Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыТестовая работа по английскому языку

Тестовая работа по английскому языку

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          Промежуточная аттестация

   по иностранному языку (английский)

                     для 5 класса





учитель иностранного языка

Оборок Ксения Александровна









                                                г. Рославль

2020 – 2021 учебный год










Пояснительная записка к аттестационному материалу для промежуточной аттестации учащихся 5 класса


Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку в 5 классе проводится в соответствии с

·         Федеральным законом РФ от 29.12.12г 273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации»;

·         Уставом МБОУ «СОШ №4»;

·         Учебным планом на 2020/2021 учебный год;

·         Календарным учебным графиком на 2020/2021 учебный год;

·         Положением о формах, периодичности и порядке текущего контроля успеваемости и промежуточной аттестации учащихся МБОУ «СОШ 4», утвержденным приказом от 22.12.2014. № 647-од

Содержание и структура работы для промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку разработаны на основе следующих документов:

·         Федерального компонента государственного стандарта основного общего образования по английскому языку

·         Примерной программы по английскому языку, авторской программы Биболетова М.З. Программа курса английского языка к УМК Английский с удовольствием / «Enjoy English» для учащихся 2- 11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений / М.З.Биболетова, Н.Н.Трубанева. - Обнинск: Титул, 2013.

·         УМК Биболетова М. З., Добрынина Н. В., Ленская Е. А Enjoy English –3” Учебник английского языка для 5 класса, Обнинск «Титул», 2014.



Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку ставит своей целью проверить усвоение изученного материала, умение использовать межпредметные знания и метапредметные умения на практике, объективно определить степень развития языковых коммуникативных умений учащихся, проанализировать причины отставания, продиагностировать потенциал учащихся.

Условия и порядок выполнения работы (время)

Контрольная работа состоит из 4 частей. На выполнение проверочной работы учащимся отводится 40 минут. Чтение (10 мин), лексика и грамматика (30 мин)

Структура и содержание работы.

1.       Задания на понимание текста

2.       Задания с выбором ответа из нескольких вариантов.

Система оценки выполнения отдельных заданий и работы в целом.

Максимальное количество баллов за выполнение заданий –27 Промежуточная аттестация проводится в форме тестирования. Тест состоит из двух частей:





Количество баллов

1. Чтение



2. Лексико-грамматический тест







Оценивание результатов теста

Проверяемые навыки и умения


Количество заданий


Количество баллов
















Лексика и грамматика









27-26                 25-20                 19-13


Если ученик набрал менее 12 баллов это низкий уровень работы. оценка 2

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку для 5-х классов.

Date                                 Form                              


I.                  Read the text and mark the sentences true (T) or false(F). Dear pen friend,

Thank you very much for your letter. I am sorry, I haven’t written because I was very busy. I will tell you about my family.

We are four in the family. There is a mum, a dad, my brother and me.

And I also have got grandparents. My dad is 40 years old and my mum is 38. I am 12. My birthday is on 26 April. We are a loving and close family.

And I have got a great grandmother ( прабабушка). She will be 90 next year. She is very old.

My father’s brother lives in the USA. He has got a farm. He has got a lot of cows and ducks. There are 132 cows and 1560 ducks. Besides he has got 12 dogs. I also love animals. I’ve got a cat and a fish. And what about you?

Best wishes, Pam

Задание к тексту:

1. Pam lives in England.


2. Her family is a typical British family.


3. Pam’s great grandmother is 99 years old.


4. Her uncle lives in Great Britain.


5. Pam’s uncle has got a farm.


6. Pam’s uncle has got a lot of animals.


7. Pam has got 12 dogs and a cat.



II.   Choose the correct form:

1)   She chess now                                 a) play                        b) plays                          c) is playing

2)   Mike often …chess                              a) play                        b)plays                           c) is playing

3)   Nick in the park last morning          a)walked                     b) is walking                 c)walks

4)  We to London next week                a) flew                        b) fly                             c)will fly

5)  We …already the test                      a) will do                    b) have done                 c) has done

6)   It … now                                              a) is rain                      b) is raining                   c) rains

7)   It doesn’t often…in autumn                 a) snow                       b) snows                        c) snowing

8)   Ben just…home                              a) has come                b) will come                  c) have came

9)  Tomorrow my mum a tasty cake     a) will make                b) made                         c) makes

10)   Look! Ann … in her room                 a) play                        b) plays                          c) is playing


III.   Write a tag for each sentence:

1)  Your mum can skate,

2)  The pupils are writing a test,

3)  We wrote a test yesterday,

4)  The girls will go to school next week,

5)  Ann is a nice girl,

a)   can’t she

a) are she

a) don’t he

a) won’t they

a)   doesn’t he

b)   don’t he

b) aren’t they

b) did  she

b) will she

b)   isn’t she

c)     can’t they

c) didn’t they

c) didn’t we

c) don’t they

c) is she


IV. Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.

