correct?

5.     You’re hosting a dinner at a restaurant. You’ve pre-ordered for everyone and indicated where they should sit. Are you correct?

6.     A toast has been proposed in your honor. You say thank you and take a sip of your drink. Are you correct?

7.     You’re in a restaurant and a thin soup is served in a cup with no handles. To eat it, you should:

a) Pick it up and drink it;

b) Use the spoon provided; 

c) Eat half of it with a spoon and drink the remainder.

8. You’re at a dinner and champagne is served with the dessert. You simply can’t drink champagne, yet you know the host will be offering a toast. Do you:

a) Tell the waiter no champagne;

b) Turn over your glass;

c) Ask the waiter to pour water into your champagne glass instead;

d) Say nothing and allow the champagne to be poured?

9. You’re at a table in a restaurant for a business dinner. Midway through the meal, you’re called to the telephone. What do you with your napkin?

a)       Take it with you;

b)       Fold and place it to the left of your plate;

c)       Loosely fold it and place it on the right side;

d)       Leave it on your chair.

10. You’re hosting a dinner party at a restaurant. Included are two other couples, and your most valuable client and his wife. You instruct the waiter to:

a)     Serve your spouse first;

b)    Serve your client’s spouse first;

c)     Serve you and your spouse last.

11. You’re invited to a reception, and the invitation states 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. You should arrive:

a)       At 7.00 p.m.;

b)       Anytime between 7.00 p.m. and 9.00 p.m.;

c)       Between 7.00 p.m. and 7.30 p.m.;

d)       Go early and leave early.

12. You’re greeting or saying good-bye to someone. When’s the proper time to shake their hand?

a)     When you’re introduced;

b)    At their home;

c)     At their office;

d)    On the street;

e)     When you say good-bye.

B) Discuss the results in the group. Do not forget to use phrases expressing your opinion (see Appendix).



Analytical Reading


Before reading the text, discuss the following questions in your group. Put down the main ideas.

1)       What’s your idea of ‘casual dress’ in the office?

2)       What do you think the way we dress can communicate to other people in the office?

3)       What do you think women should be wearing at work?

4)       What would you discourage women from wearing in the office?


Read and translate the texts below and see if your answers have much in common with the ideas of the article?

Text A

                Style Basics still apply in Dress down Office Age


           Dress down Fridays and e – business casual workwear  may be all the rage, but it still pays to check out the company dress code and, if in doubt, dress up. More than 70% of American companies allow staff to wear some kind of casual wear at least once a week. But the trouble with casual clothes is that there are no boundaries to indicate what is and is not appropriate. One person might understand casual to mean combat trousers and a sports jacket. Another might think it means a woolly jumper and jeans. Even it`s the age of Silicon Valley casual chic it is still vital to dress to impress. Power, hierarchical and economic status are all communicated by the way we dress. When you dress with style for business you look credible, successful and confident. No matter how liberal the office, it is still a good idea for people who want to get on to keep their work clothes neat, clean and fashionable. That also means no dirty finger nails, crumpled clothes and definitely no scuffed shoes and hey, why not have a haircut?


                       Beige is the New Black for Dress Down Days


Women should dress for their position and still look professional – even on dress down days – though it is a good idea to lighten up and swap black and navy for softer neutral colours like camel and beige.

Accessories should be kept to a minimum:’ less is more’ should be the rule. Nor should they change too wildly in their look, wearing a business suit one day and a caftan the next. They should also avoid wearing skirts that are too short, too much make – up and jewellery, and see – through blouses.

1)       Find in the text

- idioms                - phrasal verbs


2)Explain in your own words the meaning of the phrase in the text. Get more information on the Internet.

age of Silicon Valley casual chic


3)Find synonyms to the underlined words in the sentences from the text.

Business casual workwear  may be all the rage.

It still pays to check out the company dress code.

It is still vital to dress to impress.

It is still a good idea for people who want to get on to keep their work clothes neat.

It is a good idea to lighten up and swap black and navy for softer neutral colours

and see – through blouses



Text B

Shopping for Office Style Success


Before reading the text, make sure you know the meaning of the words and phrases you can come across in the text:

Break the bank, discreet, outfit, pass muster, bow, garment, leather, opt, subdued pattern.

           All this is going to cost money. So it is important to plan what you need to make sure of having the right career wardrobe without breaking the bank.

Employees should become wise shoppers to learn how to judge the quality of the clothes they buy. For instance, coats, suits and shoes that are worn often should be of the best quality you can afford.

Women should choose plain colours that can be mixed and matched with plain or multi – coloured accessories. Wearing a jacket to work lends authority, as does carrying a fine leather handbag, not forgetting those finishing touches like a smart belt or a discreet pair of earrings. When buying a suit, stick to a plain colour or small prints. Avoid bows and big collars.

Men should look for outfits that can pass muster in as many different situations and seasons as possible. They might opt for dark trousers, white button down shirt and single – breasted blazer. Jackets and blazers  can be worn with more garments if they are a plain colour or have a subdued pattern.

Make sure clothes fit well and are clean, neat and well pressed. And if you choose to wear casual shoes make sure they are in tip top condition. Men should avoid wearing neck chains or earnings, loud, flashy clothes and too many patterns.

Shirts should be white or light. Medium width ties are considered to be classic and can be worn with current fashions. Belts should be made of good – quality leather and in a dark colour.


1)True or false?  Dressing for success in the office.  Use phrases of agreement and disagreement (see Appendiх).

1. Research the company’s corporate culture: is it formal or casual?

2. It is a good idea to swap camel and beige for black and navy.

3. Wearing a jacket to work lends authority.

4. Plan your work wardrobe – add items over time.

5. Men should avoid wearing medium width ties and blazers.

6. Make sure you are clean, well – groomed and tidy.

7. When in doubt: dress down.


2)Make up the list of Active Vocabulary of your own. Write out all the words relating to (1)clothes, (2)fashion, (3)appearance.


3) Work out a dress code for your company or office.

4) Look at these photos and say which look is the best for a good secretary. Describe these people.  Use active Vocabulary from Ex 2.




               Таблица 5


Study the following Sentence Constructions!

Sentence construction

Example from the text

The trouble with… is that …

Проблема в том, что…

The trouble with casual clothes is that there are no boundaries to indicate what is and is not appropriate.

No matter how (прилагательное + существительное), ...

Неважно, насколько (прилагательное + существительное), [главное предложение]

No matter how liberal the office, it is still a good idea for people who want to get on to keep their work clothes neat.

You should avoid doING smth

Вам следует избегать

(avoid + Gerund)

Men should avoid wearing neck chains or earnings.

They are considered to be …

Считается, что…

Medium width ties are considered to be classic


Translate Russian Sentences into English. Use Constructions from Table 5.

1) Неважно, насколько сильно вы устали, вы должны быть вежливы с посетителями.

2) Вся проблема в том, что она постоянно опаздывает на работу.

3) Секретарям не стоит наносить много косметики и парфюма.

4) Вы должны избегать опозданий в офис.

5) Короткие юбки считаются для секретарей неприемлемыми.

6)Неважно, насколько важна работа в офисе, вы всегда должны прерваться на обед.





                                        Mobile Phone Etiquette


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (to- infinitive or –ing form)

Study the Grammar Note below!


An epidemic of inconsiderate cell phone use has given the devices a bad reputation. By (1…) (follow) these simple guidelines, you can avoid (2) … (feel) embarrassed and enjoy (3) … (use) this helpful innovation.

a)       Keep your invoice adjusted whenever you are making a call in a public area. If the conversation gets too emotional or personal, arrange (4) (call) the person back from a private location.

b)       Keep your public conversations brief. Try (5)… (take) only really important calls.

c)       Turn off your mobile phone before(6)…(enter) theatres, cinemas, churches, restaurants, public transportation, or any other place where it may be (7) …(annoy) to others.

d)       Set your phone`s ringer (8) … (vibrate), if possible, if you do not wish (9)… (turn) it off. Then sit near an aisle and close to an exit, so you can take your phone conversations to the lobby without (10)… (disturb) others.

e)       Avoid (11)… (use) your cell phone while (12) (drive), as this may endanger your life and the lives of others. If you get a very important call while (13)… (drive), pull over before (14) …(answer).

Grammar Note

Герундий в английском языке представляет собой безличную форму глагола и обладает как свойствами существительного, так и глагола. Его еще называют отглагольным существительным. В русском языке такая форма глагола отсутствует. Но в отличие от существительного не имеет множественного числа и артикль не употребляeтся. Поскольку герундий обладает свойствами существительного, он может служить в предложении подлежащим, дополнением, или именной частью составного сказуемого.  По своей форме герундий совпадает с формой причастия I (Participle I – к основе глагола добавляется окончание -ing).

Герундий может сочетаться с предлогами by, before, without, while. Герундий употребляется после глаголов: Avoid, enjoy, try, hate, etc.  После некоторых глаголов с предлогами и наречиями, а также после некоторых словосочетаний с предлогами употребляется только герундий. К ним относятся:



to give up
to be afraid of 
to be famous for 
to be fond of 
to be interested in 
to be worth of
to be proud of

to depend on
to insist on (upon)
to know of
to object to
to prevent from
to think of
to go on




Make up English sentences using Gerunds from two columns above.  Make use of Active Vocabulary of the lesson.

