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Срезовая контрольная работа. Английский язык. 2 курс СПО

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для проведения срезовой контрольной работы

по дисциплине:

ОУД.02 Английский язык




       Группа: 20, 22     

       Профессия: 43.01.09 Повар, кондитер

15.01.20 Слесарь по контрольно-измерительным приборам и автоматике



Подготовила:   Козикова И.В., преподаватель первой   квалификационной   категории











Объекты контроля и требования к результатам обучения



Объекты контроля

№ зада


Уровни усвоения

Требования к результатам обучения



во бал-



Англоговорящие страны







Обучающийся должен знать лексику по теме. Обучающийся должен уметь употреблять лексические единицы в речи, уметь извлекать информацию из текста, пользоваться контекстом, прогнозированием и речевой догадкой при восприятии письменных и устных текстов.








Обучающийся должен знать лексику по теме.. Обучающийся должен уметь использовать языковые средства для общения (устного и письменного) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы, уметь извлекать информацию из текста, должен обладать языковой догадкой.



Научно-технический прогресс



 Обучающийся должен знать лексику по теме. Обучающийся должен уметь употреблять лексические единицы в речи, должен обладать языковой догадкой, правильно сочетать слова в синтагмах и предложениях.



Present Simple глагола to be.



Обучающийся должен знать основные явления английского языка, уметь пользоваться грамматическими средствами.



Извлечение информации из текста

Окружающий мир







Обучающийся должен знать лексический и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов. Обучающийся должен уметь понимать основное содержание текстов, отделять главную информацию от второстепенной, уметь формулировать предложения.





Отрицательные предложения.



Обучающийся должен знать лексический и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности, знать конструкцию отрицательных предложений. Обучающийся должен уметь владеть техникой перевода (со словарем) текстов, уметь формулировать вопросительные и отрицательные предложения.



                                                                        Итого баллов:







Критерии оценивания





0,9≤ К≤ 1



0,8≤ К< 0,9



0,6≤К< 0,8



К< 0,6

Менее 19 баллов


Пояснительная записка.

Срезовая  контрольная работа по дисциплине ОУД.02 Английский язык рассчитана на 45 минут. Количество существенных операций – 32. Задания 1,4 предполагают  выбор правильного ответа на поставленный вопрос. Время выполнения одного задания – 1-2 мин. Задания 1,4,6 на понимание текста. Задания 3,6 предполагают конструирование предложений. Задание 2 – грамматическое. Время выполнения одного задания – 3-5 мин.

Материалы для  проведения  срезовой  контрольной  работы по дисциплине ОУД.02 Английский язык содержат 2 варианта заданий.





























Тестовый лист срезовой   контрольной  работы

по дисциплине ОУД.02 Английский язык

1 вариант.

1.     (5 баллов) Прочитайте текст и выберите правильные ответы на вопросы:


Geographical position

Australia is the smallest continent between the Indian and Pacific oceans. With the island state of Tasmania to the south, the contitent makes up the Commonwealth of Australia, a federal parliamentary state the total area is 7 686 810 sq.km. Australia’s capital is Canberra. Its largest city is Sydney, closely followed in population by Melbourne. There are five continental states in the nation (Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia). The population of Australia is about 15 million people. There are only 40 000 aborigines. The first Europians settled in 1788. There are more about 200 nationalities in Australia.

Wild animals

Kangaroos live in Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea and New Zealand. Their strong legs and feet help them to hop and leap. Kangaroos usually have one young baby. The native birds of Australia are very interesting. The emu is the next tallest bird in the world after the ostrich.


Sydney is Australia’s largest city, chief port and main cultural and industrial center. Its main exports are wool, wheat, flour, sheepskins and meat, the chief imports are petroleum, coal, timber and sugar. The city was founded in 1788 as the first penal settlement of Australia. Its name was taken from a cave named for Captain Cook’s patron Viscount Sydney. Among its museums are the National Gallery of Art and the Australian Museum (natural history). The dramatic, modernistic Sydney Opera House complex was largely designed by Joem Wizen.