1.    The Tower Bridge is one of the famous ….in London.

a)   place of interest    b)building c) bridges d) museum

2.    The Queen of Britain lives in

a) Westminster Abbey b) Tower of London c) Buckingham Palace

3.    Children like to take …… of their pets

a)   place b) care c) part d) off

4.    This political meeting takes …near the Houses of Parliament.

a)   place b) care c) part d) off

5.    Our …. school would like to invite a group of foreign students.

a)   typical      b) social            c)sociable            d) local


       V. Выпишите лишнее слово.

1.   [ ʃ]      ship  she orchid shop

2.   [ ei ]     plate man skate make

3.   [ ʌ ]      but goose luck sunny

4.   [ i ]      fish site kite  like


   VI.   https://fs00.infourok.ru/images/doc/32/40709/hello_html_mfcc17b8.png



 VII. Write down the оrdinals in English.  5,10,7,8,2,1,4,3,6,9,12,40

   VIII. Сосчитай: fourteen + seventeen =

а) 33

б) 25

в) 31

г) 20






I. Reading









1I. Grammar  

1. Choose the correct form:

1.  c

2.  b

3.  a

4.  c

5.  b

6.  b

7.  a

8.  a

9.  a 10.c


2.  Write a tag for each sentence:

1 a 2.b 3 c

4  a

5  b


3.  Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.

1 c 2.c 3 b

4  a

5  d


















Вариант 2

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку для 5-х классов.

Date                                 Form                              


I.                   Read the text and mark the sentences true (T) or false(F).




London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world. London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old and beautiful. London has 3 parts: the City, the West End and the East End. The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. The West End is the most beautiful part of London. There are many factories and the Port of London there. London has many places of interest. They are: Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Trafalgar square and the British MuseuЗадание .Выбери правильный вариант ответа.


1.  London is the capital of Great Britain


a) True b) False


2.  London is situated on the river Severn


a) True b) False


3.  The City is the cultural part of London


a) True b) False


4.  London has a lot of places of interest


a) True b) False


5.  The East End is the oldest part of London.


a) True b) False


6.  The Port of London is in the East End, isn`t it?


a) True b) False


7.  The West End is the business centre of London.


a) True b) False


II.   Put in the missing words:


group, travel, stay, invitation, cinema.


1.  I can see a … of children.


2.  They are going to… .


3.  They got an letter last month.


4.  They will go to the … in the evening.


5.  These pupils will with the families of children from English schools.


III.   Write a tag for each sentence:


1)   They are going to study Literature,…? a) are they b) aren`t they c) don`t they


2)   The girl helped her mother about the house last week,…? a) don`t she  b) did he c) didn`t she


3)   His friend can speak English very well,…? a) can`t he b) can she c) can`t they


4)   I am kind,…? a) aren`t I b) don`t I c) am I


5)   You have never been to Africa,…? a) have you b) haven`t you c) do you

II.   Choose the correct form:

Use the verb in brackets in either Past Simple or Present Perfect:

1.      Hi, mum! Let’s make an apple pie today!

  A good idea! But I’m afraid we have no eggs and apples at home.

  Oh, I (1)…. (to buy) already everything: eggs, butter, milk!

–How clever of you! When (2)……you ….(to go)shopping?

–I (3) (to go) there right after school.

2      (4) …. Nick and Mike …. (to phone) you recently?

  No, they (5) ….  . I think they (6)........... (not to come) from holidays yet.

–I see.     (7) …… they …… (to leave) two weeks ago ?

  No, they only (8)......... (to leave) last Tuesday.

2.         Dad, (9)…… you ever....... (to play) the guitar?

  Well, in fact, yes, I have . I (10)...... (to learn) to play it when I was at college.