Unit 2  Обязанности секретаря


Тема 2.1 Обязанности секретаря. Описание рабочего дня секретаря.

Введение и закрепление лексики в монологической речи и лексико-грамматических упражнениях. Фразовые глаголы. Пассивный залог.



Learn the following words and phrases!

Key competencies for secretaries: verbal and written communication skills, attention to detail, confidentiality, planning and organizing, time management, interpersonal skills, customer – service orientation, initiative, reliability, stress tolerance


Analytical Reading

Read and translate the texts about your future professions, do the tasks to the texts.



Look at some of the basic ‘skills’ needed for secretaries. Which skills do you think are most difficult to develop? Why?

Today’s secretaries may soon become project managers, executive administrators, and decision makers. They will have more involvement in actually running the office than they do today. Thus, companies would be wise to develop secretaries now as problem-solvers and decision-makers.

     To help secretaries prepare for the future, we recommend secretaries training in these skills:

     Problem solving. Secretaries must be able to make on-the-spot decisions and develop solutions for complex problems.

     Writing. Top secretaries know how to structure, organize, and write letters memos and reports to accurately communicate.

     Time management. Priorities, deadlines, and workloads are constantly changing. Most organizations don’t have formal time-management systems, so it’s up to the individual secretary to manage this precious resource.

     Interpersonal skills. Secretaries have to learn how to deal with criticism, to give and receive feedback, to be assertive, and to communicate effectively.

     Phone skills. What secretaries communicate over the phone can make or break business relationship. Phone manners can enhance a company’s image or damage it irreparably.

     Computer skills. Secretaries should know database management, spreadsheets, electronic mail, and state-of-the-art word processing.

     Project management. Secretaries on the move must know how to plan, organize, implement, and follow through on project.


Text B

How Does a Secretary Spend a Workday?


Usually the secretary comes in at or before the beginning of official business hours--most likely sometime between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Her first task of the day will be to check the messages on the voicemail and either transfer them to individual voicemail boxes or write them down on a memo pad and put them in the appropriate mailbox or office. Then she checks for faxes that may have come in overnight. Afterwards, the secretary may unlock the door for customers or make coffee or tea to share with coworkers.


Throughout her workday, a secretary performs telephone tasks, including answering the phone, forwarding calls or taking messages and dealing with any telemarketers or other unwanted contacts. When hearing from a new legitimate contact, the secretary fills in her information on a Rolodex card or electronic contacts database. Most secretaries have little downtime since the phone doesn't ring on any set schedule, though some get a reprieve for their lunch breaks, with another employee filling in for them.


Another big part of the secretary's day is maintaining the office schedule. This works in tandem with answering the phone, since people will call to request, confirm or cancel meetings. Most times the schedule will be online in a program such as Outlook Calendar so that all members of the office can see through their networked machines. The secretary also uses the computer to book airline tickets and hotel stays and make other travel arrangements for coworkers and clients. She types correspondence too and may be responsible for maintaining files (electronic or paper), accounting or data entry.


The secretary may be tasked with making trips to the post office to mail or pick up packages, ordering and retrieving food for luncheons or purchasing office supplies. If this is part of the secretary's duties, she will be eligible to expense mileage or allowed to drive a company vehicle.


At the end of her eight-hour shift, the secretary puts the phone on a nighttime setting so that the calls automatically go to voicemail. Then she delivers any final messages to others in the office and makes a list of tasks for the next day.

Do exercises to the text:

1)       Name each extract of the text: running errands, ending the day, telephone tasks, starting the day, computer tasks

                                                                                                      Таблица 6












2) Write out all the phrases which mean the duties of the secretary from the Texts A, B.  





Text C

In the Office


         I'd like to tell you about one day of my work in the office. I work for the company which produces cell phones. I work in the head office of the company, which is situated in the city. The factory is behind the town border.

         I work in my own room. There is a lot of equipment in the office. I have a desk, of course, and a computer. I need a diary to note my meetings and other affairs. There is also a phone on my desk. At the wall there is a notice board, there I can hang a calendar and some notes. There are also shelves on the wall, where some files stand. Near the desk there is drawers, where I keep my papers. And I have a wastepaper basket to throw out trash.

        I work at the computer most of the time. My duties are to type letters, reports and some other documents, also I send a lot of e-mails. I make invoices, papers which show products sold and the money to pay, and send them to the customers. I do a lot of paperwork, for example I do filing reports and compile filing cabinet.

        My work involves making appointments and arranging meetings for my boss and some other managers and typing agenda for the meetings. Sometimes I attend those meetings and take minutes.

           Like most people, who work in office, I have some problems. Sometimes I cannot print or make copies, because the printer or copier is broken. Sometimes we have run out of paper or the computer is down, it disturbs all the work in the office. One of my colleagues is off, he is ill, and we have got loads of work to do.

Make up the dialogue using information from the text С. Act it out in the classroom:

A: Where do you work?


A: Can you describe your workplace in detail?  What do you need to run the office?

B: …………………

A:  What are your main duties?

B: ……………...........

A: What problems do you usually face at work?

B: …………………






Before reading the text, discuss the following questions in your group.

1.     Do you tend to put off till tomorrow what you can do today?

2.     Do you hate to make decisions and avoid difficult or unpleasant tasks?

3.     Do you try to take control of your time?

There’s an old joke that members of Procrastinators Anonymous keep meaning to meet… but keep putting it off.


1.     Think about why you procrastinate: Are you afraid of failing at the task? Are you a perfectionist and only willing to begin working after every little element is in place? Are you easily distracted?

2.       Break up a large, difficult project into several smaller pieces. Tackle each piece separately, head-on. The lift you get will carry you right through the remainder of the task.

3.       Set deadlines for completion. Try assigning yourself small-scale deadlines, for example, commit to reading a certain number of pages in the next hour.

4.       Work in small blocks of time instead of in long stretches. Try studying in one-to-two-hour spurts, allowing yourself a small break after each stint.

5.       Start with the easiest aspect of a large, complex project. For example, if you’re writing an academic paper and find that the introduction is turning out to be hard to write, start writing the paper’s body instead.

6.       Enlist others to help. Make a bet with your family, friends or co-workers that you will finish a particular project by a specified time, or find other ways to make yourself accountable.

7.       Eliminate distractions or move to a place where you can concentrate. Turn off the television, the phone ringer, the radio and anything else that might keep you from your task.


-          Remember that progress, not perfection, is your goal.

-          Track your goals on a calendar or in a personal organizer. Keep your goals reasonable and check off each one when you are finished.

After reading the rules above, correct the false statements. Which step from the above mentioned is most difficult for you to follow?

1.       Allow yourself a small break after each task.

2.       Commit yourself to deadlines for competition of smaller pieces.

3.       Do not start working until every little element is in place.

4.       Never commit yourself to obligations.

5.       Start writing academic papers with the most difficult aspect.

6.       Tackle a large project all at once

7.       Your goal is perfection.


Now match the following sentences to the tips and steps 1-7 above. They are not in the same order as the steps.

a) Invite your CEO over to admire that office you have been meaning to revamp; you pride will make you finish it before he comes.

b) When I finally forced myself to make a firm decision quickly, I was a much happier person – and so were the people who had deal with me!

c) A secretary with ten unfinished pieces of business on her desk wastes a significant part of her capacity attempting to choose between them.

d) Lots of people fail to act because they`re afraid they may not perform perfectly.



Exercises A-L

                             A) Тест по теме «Обязанности секретаря»

1)        Match up the phrasal verbs on the left that have a similar meaning on the right.

1) to jot down

2) to run down

3) to put through

4) fill in

5) see smd out

6) look through

        7) type out

8) tick off

9) think up

10) see about

a) пометить галочкой

b) быстро просмотреть

c) заполнить пропуски

d) распечатать

e) быстро записать, на скорую руку

f) позаботиться, подумать о ч.-л.

g) соединить по телефону

h) проводить к-л

i) пробежать глазами

j) придумывать



2) Translate sentences into English, mind phrasal verbs.

1) Make sure that you fill in your name, address and phone number.

2) Everyone in the office was told to try and think up a new and exciting name for the company.

3) Jot down your suggestions on a piece of paper and give them to me.

4) Someone had put a call through to the office warning them about failure.

5) Their names were ticked off as they arrived.

6) I am too tired to phone them now, I shall see about it in the morning.

7) These papers need filing. Do not worry. I shall see to it.

8) Do you want me to run down the list of our possible clients?

9) My secretary will see you out.

10) The secretary has typed out a document and sent it to me.

11) Can you look through the report?


3) Translate into English. Use phrasal verbs from Ex.1.

          Моя подруга – секретарь. Каждый день она выполняет кучу дел: заполняет документы и распечатывает их, записывает необходимую информацию в блокнот, соединяет своего начальника с клиентами по телефону, встречает и провожает клиентов. Обычно в конце рабочего дня она быстро просматривает свой блокнот и отмечает галочкой то, что сделала.


