Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыТест для 7 класса по УМК Spotlight, модуль 2.

Тест для 7 класса по УМК Spotlight, модуль 2.

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Spotlight-7                             TEST-2 (Module-2) Variant-1

  1. Fill in the correct word. Cosy, solve, famous, hide, intelligent, imagination, explore, glance.

  1. Miss Marple can … the hardest of mysteries.

  2. Hercule Poirot is a … detective.

  3. Jules Verne had a great … .

  4. At first … she was an ordinary lady, but she wasn’t.

  5. Ann is the most … student in our class.

  6. We spent a … evening chatting together in the living room.

  7. What’s that noise? Let’s … behind some bushes.

  8. They decided to … the area around the camp.

  1. Choose the correct words.

  1. An exciting story about a hero who does dangerous things. A) drama; B) humorous story; C) adventure.

  2. A story about a crime or a strange event. A) biography; B) drama; C) mystery.

  3. A story about someone’s life written by another person. A) comedy; B) myth; C) biography.

  4. A story that takes place in the future or in space. A) mystery; B) Suspense story; c) science fiction story.

  5. A funny story with the happy ending. A) fairy tale; B) humorous story; C) legend.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.

14. Miss Marple ________ (catch) many criminals.

15. The professor and Alex _______(find) a mysterious message.

  16. When I was ten, my family ________(leave) the countryside.

    17. Dr. Frankenstein _______(meet) Captain Walton on the ice.

    18. It ________(be) Sunday yesterday. I _________(not/go) to school.

    19. When ___________(you/ come) back from Italy?

  1.  Rewrite the sentences with USED TO.

20. My best friend isn’t Olivia now.

21. She’s got long, red hair and green eyes.

22. We go everywhere together now.

  23. I don’t tidy my room very often now.

24. Do you go to school on foot or by bus?

  1. Choose the correct item:

 25. The children played in the garden until / then it got dark.

 26. Henry used to go / went to the Ireland last week.

   27. Lyn got a job after / until she finished school.

   28. First she made dinner, then / when she watched TV.

 29. The mouse ran away until / as soon as it saw the cat.

  1. Read A. Christie’s biography and say, what the following dates are for.

Agatha Christie was born in Devon on 15 September 1890, the daughter of Frederick and Clarissa Miller. Like many children of the times, her early education took place at home and at the age of 16 she went to a school in Paris and completed her education. Amongst other subjects, she studied singing and the piano. She enjoyed writing, from an early age her mother encouraged her in the use of her unusual imagination. At the age of 24, Agatha married Archibald Christie, an aviator in the Royal Flying Corps. Five years later in 1919, a daughter Rosalind was born and nine years later, in 1928 the couple divorced. By this time Agatha had become a writer of murder, mystery and suspense. Her first novel 'The Mysterious Affair at Styles’ was published in 1920.

Agatha Christie married for a second time and in 1938 the family moved to Greenway House, a handsome residence on the River Dart in the West Country.

In her lifetime, she wrote 66 detective stories. Seventeen Miss Marple, over 40 Hercule Poirot. Agatha also wrote plays. Over two billion copies of her books have been sold and her work has been translated into more languages than Shakespeare’s.

Agatha Christie was invested as a Dame Commander of the British Empire in 1971. She died on 12 January, 1976.

30. 1890 –

31. 16 –

32. 24 –

33. 1919 –

34. 1928 –

35. 66 –

36. 1976 –

Spotlight-7 TEST-2 (Module-2) Variant-2

  1. Fill in the correct word. explore imagination discover solve cosy hide glance famous

  1. in the bushes before the angry dog sees you.

