Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииРазработка интегрированного урока по предмету: English Art/Science. "Blizzards"

Разработка интегрированного урока по предмету: English Art/Science. "Blizzards"

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Short term plan


Lesson plan


Unit of a long term plan:   reading


School:     “NURORDA”





Date: 17.01.2017

Teacher’s name:

Rsaldy Kaidarova







Lesson title:




Lesson objectives

Provide students with a comprehensive look at the causes and effects of these powerful winter storms. Teach students how to determine an author’s purpose for writing as well as the proper use of antonyms in sentences.


Lesson outcomes

By the end of the lesson students will be able to  give more information about blizzard in 3-4 sentences.

Instructional Focus

Ask and answer questions to understand text Determine author’s purpose

Identify and use antonyms


Assessment criteria

-      Identify details in a reading passage with little support.   (R2)

-      Use the information to write sentences which describe people, places and objects. (W3)

Values links

Common History Culture and language

Cross-curricular links

Language Art

Previous learning



Planned timings


Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Formative assessment





Before reading


 5 min.

 Write the word blizzard on the board and read it  aloud to students. Invite volunteers to share what  they know about blizzards.


Explain that a blizzard is   a big snowstorm with cold temperatures, heavy  snows, and very  strong  winds.


Activity 1

Have  students  work in small groups, and provide each group with a piece of chart paper. Invite students to work with their group to discuss and record how a blizzard might affect their town or city.


 Have each group present    its findings to the class.


group assessment (agree/disagree), teacher’s observation)

By teacher’s support

 Explanation Blizzard  

MiddleIntroduxe the book

3  min







5  min












During Reading

10 min

















5 min

After reading


Give students their copy of Blizzards! Guide them to the front and back covers and read the title.

·      Have students discuss what they see on the covers.

·        Encourage them offer their ideas.

·        Ask students what they expect to read about?



“Words to Know”

Explain that the glossary provides definitions for the vocabulary words in the book.

High-frequency words: can, come, when

Words to Know

biting (adj.)

blizzard (n.) a severe snowstorm with cold tempretarures

moist (adj.) - wet

strike (v.),- hit, crash

whip (v.), a long thin piece of leather with a handle on one endusedfor making horses move faster or for hitting someone

wind chill (n.) – getting cold



As students read the book, monitor their understanding with the following questions. Encourage students to support their answers by looking for  evidence from the book.

    What three things make up a blizzard? (level 1) page 5

    What is wind chill, and how does it affect the body?

(level 1) page 8

    How do blizzards form on the East Coast of the United States? (level 2) pages 9–11

    Why is it important to be prepared for a blizzard?

(level 3) multiple pages

    Why would it be dangerous to be outside in a blizzard? (level 3) multiple pages



Sample answers: The book is providing me with many details about blizzards: how they form, the ways they affect people, and so on. All of these facts give me new information on the topic, so I believe the author’s purpose is to inform. Still, I will read to the end of the book, examining each detail, to see if she has a different main purpose or more than one purpose.


What we know?

Class given cards


Skill Review

Graphic Organizer: Author’s purpose

Review the author’s purpose worksheet that students completed.

Circle the word inform on the board. Discuss with students the justification for choosing this purpose.



Let’s go back to the focus question that was in the beginning of the book

What is a blizzard, and how does it affect people?

Write your ideas in copy books.


I.                   Focus Question. (Answers should include the following: A blizzard is a severe snowstorm with cold temperatures, high winds, and heavy snows.

Blizzards affect people in the following ways: limited travel and wind chill, which is dangerous to the body.)


II. Discussion cards. Class given cards with reading comprehension tasks. it is possible to use book in finding answers.







·        Finds detailed information in the text. text

·        Writes them in the table.



Whole class assessment. What can you see on the photo? Who are they?  Are they happy in the photo? How do you know?

























Whole class assessment








Teacher assessment.














































Have students share their work in groups.

Invite volunteers to share with the rest of the class.





Refer students to the word list or their dictionaries. Give explanation of new words.


students who find difficulties in reading comprehension tasks underline the relevant lines in the text.




SB Unit 10C, ex 1 p100








Dictionary word list





























































Author’s purpose worksheet



5 min


Draw students attention to the lesson statement. Make notes in achievements diary.






Exit ticket  



head of Educational Department:__

Korlan Ulebaeva                        



























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