4)  Match up the phrasal verbs on the left with the verbs that have a similar on the right.




1) back up

2) be up against sb/sth

3) carry out

4) draw into smth

5) figure out

6) get across to

7) get down to

8) live up to

9) point out

10) turn up

a) appear появляться

b) realize, understand  понимать

c) perform, obey выполнять

d) support поддерживать

e) indicate указывать

f) involve вовлекать

g) make clear to smb донести до кого - либо

h) be faced with smd/smth столкнуться до кого- л.

i) start to do smth приступить к чему-либо

j fulfil (an expectation) – действовать согласно принципам



Grammar Note

                                                                                                                 Таблица 7


The passive voice

to be +Participle II (V3)

В настоящем времени-Present Simple:


it is called                                    называется

am                         they are situated                        они находятся

is            + V3       the letter is typed                      письмо печатается

are                        the minutes are taken              протокол ведется






B) Translate sentences into English. Use Passive Voice.

1) Все тексты были просмотрены секретарем.

2) Начальника соединили по телефону с бухгалтером.

3) Замечание было сделано начальником.

4) Первый набросок проекта был выполнен секретарем.

5) Все документы были распечатаны на принтере.

6) Вся входящая почта была просмотрена.

7) Клиенты встречаются секретарем.

8) Протокол ведется секретарем.

12) Все цели были достигнуты.

15) Вся техника предприятия была модернизирована.

16) Диаграмма была показана на собрании.

17) Заседания совета директоров было отложено.

18) Все были проинформированы о повестке дня.

19) Завтра заказное письмо будет подтверждено начальником.

20) Все документы были вложены  в файлы секретарем.




C) Jane wrote Sarah after her first week at work. Complete the letter. Choose from the words to fill in the gaps.


a)       Travel agents

b)       Directory enquiries

c)       Previous correspondence

d)       Circulation

e)       System

f)        Index


g)       Responsibility

h)       Reference

i)        Personal assistant

j)        Job

k)       Travel arrangements

l)        International telephone operator









Dear Sarah,

Thank you very much for your letter. Aren’t you lucky? Well, I’ve been working for a week, and I must say I’m still bewildered. I hope it all sorts itself out.

Mr Sutherland is going away on a business trip-isn’t it exciting? He’s going to Spain, Portugal and Italy.

The first thing I had to do was to make his(1)…, so I had to talk to the (2)… the Company uses and get  them to book all the trains, planes and hotels, and I also had to organize his car hire, make the appointments and fix up his meetings. I’ve used the telephone a lot. The (3)… has got quite used to my voice, and the lady who deals with (4)… must be quite tired of me! I also had to look up the (5)… he’s had with the people he’ll be seeing, and sort out the letters he’ll need to take with him.

We organized the (6)… list for memos. (He’ll be sending tapes back to me.) While he’s away, I’ve promised to reorganize his filing (7)… and make up an (8)… to the files, so that he can find things quickly. I’ve also got to learn which (9)… books to use when I need to find something!

By the time I’ve done all this, I’ll be really pleased with my (10)…! I’m really going to be a real secretary, not just a shorthand typist; in fact, I’m nearly a (11)… -PA for short-as I do take complete (12)… for some areas of the work.

See you soon!



D) Work in pairs. Take turns filling in the table what a good secretary should do and not do on this job




Be tactful











Lose your temper













E) Your future profession is a secretary. Do a personality test for the job. Put a tick in the right place.

How often do you do these things





not often


Come to work late







Take risks







Tell jokes















Get angry







Work hard







Act lazily







Come on time







Argue with people







Lose your temper







Like to meet people







Speak English














Make mistakes







Таблица 8


Work in groups. Exchange your list with your partner. Tell about the person on your list and decide whether she will be a good secretary.


F) Working in pairs, make up questions and respond to them using the following model.


File an application –turn it in by e-mail

A:Have you filed an application yet?

В: Yes, I turned it in by e-mail last week


1) fill in all the details – submit them

2) arrange for interview – fix it

3) complete the form – send it

4) decline the offer – answer it

5) draw a cheque on the bank – make it out

6) cancel the appointment- let them know

7) book a hotel room – reserve it

8) figure out the expenses – send them an invoice

9) inquire about the catering – contact them

10) visit the website – write to them

11) deal with the correspondence – attend to it

12) put together a report – turn it in





















G) Choose the most suitable alternative to complete the sentences.

Managing your supervisor

Together, you and your supervisor are a (1) … (team/command) .Your success depends  (2) … (on/of/for) each other. So how do you (3) … (entail/ensure)  a fruitful working relationship where you can both (4) … (bargain /gain/ to gain) benefits?

Is your supervisor a bottom – line person or (5) … (does/do/did) he want all the details? A bottom – line boss is probably just (6) … (retrieving/looking) for the results.  He believes you do all the background work, otherwise he would not (7) … (refuse/ entrust you) with the project. If you (8)… (understand/will understand) your manager`s personality early in the game, you will both be (9)… (most /much) happier in your working relationship.

You will be better able to assist your supervisor if you (10)… (will have/have) a good understanding of what he is trying to (11) …(accomplish/accompany). Knowing his specific goals may (12)… (will give/give/to give) you a better understanding of where the department is going. He will see you as a valued member of the (13)… (command/team), and as your supervisor moves (14) … (on/up/over) in the organization, so will you.

A few lucky people may actually  (15) …(will have/have/to have) supervisors who (16) … (underline, outline, underlie) objectives and expectations for them. Why not (17) … (talk/to talk) over your role and responsibilities in the department? Keep (18) … (minutes/records) of these conversations so you can (19)  (refer/address/ appeal)  to them, and be sure you are (20)… (encountering/ meeting) your supervisors goals.

 Once you really (21) … (will start/ start) to manage your supervisor, you will find that you are working more as a partner than a (22)… (subordinate/supervisor). As a partner, your supervisor may (23) … (will give, give, to give) you more responsibility, which can (24) … (to lead/lead) to career growth and more job satisfaction. Give it a try.




Word profile

Use the dictionary of Synonyms. What is the difference between the words in pairs:(team/command), (entail/ensure), (bargain /gain),  (accomplish/accompany).

(underline, outline, underlie), (minutes/records) (encountering/ meeting) (refer/address/ appeal) 




H) Complete the translation of the passage into English, making use of the prompts in the box which are in the wrong order.

Your first day at work.



c)bring in


e)cause offence

f)cope with


h) follow

i)getting through

j)getting to know

k)it pays

l) land


n)on – the – job training

o) pecking order

p) put you on a fast track

q) queue jumping

r) requirements

s) score brownie points

t) turn up

u) worry about


You (1)…  (устроились на) the job of your dreams – the next thing to (2)…  (беспокоиться о) is (3)… (пережить, выдержать)  the first day.

Starting a new job can (4) … (причинить) the same troubles as the first day at a new school did when you were small.  It`s natural to have worries such as «can I (5) …  (справиться с) the work load? Will anyone speak to me at break – time

Make sure you dress appropriately and (6) … (следовать) the dress code if there is one. Different workplaces have varying dress (7) … (требования) , and (8) …(имеет смысл)  to be prepared. Make sure you (9) … (появляться, приходить) on time. Punctuality impresses, and nothing (10) … (раздражает) bosses or new collegues more than late starters.

Do not (11) …(приносить с собой)  a packed lunch at first. A friendly soul may invite you for lunch, and (12) … (знакомство с) your collegues socially is always a good (13)… (шаг, поступок).   Spend the first couple of days listening and checking out who`s who and who does what. Be especially aware of the (14) …( порядок подчинения); (15) …(лезть без очереди впереди)  the managing director when buying lunch probably won`t (16) …(ускорить)  to promotion.

If you are not sure about something, ask even if it`s just how to answer the phone. You can (17) … (избежать) embarrassing mistakes, and everyone needs a little (18) …(обучение на рабочем месте)  Nobody (19)… (ожидает)  you to know everything on Day one.

Stay at your desk as much as possible and look busy. Try not to (20)…(наносить обиду)  - it`s better to be painfully politically correct for a few days than thought of as the office intolerant. One last tip – offer to get the coffee. It`s a good way to (21) … (набирать очки) for niceness, and it helps in (22) … (узнавать) everyone`s names.


I) Match the questions asked by the boss to the most suitable answers given by his secretary (they are in the wrong order) Use Past Simple!


1)Did you prepare the programme for the conference?

2)Did you reserve a room for Mrs Simons?

3) Did you find out the address of the Swiss ambassador?

4) Did you type my speech for next week`s conference?

5) Did you order more paper for the photocopier?

6)Did you pick up the envelopes with the new company logo from the printing company?

7) Did you  find the memo from the Head Office about salaries?

8) Did you show Ms Ingram around the building yesterday?

9) Did you book my flight to Tokyo?

10) Did you cancel my meeting with Ms Howard next week?

11) Did you listen to the phone messages when you arrived this morning?

