Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыShort -term plan "Sightseeing in Kazakhstan. "

Short -term plan "Sightseeing in Kazakhstan. "

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Short term plan

Lesson plan



Unit of a long term plan        Holidays and Travel.

School: 18


Teacher name: Berdibaeva Gayni


Number present:


Lesson title:

Sightseeing in Kazakhstan.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

7C.3 Respect differing points of view.

7S.7 Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics.

7 R.2 Understand specific  information and details in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics.

7UE.17 Use if\unless in first conditional clauses, use defining   relative clauses with which who that where on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics.

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge, understanding, application.

Lesson objectives

All learners will able to:

-speak about the best places of Kazakhstan;

Most  learners will able to:

-speak on a topic using new expressions;

. use first conditional in speaking activities ;

Some  learners will able to:

-Speak  about  sightseeing  of  Kazakhstan and it’s nature;


Assessment criteria

-Can relate vocabulary and use first conditional;


Values links

-Teach the students to be patriot;

-Teach pupils to love and know about our country;

-Protect  and respect  the nature and motherland;



History, Geography, Kazakh, Russian.

Previous learning

Free time Activities.


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)




Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities




B)Checking the attendance

Psychological spirit:

1)Divide class into two groups  by method “Puzzle”(The Theatre, The Cinema )

Training: “I wish you …”

Let’s stand in a circle and wishes to each other




Duty’s report.


I group-The Theatre

II group-The Cinema


- I wish you luck!

 -I wish you Success!

 -I wish you health!

 -I wish you happiness!

 -Be pretty!  

 -Be boldness!





- Epigraph.

Love and Passion for Motherland is Natural.

Serving with Respect to Home Land is Necessary”.

Venkat Gandhi.
























30 min


Watching video.


-What can you say about this video?

-How do you think our today’s new theme  is?

-What is the best places  do you know in Kazakhstan?

-Have you ever been in__________ ?

The large city  in the south of the country.

The city wheremany  mausoleums  are situated?

The city has produced oil.

T: ok ,very good.

The Teacher assesses students with smiles.

1.T :There are a lot of  wonderful places to visit in Kazakhstan. Today we have unusual lesson.You will admire places of interest, and I’m sure you will show  your knowledge and we’ll talk about our country. Let’s begin our travelling from the visiting the capital of our country.Before we go to the Astana, find the right translation of the following words.

Work with translation.

Be Attentive!

After reading the text you should answer the questions. You should make questions and choose a reporter for another group.



Work with translation.

I’ll check you,how did you understand the text?

Method “Reporter”.





-Learners answer  to the questions.



















Sightseeing-көрнекі жерлер








cosmodrome-ғарыш айлағы

space station-ғарыш станциясы








Task for more able students.

Reporter 1:

Reporter 2:








The Teacher assesses students with smiles.















PPT ,Pictures  of the best places.Activeboard




The teacher assesses  each subgroup  by “Star”.






Extension activity.Energizer.

There are some pictures.I’ll give your instructions  and you should  do it.

F.ex: 1)Go to the theatre and sit down.

2)Go to the musical school  and play the dombra.

3)Go to the Turkestan and stick the sticker.


tasks for each subgroup and learners make up the “5 way of strategy” by method “Around of station” Teacher  gives  “Wait time” .Each groups must write with different colors of markers .  

G I –Astana

G II-Shardara







IV.Pair work. Let’s revise our grammar: First Conditional.

 Use first conditional by method “Add details”

Teacher  gives  “Wait time” Read an translate.

Cut  the paper and  stick the sentences in order .



-Pupils do the Total Physical Response activity to get energized.
















-Each group checks the works on a posters


 Task for the more able learners :

-match and write on laminated paper the sentences using first conditional

Task for the less able learners.

1.I/have money

2.You /come/to our country

3.We /go/ to the Almaty

4.It / a nice day

5.It /sunny day


a)We / go to the lake

b)We /go for a picnic to mountain.

c)I / go to Duman Entertainment centre

d) You / visit to mausoleum

e)We / go to the metro




 -applies correct form of the First conditional;

 -makes up the sentences;

 -reads and translates the sentences;













The groups assess each other  by “Firework”.



The teacher assesses  each subgroup  by “Laminated paper”.



7 min.

W:Open the “Magic box” and take one of the stickers.If you make up the sentences,you’ll have the ticket to the cities.

Astana,Almaty,Kokshetau,Turkestan,Shymkent,New York, London, Japan,Washington,Holywood.

 Pupils go to the  box and choose stickers.


The tacher assesses learners with tickets:


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?



Health and safety check


Task for more able learners:

-Take a role of reporter and giving hometask.

-make the sentences in first conditional;

 Task for less able students:

-answer the questions

-match the sentences

by questioning ,by feedback activities

through observation pupils' pair work

Feedback by method 3:2:1

3- facts known from the lesson

2- interesting things learned from the lesson

1 -question for  the lesson



Be careful while you work in pairs.

to be accurate while working with scissors,pen.


     Classroom rules.

1.     Be a good Listener.

2.     Follow directions.

3.     Raise your hand to speak.

4.     Be kind to others.

5.     Do your best and work hard.





Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did all the learners achieve the lesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?



Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. 


Summary evaluation



What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?






What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?






What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?







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