Инфоурок Английский язык СтатьиСтатья на тему THE ACTUAL PROBLEM OF MODERN EDUCATION IN KAZAKHSTAN


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Dynamics occurring in the modern world changes necessitated rethinking of global functioning of education systems. In a rapidly changing world, the key issues for politicians in education, for schools in general, and for teachers in particular are: the first - "What is to be studied by students in the 21st century" and the second - "How will teachers prepare students for 21st century? "(4, p. 101). The actual problem of modern education is the creation of conditions for high-quality education, they clearly illustrate such actions of the idea of ​​the First (Advanced) Level Program "Face to Face": "The fundamental difference between modern teaching and learning processes is their priority in forming students' readiness to use existing knowledge in practice, in addition to formal possession of that largely corresponds essentially skill demanded in the 21st century "(4, p.101) and accordingly the procedure for preparing and adopting reforms is changing. In the past, they were developed, as a rule, in the quiet of the ministerial offices by narrow groups of high-ranking officials. Now, research centers, major scientists - economists, sociologists, psychologists, teachers are involved in the preparation of reforms. Plans for reforms are discussed in parliaments and in representative international forums. Reforms are multidimensional.

They provide for the structural reorganization of the education system, the renewal of all its links, from kindergartens to universities, the modernization of the content and methods of educational and upbringing work, the establishment of new forms of communication between education and the world of work. ). If we recall the traditional education system of the last century, its main task was to equip school leavers with a certain set of ZUN, without any connection with their application in later life. Today, this method is unacceptable: graduates are needed for society, capable of overcoming vital and production tasks, ready for the vicissitudes of the further life path. That is why the problem of preparing a graduate of this level capable of solving a problem situation is topical, to find several ways to solve it, choosing the most optimal one from the impact on school practice "(4, p.100). The list of qualities needed by a modern teacher include: arming with a certain arsenal of learning strategies, the availability of the opportunity to combine different pedagogical approaches-this conclusion was drawn by a comparative analysis of the innovative learning environment prepared by the OECD. In addition to the above opportunities, I will apply in my practice such as: "-the teacher should have a thorough knowledge of how the training takes place, about the level of motivation of individual students ...

- ... be able to cooperate ... with representatives of one organization and a number of other organizations; With in the network of professional communities ... assuming active use of the processes of coaching and mentoring;

- ... have strong skills in the field of information technology and methods of using them as an effective tool for education ...;

- ... improve their potential professional abilities to cooperate with colleagues and participate in the development, management and planning of the learning environment;

Teachers need to continuously reflect in the course of their practice in order to learn from their experience. "(4, p.102) This way of changing myself as a teacher is, in my opinion, very difficult, but I will endeavor to overcome it from day to day Day, after all, the development of precisely such skills in specific subjects, as well as the collective of actors, will ultimately lead to the dynamics of changes in the world economy. "To implement such fundamental changes, it is necessary to make commitments on the management of schools and actively participate in their implementation of the most experienced and talented teachers, all stakeholders of the education system" (4 p.102) Annually, the UN publishes data on the Human Development Index (Human Development Index) . This index consists of three indices: Education index, GDP Index and Life Expectancy Index. According to the Education Index, Finland steadily ranks first. According to the index of educational achievements of students PISA 3.7 in 2009. In 2010, the American magazine Newsweek called Finland the best country in the world in quality education. The European Union believes that the educational system of Finland should become its core.

Over the past few decades, Finland has been reforming the entire education system (preschool, school, vocational and higher) in accordance with certain principles (step by step the reforms in the education system occur about every 20 years). The peculiarities of the Finnish system are: the individualization of education, humanization (respectful attitude towards the learner), the principle of development (developing environment). Parents play an important role, they can give their feedback on the activities of the school, participate in tripartite discussions on assessing the quality of education of their child (parent, school and pupil). The Finnish education system aims to develop cognitive functions among students, and to create a good cognitive reserve for students (cognitive functions include memory, attention, orientation in place and time, speech, intelligence, perception, ability to learn and retain motor skills). The cognitive reserve forms not only personal qualities, but also develops key brain structures (this meets the principles of neuropedagogy). It is also significant that in Finland they went against the evolutionary centralized model adopted in most countries of the Western world.