12) Did you wait for an answer to the fax that we sent to Canada?

13) Did you telephone Mr da Silva in Brazil?

14) Did you deliver the report to Jane?

15) Did you file the letter from Naylor?

16) Did you answer the enquiry about spare parts?

17) Did you explain to the new receptionist how to use the switchboard?

18) Did you give Helen Harmer the money for her travel expenses?

19) Did you meet Maria at the airport?

20) Did you solve the problem with the computer?

21) Did you make a copy of the article about us in yesterday`s newspaper?

 22) Did you reserve a table at Michel`s restaurant for me?

23) Did you confirm my appointment with the President NKF?


a) He (say) it was very important to see you.

b) her plane (be) late

c) I (ask) them to send another copy.

d) I (can) not find her number.

e) I (can) not read your notes.

f) I (have to) telephone the engineer.

g) I (have) to eave the office because I was late for an appointment.

h)I (leave) it on your desk.

i)I (have/not) the names of all the delegates.

j)I (not/know) what time you wanted to eat.

k)I (not / know) which paper it was in.

l) I (pass) it on to the stores manager.

m) It (be) the middle of the night over there.

n) She (come) in and picked it up

o)She (not/have) the receipts.

P) She (say) she was in a hurry.

q) She already (know) how to use it.

r) The answer machine (be) broken

s) The embassy (refuse) to tell  me.

t) The hotel (be) fully booked

u) There (be) no seats available.

v) they (be) not ready

w) they (not/have) the right size in stock



J) Translate into English this analysis of Kate`s morning using Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Perfect. Make use of the prompts.

Давайте посмотрим Катин журнал расхода времени. Что она смогла сделать за утро? В девять она пришла на работу. Пока она пила кофе, пришел Миша. Они поговорили о телепередаче, которую они посмотрели накануне вечером. В 9.15 Катя отправилась поговорить с Вероникой насчет завтрашнего собрания, но Вероники не было на месте, поэтому она пошла в свою приемную.

Прочитав утреннюю почту, она решила приступить к работе, но позвонила Наташа.  Она только что вернулась из отпуска. Они проговорили до 10.30. После перерыва на кофе Катя начала работу, но компьютер завис, поэтому она позвонила инженеру. Затем  она пошла в компьютерную лабораторию. Так как в то время всеми компьютерами пользовались, она вернулась  в свой кабинет.

Инженер по компьютерам был уже там. Он объяснил в чем проблема.В12 часов Катя начала печатать письмо, но через полчаса пошла на обед

Итак, чего достигла Катя за утренние часы работы? На самом деле за 4 часа она сделала только два дела: прочла утреннюю почту и напечатала письмо. Немного за 4 часа!!!





a)activity - log



d)have a word


f)be back from


h)hang up

i) return

j) achieve































K) Join the halves. On the left of the page are the first halves of the sentences. On the right are the second halves of the sentences, though  not in the same order.

1) Secretaries spend a lot of time

2) Many secretaries now conduct research

3) Managers increasingly do their own word processing and data entry,

4)Executive secretaries perform fewer clerical tasks.

5) secretaries increasingly manage databases and create spreadsheets and reports via desktop publishing and using digital graphics-

6)Office work can lend itself to alternative or flexible working arrangements,

7) Many skills are often acquired through

8)Personal computers, e-mail, scanners and voice message systems

9)Employers want their secretaries

10)Responsibilities such as planning conferences, working with clients and transmitting staff instructions

11) Because technology cannot substitute for these personal skills,

a) administrative assistants will continue to play a key role in most organisations

b) all tasks previously handled by managers and other professionals.

c) keyboarding on computers

d)on the Internet and troubleshoot new office technologies

e) on – the-job instruction by other employers

f) rather than submit the work to support staff.

g) require tact and telecommunication skills

h) such as part-time work or telecommuting

i) than other secretaries

j) to get along well with others

k) will allow secretaries to accomplish more in the same amount of time


L) Which job titles do you think sound more «motivational or professional». Explain why.

1)administrative assistant (AA)


2)administrative/office support

Administrative professional (AP)

3)execusec/executary ( executive secretary)

Filing clerk

4) office assistant

Office clerk/employee

5) office coordinator

Office manager

6) office professional

Personal assistant (PA)

7) private secretary


8) sec


9) support staff

Virtual assistant (VA)


Unit 3

 Тема 3.1  Взаимоотношение секретаря с руководством и клиентами фирмы.


Look at the table and answer the following questions:

1)    With whom does the secretary usually deal in the office?

2)    What problems do usually come up in the typical office?


With whom?


About what?



Collegues (coworkers)


•Machine problems

•Dealing with correspondence

•Sick day

•Everyday office problems (deadlines, being late for work, etc.)

Company policies

                                                                                                                          Таблица 9

There are many things to say while in the office. Something can go wrong with the printer, or you could be wondering why a package didn't arrive. The next several short Word Tips will be about Basic Office scenarios.

Read and translate the following phrases which can help you come into contact with your director, collegues, clients and any other staff in the office.

If you have problems with the office equipment, you can you use these phrases:

"Do you know what's wrong with the printer?"
Who do we call to report a problem with the printer?"
When is the printer going to be fixed?"
The printer next to the break room is broken. Where is the other printer?"
The copy machine is jammed again."
The copy machine is broken."
We need to get the copy machine fixed."
A technician is coming this afternoon to fix the copy machine."
Where is the paper for the copy machine?"
We need to order more paper. We're running low."

If you deal with the correspondence, you can use the following phrases:

For larger size companies, a mail room is provided where each employee has their own box. Here are some sentences you might need to know.

Your mail box was pretty full. You should go pick them up."
I haven't checked my mail in 2 weeks."
Large companies also have multiple buildings. So sending mail to another worker is a common practice. For example, if I need to send some financial documents to the auditor in a building down the street, I will use the Inter Office mail service. Some people might say I.O. to make it short.
I can send it to you through Inter Office mail."
I'll send it through Inter Office mail immediately."
I'll IO it to you."
The term inter basically means between when there is more than one. For example, in the word international, nation is a country, and if you have inter in front of it, we have international, which means involving two or more nations.

• If you have to request new equipment, you can use the following phrases:

"I'm out of staples. Do we have any more in the supply room?"
The supply room is running low on pens. I think we should get more."
My monitor is very old. It's a little blurry and it gives me a headache when I look at it for a long duration. Could I get a new monitor?"
My computer is too slow. It slows down my work. I would like a faster computer. It will increase my efficiency on many of my tasks."
I would like an ergonomic keyboard. I can type much faster with those."
Can I get a new chair? This one is so uncomfortable."
Can you get me a headset for the telephone? I'm on the phone most of the day and I would like to free up my hands."


• If you have to ask about company policies, you can use the following phrases:

Every company has their own rules about animals, dress code, break time, vacation time, and many other policies.
How long are we allowed for lunch?"
How long is our lunch break?"
If I only take a 30 minute lunch, can I leave 30 minutes earlier?"
What time should I report to work?"
Is there a strict policy on working hours?"
Are we allowed to start work an hour later if we work an hour more?"
What is the dress code here?"
Are we allowed to wear casual clothes on Friday?"
Does this company have the casual Friday thing?"
If I have ten vacation days, am I allowed to use them all at once?"
What holidays do we have off?"
Do our vacation days expire?"
Does this company allow telecommuting?"
Are we allowed to work from home?"


• If you have to talk about deadlines, you can use the following phrases:

"Can I do this later?"
Does this have to be done now?"
When do you need this by?"
When is the deadline?"
I'm not going to have time for any other assignment until Thursday."
I'll try to free up my schedule."
I'm pretty sure I can meet the deadline."
If I don't get any help on this, I won't be able to complete it on time."
I'll do whatever I can to make sure this is done on time."
You can count on me."
Have I ever let you down?





Interactive Practice

Read and translate the dialogues. Act the dialogues in the classroom.


1)  A: "I can't get the printer to work."
B: "Did you check to see if it had paper?"
A: "Yeah. That's the first thing I checked."
B: "I don't know then. You might have to call the technician."
A: "How do I do that?"
B: "Just tell the admin and she should take care of it."
A: "Is there another printer that I can use?"
B: "Yeah. There's one down the hall next to the supply room."
A: "Oh yeah... I remember that one. Thanks."
B: "No problem."


2) A: "Do you have a lot of work?"
B: "Yeah. I'm pretty busy. Why?"
A: "Oh. I needed some help on documenting this process."
B: "Does this have to be done right now?"
A: "The manager wants it by Friday."
B: "I'll try to free up my schedule. Remind me again tomorrow morning, and I'll help you in the afternoon."
A: "Do you need to read the documents first?"
B: "Yeah. That would help."
A: "I'll print you a copy and then drop them off."
B: "Make sure you drop it off before five because I have to leave early."
A: "No problem. Thanks."


