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Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему "Школьная жизнь" (9 класс)

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 урока по английскому языку

для учащихся 9 класса







School life.”




Учитель английского языка: Щептева О.В.

МБУ Лицей №51




















г. Тольятти






Цели урока: -  изучение и систематизация тематической лексики;

                       -  развитие навыков устной речи;

                       -  развитие навыков творческой деятельности;

                       -  закрепление грамматических умений по теме;

                       -  развитие коммуникативных навыков в ходе групповой работы.


Материальное обеспечение урока:

-          УМК “State Exam” Е.Н. Соловова, И.Е. Солокова, изд-во Pearson, 2007;

-          карточки с грамматическим и лексическими заданиями по теме;

-          фото и картинки с заданиями;

-          компьютер, проектор, презентация со слайдами.


Ход урока.


1.   Оргмомент:     -  рапорт дежурного;

                                 -  объявление темы, плана и целей урока.


2. Основной этап:

1) Разминка

Teacher: Look at the picture and answer the questions.

  1. What idea of education does the cartoon demonstrate?
  2. Is it typical of Russian schools?
  3. What is wrong with such an attitude to teaching and learning?


  2) Словообразование и лексические упражнения.

T.: Make a list of your school subjects and answer the questions.

1. Which of the subjects do you like and which are you good at?

2. Which of the subjects, in your opinion, are the most useful and which are not necessary? Why?


3) Словообразование и лексические упражнения.

T.: Look at the list of schools and range them from the first school in your life to the last.

Upper secondary school

Primary school

Lower secondary school


Nursery school/playgroup



4)  Лексическое  упражнение.

Т.: Look at the types of schools and answer the questions.

Which type of school:

a)      do you have to pay for?

b)      takes care of you day and night?

c)      gives you a chance to find a boy friend or a girlfriend?

d)      represents a specific set of values?

e)      would you like to go if you could choose once again?


5) Лексико-грамматическое  упражнение.

T.: a) Fill in the gaps with the verbs in a suitable form. You should use them only one time.



take   learn   pass   fail   revise   study   memorise  

pick up   attend   pay   graduate


  1. She has a gift for languages, she __________ quite a lot of French when she was on holiday.
  2. If you don’t __________ attention, don’t be surprised you don’t know what the teacher is talking about.
  3. I must go to bed early, I __________ an exam tomorrow.
  4. If you are an actor, you must __________ your role by heart.
  5. I’m so happy, I __________ the test in maths – it was so difficult that half of the class ______ it.
  6. At university, I’m going to ___________ nuclear physics.
  7. This summer I’d like to _________ a course in word-processing.
  8. The school-leaving exam is very difficult, so I’ll have to __________ every evening.
  9. I’ll go on a holiday as soon as I __________ .
  10. If you want to be good at history, you have to __________ a lot of dates and facts.

b) Говорение.

T.: Describe an experience from your school life using phrases from exercise a.


6) Словообразование и лексическое упражнение.

T.: a) Match the verbs (1-3) with the nouns (a-k) to make expressions.

  1. do                                              a) a course in…
  2. make                                          b) research into…
  3. take                                            c) homework

                                                         d) a break

                                                         e) an effort

                                                         f) notes

                                                         g) a mistake

                                                         h) progress

                                                         i) an exam

                                                         j) a degree in…

                                                         k) an experiment

 b)  Говорение.

T.: Think of some sentences using the expressions from ex. 6a.


7) Лексико-грамматическое  упражнение.

T.: Fill in the gaps with prepositions at or in.

1. When I was ____ school I liked history and geography, but I was particularly good ___ maths.

2. He has a degree _____ economics and maths.

3. My sister learns French ____ the French Institute in Moscow.

4. He studied ____ Novosibirsk University and then got a scholarship ____ Harvard.

5. I attend classes ____ painting.

6. I did a course ____ website design in July.


8) Просмотр презентации «British schools» (см.приложение).


9) Лексическое упражнение. Говорение.

T.: Now you have seen the presentation about British schools. Give full answers on the questions (1-8). Use the next words and phrases.


certificate    degree    gifted    private lessons

uniform    discipline    scholarship    term


1. How did he manage to learn English in just three months?

2. How can you prove that you passed this exam in English?

3. Do English pupils dress differently from Russian ones?

4. Has he graduated from a university?

5. How are you going to afford your studies in Great Britain?

6. Is he good at music?

7. How is the school year in Britain divided?

8. Some children are very naughty – how can we deal with this problem?


10) Лексическое упражнение.

 T.: Who are these people? Fill in the gaps.


pupil      student       tutor       classmate

head teacher       lecturer       graduate


1. When you pass all your university exams you are a ___________ .

2. Professor Jones is my ___________ : we meet every week to discuss my essays.

3. John and I went to the same school, in fact, John was my __________ .

4. Someone who teaches at a college or university is usually called a ____________ .

5. A ___________ is in charge of the whole school.

6. A ___________ is someone who learns at primary school.

7. When you go to university, college or even secondary school you are __________ .


11) Говорение (творческое  задание). Работа с описанием фото.

T.: Look at the photos (B-C). Describe them and answer the questions.

1. In what ways is the classroom in photo C similar to the ones you know?

2. How do the two classrooms in photos B and C differ?

3. Which pupils have a better chance of being well-educated? Why?

4. How is the teacher’s work different in each of these photos?


12) Говорение (творческое  задание). Работа с описанием графика.

T.: Look at the graph and photo D and answer the questions.

1. What role does/can each of items play in education? Which of them is/are the most important for effective learning?

2. Which subjects can these items help us with? In what way?

3. Could a good encyclopedia be enough to learn everything you need?

4. What is more important: a good textbook or a good teacher? Why?

5. Can television be educational or does it play a negative role in education?

6. How could the Internet be used in education? Have you used it yourself?


13) Задание на самостоятельную подготовку.

T.: It is a creative assignment. Choose one of the themes which you like. Use a dictionary and make notes for the further discussion.

Типичные вопросы при подготовке монологического высказывания:

1. Schools would educate much more effectively if teachers didn’t have to give grades. Discuss.

2. Schools should not only give you factual knowledge but teach life and social skills as well. Discuss.

3. Education is something permanent, we never stop learning. Discuss.

4. Is private education better than state education? Why?


T.: All of you will get education and make your carrier. I think knowledge which you have got from our lesson will help you to succeed.


3.Заключительный этап:


- обобщение основных идей урока;

- оценивание работы учащихся.











































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