Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыРазработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку " Экологическая конференция"

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку " Экологическая конференция"

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Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

« Экологическая конференция».

Задачи внеклассного мероприятия:

знакомство с экологическими проблемами нашей страны

 формирование толерантного отношения к природе, ответственного отношения к экологическим проблемам, потребности к достижению согласия и сотрудничества, воспитание бережного отношения к природным богатствам.

развитие способности к сравнению, умозаключению, работе обучающихся в группах, общению друг

с другом.

закрепление новых знаний, совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков по теме «Экология». Развитие умения общения, умение выражать речевую функцию проявления беспокойства или боязни.

формирование и совершенствование навыков изложения своей точки зрения.





   Away, away, from men and towns,

    To the wild woods, and the downs-

                                                             To the silent wilderness

 Where the soul need not repress

 Its music, lest it should not find

                                                             An echo in another’s mind,

While the touch of nature’s art

                                                            Harmonizes heart to heart.

The problem of the environment is much spoken about on TV, radio and in the newspapers.

We should like to speak about preserving  our environment too. There are many ecological problems in our region. We’ll raise some of them.

About two hundred years ago man lived in greater harmony with his environment because industry was still undeveloped. Today the situation is quite different. And the contradictions between man and nature are dramatic.

People all over the world are worried about what is happening to the environment. Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. They pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we live on and destroy the ozone layer .Many cities suffer from smog. Now,  however, many parts of the world are overpopulated ,people live in big cities and  a good deal of our waste ,especially waste from factories, electric power stations , the chemical industry and heavy industry is very dangerous.

As for our Krai is concerned, vast forests are cut down and burnt by fires in the Khabarovsky Krai every year. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever. In this period people of the Khabarovsky Krai suffer greatly too. They can hardly breathe. Great damage is done to their health.

People of the Khabarovsky Krai should think of using artificial New Year trees too. We should say NO to deforestation! Each year a lot of fir- trees are cut down and then thrown away!!!

We want to speak about water pollution. To see the effects of pollution on rivers and seas, just take a look at the Amur, Bikin and the Sea of Japan. For example, the river Bikin was once a most pleasant place to sit by on a hot summer day. But that’s all changed now. People sitting near the river throw countless tins and papers and other dangerous things into it. Look at these photos! These places in the Bikin Region need urgent help!!! Some drivers even wash their cars in its water .Our grandfathers say that not so long ago you could catch a great variety of fish in our river. We think that the river Bikin must be declared a specially protected zone. But nevertheless our river is picturesque! And if we treat it carefully and with love we’ll enjoy it for many, many years! As for the river Amur is concerned, it’s also polluted because of poisonous waste which is dumped into it by factories and households. This year swimming in the river Amur was forbidden.

There is much discussion about water pollution. But we should not only discuss but act. Everything depends on us. If we stop throwing and dumping poisonous things into our rivers and

stop other people

We address to our local authorities (Administration of Bikin) to help us to solve the problem of organizing special centers where people could deliver old magazines and different kinds of paper to be recycled. We are glad that our local newspaper covers ecological problems perfectly well. People of our region are worried about environmental problems of our area. They try to doюsomething to stop pollution. A lot of trees are planted in our town every year. Everybody wants Bikin to be clean and beautiful.

Another way to make less trash is to reuse things as they are. Comics or pretty pictures can be put around presents. Comics do not cost any money, and the paper is used twice. Clean glass jars can be reused to store food or other things. Of course we must learn to use things over and over again. Look at these pretty things! Aren’t they beautiful? All of them are made out of used materials. Students of school №3 did their best to illustrate how to make new things out of used ones. One more way to make less trash is to reduce the amount of garbage you produce. (Don’t buy new products when you have a refrigerator full of food at home, give out clothes and toys to those people who need them, etc.)

You can make painted bottles and jars like this. It’s easy. Use them for your pens, pencils and paint brushes. Put flowers in them or give them as presents.

You need:

Some different colored paints. Two or three paint brushes. Empty bottles and jars.