1. What is the capital of Australia?

a) Sydney b) Melbourne c) Canberra

2. When did Europeans settle in Australia?

a) 1488 b) 1788 c)1492

3. Which 2 animals can you see on the Australian coat of aims?

a) Kangaroo and Dingo b) Koala and Parrot c) Kangaroo and Emu

4. Which city is Australia’s oldest and largest?

a) Sydney b) Melbourne c) Canberra

5. Who are the Australian natives?

a) Eskimos b) Aborigines  c) Indians

2. (5 баллов) Вставьтеглагол to be вформе Present Simple.


1. She … a student. She … a good student.

2. Where … you from?

3. My mother … not a teacher.

4. … your brother at school? – Yes, he … .

5. My friend … an engineer. He … at work.


3.     (10 баллов) Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными:


1. Bess helps her mother.

2. My friend plays the piano.

3. We listen to music.

4. You make a lot of mistakes.

5. The farmer works in the field.


4.     (3 балла) Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения, выбрав нужное словосочетание:


In geographic size Russia is the largest country in the world, with an area of 17 075200 sq km. Territory of Russia is more than one-ninth of the world’s land area and nearly twice that of the United States or China. From north to south the country extends more than 4000 km from the southern border along the Caucasus Mountains to Arctic islands in the Barents Sea. From east to west the maximum extent is almost 10 000 km from the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea to Ratmanov Island in the Bering Strait. The country also spans parts of two continents, Europe and Asia. The Ural Mountains mark the boundary between Europe and Asia. The capital and largest city of Russia is Moscow.

On the north Russia is bordered by a number of seas of the Arctic Ocean: the Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, and Chukchi sea. On the east it is bordered by: the Bering Sea, and the seas of Okhotsk and Japan. In the farthest southeast Russia borders North Korea. On the south Russia is bordered by China, Mongolia, Kazakstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and the Black Sea. On the southwest it is bounded by Ukraine, and on the west by Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, the Gulf of Finland, Finland, and Norway. The enclave of Kaliningrad, on the Baltic Sea, is bordered by Lithuania and Poland.

The biggest islands of Russia lie in the Arctic and Pacific oceans. In the Arctic Ocean, is Franz Josef Land, an archipelago consisting of about 100 islands. The other Arctic islands, from west to east, include the two islands: Novaya Zemlya, Vaygach Island, the group of islands called Severnaya Zemlya, the New Siberian Islands, and Wrangel Island. Between the islands mentioned above are numerous small islands and island chains. In the Pacific Ocean are the Kuril Islands, which extend in an arc southwest from the southern end of the Russian peninsula of Kamchatka to Japan. The Pacific also includes the large island of Sakhalin, which separates the seas of Okhotsk and Japan.

Russia can be divided into three large geographic regions: European Russia, consisting of the territory lying west of the Ural Mountains; Siberia, stretching east from the Urals almost to the Pacific Ocean; and far eastern Russia.


1) In geographic size Russia is…

a) medium size country

b) largest country in the world

c) smallest country in the world


2) The capital and largest city of Russia is …


a) Saint Petersburg

b) Kiev

c) Moscow


3) On the north Russia is bordered by …

a) Black sea

b) Pacific Ocean

c) Arctic Ocean

5. (5 баллов) Найди соответствие (изобретение и его описание)

1. a TV set

2. a  car

3. a computer

4. a video player

5. a camera


a)      to watch pre-recorded videos

b)      to have fun and to entertain

c)      to write programs, play games, find and use information

d)      to move wherever you want by yourself

e)     to take photographs


6.   (4 балла) Прочитайте текст. Ответьте на вопросы полным предложением:


Our Environment

       Air pollution is the result of man's use of chemicals, and is a common hazard in both industrial and developing countries. One form of air pollution is acid rains.
Acid rain results from the release into the atmosphere of sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide. Electrical plants, industrial boilers and automobiles are among chief sources of these emissions. The gases react with water droplets, forming a mixture of sulfuric acid and nitric acid, this mixture returns to earth in the form of acid rain, mist or snow.
Acid rain is killing vast stretches of forests in Canada, the United States, and central and northern Europe. Acid rain has acidified lakes and streams making them unable to support fish, wildlife, plants or insects.

