Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыТест по английскому языку 6 класс 2 четверть

Тест по английскому языку 6 класс 2 четверть

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NAME:………………..................................................................................      DATE:…………………………


CLASS: …………………………………………………………………………………   MARK:…………………………...



A     Complete the types of TV programmes

e.g. d r a m a



_ i t _ _ _


_ a _ _     s _ _ _


_ e _ _


_ c _ _ _ c _   f _ _ _ _ _ _


r _ _ _ _ _ _     _ h _ _



( ____/5 )

B      Form adjectives from the following words using –ful, -ing, -able or –ic.


e.g. disgust – disgusting



wonder - ..............................................


fantasy - ...........................................


enjoy - .................................................


excite - ..............................................


interest - .............................................



( ____/5 )


C    Write the correct word.


   e.g. I think hamburgers are delicious/boring.



It is very important to wash/brush your teeth


Rock music is not really my thing/programme.


We have to wear a school suit/uniform at my school.


What about a pop music/concert?


My uncle grows tomatoes in a greenhouse/dormitory.


I always help my parents around/over the house.



I help my little brother  to get climbed/dressed every morning.


My favourite comedy is on/at TV today.



They often go/do camping at weekends.


The leader teaches us how to build/tie fires.

( ____/10 )













D   Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Present Simple form.


    e. g. Michael studies (study) every afternoon.



Mr Bradley .............. (teach) Biology at the Community School.


Jack and Frank ...................................... (meet) once a week.


She ...................... (catch) the No. 16 bus every morning.


Mrs McCarthy .......................(work) in a computer factory.


What time .......................................(you/have) lunch?


..........................................................(Margaret/go) to the cinema on Saturdays?


My sister ...................................(not/eat) breakfast every day.


........................................... (your parents/go) out on Friday night?


What time ................................(he/leave) for school on Mondays?


Jane..................................(take) the train at 8 o'clock every morning.

 ( ____/20 )



E     Underline the correct word.


  e. g. I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.



I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth.


He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.


I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.


They always leave out food for the cat before/and they leave the house.


On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.



( ____/5 )




Everyday English

    F    Match the questions to the responses.



How are you?



Sounds great!


When would you like to meet?



No, I'm afraid not.


How about going to the cinema?



How about next Thursday?


Would you like to come to dinner tonight?



Fine, and you?


Are you free tomorrow?



Sure. See you later, then.


Shall we say 8 o'clock at my place?



I'm afraid I'm busy tonight.


( ____/10 )








H        Read the email and choose the best word A, B or C


There are many TV shows about young people and their problems. We ask two youngsters, Rita and Meg, about their favourite series and their main characters.


Rita: I think that my favourite series at the moment is Get Real. It is about an American family with two sons and a daughter. The daughter’s name is Megan. I like her character very much. She is 17 years old. She has got long, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. She is quite hard-working but she doesn’t pave plans to study at university. She hasn’t got many friends because she is quite shy. I like tthe series because it is about the real problems in young people’s lives. At first it looks like a comedy but then it changes into a real drama.


Meg: I must say I prefer comedy to drama. My favourite TV series is Gilmore Girls. There are two main characters, a single mother and her daughter, a 17-year-old girl called Holly. She is not very tall and has got long brown hair. Holly is a very good student and an ambitious person. She always reads books and works very hard. She hasn’t many friends because she is now in a new school. Holly is quiet and not very outgoing, but her mother is a real rebel. I sometimes think that Holly is a kind of a parent and her mother is a little girl.


  1. Rita likes the TV series about

A  two American teenagers.

B  Megan and her friends.

C  a girl and her family.

D  a family with small children.


  1. Which sentence about Megan is not true?

A  She doesn’t like to work very hard.

B  she doesn’t want to go to university.

C  There are not many friends in her life.

D She is not a very outgoing person.


  1. One special thing about Get Real is that

A  it shows happy people

B  it is only about young people.

C  it is very optimistic.

D  it’s not the same all the time.


  1. Gilmore Girls is similar to Get Real because

A  it is about serious problems.

B  it is about a teenage girl.

C  there are two main characters.

D  there is one parent in the family.


  1. Which sentence about Holly is true?

A  She’s not very tall.

B  She loves reading.

C  She’s got a lot of friends.

D  She hates school.


  1. Holly and her mother

A  prefer to be alone.

B  are not very romantic.

C  are different kinds of people.

D love and hate similar things.


( ____/18 )


MAX ( _____/ 83)

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