Part 2

If you have to ask for Email address, you can use these useful phrases:

Email is a daily part of the office life. Everybody and every company uses email as a way to communicate quickly. This lesson will cover all aspects of using the email.
Can I have your email address?"
What is your email address?"
Do you have an email account?"
My email address is someone at hotmail dot com (someone@hotmail.com)."
It is someone@hotmail.com"

• If you have to warn your collegue  or director about a sick day, you can use these useful phrases:

"Martha? This is Jack. I have a fever and I will not be able to come in today."
Hi Mary, I have to use a sick day today. I'm feeling terrible right now."
Hi Steve, this is Mark. I wanted to let you know that I am too sick to come in today."
Hi Andrew, this is Josh. I'm pretty sick so I will not be able to make it in today. I was feeling sick last night and thought I would be better after some sleep, but it just got worse."
Hi Sam, this is Jessica. I have some urgent personal matters I have to deal with. I won't be able to make it in."
Mark? This is John. My dad went into the emergency room this morning. I'm not sure what the problem is, but I don't think I can make it in today. I'll send you an update later."
My son all of the sudden got really sick. I have to take him to the hospital now. I doubt I can make it in today. Will that be ok?"

• If you have to ask for a planned day off, you can use these useful phrases
Remember that asking for a vacation all depends on the office policies. Some companies do not like an employee taking all their vacation days at once. However, some places are more lenient and allow long vacation days. Before asking for long vacation days, you should first see what other employees are doing.

"Can I use a vacation day this Friday?"
Will it be ok if I use a personal day this Thursday?"
I have to catch up on a lot of errands, so can I use a vacation day on Monday?"
My parents are coming into town. Can I take Thursday and Friday off?"
Will it be ok if I take the last week of July off?"
Can I schedule a vacation for the second week of August?"


Interactive Practice

Read and translate the dialogues.  Act them out in the classroom.


1)A: "Jack. Can I see you in my office?"
B: "Sure."
A: "You have been late 3 times in the last 2 weeks. Is this going to be a continual problem?"
B: "I'm so sorry. I really got unlucky this morning."
A: "Being late once in a while is based on luck. If you are late frequently, it shows that you are irresponsible. How are you going to fix it?"
B: "Last week, I had a lot of personal problems. I took care of all those problems and I don't have any excuse to be late anymore. I planned on coming in to the office early today, but there was an accident that held up traffic."
A: "You better start anticipating all problems because I'm not going to tolerate your tardiness any longer. Is that clear?"
B: "Perfectly clear. I will not be late again."
A: "That's all."


2)A: "Hey Martha, is there anything urgent that needs to be done today?"
B: "No. I don't believe so. Why?"
A: "I have a terrible headache and I was wondering if it would be ok if I could leave a little early today."
B: "I don't see why not. You can make up the time later in the week."
A: "That's what I was thinking too. But as for today, I don't think I can be productive."
B: "It's already two o'clock now. What time were you going to leave?"
A: "I'm just going to wrap up and leave pretty soon. Probably in about thirty minutes."
B: "Ok. Get some rest. If you are sick tomorrow, give me a call."
A: "Aright.
Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow."


3)A: "Hi Martha. This is Jack. I think I caught a flu or something.   I feel worse than yesterday."
B: "You better stay home today then."
A: "I think that will be best. I'll log my sick day tomorrow when I get in."
B: "No problem. Just get some rest. We have everything covered here so don't worry."
A: "Ok. Just in case something happens, you can call me at home. I'll be here all day."
B: "Ok. Thanks for calling. I'll see you when you get better."
A: "Alright. Thanks.


Make up the dialogues in pairs on the following situations, using useful phrases of Unit 3.

1)  Your printer has broken down. You should call for an engineer.

2)  You got sick. You should warn your director.

3) You can`t send an e-mail. You ask for your collegue`s advice.

4) You are behind with you’re your work. You ask for your collegue`s help to meet the deadlines.

5) You would to go out of town. You have to ask for an off- day.



Word Profile

                                          What is a cubicle?

A cubicle is a work area that is separated by small portable walls. It is generally about 4 to 5 feet high and it gives a little more privacy. Although it's not as good as an office, it is much better than having to sit in an open area looking at everyone. Another benefit of having a cubicle is that you can personalize the space. There are small walls to put up pictures, decoration, or to put up a white board or a cork board.
I sit in the cubicle down the hall. It's next to the conference room."
My cubicle is directly on the other side of this wall. Come by sometime."
The files are on my desk in my cubicle. I'll get them for you."




Analytical Reading

Before you read the text, discuss the following questions.

1.       Do you get on well with your superiors?

2.       How do you build your working relationship?

3.       Do you think a good manager is happy when their staff  make progress in the company?

Text A

Getting on with the boss

This morning Veronica came across an interesting interview with a Personal Assistant published Cosmopolitan. She made a point of reading it later because she wouldn’t like to be caught reading a magazine in her office hours.

“Helen Sears has a great relationship with her boss Graham Leicester. Key to its success is Helen`s ability to manage Graham. No, she doesn’t order him about, but rather than passively responding to his demands, she works in partnership with him, and that way mutually beneficial goals are achieved.

Interviewer: Helen, how and when did you learn to manage your boss?

Helen: After I found myself working ridiculously long hours as a PA for my previous boss. He wasn’t organized and neither was I. So it was no surprise that he would give me work to do at 6 pm. I should have been managing him, that way working life would have been easier for both of us.

Interviewer: And after you started managing your old boss, did you enjoy a better relationship?

Helen: Absolutely. Getting inside the boss’s skin and being proactive made the job more interesting.

 Interviewer: Now you apply the same strategy with Mr. Leicester, chairman of Public Relations Company? So what’s the secret of managing the boss successfully?

Helen: First of all, don’t be frightened to say no and explain why you are saying no.

Interviewer: As simple as that? But the boss may have worked a certain way for years…

Helen: Well, you’ll have to have the confidence to encourage him to try working a different way. Yes, and something else-you should be honest and open and come up with new ideas.

Interviewer: Helen, where did you start when you first came to work with this company?

Helen: First I tried to get to know the company inside out. Not only will your knowledge be useful in dealing with clients, it will in turn make your boss very proud.

Interviewer: So perhaps the best way to start managing your boss is to build a relationship with them?

Helen: Exactly. Find out what is important to them and what motivates them. This will enable you to help them achieve their goals.

Interviewer: And I suppose, your knowledge helped you spot a niche for yourself?

Helen: That’s right. After starting with the company as a PA, I realized I could use my French degree, marketing the business to France. Now I’m the company’s International Marketing Coordinator.

Interviewer: Was your boss aware of your needs, opportunities to grow and develop in the company?

Helen: Well, if he weren’t, I would let him know then. But Mr. Leicester has always been very interested in people development and we get on really well. Recently I entered him in pathfinder of the Year Competition, which he won, as you know. You see, managing your boss is not just about making life easier for you–there’s  something in it for both of you.»

Hopefully Veronica`s boss was a reasonable one like Helen. But when she was reading the article at home that night, she went over the result of her time management test. To her surprise, she found that her major time-waster was none other than her boss, Martin Blokker. Actually, Veronica found herself working not only for Martin Blokker, the MD, but assisting several other managers. Martin tended to act on a first impulse and often inconsistently. He was hardly aware of her workload and its complexity. Neither did Martin seem to realize that any job if interrupted took much longer in the long run. Each time she had to reread the paper from the beginning to follow the gist of the document. All that led to wasting his and her time and disrupted Veronica  daily schedule.

That’s why Veronica made out a list of goals and what she hoped to get from her job in terms of career-growth. After that she discussed it with Martin. The list proved to be so well thought out that Martin would use it to review Veronica annual performance.

When you come to think of it, treating your boss as your most important customer pays off and makes working life much more rewarding.

Do exercises to the text:

1)    Find English equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations:

Распоряжаться кем- либо, иметь прекрасные взаимоотношения с кем-либо, достигать целей, справляться с кем – либо, работать сверхурочно, персональный помощник, быть в чьей – либо шкуре, применять стратегию, знать компанию как пят своих пальцев, предлагать идеи, рабочая нагрузка, план рабочего дня.

2)Fill in the table:

Фразовый глагол



Полисемантичное слово






3) Get ready for a test reading of the following words in the text:

ridiculously, schedule, success, mutually, beneficial, rewarding

4)Answer the following questions to the text:

1.     In what way did the knowledge of the company help Helen in her work?

2.     How did Helen manage to win her way of thinking?

3.     What factors may have resulted in Veronica losing time?

4.     Was Martin aware of Veronica actual workload?

5.     What does it mean to treat your boss as your most important customer?





                                                  Text B


Mr Hansen, MD  from the Head Office in Amsterdam makes regular visits to the Minsk Office of Crossbus International. This time, however, he arrives with an important customer, Mr Wolaf ,hotelier from Holland. They there involved in a study group which discussed the importance of choosing a type of hotel to fit a package tour.

As we know, a hotel can make or break a tour. Careful investigation and contacts are necessary before agencies tie up with properties to ensure that clients will receive the type of service advertised.

Kate has been made in charge of all arrangements concerning their visit.

Veronica:   What time will Mr Hansan and Mr Wolaf be arriving?