  1. What is the cause of acid rain?
  2. How does acid rain affect lakes and rivers?





Тестовый лист срезовой   контрольной  работы

по дисциплине ОУД.02 Английский язык

2 вариант.

1.     (5 баллов) Прочитайте текст и выберите правильные ответы на вопросы:


Geographical position

Australia is the smallest continent between the Indian and Pacific oceans. With the island state of Tasmania to the south, the contitent makes up the Commonwealth of Australia, a federal parliamentary state the total area is 7 686 810 sq.km. Australia’s capital is Canberra. Its largest city is Sydney, closely followed in population by Melbourne. There are five continental states in the nation (Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia). The population of Australia is about 15 million people. There are only 40 000 aborigines. The first Europians settled in 1788. There are more about 200 nationalities in Australia.

Wild animals

Kangaroos live in Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea and New Zealand. Their strong legs and feet help them to hop and leap. Kangaroos usually have one young baby. The native birds of Australia are very interesting. The emu is the next tallest bird in the world after the ostrich.


Sydney is Australia’s largest city, chief port and main cultural and industrial center. Its main exports are wool, wheat, flour, sheepskins and meat, the chief imports are petroleum, coal, timber and sugar. The city was founded in 1788 as the first penal settlement of Australia. Its name was taken from a cave named for Captain Cook’s patron Viscount Sydney. Among its museums are the National Gallery of Art and the Australian Museum (natural history). The dramatic, modernistic Sydney Opera House complex was largely designed by Joem Wizen.

1. Who are the Australian natives?

a) Eskimos b) Aborigines  c) Indians

2. Who discovered Australia?

a) Christopher Columbus b) Captain Cook  c) Lewis and Clark

3. Australia is not a(n):

a) island b) city  c) continent

4. How many nationalities live in Australia?

a) 200 b) 50 c) 20

5. What is the official language in Australia?

a) French b) German c) English


2. (5 баллов) Вставьтеглагол to be вформе Present Simple.

1. Nick … not a coolege student. He … a school boy.He … at school now.

2. Helen … a painter. She has some fine pictures.

3. … this your book? – This book … not mine. My book … in my bag.

4. These … his newspapers.

5. My uncle … an office worker.


3.     (10 баллов) Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными:


1. The small boy rides a bike.

2. He looks at the pictures in the book.

3. The workman paints the house.

4. Richard and Henry swim in the river in summer.

5. I go to school by tram. 


4.     (3 балла) Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения, выбрав нужное словосочетание:


In geographic size Russia is the largest country in the world, with an area of 17 075200 sq km. Territory of Russia is more than one-ninth of the world’s land area and nearly twice that of the United States or China. From north to south the country extends more than 4000 km from the southern border along the Caucasus Mountains to Arctic islands in the Barents Sea. From east to west the maximum extent is almost 10 000 km from the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea to Ratmanov Island in the Bering Strait. The country also spans parts of two continents, Europe and Asia. The Ural Mountains mark the boundary between Europe and Asia. The capital and largest city of Russia is Moscow.

On the north Russia is bordered by a number of seas of the Arctic Ocean: the Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, and Chukchi sea. On the east it is bordered by: the Bering Sea, and the seas of Okhotsk and Japan. In the farthest southeast Russia borders North Korea. On the south Russia is bordered by China, Mongolia, Kazakstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and the Black Sea. On the southwest it is bounded by Ukraine, and on the west by Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, the Gulf of Finland, Finland, and Norway. The enclave of Kaliningrad, on the Baltic Sea, is bordered by Lithuania and Poland.