Clean the bottles carefully and make sure they’re completely dry.

Paint them all over with one colour.

Let them dry for 24 hours.

Draw a pattern or picture carefully, and let each new colour dry for about 12 hours.



Noise pollution is another kind of air pollution. The sounds from cars, motorbikes, truck, boats, barking dogs, radios, T.V.sets and stereos are some examples of noise pollution. Too many very loud sounds can even make people sick. We should respect each other!

We are all part of the natural environment. We need to think about our part in the environment and how our actions, such as, our use of water, production of rubbish and energy consumption can directly destroy our wildlife and natural habitats. If we don’t begin to change our behavior, we will have no world to live.

We are all part of the natural environment. We need to think about our part in the environment and how our actions, such as, our use of water, production of rubbish and energy consumption can directly destroy our wildlife and natural habitats. If we don’t begin to change our behaviour, we will have no world to live.

The students of school №3 understand that they have to work hard to protect the environment

We work on several environmental projects, including studying nature and the effects of the pollution, cleaning the territory around the school, tidying up classrooms, planting trees and flowers. We have ecological club in our school. Every summer we make interesting ecological projects and educate younger children how to protect our environment. We need more laws to help cleaning up our home town, water and air. We must follow all these laws. We are glad Russia is cooperating in the field of environmental protection with the U.S.A., Canada, Norway, Finland and other countries. The international organization “Greenpeace” is also doing much to preserve the environment, to protect nature, to save life on the planet not only for the present but also for the future generations.



Environmental protection is a universal concern. The earth is our home. We must take care of it for ourselves and for the next generations. We all must do what we can to keep our land clean and beautiful!




 Oh, Russia I’m in love with you!                               Your lakes with shores of fine sand,

 Remember, Russia, you are great                              Your rivers, valleys, lakes and seas;                                                                        

 Not in the fields of battles past                                  Your songs and dances; birds in trees;

 But in the lush green fields of wheat                        Your sunrise is a splendid sight

 And forests, gardens ,free of dust.                            Which always gives me such delight!

 I love  you deeply, dear land ,                                              (L.A.Khusainova)



Перевод стихотворения ученицы 9 А класса средней школы № 3 Бондаренко Валентины.



Я влюблена в тебя, Россия,

В твои луга, поля, цветы.

Для сердца нет милее и красивей.

В душе моей лишь только ты.


Ты помнишь славные бои,

Победоносные сраженья,

Как, проливая кровь, сыны твои добились

Свободы и чести рожденья.


Твои озёра – зеркала небес,

Прозрачно – нежно – голубые.

А ивовые берега – зелёный занавес.

Вот чудеса какие есть в России!


Я влюблена в тебя, Россия,

Я часть тебя, какой – то звук;

Я чувствую, что я в тебе. Россия,

Быть может сердца твоего я стук…


This year we conducted  an environmental survey in our school  to find out what students of our school think and do about environmental problems.. 62 students of our school were asked different questions. These are the results of this survey.


I. Question:How many kilograms of trash are thrown away each day by your family?

Look at this pie chart!

4,8 % of students answered that they  throw away 7-8 kg of trash every day.

43,5 % of students said that they throw away 1-2 kg of trash .

50 % of   students are sure that their families throw away 3-5 kg. of trash.

1,7 %of students don’t know how much trash they throw away each day.

Put it all together and you’ll see huge heaps of trash in Bikin! More than that a lot of people throw litter everywhere. Look at these photos. It’s a sad picture, isn’t it?

II.Question: How many plastic bottles do you use and then throw away each week?

25%of students answered that they throw away 1-2 plastic bottles every week.

35% of students said that they throw away 6 bottles.

40% of students throw away 3-5 plastic bottles a week. A great bottle city will be built if we put all these bottles together!

III. Question: Try to guess how long it might take for one heavy plastic bottle (glass bottle, traffic ticket) to fall apart?