Kate: I’m picking them up at the airport at eleven and bringing them here.  They will be with  Mr Korneiko all the afternoon. They will be visiting the Tours  Planning Department after lunch.

Veronica:    Well, Mr Korneiko won’t be very pleased. He will be tied up all next week, you know .

Mr Blokker: I’ll be calling a meeting about it fairly soon. But don’t worry, there won’tbe much to discuss, so it won’t take very long. 

Veronica:    Oh, good. I hope Mr Korneiko can make it. And how long are the people staying here?

Kate:  Oh, they will be here for four days. They will be leaving next Saturday.

Veronica:  Have you booked them into a hotel?

Kate: Yes, I have, and I think we should provide a car and show a bit of this country. In fact, I have planned a sightseeing programme. Would you like to have a look at it? Here we are. 





Complete the spaces below with appropriate verb forms from the box

Dealing with complaints


a) dealt/ dealing/ have dealt

b)would release/ have released/ will release

c)loose/have lost/ lose

d) annoy/annoyed/ annoying

f) admit/admire/agree

g) blaming/faulting/obliging

h) with/about/for


1) You should be calm and relaxed when … with a complaint.

2) Let the person explain their problem. If they are angry, let them talk until they are … their anger. Do not interrupt them until they have finished.

3) Never … your temper. Speak in a friendly and helpful way.

4) Be sympathetic. Use attentive listening techniques. Take notes. Use reflective listening techniques.

5)… to investigate the problem.

6) If your company is wrong, … it and apologise.

7) Do not waste time defending your company, or … someone else. Never make excuses.

8) … to the point. Do not make personal comments. Do not start an argument.

9) Explain what you are going to do… the problem. Make sure that you do it.




In the office: dealing with clients

•Come in, please!    

•Did you enjoy your trip?      

•Will you sit down, please.   

•Mr. Borisov isn t at the office at the moment.  

•Mr. Borisov is at the meeting now.  

•Mr. Borisov is waiting for you.         

•Would you like something to drink? 

A cigarette.  

•What coffee do you prefer?  Black or white?  

With sugar?  

Just a minute. I'll put you through with Mr. Borisov.

•What are your further plans?

•Did you like our town?

•What can I do for you?

•How did you like it here? 

•Could you leave a message for M?


•We've looked forward to meeting you.

•Are you here on  business?

•I hope your project will be a success.


•You can discuss all details with our director.

•What are your first impressions of Moscow (Magnitogorsk)?

Just call me Anastasiya.

If you have any problems, I`ll help you.

•I hope you enjoy your visit

•I' ll see you out.

What hotel did you stay at?

• Make yourself at home


Как доехали?   


Его в данный момент в офисе нет.


М. сейчас на собрании.

М. ожидает вас.

Желаете что – нибудь выпить?


Какой кофе желаете? С молоком или без?     

С сахаром?

Минутку. Я свяжу вас с Борисовым.


Какие ваши дальнейшие планы?

Понравился ли вам наш город?

Чем могу быть вам полезна?

Нравится  ли вам здесь?

Не могли бы вы оставить сообщение?

Мы с нетерпением ждали вас.

вы здесь по делам.

Надеюсь ваш проект окажется удачным.

Вы можете обсудить все детали с нашим директором.

Ваши первые впечатления от … ?


Называйте меня просто Анастасия.

Если у вас возникнут проблемы, я вам помогу.

Надеюсь, вам у нас понравится.

Я вас провожу.

В каком отеле вы остановились?

Чувствуйте себя как дома.



Divide in pairs, make up the dialogues on the topic «Dealing with clients in the office».  Use the list of phrases above.


Additional Texts

Text 1

I arrive for work at 08:45  and grab the day’s papers en route. The office is already alive, and some colleagues are hovering around with the kettle for the first caffeine hit. Before joining them, I organize reception area with the papers and quickly flick through the previous day’ papers to check that our clients ads  were in the correct positions and looking OK, before filing them all. I organize the day’s mail and get the PC started, then grad a coffee; now I feel ready to start the day. The first thing I try desperately to do daily is a Task List. Today is going to be hectic as we are working on a pitch for new business. This means that all work for the pitch is priority, though other deadline work must get done at some point too.

I do all of the secretarial work along with facilities management, travel and meetings arrangement, and anything else that needs to be  done for the buyers. There is always a slight buzz in the office if working towards a pitch that creates an exciting and busy environment. I write my Task List out, noting that I have travel to organize as a priority today, PowerPoint  presentation to start from scratch, transmission times to by typed, a meeting with a local equipment company, three meetings to organize and a pile of not too urgent work slowly growing in-tray.

 At 09.30, all colleagues are in the office and it’s one of those days where the phone is ringing every two minutes. I send out invitations to my colleagues via Outlook and pencil the appointments in the diary; Outlook is great for managing meetings, and I know that if I don’t have a chance today to keep track of responses, they will all be in my inbox tomorrow. I begin the PowerPoint presentation for the new business we are pitching for and start to  surf the net for the potential clients logo and any creative pictures that are relevant to their business that we can incorporate within the presentation to make it look good. I set up some general slides I know we will require, such as Contents Page, etc, and play around with the way we can put the text in.

 At 11.00, my appointment arrives and we spend 30 minutes going through the costs they are proposing to replace some of our IT equipment. Although  the chap is eager to show a demonstration, etc of the equipment, I know that time is valuable today so re-arrange to discuss it at a later date.

      It’s 11.30 and time for more caffeine and to update the database that holds info on our clients’ ad sizes, etc  that have been in the press. I do this and hear Outlook beeping continuously with new messages. Most are Sales Houses requesting presentations with the buyers and the buyers responding to other meeting previously organized. I sort through some of them and organize some domestic travel for one of my colleagues; using a travel agent is so much easier to book flights and hotels so this takes no time at all.


 Run out for a sandwich at 12.30 and grab a 10 minute read of the paper; it’s always good to take a time out especially as I know it will be a late one here tonight. Once I’ve eaten, I do a quick summary in Word of my meeting with the rep earlier and file this with his costing and tag it fog a follow up next week when I know the MD will have more time to look over this and make a decision.

 I continue to work on the pitch, and hand-written information is passed over to be incorporated into the document. By 2 p.m. I am preparing a few charts and trying to make them look good and inserting them into PowerPoint. At 3 p.m. I take a break from the presentation and look over my Task List: it’s always nice to score items off, but so many times the task have to be carried forward to the next day if it’s a hectic day and urgent unexpected work comes up. I review what  else is required and do a quick stationery order and fill up the franking machine.

I still have to send one of our clients advertising transmission times out to them by tomorrow, so call the radio station they are advertising on and ask for the completely up to date times to be faxed over. Once I receive them, it is  a case of adding them onto the advertising booking system in DDS3 and then typing them out in a Word document, then using the Radio Times  to check whet  programmes are slotted against each spot, and then typing it into a  readable manner. I get some of this done and organized ready  to go first thing in the morning, then move my attention back to the presentation, as there is now more hand-written work being passed over.

Spend the rest of the afternoon working through the presentation. At 5.30 p.m. I frank the mail, get it to the post office in time for the last post and then come back into the office. I finish a few slides I’ve been working on and then give the desk a quick clean, open the day’s mail and put it into the “To Do” folder for  the  following day.

 We finish the day’s work at 6 p.m. and I do  final review of today’s tasks and compile the basics of tomorrow’s day, whatever it may bring, then head home for a well needed  glass of wine!



1.       Which features do Maria Ross and Debbie Pamment  (see above) have in common?

2.        Which is a more busy office they work in? Can you give some examples to prove your opinion?

3.       What technical skill does Maria make use of in her daily work?







·         Before reading the text, try and answer the following questions.

1.       What professional skills/abilities in your opinion are essential in a good secretary?

2.       What training do you need to prepare for this occupation?

3.       Where can an office employee work in your opinion?

4.       What do you like/dislike about the working conditions of office clerks?

5.       What do you think office employees can expect in the future in terms of job opportunities, promotion, types of duties, etc?


General office clerks carry out a variety of clerical duties needed to operate an office. They type, file and operate calculating and copy machines. Clerks put together reports, organize and enter data in record books, prepare and mail bills, receipts, invoices, statements and checks. They may calculate wages, taxes, commissions, or payments. Some clerks operate word processing equipment.


What Skills, Abilities and Interests Do I Need for This Job?

ü  An interest in working with detail.

ü  Ability to follow directions.

ü  Ability to read and to copy information correctly.

ü  Skill in using a variety of business machines.

ü  Bookkeeping, typing and word processing skills.

ü  Knowledge of correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.


How Do I Prepare?

       A high school diploma is generally required. Typing, bookkeeping and other business courses are available in high school and in post high school training programs.


What Should I Study in High School?

Courses that may help prepare individuals for this occupation include:

ü  Business math and bookkeeping to maintain financial records and calculate wages, taxes, or payments.

ü  Cooperative work experience to gain practical on-the-job training.

ü  English to use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.

ü  Office procedures to be familiar with office equipment and filing systems.