The biggest islands of Russia lie in the Arctic and Pacific oceans. In the Arctic Ocean, is Franz Josef Land, an archipelago consisting of about 100 islands. The other Arctic islands, from west to east, include the two islands: Novaya Zemlya, Vaygach Island, the group of islands called Severnaya Zemlya, the New Siberian Islands, and Wrangel Island. Between the islands mentioned above are numerous small islands and island chains. In the Pacific Ocean are the Kuril Islands, which extend in an arc southwest from the southern end of the Russian peninsula of Kamchatka to Japan. The Pacific also includes the large island of Sakhalin, which separates the seas of Okhotsk and Japan.

Russia can be divided into three large geographic regions: European Russia, consisting of the territory lying west of the Ural Mountains; Siberia, stretching east from the Urals almost to the Pacific Ocean; and far eastern Russia.


1) The biggest islands of Russia lie in …

a) Arctic and Pacific oceans

b) Baltic sea

c) Black sea


2) On the southwest it is bounded by …

a) Poland

b) Ukraine

c) Kazakstan


3) Russia can be divided into …

a) three geographic regions

b) ten broad regions

c) two main geographic regions.

5. (5 баллов) Найди соответствие (изобретение и его описание)

1)      a vacuum cleaner

2)      a fridge

3)      a mobile telephone

4)      a plane

5)      a telephone

a)      to receive or make calls around the home

b)      to perform everyday cleaning tasks

c)       to move  fast and quick around the world

d)      to keep food fresh for a long time

e)      a system for sending or receiving speech over long distance


5.     (4 балла) Прочитайте текст. Ответьте на вопросы полным предложением:

Our Environment

 Forests cover 30% of the Earth's land surface. The tropical rain forests in Amazonia, Southern Asia and West and Central Africa are being destroyed at an alarming rate of 42 million acres per year. This destruction is caused by slash-and-burn agriculture, cattle ranching, building of dams and highways, and mining.
The tropical rain forest is natural recycle, provider and protector for our planet; it supports the ecosystem in the world.
Deforestation is endangering this ecosystem, and could cause at least one-fourth of all species on Earth to vanish in the next 25 years. Burning these forests releases carbon and decreases oxygen in the atmosphere, causing the global warming.
Protecting all forests is the key to our survival on this planet.


  1. What are the causes of forest destruction?
  2. What can deforestation lead to?











Срезовая контрольная работа по дисциплине: ОУД.02 Английский язык

1 вариант






1c , 2b, 3c, 4a, 5b



1)    Is, is 2) are 3) is 4) is, is 5) is



1)    Bess doesn`t help her mother.

2)    My friend doesn`t play the piano.

3)    We don`t listen to music.

4)    You don`t make a lot of mistakes.

5)    The farmer doesn`t work in the field.



1b, 2c, 3c



1b, 2d, 3c, 4a, 5e



1)    Acid rain results from the release into the atmosphere of sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide.

2)    Acid rain has acidified lakes and streams making them unable to support fish, wildlife, plants or insects.






2 вариант






1b, 2b, 3b, 4a, 5c



1)    Is, is, is 2) is  3) is, is, is  4) are  5) is



1.    The small boy doesn`t ride a bike.

2.     He doesn`t look at the pictures in the book.

3.    The workman doesn`t paint the house.

4.    Richard and Henry don`t swim in the river in summer.

5.    I don`t go to school by tram. 




1a, 2b, 3a



1b, 2d, 3e, 4c, 5a



1)    This destruction is caused by slash-and-burn agriculture, cattle ranching, building of dams and highways, and mining.

2)    Deforestation is endangering this ecosystem, and could cause at least one-fourth of all species on Earth to vanish in the next 25 years.








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