17,7% of students guess that it might take  from 6 months up to 5 years  for a heavy plastic bottle to fall apart.(approximate decomposition time for a plastic bottle-up to 500 years, glass containers never fall apart; it might take 1 month for a traffic ticket to fall apart.)

35,5% of students are sure that it might take from 10 years up to 100 years for a plastic bottle to fall apart.

24,2% of students think that it might take from 500 up to 1000 years.

14,5% of students suppose that it might take just a very long time.

8,1% of students don’t know at all. So you see, the answers are so different because of lack of knowledge.

As for glass containers are concerned, 48,4% of students said that glass bottles never fall apart.

25,8 % of students answered that it might take from 500 years up to 1000 years.

14,4 % of children guess that it might take from 50 years up to 200 years for a glass container to fall apart.

11,3 % of children are sure that it might take 5- 10 years.

As for traffic ticket,58,1% of students said that it might take 5-10 years for it to fall apart.

35,5 % of children suppose that it might take from 1 week to 6 months. And  6,4 %of students said that it might take 100- 200 years for a traffic ticket to fall apart.

Never throw litter on the ground; otherwise our land will be covered by awful trash!

IV.Question.What do members of your family do with those things that you no longer need? (old clothes, toys and magazines).

67%- throw away and burn old things.

18,2%- give them to the needy.

10,3%- keep them at home and only 4,5% reuse them.

V.Question Do you have a special place in Bikin that you like   best and enjoy?

31,1% of students consider a  central park to be the most beautiful place in our town because it is  very clean , peaceful and quiet. The landscape is also very beautiful there. You can meet your best friends and have a jolly time together.

26,2% of students like  the Monument to the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War and  hills which surround our town. They love fresh air, beautiful landscape. People enjoy going on picnics.

For 14,7% of students their home is a special place they like best.

Some students like to spend time at the stadium, in the yard, at school and just walk along quiet streets of our town.These places are the best for them.

VI.Question. Is Bikin a polluted town? What are the most polluted places in Bikin?

The majority of students answered that our town is greatly polluted and only 1/3 of students

think that Bikin is not so greatly polluted as compared with other places of the Khabarovsky Krai.The most polluted places in Bikin are the  Bistrushka, railway ,  the Railway Square,

the  central market, the “Forest café” near the shop “Svetlana” ,the banks of the  Bikin, the yards near the apartment blocks  of flats, the places where people have picnics ( the suburbs of Bikin).

VII.Question. How can we save our planet? (choose 5 most important things)You can add some other things.

writing letters to government, buying les, recycling, having small families, collecting things and giving them to people who need them, reusing, picking up litter, etc.

The 5 most important things for the students of school №3 are

I. Recycling

II.Collecting things and giving them to people who need them


IV.Writing letters to government and  local newspapers

V.Buying less

Students also have their own opinion on how to save our planet from pollution.

We must throw away less trash

If people use too much water, they must be fined.

There must be special containers for different garbage along the streets of our town (mixed paper, glass bottles, cans, plastic containers and others)

Recycling centres must be organized in every town and village.

There must be mini recycling centres in every house, so that people will be able to recycle some things themselves.


VIII.Question Pretend that you have a magic ecological stick. What would you do to save our town Bikin from pollution?

Our students answered that if they had a magic ecological stick they would

make all trash in our town disappear in 5 minutes

pick up all litter and put people who throw it away to prison.

make new ecological laws in Bikin. People, who don’t observe these laws and pollute our environment, must be fined.

plant some other sorts of trees instead of poplar trees as they are too old. (birch, fir- tree and others)

organize Subbotnics for students and all people who live in Bikin.They must be held every week.

build recycling centers in our town where we can deliver paper, glass and paper and other things.

organize special brigades to make our town clean and beautiful.

ask all people in Bikin to make our town clean and never pollute it.

clean up our rivers Bikin and Bistrushka.

restore ecological situation.

Some students said that they don’t want to have any magic sticks because everything depends on people. We can prevent further pollution of our town ourselves.


Keep our country tidy and beautiful!!!





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