ü  Typing and keyboarding to use a typewriter or computer to prepare letters, reports and invoices.

ü  Secretarial Studies and Office Administration.

How Much Does It Pay?

Nationally, general office clerks earn an average of $10.50 per hour. This depends on the area.


How Do I Move Up?

ü  Some general office clerks advance to clerical positions such as receptionist, typist or secretary.

ü  Others are promoted to supervisory positions.

ü  Additional formal education is usually required to move into more professional occupations.


Where Would I Work?

All types of organizations including manufacturers, insurance companies, real estate agencies, financing institutions, hospitals, colleges, universities and government agencies.


What are the Working Conditions?

ü  Generally a 40 hour week in an office setting.

ü  Most office clerks sit for long periods of time.

ü  Some jobs require a lot of standing, walking, stooping and reaching.

Will There Be Jobs in the Future?

ü  Employment of general office clerks is expected to grow about as fast as average through 2008.

ü  ‘General office clerk’ is one of the 50 occupations expected to have the largest number of job openings each year.

ü  Most of these job openings will occur as experienced workers are promoted or leave the work force.

ü  The increasing use of computers and expanding office automation mean a wider variety of duties can be performed by fewer general office works.

ü  Clerks with training in word processing, typing, bookkeeping, business math and office machine operations should find good job opportunities.


·         After reading the text, answer the following questions.

1.       Did you manage to guess the answer to the questions put before the text? How do they differ?

2.       Which of your skills, abilities and interests do you think match the description?

3.       In what field would you like to work as secretary?

4.       What office experience do you have?





·         Read the text and answer the following questions.


1.       How long has Debbie Pamment worked for the company?

2.       When did she come into secretarial work?

3.       What does her work entail?

4.       How many managers does she work for?

5.       Why does she have to ‘tell a few white lies sometimes’?

6.       What does Debbie mean by saying that her ‘bosses have up and down days’?

7.       How does she describe her job?


Debbie Pamment

Salary: £8,000 - £15,000 starting salary

Location: Cambridgeshire

Age: 26

The job I am in now is my fourth since leaving college. I work at the Head Office of a company that manufactures office stationery. I usually arrive at work at about 8.30 and it can be a long day. Sometimes I don`t get away  before 7 at night. I have special responsibilities to look after the sales and Marketing Manager and the Mailings Manager, as well as doing work for the two Product Managers who work for David, the Sales and Marketing Manager. I came into secretarial work straight from college, but it`s something I have grown to love.  I like looking after people and organizing them. My work is very varied from shorthand typing, taking dictation to travelling off around the site, picking up bits and pieces for people, delivering stuff, puking up visitors from stations and organizing trips. I am left to work on my own a lot. David is my Senior Manager so his work comes first. But if he’s got an internal memo and someone else has an external letter to a customer then that letter goes first.

          An important part of the job is protecting the managers from unwanted callers, especially on the phone. You just have to tell a few while lies sometimes and say they're not here when they arc, but I know the customers well enough now that they'll talk to me anyway.

          My bosses do have up and down days. I've now been here two and a half years and I know how to deal with them. They know me well enough that when I go in there and tell them to stop being so silly and get on with their work we have a laugh and joke about it. It's just another case of taking the pressure off because it's only the pressure that makes them moody. I think they value me, and all their staff.

          There’s never been anything I’ve refused to do. I don’t believe in ordering the flowers for the boss's wife or buying birthday cards but I’ve never been asked to do that. I take the suits to the dry-cleaner's if I'm going down there anyway, it's no hardship for me, but there are things I probably would draw the line at. Sometimes I deal with confidential matters. A secretary's got to be trustworthy' and my bosses trust me. It's challenging, it's demanding, it's exhausting and frustrating al times but it is a mix of everything a job should be and at the end of the day 1 know I've done a good job."

·         After reading the text, tell which of the characteristics below apply to Debbie. Try and support Debbie's personal qualities with examples from her story.

1. diplomatic and trustworthy

2. helpful and outgoing personality

4. understanding and flexible

5. talkative and forgetful

6. friendly and a good mixer

7. with a  sense of humor and self-respect

8. insinсere and untrustworthy

9. unambitious and obliging.

·         Create and act out with a partner an interview with Debbie based on her story above





































4.1.Составные элементы рабочей тетради


1) Analytical reading – проверяется умение понимать общую информацию текста, анализировать и т.д.

2) Listening Comprehension – проверяется понимание речи на слух

3)Word Profile – проверяется умение работать с различными типами словарей, разбирать словарные статьи, и т.д.

4)Grammar Note – дается краткая информация по грамматическому материалу урока

5)Writing Skills – проверяется умение выполнять различные письменные задания творческого характера

6) Practice – проверяется знание грамматических правил в совокупности с лексическим материалом

7) Interactive Practice – проверяется умение построить на иностранном языке монологи, диалоги с использованием активной лексики занятий.





4.2. Рекомендации по написанию хорошего эссе.

Письменное высказывание с элементами рассуждения не должно превышать 200-250 слов.

Данное задание делится на четыре абзаца.

1) В первой части необходимо сформулировать тему. Нельзя повторять задание дословно; оно обязательно должно быть перефразировано!

2)Во второй части необходимо высказать и объяснить свое мнение. При объяснении своего мнения вам следует опираться на положительные стороны обсуждаемого предмета (преимущества, достоинства. плюсы). Не забывайте о словах и фразовых словосочетаниях, которые помогают раскрыть основную мысль:

То begin / start with…
According to… Some people think…
First… Firstly…First of all… Secondly…
Moreover…In addition… Also… Apart from this…
As far as I am concerned… To my mind… In my view…
For example… For instance…
Like… Such as…

3) В третьей части вы соглашаетесь с тем, что у обсуждаемого предмета есть и другая сторона.

Объясните, в чем она заключается. При объяснении альтернативной стороны выделите недостатки (негативные аспекты, минусы) обсуждаемого предмета. Вам также следует сказать о том, что лично вы (несмотря на выявленные недостатки) все-таки смотрите на предмет с позитивной стороны. Кратко объясните, почему вы придерживаетесь этой точки зрения.

Слова и фразовые словосочетания, употребляемые в данном абзаце, могут включать в себя: On the one hand, … on the other hand ButNot only…
In contrast to this…
In spite of… Despite… Nevertheless…

4) Заключительная часть подводит итог вышеизложенному. Наиболее часто употребляемые слова и словосочетания:  То sum upIn conclusion…

Пример готового эссе с комментариями.

Итак, сначала формулируем тему: Computers came into wide use about 20 years ago and they are playing an important role in our life. Will it be possible to live without a computer now?

Высказываем свою точку зрения: In my opinion, living without computerized technical equipment is totally impossible now. Далее раскрываем свою точку зрения: Computers are installed everywhere: in most companies, hotels, railway stations, airports, hospitals, schools. They perform a wide variety of activities reliably, accurately, and quickly. People use computers in many ways. In business, for example, computers may check the credit status of customers, and transfer money electronically. In homes, computers in most appliances control the temperature, operate home security systems, tell the time, and turn TV on and off. Computers are widely used in scientific research to solve mathematical problems or investigate complicated data. Computers help us to study. They also entertain: we can play electronic games, listen to music, and see films. The Internet helps to communicate with the world and provides us with information about everything.

Смотрим на проблему с другой стороны, объясняем, почему альтернативная точка зрения имеет право на существование: But the introduction of the computer brought into existence a lot of problems. Firstly, the computer tells on our health: eyesight, sleep, mood and so on. People spending hours at the computer see worse, often feel exhausted and sleep less. Secondly, a lot of people, especially young ones, have become dependent on the computer. They cannot imagine their lives without games or chats in the Internet. And finally, the computer brought into our lives other forms of crime. Hackers can break your security system and steal databases or even money from your bank account. Заявляем о том, что все-таки не поддерживаем противоположную позицию и кратко объясняем, почему. Nevertheless the technical progress is unstoppable and I think people should accept the situation as it is and continue to develop computer technology.

Подводим итог: To sum it up, I can agree that the computer is an important invention. But as any other sophisticated device, it should be handled with care.





4.3. Сводная таблица «Специфика работы секретаря»

The secretary job description provides a list of the key tasks, activities and responsibilities associated with the secretarial job. The secretary role will vary depending on the sector, the size of the employer and the level of the job. However almost all secretarial jobs will involve an element of each of these typical work tasks.

Secretary Job Description

General purpose

Main job tasks and responsibilities

Education and experience

Key competencies

Provide personal administrative support to management and the company through conducting and organizing administrative duties and activities including receiving and handling information

Prepare  and manage correspondence, reports and documents

▪ organize and coordinate meetings, conferences, travel arrangements

▪ take, type and distribute minutes of meetings

▪ implement and maintain office systems

▪ maintain schedules and calendars

▪ arrange and confirm appointments

▪ organize internal and external events

▪ manage office supplies

▪ operate office equipment

▪ coordinate the flow of information both internally and externally

▪ liaison with internal and external contacts

Communicate verbally or in writing

▪ relevant training or qualification

▪ knowledge and experience of relevant software applications-  spreadsheets, word processing, database management

▪ knowledge of administrative and clerical procedures

▪ knowledge of business principles

▪ proficient in spelling, punctuation, grammar and any other language skills

▪ proven experience of producing correspondence and documents

▪ proven experience in information and communication management

▪ required typing speed


▪ verbal and written communication skills

▪ time  management

▪ confidentiality

▪ attention to detail

▪ interpersonal skills

▪ customer- service orientation

▪ planning and organizing

▪ initiative

▪ reliability

▪ stress tolerance


4.4. Речевые обороты (Conversational English)


4.4.1. Classroom English


•May I ask you a question? – Можно задать вам вопрос?

