Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыStylistic Features of the Epithet in the Newspaper Style

Stylistic Features of the Epithet in the Newspaper Style

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Honorable Members of the State Examination Board! Let me present to your attention and consideration the results of our research work which deals with the analysis of stylistic features of the epithet in the newspaper style.

Nowadays the category of text has become the object of scientists’ close attention, because from the point of view of linguistics it is treated as a single sign complex, the product of informational work created by man. In accordance the newspaper style is a particular type of text, which not only informs readers about significant news but also influences their opinions.

Despite the popularity of verbal media, like television, radio commentators’ reviews, oratorical speech and others, printed media, especially newspaper articles, are still relevant all over the world. A newspaper article, being a form of the newspaper style, includes its main features: transmission of news as well as expression of the author’s subjective evaluative attitude to its contents. This characteristic follows from the function of newspaper articles – to have a maximal impact on the reader and evoke the journalist’s desired reaction. Hence evaluation of the facts stated in the newspaper text is the main function of the newspaper style, which can be achieved with the help of such expressive means as the epithet.

But there is still no universal approach to the definition and classification of the epithet in spite of the numerous studies of its stylistic nature and functions in all styles of the English language undertaken by Aristotle, J. Lynch, U.M. Skrebnev, A.V. Arnold, A.N. Veselovsky, I.R. Galperin, V.M. Zhirmunsky, V.A. Kukharenko and others.

Moreover, during the centuries-old study of this expressive means nowadays linguists haven’t yet reached an agreement concerning its semantic peculiarities, functions and morphological syntactic features. Thus, for example, the problem of functions carried out by the epithet is in close connection with its emotional and expressive components, as they may vary in different functional styles of the language. Therefore there is a need to use a new method of the epithet studies – from the point of view of its genre features.

Today the influence of mass media on the audience is becoming obvious and constantly increasing. Thus the choice of the topic is determined by the necessity of the publicistic style studies in the contemporary political conditions. Taking into account the fact that articles of all American newspapers are rich in lexical units, representing speech and language adjectives, the study of their stylistic, semantic and functional nature is of great interest.

Therefore, the object of the given research is the epithet usage.

The subject is the stylistic functions of the epithet in the newspaper style.

The aim of the paper is to investigate the stylistic properties of the epithet in American newspapers of different quality.

The aim predetermined the following research tasks:

1.                 to discuss lexical expressive means of the language;

2.                 to discuss the forms and types of the epithet;

3.                 to analyze the stylistic functions of the epithet in a particular type of text.

The basic methods of study include the following:

-                   theoretical analysis and synthesis;

-                   abstraction and classification;

-                   comparative analysis;

-                   contextual analysis;

-                   classification;

-                   description.

The theoretical basis includes the works by U.M. Skrebnev, I.V. Arnold, A.N. Veselovsky, I.R. Galperin, E.S. Shchelkunova and others.

Our research is based on articles from American “quality” papers The New York Times, The Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, The Boston Globe and tabloids USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, New York Post.

The practical value of the work is mainly determined by the possibility to use the results of the analysis at English lessons, in theoretical and practical classes in Stylistics.

As for the structure of the present research paper, it consists of the introduction, two chapters, conclusion, 3 appendices and bibliography.

Now let’s pass on to the 1st chapter “Expressive means of the language”, where we studied various approaches suggested by I.R. Galperin, J. Lynch, U.M. Skrebnev, V.V. Zhirmunsky and others to the definition and classification of the lexical expressive means in general and the epithet in particular.

The research goes that despite a variety of different classifications of expressive means in linguistics the most acceptable in the Russian linguistic tradition is the classification suggested by I.R. Galperin. Among all expressive means – phonetic, lexical and grammatical – lexical ones are possessing a greater variety and the potential in giving expressiveness to the text and to the author’s position in the text. According to I.R. Galperin, lexical stylistic devices can be divided into the following groups:

                  I. Interaction of  different types of lexical meaning:

1.                  stylistic devises based on interaction of primary dictionary and contextual imposed meanings: metaphor, metonymy, irony;

2.                  stylistic devises based on interaction of logical and nominal meanings: antonomasia;

3.                  stylistic devises based on interaction of logical and emotive meanings: interjections and exclamatory words, the epithet, oxymoron, hyperbole;

4.                  stylistic devises based on polysemantic effect: zeugma, pan.

