Инфоурок Английский язык Научные работыСтатья для научно-практической работе на тему " Emodji language"

Статья для научно-практической работе на тему " Emodji language"

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Emotions are perhaps the main thing that governs human behavior,

sometimes even against his wishes! Scientists believe that emotions are very strong

to our thoughts and actions.

The subject of my research is emodji language

Why are emojis, taking over the world? How can this be


The goal of my work is to consider the semantic meaning of some emoticons and find out the influence of the emoji language on modern language.

The use of emoji captures all new communication situations

(product advertising, entertainment, urban environments, even art

literature) and forms a new linguistic space with its own laws and



Research objectives:

1) Explain why emoji appeared;

2) Prove that emoji (smiles) is a special language widely used in modern society.

3) Describe the main groups of smilies and the scope of emoji application;


It was important for me to understand something  - why emojies appeared in culture,what brought them to life? Is it a language, and how is it developing now and in the future.

I suppose, to answer these questions we should understand 2 types of communications:verbal and non-verbal.

Verbal information - conveyed by the meanings of words.

. Non-verbal information - conveyed not by words, but by intonation,

body language, that is, gestures and facial expressions.

When we talk to each other is verbal.

Information is complemented by non-verbal information.

But if we dont see a person, all non-verbal information

turns out to be inaccessible to us. It is more difficult to communicate and understand each other on the phone, for example.

In science, the question of what non-verbal information is, how is it

affects the perception of meanings, was first staged in the 17th century.

Francis Bacon as early as 1616 argued that there is a sign language,

understandable to all people. Then in the 17th century (in 1644) J. Balver wrote

the first book on body language. In the 19th century, the problem of expressing emotions was studied by Charles Darwin. In the 50s of the twentieth century - Alan and Barbara Pease.


If you think about it, how do we understand each other when we do not see

Each other?  But if you communicate at a distance, then how to convey emotions?

It takes a long time to describe them.

For this end, they began to use emoji language.

There are four groups of emoji by function.

1) drawings of objects, equal in value to the object itself (drawing

flower - means flower);

2) faces depicting emotions using the position of the eyes, eyebrows,

mouth - and additional icons - lips, teeth, tears, hearts, beads of sweat and


3) hands in various positions, replacing gestures, which

there is in direct communication, when people see each other.

4) images of emotions on the faces of different characters (devils, cats,

Japanese goblins, the girl in purple (help desk) and more. In addition, this group has special smiley - a girl in purple, for example, she does not convey emotion, but rather meaning "I am a referral service" or vice versa "I am not a referral service", such meaning can arise if you use an angry smile.

In what areas of communication are emoji used today?

Today, emoji are used not only in network communication or SMS-

messages. They appear in advertisements, in urban environments, even in literature, in publishing, in the film industry, as a navigation in various fields and


Here are the examples that were found and noticed by me during

work on the research topic:




Conclusion 4) The scope of application of emoji in communication is expanding, emoji leave the screens of phones and computers on billboards, in evaluation of posts on social networks as navigation, in publishing, advertising, television, finally into the science that studies this phenomenon. Even if you do not want to use Smiles, you expect that your vocabulary is enough to express any meaning, emodjis are all will burst into your life anyway, and you will begin to learn to read them. This is the language of the new information field, from which it becomes easy impossible.







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