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Ролевая игра по английскому языку "Food Show" (7 класс)

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The roles:

  Helen Corder and  Adrian Trotter - announcers

Mr. Smith – an astrologist

Britney Spears  - a Pop Star 

Mr. Pratt – a dietitian

Mrs. Soon – a doctor

Mrs. Barton – a housewife

Mrs. Drake – a cooker



Helen Corder:

                     Hello, everybody! Today in our Food Show we are going to speak about food. We can’t live without food but do you know everything about it.

Adrian Trotter:

                        Our programme tries to widen your outlook, we’ll speak about diets, about influence of food to our mood and health, about Star Menu and recipes of delicious food.

Let’s meet our first guest astrologer Mr. Smith. Nice to meet you.

Mr. Smith:

                Me too.

Helen Corder:

                      Please Mr. Smith tell us about your theory.

Mr. Smith:

                 Well, I consider that every sign of horoscope should eat definite food ro be healthy. For example, what is your sign?

Helen Corder:

                        My sign is the twins.

Mr. Smith:

                  So you should eat more fruit. And you?

Adrian Trotter:

                        My sign is the scales.

Mr. Smith: 

                  I advice you to eat more meat. 



It is necessary for the crab and the fishes to eat more seafood. The virgin should drink milk. The scorpion is better to eat eggs.  The archer should eat fruit and the ram – vegetables.

Adrian Trotter:

                         Thank you, Mr. Smith.


Helen Corder:

                       Our next guest is a pop star. Hello, how are you?

Britney Spears:

                        Fine, thanks.

 Adrian Trotter:

                        We can’t expect another answer. You always look wonderful and have good mood.

Helen Corder:

                       Are you on special diet? Can you share your secrets with us.

Britney Spears:

                         No, I’m not. I don’t like diets. I consider they do harm to our health. But I can tell you about positive food.






















Do you know that macaronis and eggs can calm you, pepper helps you to have good mood, peas and yogurt make you stronger, oatmeal porridge helps you to be creative and active.

Adrian Trotter:

                        What an interesting information. Thank you. Good bye.

Helen Corder:

                      We hear about different diets every day. Different diets from famous people: singers and movie stars.

Adrian Trotter:

                       Some of them drink only water, other don’t eat any products. Please, tell us about the best diet.

Mr. Pratt:

                 Well, there is no the best diet, because people are different. But I can tell you about 14 products which help you to be beautiful and healthy. You should eat them 4 times a week.



Bilberries and spinach are good for eyes. Beans, oatmeal porridge, oranges are useful for blood. Cabbage and turkey are necessary for brain. Tomatoes, tea, nuts are very good for heart. Pumpkin is necessary for skin and yogurt for stomach.

Helen Corder:

                       Thank you. Good bye.


Adrian Trotter:

                       And now meet doctor Soon, who will tell us about ideal breakfast.

Hello, Mrs. Soon.

Doctor Soon:

As a proverb says: ”You should eat breakfast yourself, give your dinner to a friend and lunch to your enemy”. So to be healthy, energetic and have good mood you should eat the following products for breakfast:



1.     bread and butter;

2.     meat and eggs;

3.     fruit and milk.







Helen Corder:

                     Now out last guests a housewife Mrs. Barton and a cooker Mrs. Drake. What recipes are you going to tell us about?


Mrs. Barton:

                      I’m going to tell you about the recipe of salad.




Write down the ingredients you need: 6 potatoes, 1 carrot, 3 eggs, 300 gr. of sausage, 1 cucumber, 1 tin of peas and mayonnaise.

Boil potatoes, eggs and carrot and then cut them. Also cut sausage and the cucumber. Then add peas and mayonnaise. Mix everything. Have a nice meal!




Adrian Trotter:

                        And you Mrs. Drake?



Mrs. Drake:

                    I’ll teach you how to prepare pizza. First mix water, milk, flour, yeast, eggs to make the dough. Then cut sausage, tomatoes, mushrooms and cheese to make the filling. Roll scones, put the filling and bake. Try it’s very tasty.





Adrian Trotter:

                         Our Show comes to the end. See you next Friday.




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Современные методы развития навыков эффективного и уверенного общения на английском языке у старших школьников

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