       V. Выпишите лишнее слово.

5.   [ ʃ]      ship  she orchid shop

6.   [ ei ]     plate man skate make

7.   [ ʌ ]      but goose luck sunny

8.   [ i ]      fish site kite  like


   VI.  Подберите картинки к словам

Pilot  Engineer   Traveler  Detective   Postman












VII.Write down the оrdinals in English. (Напишите порядковые числительные по-английски).










I.  Reading








1I. Grammar  

1. Choose the right word:

1.  group

2.  travel

3.  invitation

4.  cinema

5.  stay


2.  Write a tag for each sentence:

1 b 2.c 3 a

4  a

5  a


3.    Choose the correct form:

1.    have bought

2.  did

3.  went

4.  have phoned

5.  haven`t

6.  haven`t come

7.  did leave

8.  left

9.  have played

10.  learnt (learned)

Вариант 2

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку для 5-х классов.

Date                                 Form                              


II.                Read the text and mark the sentences true (T) or false(F). III.

My neighbor Jason is a baker. He is very busy. When he is not at bakery, he is out having fun. Every day Jason wakes at 5 o’clock in the morning. He has breakfast and then he rides his bike to the bakery. When he gets there, he starts to make bread. His work is very hard. He works until 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Then he goes back home where he has lunch and rest for a while. In the evening he sometimes goes to the cinema or meets his friends. On Wednesdays he always does the shopping. On Sundays he always wakes up late and then reads a book or works in the garden. He usually goes to bed at 11 o’clock at night.



Задание. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.


1.    My neighbor Jack is a baker.

2.    Every day Jason wakes up at 6 o’clock.

3.      When he gets to the bakery, he starts to make biscuit.

4.    On Wednesday Jason always does the shopping.

5.    On Sundays he always wakes up early.

6.    Jason reads a book or works in the garden on Sundays.

7.    He usually goes to bed at 8 o’clock at night.




II.   Put in the missing words:


famous, board games, cinema, barbecue, monument


1.  You can see a Moscow.


2.    J.R.R Barrie is a English writer.


3.  She is having a … in the garden.


4.  They like to play the … .


5.  They will go to the on Sunday.


III.   Write a tag for each sentence:


1)   They are going to study English,…? a) are they b) aren`t they c) don`t they


2)   The girl helped her granny about the house on Sunday,…? a) don`t she b) did he c) didn`t she


3)   His friend can speak French very well,…? a) can`t he b) can she c) can`t they


4)   I am smart,…? a) aren`t I b) don`t I c) am I


5)   You have never been to America,…? a) have you b) haven`t you c) do you

IV.Choose the correct form:

Use the verb in brackets in either Past Simple or Present Perfect:

  Hi, Granny! Let’s make an apple cake today!

  A good idea! But I’m afraid we have no eggs and apples at home.

  Oh, I (1)…. (to buy) already everything: eggs, butter, milk!

–How clever of you! When (2)……you ….(to go)shopping?

–I (3) (to go) there right after school.

  (4) …. Jim and Alice …. (to phone) you recently?

  No, they (5) ….  . I think they (6)........... (not to come) from holidays yet.

–I see.     (7) …… they …… (to leave) two weeks ago ?

  No, they only (8)......... (to leave) last Friday.

  Mum, (9)…… you ever....... (to play) the guitar?

  Well, in fact, yes, I have . I (10)...... (to learn) to play it when I was at college.

       V. Выпишите лишнее слово.

9.   [ ʃ]      ship  she orchid shop

10.                           [ ei ]     plate man skate make

11.                            [ ʌ ]     but goose luck sunny

12.                            [ i ]      fish site kite  like

 VI .https://fs00.infourok.ru/images/doc/32/40709/hello_html_mfcc17b8.png

VII.Write down the оrdinals in English. (Напишите порядковые числительные по-английски).

Сосчитай: fourteen + nineteen =

а) 33

б) 25

в) 31

г) 20










I. Reading








1I. Grammar  

1. Choose the right word:

1.  monument

2.  famous

3.  barbecue

4.  board games

5.  cinema


2.  Write a tag for each sentence:

1 b 2.c 3 a

4  a

5  a


3.    Choose the correct form:

1.    have bought

2.  did

3.  went

4.  have phoned

5.  haven`t

6.  haven`t come

7.  did leave

8.  left

9.  have played

10.  learnt (learned)









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