 The Basic Law on Education of Japan reflects the continuing priorities of the Japanese education system. "The goal of education is the formation of a harmoniously developed personality committed to truthfulness and justice, respecting individuality and diligence, possessing a sense of responsibility and independence that are necessary for the builders of a peace-loving state and society" (Article 1). The law recognizes an important mission of the educator, his responsibility to the community and determines his high status, which was in accordance with the national tradition.

The reform in the sphere of education largely democratized the content of the curriculum, and gave more freedom to the teachers. In general, it was of an egalitarian nature. Currently, the level of schooling in Japan is one of the highest in the world. With a great deal of confidence, we can say that the life of a Japanese child is largely oriented towards school.

Back in the early 1980's. Japanese experts wrote that "now Japan badly needs not just a one-weight mass of simply capable students, but in people unusually gifted, unorthodox, in people who have the potential to solve the most difficult tasks. Industry can hire skilled specialists without the slightest effort. But now the country is entering a period when it is necessary to exert maximum efforts to find among the Japanese and then not to lose sight of the exceptionally gifted, original thinkers. It is in Japan that the approach to the study of the lesson study class that allowed Japanese students to achieve high academic achievements of Japanese schoolchildren appeared, this research is being implemented in many countries of the world. This approach in Kazakhstan is introduced very recently, I personally mastered it when passing courses on the Cambridge program And realized how timely it is and is in demand for improving the quality of teaching, how this method is democratic for both students and teachers. Informatization has become an indispensable factor in learning. Simplification of access to information technologies opens wide prospects for their application in the reformed education system at all levels, starting from primary school. Computerization of schools involves a revision of teaching methods, the massive introduction of multimedia benefits in pedagogical practice, the retraining of teachers in the run-up to the era of cultural and linguistic diversity. The ongoing reform of education provides for its "adjustment" to the conditions of life in the information society. In the document "Model of Education in the 21st Century" it is proposed to create special schools for studying the environment, traditions and culture of their country and other countries of the world, as well as information technologies. This document emphasizes the development of children's life skills in the information society: to teach computer literacy, to use computer networks, to inculcate ethics of behavior in the World Wide Web. The current level of development of informatization of educational organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan allows any teacher to be an active participant in professional networking communities. Whether it's forums, chats, libraries with knowledge banks or data banks or other forms of networking, any teacher can take on them the most active and fruitful participation. Informatization of the education system opens great prospects for education. The introduction of information technology is considered as one of the most important means of reforming the entire education system. In our school, this direction is given special attention. There are 43 computers in the school, including 17 computers in the multimedia room, 6 in the offices with the interactive whiteboard, 1 in the physics room, 1 in the biology classroom. The school has the opportunity to access the Internet, its website, teachers close their work on various sites. Unfortunately, this work is episodic, so I think the organization of the site and the development of its activities is one of my main tasks as a leader. And it is possible to implement it at the present stage. , Undertaken by the government at present, are prudent and designed for the future. Through the prism of education, the path of Kazakhstan must pass into a new century.

n the Development Strategy of Kazakhstan until 2030, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N.A. Nazarbayev noted eight advantages, among them - a highly educated population with a high level of scientific and creative potential. It is important to develop in every possible way the existing priceless capital and create all the new and more civilized conditions for its development. The President of the country set the task of creating a core of national intelligence: erudite people, able to compete at the international level. This is due to several reasons: firstly, the education system is one of the few sectors of the economy that affects the interests of all members of society; secondly, the importance of the education system in the development of human capital as the main criterion of the level of social development of the country and society, Thirdly, the education system is an important factor in the growth of economic development and national security of the state. In Kazakhstan, consistent and systematic work is being done to create an effective model of education. National education has become one of the first social institutions to reform towards the transition to new international standards. On the instructions of the Head of State, the concept of educational reform was developed.