  2. She is a great detective. She can … the mysterious crimes.

  3. I love my room. It is nice and … .

  4. Agatha Christie was a … mystery writer.

  5. Did the children … that old house?

  6. Jules Verne had a great … .

  7. At first … he was an ordinary man, but he wasn’t.

  8. Did Columbus … America?

  1. Choose the correct words.

  1. A serious and emotional play, written for the theatre, television or radio. A) novel; B) drama; C) mystery.

  2. A story about a crime or a strange event that is difficult to explain. A) legend; B) biography; C) mystery.

  3. A story about the event, that takes place in future or in space. A) mystery; B) Suspense story; c) science fiction story.

  4. A story which makes you feel worried, because you don’t know what is going to happen next. A) mystery; B) Suspense story; c) science fiction story.

  5. A story of a person’s life written by another person. A) comedy; B) myth; C) biography.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.

  1. Agatha Christie _________(write) over thirty novels.

  2. Hercule Poirot ____________(be) a Belgian detective.

  3. ___________ (you / help) your mum with the housework yesterday?

  4. They __________(be) too tired. They ____________(not/ want) to play football.

  5.   How many novels _____________ (create) Agatha Christie?

  6. Sherlock Holmes wore a cape and _________(smoke) a pipe.


  1. Rewrite the sentences with USED TO.

  1. She has short hair now.

  2. He doesn’t play football.

  3. She is a hairdresser now.

  4. I don’t watch TV anymore.

  5. Do they live in New York?


  1. Choose the correct item:

  1. I was sleeping as soon as / when the phone rang.

  2. I turned on the light until / as soon as I arrived.

  3. She ran to the police station until / after she saw the thief.

  4. Please turn off the computer after / when you leave.

  5. She made dinner when / then she took the dog for a walk

  1. Read A. Christie’s biography and say, what the following dates are for.

Agatha Christie was born in Devon on 15 September 1890, the daughter of Frederick and Clarissa Miller. Like many children of the times, her early education took place at home and at the age of 16 she went to a school in Paris and completed her education. Amongst other subjects, she studied singing and the piano. She enjoyed writing, from an early age her mother encouraged her in the use of her unusual imagination. At the age of 24, Agatha married Archibald Christie, an aviator in the Royal Flying Corps. Five years later in 1919, a daughter Rosalind was born and nine years later, in 1928 the couple divorced. By this time Agatha had become a writer of murder, mystery and suspense. Her first novel 'The Mysterious Affair at Styles’ was published in 1920.

Agatha Christie married for a second time and in 1938 the family moved to Greenway House, a handsome residence on the River Dart in the West Country.

In her lifetime, she wrote 66 detective stories. Seventeen Miss Marple, over 40 Hercule Poirot. Agatha also wrote plays. Over two billion copies of her books have been sold and her work has been translated into more languages than Shakespeare’s.

Agatha Christie was invested as a Dame Commander of the British Empire in 1971. She died on 12 January, 1976.

30. 15 -

31. 1938

32. 24 –

33. 1919 –

34. 1928 –

35. 66 –

37. 1976 –

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Тест для учащихся 7 класса по УМК "Spotlight", модуль 2.

TEST-2 (Module-2)   Variant-1


A.    Fill in the correct word: cosy, solve, famous, hide, intelligent, imagination, explore, glance.

1.      Miss Marple can … the hardest of mysteries.

2.      Hercule Poirot  is a … detective.

3.      Jules Verne had a great … .

4.      At first … she was an ordinary lady, but she wasn’t.

5.      Ann is the most …student in our class.

6.      We spent a … evening chatting together in the living room.

7.      What’s that noise? Let’s … behind some bushes.

8.      They decided to … the area around the camp.


B.     Choose the correct words.

9.      An exciting story about a hero who does dangerous things. A) drama; B) humorous story; C) adventure.

10.  A story about a crime or a strange event. A) biography; B) drama; C) mystery.

11.  A story about someone’s life written by another person. A) comedy; B) myth; C) biography.

12.  A story that takes place in the future or in space.  A) mystery; B) suspense story; c) science fiction story.

13.  A funny story with the happy ending. A) fairy tale; B) humorous story; C) legend.



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