Could you repeat it, please? – Не могли бы вы повторить?

•May I go out? It is very urgent  – Можно выйтиЭто срочно.

•May I come in?    Sorry I am  late – Можно войти?   Извините за опоздание.

•Let us go a bit earlier, please? –Отпустите нас чуть пораньше, пожалуйста!

•Shall we finish our lesson a bit earlier, please? – Мы сегодня не закончим пораньше?

•I will try harder next time - в следующий раз я постараюсь.

I will do my best  - Я буду стараться изо всех сил.

Could you tell me my debts? - Не могли бы вы сказать мои долги?

•Here is our register - Вот наш журнал.

•I am ready – Я готов(а)

•I am not ready today (I did not do my homework) –Я сегодня не готов.

•Reason: I worked.  – я работал(а)

•I did not understand how to do it. – Я не поняла как делать.

I do not know. – Я не знаю

I had little time for it. – У меня было мало времени для этого.

Let me see. –разрешите подумать.

•Let me think it over - Дайте немного подумать.

•Are you ready?     Ответ: Just a moment, please.- Одну секунду, пожалуйста!    •Not yet. – Нет еще.

•I am through with it. – Я все, уже закончила.

• Could you come up to me, please? – Не могли бы Вы подойти?

•What `s the English for…….. ? – Как по-английски будет…?

•How shall I write it? – как это пишется?

•How shall I pronounce it? – как это произносится?





4.4.2. Выражения согласия/ несогласия

Absolutely – абсолютно! Конечно!


Of courseКонечно!

Exactly soтак точно

Definitely - разумеется

That`s my way of looking at it tooя также разделяю это мнение

I am with you hereздесь я с тобой согласен

I am exactly of the same opinionя того же мнения

I agree with you – я согласна с вами

I disagree with you – я не согласна с вами

I partly agree – я частично согласна

I fully agree – я полностью согласна

Vice versa - наоборот

Just the other way aroundкак совсем наоборот

Let`s agree to differ – пусть каждый останется при своем мнении

I see eye to eye with you – я с тобой во всем согласен

I can`t go along with you here не могу с вами здесь согласиться

I see your point,but…- я улавливаю вашу мысль, но

 That is not the way I see itмне кажется, что это не так

I beg to differ- позволю себе не согласиться

I can `t share your viewне разделяю вашего мнения

Nothing of the kindничего подобного

Looks like thatда, наверное

No, on the contraryнапротив

To some extent, yes, but…..- в некоторой степени, да, но…………

Well, you have a point here but … - в этом есть суть, но





4.4.3. Выражение своего мнения

(Expressions to give your own opinion)


 To my mind – по моему мнению
In my opinion – по моему мнению…
As for me –
что касаемо меня
As far as I am concerned   -
насколько я осведомлен
As far as I know –
нскалько мне известно
As I see it –
как мне это видится
From my point of view –
с моей точки зрения
I am convinced that –
я уверен, что
Personally I think –
лично я думаю, что
I think / I consider / I'm sure that... –
я думаю…
there is no doubt / no denying that... –
без сомнения, это
It goes without saying –
это неоспоримо


               4.5. Рекомендации по работе с рубрикой Word Profile


При работе со словарями необходимо знать следующую информацию:

Корпус словаря – все слова, словосочетания, словообразовательные и словоизменительные элементы.

Вокабула (словарная статья)/ dictionary entry – включает в себя толкование слова, грамматическое и функциональное использование, лингвострановедческую справку, пометы различного характера, сочетаемость данного слова, и общераспространенные деривативы.

Грамматическая, синтаксическая, стилистическая помета – особые знаки, относящие слово к той или иной части речи, к сфере употребления, грамматической категории, сфере человеческой деятельности.

Тильда – заменяет заглавное слово в тексте данной словарной статьи.

Ромб – вводит фразеологическую зону словарной статьи.

Знак равенства – используется при отсылках к другим словарным статьям, а также при сопоставлении единиц измерения, относящихся к разным системам.

Знак приблизительного равенства – используется при отсутствии полного лексического или стилистического соответствия англ. слова или выражения и его русского переводного эквивалента.

 3) Моноязычный словарь – дают определения слов на одном и том же языке. Такие словари называются толковыми.

Двуязычный словарь – слово и его толкование даются на разных языках.

Example 1:

Secretary  plural secretaries [countable]

someone who works in an office typing letters, keeping records, answering telephone calls, arranging meetings etc: My secretary will fax you all the details.

medical/legal secretary

  Example 2:

Etiquette [uncountable]

the formal rules for polite behaviour in society or in a particular group: strict rules of professional etiquette


 [plural] moral rules or principles of behaviour for deciding what is right and wrong:




5.Перечень используемой литературы

  1. Гивенталь, И.А. Как это сказать по-английски [Текст]: учебник / И.А. Гивенталь. – Питер, 2012.
  2. Голицынский, Ю.Б. Английский язык. Грамматика [Текст]: сборник упражнений/ Ю.Б. Голицынский.- «Каро»
  3. Дюканова, Н.М. Английский язык. Деловые контакты [Текст]: учеб. пособие / Дюканова  Н.М. – М.: Иностранный язык. Издательство  Оникс.2008-384 с.
  4. Tоотс, H.  Курс английского языка для администрации фирмы: английский для секретарей [Текст]: учебное пособие/ Tоотс H., Тийу Н. - 2-е изд., испр.- М: Поматур,  2008.- 111 с.
  5.  Федоров, А. М. Английский язык для делового общения [Текст]: учеб. пособие/ Федоров, А. М. – 2 изд., стер. – Мн.: Новое знание, 2006. – 344 с.




1.       Шевелёва, С.А. Английский для гуманитариев [Электронный ресурс]: учебник / С.А. Шевелёва. - ЭБС "ИНФРА-М", 2012. – Режим доступа:http://znanium.com/catalog.php?item=bookinfo&book=376421




1)      Сапцов, С.П. Англ. язык. Быстро расширяем словарный запас [Текст]: словарь / С.П. Сапцов. – Питер, 2010.



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Данная рабочая тетрадь предназначена для студентов Многопрофильного колледжа, обучающихся по специальности 46.02.01 Документационное обеспечение управления и архивоведение, изучающих дисциплину ОП. 05 «Иностранный язык» (профессиональный).

             Актуальность тем, предлагаемых в данной рабочей тетради,  очевидна. Значительное число совместных предприятий и расширение международных связей поставили вопрос об иностранном языке как неотъемлемом компоненте таких специальностей, как секретарь- референт, делопроизводитель, личный помощник руководителя и др.

        Рабочая тетрадь состоит из трех частей (Units). Вниманию студентов представлено много информативных аутентичных текстов с подробными комментариями и иллюстрациями. Тексты сознательно не подвергались существенной адаптации, чтобы сохранить языковые реалии, стилистику оригинала и идиоматические обороты. Разработчик рабочей тетради  исходит из того, что текст для изучающего чтения должен вызывать определенное волевое и умственное усилие у обучающихся, представлять для них интерес и иметь познавательную ценность. В текстах обеспечена повторяемость базовой лексики, причем некоторым лексемам уделяется особое внимание в силу их функциональной значимости в деловой речи. Примеры использования таких лексем приводятся под рубрикой WordProfile. После изучения тематических текстов студентам предлагаются лексико – грамматические упражнения, в частности упражнения,  целью которых является дискуссия либо написание эссе, сообщения и т.д. Весь опорный материал (устойчивые выражения для эссе, рекомендации и т.д.) включен в приложение (Appendix) в конце рабочей тетради. Однако при изучении тем не следует пренебрегать использованием дополнительной справочной литературой, словарями различных типов.

Предусматривается письменное выполнение упражнений непосредственно в тетради, что позволяет экономить время и упрощает работу. Перед выполнением заданий рекомендуется прочитать текст, понять, о чем он, так как содержание заданий тесно связано с текстом.

Для более глубокого изучения темы предлагаются дополнительные тексты (Additionaltexts).

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Менеджер по туризму

500/1000 ч.

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Методика обучения испанскому языку

72 ч. — 180 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
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Теория и методика билингвального обучения иностранным языкам

Учитель иностранного языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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Китайский язык: теория и методика преподавания в профессиональном образовании

Преподаватель китайского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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Инклюзивное образование: нормативное регулирование

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Эффективная корпоративная коммуникация

8 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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Современные информационные технологии и информационная безопасность

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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