               II. Interaction of a certain feature of a thing or phenomenon: periphrasis, euphemism, similie.

            III. Peculiar use of set expressions: proverbs and sayings, allusions, quotations.

            IV. Intentional mixing of the stylistic aspect of words: bathos.

A stylistic device is a deliberate use of expressive means for an appropriate expression of the author’s idea. They are often called speech stylistic expressive means. They are not fixed in dictionaries, as authors create their own expressive means to intensify the readers’ impression and to produce a proper reaction. The epithet is considered the most frequently used and the strongest lexical expressive means to reflect the author’s attitude to a phenomenon or an event.

According to Prof. I.R. Galperin, the epithet is a stylistic device based on the interplay of emotive and logical meanings in a word/phrase used to characterize an object, to point out to the reader something specific and to impose a definite opinion on him. Its main aim is to give the author’s individual perception and evaluation of the object. And I.R. Galperin suggested the classification based on two standpoints: semantic and structural.

Semantically, epithets may be divided into two groups:

1.                  associated epithets with the noun following are adjectives that point to a feature which is essential to the object they describe: dark forest, gloomy twilight, thoughtless boy;

2.                  unassociated epithets with the noun following are attributes used to characterize the object by adding a fea­ture not inherent in it. They in turn may be divided into:

-                    language epithets are ones that have become traditional due to their often use: sharp tension, endless complaints, stern resolve;

-                     speech epithets are ones which are created by an author for a particular utterance: slavish knees, sleepless bay, constructive dissents

Structurally, epithets can be divided from the point of view of composition and distribution into:

1.                  Simple epithets, expressed by:

-                   an adjective in preposition (Ad+N): sharp tensions, horrific way, a sharp spike;

-                    present or past participle (Participle+N): squeezed confession, torturing pain, uncaring look;

-                    an adjective in one of the comparison forms (Ad+N): the most inauspicious moment, the most fundamental game; the sweetest smile;

-                    a common noun in a common or possessive case (N+N): a giant tree, clown’s behavior.

2.                  Reversed epithets: a shadow of smile, a brutal of a boy, muscles of iron.

3.                  Compound epithets: large-scale conflicts, bloody resource war, an intractable civil war.

4.                  Phrase epithets: bagging-and-tagging system, I-am-not-that kind-of-girl.

5.                  String epithets: a wonderful, cruel, enchanting, fatal, great city; too big, nasty, flashy, white and pink hands; a tall, skinny, gangly man.

This classification reflects the essence of the epithet, considers it from semantic and structural standpoints and shows that the given expressive means can be expressed not only by an adjective and participle.

Now let’s pass on to the practical part of our work, where we have analyzed stylistic functions of the epithet in the newspaper style. Here we are to mention that the correlation of stylistically colored words and word combinations in printed media can vary. It is explained by the difference in functions of American “quality” and popular newspapers, and the audience toward which they are directed. Thus, for example, “quality” papers contain reliable facts and opinions, are used for an informative purpose and oriented towards a highly educated reader. And a low-key page-proof, moderate size of head-lines and admissible number of illustrations are the distinctive features of such papers, to which  The New York Times, The Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, The Boston Globe referr.

Yet tabloids offer the material of a sensational and even scandalous character for less intellectually and culturally developed people. Such papers contain a considerable number of pages, despite the small size of articles, which makes an impression of a greater amount of information. That’s why tabloids like USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, New York Post are characterized by big and loud head-lines in large print, various page-proofs and numerous illustrations.

The investigation showed that irrespective of the type of printed media the epithet fulfills the same functions:

-                   adding expressiveness to the text;

-                    expressing the author’s to the phenomenon? Event or character;

-                    pointing out of the object’s main feature;

-                    strengthening the impact on the reader;

-                    adding to an object a fea­ture not inherent in it;

-                    replacing a rude word or word combination by a politically correct one.