Conducted transformations allowed to preserve and develop the educational potential of the republic. The strategic and conceptual orientations of the new national competitive education model are: the transition to international education standards, integration into the global educational space and the improvement of the quality of educational services. To implement the modern model of education, the State Program for the Development of Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020 has been developed, the priority of which is the development, implementation and dissemination of innovative educational projects. Currently, the introduction of 12-year education is actively being considered. ON. Nazarbayev said that the system of 12-year secondary education should be implemented by 2020. With the introduction of 12-year secondary education, Kazakhstan is entering a new level, thereby becoming one step with other developed countries of the world. According to the Declaration of the Council of Europe, in the world educational space 12-year secondary education is realized in 136 countries, including in developed countries such as: the USA, Germany, France, Japan, etc. The introduction of a 12-year education will allow the successful implementation of the strategic task of designing a new national model of education that can compete with advanced Western counterparts. I think that the education system of Kazakhstan in the near future will be in line with the education system of developed countries and are already able to compete with them on an equal footing. Education should be the basis for the high quality of our lives. Education is the key that will ensure the competitiveness of our country. And today the importance of the teaching staff of our state is attached to important importance. After all, the teacher is able to contribute to the development of our younger generation, I always recall the words of U. Cherchil: "What even the Prime Minister envies is such power as the teacher has." Today, life itself requires new ideas and new approaches to learning. Each teacher in his practice faced a lot of problems, with difficulties, but a person who has a high title of a teacher should be able to solve such problems. He constantly works on perfection in teaching and in education. In my school, students demonstrate good results at the UNT, olympiads, but they could achieve much greater results if their teaching used a variety of pedagogical approaches. As a result of the training in the courses, I became more critical of my own teaching practice and realized that it was necessary to understand the individual needs of my students and develop new pedagogical skills, to help each student think more critically, effectively and jointly to solve problems.

And so, as a leader, it is necessary for me to nurture a galaxy of leaders capable of educating students "how to learn and form them as independent, self-motivated, enthusiastic, confident individuals with developed critical thinking, showing competence in digital technologies" (4. p.103). After all: "We can not, we do not have the right to not give a chance to young people to get a good education." Today, the state gives all opportunities to teachers so that the teacher can grow professionally. "After all:" The core figure in improving school activities and ensuring the success of pupils' (Strong, Ward & Grant, 2011). (4, p. 103) Today everyone is talking about the changes, but for some reason, few people think that it is first and foremost who should change. Margaret Mead said: "Many doubt the That the sky A whole group of thinking people dedicated to their cause is capable of changing the world, in fact, as history shows, it always happens that way. "So let's change and the world change with us." Dewey said: "If you want to change the world - go to school and start from there ! "




































The list of the used literature

1.       Исабеков Б.Н. Индустриально-инновационные основы развития науки и образования. - Туркистан: изд-во Туран, 2009. - С.27-50.

2.       План нации – 100 шагов по реализации пяти институциональных реформ

3.       Попова М.В., Сапожников А.В.,Сапожников В.И. «Информационные, коммуникационные технологии». Учебник – М.: РПА «АПР», 2009.

4.       Ежегодные послания Президента Республики Казахстан – Лидера нации народу Казахстана.

5.       Рудакова Д.Т., н.с.ЦНИТ ИОСО РАО. Интернет-технологии в деятельности учителя. Материалы научно-практической конференции "Интернет-технологии в современном школьном образовании"// www.ioso.iip

6.       Стратегии вхождения Казахстана в число 50-ти наиболее конкурентоспособных стран мира»

7.       Теория и практика психологического образования педагога». Е.И.Исаев // ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ, № XI–XII, 2000

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