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Текст к презентации "Юлия Вревская"

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1.                  In Kochubeevsky area there is a village of Vrevskoe. It is settled down in a picturesque place in the northwest of the Stavropol Territory near the border with the Krasnodar territory. In the 19th century this region was a part of  Batalpashinsky department of the Kuban area. And it was named after the hero of the Caucasian war, a close friend of M.J.Lermontov Ippolit Aleksandrovich Vrevsky. Here in Stavropol Ippolit Vrevsky married Julia Varpahovskaya. She was, on memoirs of contemporaries, a beautiful, well-educated and very kind woman.


 2.        In Petersburg Julia Petrovna's house was visited by well-known people: she was a friend of artist I. Ayvazovsky, poet Yakov Polonsky, writer I.S. Turgenev. As Vrevsky held a post of the chief of the district, they setlled in Vladikavkaz in their house in the main street. Their family life didn’t last long. In the end of August, 1858 I.A.Vrevsky had been wounded to death in the fight for a mountain aul and in some days died, having left the twenty years' widow in full despair.


3.                  Julia Petrovna returned to St.-Petersburg. As a widow of the famous and brave general she became a court lady of the Empress Maria Fyodorovna. She travelled a lot with the court.

In 1876 Bulgarians rose against a Turkish yoke. Bulgarians addressed for the help to the Russian tsar. “… Russian people! You have saved from starvation many and many … Now do not push away from your heart the Bulgarians brothers”.


4.                  In winter of 1877 Vrevskaya attends courses of medical sisters. J.P. Vrevskaya together with other 10 ladies went from Petersburg to front. In June, 19th, 1877 their group arrived to the Romanian city of Jassy. The medical group worked without breaks and almost without sleeping. In September, 1877 Julia wrote to her sister: «We are too tired. To three thousand patients a day and we were tiding up till 5 a.m. » Yulia and her friends had to work very hard. The war showed its cruel side - blood, sufferings, moaning."The war is awful - so much grief, so many widows and orphans"- she wrote. And the character of the Russian people, Russian soldiers, dying for freedom of Bulgaria with all their greatness, nobleness, and long-suffering revealed to Yulia. The work was extremely hard for her at Jassky hospital. When the fierce battles began, every day there arrived three trains with wounded soldiers. The personnel of the medical department were exhausted with the work. And still Yulia Petrovna found time to write short letters to her sister Natalia.  


5.                  Last letter from Bjaly Julia Petrovna send to her sister on January, 12th, 1878. She felt ill from typhus and after some days died. From Petersburg’s newspapers I.S. Turgenev learnt, that Vrevskaya had died. Shaken, he wrote to Annenkov: « Her death has deeply afflicted me. She was fine and incredibly kind woman». I.Turgenev had responded to her death with one of the most remarkable poems in prose - «In memory of J.Vrevskaya».

Famous Russian poet Jakov Polonsky had devoted to Julia Petrovna his poem - «Under a red cross», French writer and her friend V. Gjugo said  «the Russian rose which was lost on the Bulgarian earth».


settle down – располагаться, поселиться

on memoirs of contemporaries – по воспоминаниям современников

the chief of the district-  (здесь) командующий войсками Лезгинской кордонной линии

wound –  рана

court lady - фрейлина

yoke- гнёт

starvation – голод

moaning – стон

reveal- раскрывать, показывать

afflict - огорчать

  1. Match the titles and the parts of the text.

1) Memory of friends.

2) Life in St.Petersburg.

3) The beginning of the family life in the Caucasus.

4) The hard work of a nurse.

5) Julia's first meeting, love and marriage.


  1. Complete the text with the past tense of the verbs: live, die, be, help, study, start, call, receive, return, travel, visit, organize, begin

Meet live (2) be visit settle wound die (2) become begin graduate go work feel say lose

Julia Vrevskaya

Julia Vrevskaya (1)…….. her future husband in Stavropol where she (2)…… with her family.

She (3) ……. a beautiful, well-educated and very kind woman. Many famous people (4)….. their hospitable house. In Vladikavkaz they (5)……. in their house in the main street. Their family life didn’t last long. In the end of August, 1858 I.A.Vrevsky (6)…… and in some days …….(7).

When the Russian-Turkish war (8)….., Yulia (9) ……from nursing courses and (10) …… to the front.

Julia and other nurses (11)……. very hard. They (12) ….. in awful conditions. She (13)….. ill from typhus and after some days(14)……. French writer and her friend V. Gjugo (14)…..  «the Russian rose which (15) …. on the Bulgarian earth».
















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