Thus we examined 111 cases of the epithet usage within 64 articles from 4 “quality” papers. They fulfill the following functions:

-                    adding of expressiveness to the text (workmanlike atmosphere, personally sold out administration, burning bush kind of moment): 22 cases, what comes to 19,8% of the whole amount of analyzed cases;

-                    expression of the author’s subjective evaluative attitude to the phenomenon (robust accord, icy relationship, the greatest man-made danger): 28 cases, 25,2%;

-                    pointing out of the object’s main feature (constructive relations, resilient countries, friendly countries): 56 cases, 50,5%;

-                    strengthening of impact on the reader (constructive footing, reflective yellow vests, bright jacket): 3 cases, 2,7%;

-                    adding to an object a fea­ture not inherent in it (troublesome resolutions): 1 case, 0,9%;

-                    replacement of a rude word or word combination by a politically correct one (hybrid warfare): 1 case, 0,9%.

Having investigated stylistic functions of the epithet in the articles from “quality” papers, we could confirm that pointing out the object’s feature and expressing the author’s attitude are the main ones. This follows from, firstly, the chief aim of any newspaper article – to influence the reader and to produce the desired reaction. Secondly, an article is a written form of the newspaper style, where highlighting a significant word or word combination by means of intonation is impossible. But the fact is that the majority of epithets used by journalists are either language epithets or those found in quotations of politicians. Nevertheless, even by means of an indirect expression of their opinion, journalists strengthen their influence on the reader.

Concerning tabloids, we have examined 112 cases of the epithet usage within 56 newspaper articles from 3 popular papers. They fulfilled the following functions:

-                    adding of expressiveness to the text (overwhelming edge, delusional officials, the toughest fighting) – 27 cases, what comes to 24,1% of the whole amount of analyzed cases;

-                    expression of the author’s subjective evaluative attitude to the phenomenon (low amateur, too pick, brutally fast): 47 cases, 42%;

-                    pointing out of the object’s main feature (entrenched militias, ground component, art-world veteran): 35 cases, 31,25%;

-                    strengthening of impact on the reader (ruthless selfishness): 1 case, 0,9%;

-                    adding to an object a fea­ture not inherent in it: 0 cases;

-                    replacement of a rude word or word combination by a politically correct one (matronly appearance): 1 case, 0,9%.

The research also showed no cases of the epithet usage in the function of adding to an object a fea­ture not inherent in it. It is explained by the fact that the author’s aim is to create subjective and emotionally colored epithets which immediately produce a concrete image and reaction.

All in all, we analyzed 120 articles from both “quality” and popular papers and examined 223 cases of the epithet usage. The means under investigation is used in all functions only in “high quality” papers, as they are of a less subjective character. Nevertheless, the main function of epithets in such papers is pointing at the object’s main feature, which forms 50,5% cases of usage. Still there are 25,5% cases of the epithet usage for the expression of the author’s attitude. It follows from the fact that the readers’ interest is directed toward the experts’ opinions rather than to those of journalists. In this case the author acts as an unbiased informational source and even by means of his indirect expression of opinion, he strengthens the impact on the reader. Tabloids, on the contrary, bear more sharply-defined evaluative character. Therefore journalists use epithets for the expression of their individual attitude to the phenomenon (47% cases of usage) completing the image with new and more emotional details.

According to the above stated we can affirm that the epithet fulfills its main – evaluative – function in the newspaper style, always, even regardless the journalist’s intension, reveals his real point of view.

Summing it up, the results of our investigation give us the grounds to consider the epithet a powerful means of creating vividness, of pointing out the object’s main feature, of evaluation and expressiveness. Our research of stylistic functions of the epithet confirms an indisputable feature of the printed media – manipulating the readers’ mind.

Honourable Members of the State Examination Board! These are the results of our investigation. Thank you very much for your attention.

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