Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыТестовое задание по чтению для 9 класса в формате ОГЭ

Тестовое задание по чтению для 9 класса в формате ОГЭ

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                                                              Test in Reading

Задания А7 - А14

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утвер­ждений А7 — А14 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положи­тельного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Walter Disney was born on the 5th of December, 1901, in Chicago. At that time Chicago was a very dangerous place to live in, and the family moved to the country where they bought a small farm.

Living on the farm was the happiest time in Walt's life and it greatly influenced his interests. He loved animals and could spend hours watching their habits. He even brought up a piglet. His name was Skinny and he followed Walt wherever he went.

At that time he started drawing. His parents often bought him albums for drawing and colour pencils. But one of Disney's first pictures was made in coal on a white wall of their recently painted house when his parents were away.

When Walt was 10 years old, the Disneys moved to Kansas City. Walt and his brother Roy helped their father in his new business. They had to get up at half past three in the morning to deliver morning newspapers and not to be late for school. Soon nineteen-year-old Roy got tired of it and decided to live and work on hisuncle's farm. So Walt had to deliver the newspapers himself. On Saturday mornings he took classes at the Kansas City Art Institute.

Walt wanted to become an artist, but after the USA joined World War I in April 1917, he volunteered as a Red Cross ambulance driver in France. He was seventeen when he returned home and got a job in an art studio in Kansas City. Later Disney made animated commercials at the Kansas City Advertising Company. He was so successful that he decided to found his own cartoon company.

With the help, of a few young animators Disney made several six-minute films showing famous fairy-tales Cinderella, Little Red Riding-Hood and some others. The twenty-year-old president of the new company thought these films would be a success and he would make a fortune. But the cartoons were not profitable, and soon Walt went bankrupt.

And still Disney was not going to give up. He decided to try his luck in Hollywood, and in 1923, with forty dollars in his pockets, Walt went to Los Angeles. That year Walt and his brother Roy founded their own cartoon company in Hollywood and made a series of cartoons called A lice in Cartoon- land. These cartoons combined a 'live' Alice with cartoon characters.

As they didn't have enough money to pay the assistants, Walt had to do everything — he was a playwright, a director, an animator.

Alice in Cartoonland was very successful and Walt decided to move on. He invented a hero for his new series — a rabbit. Everybody liked Rabbit Oswald and Disney went to New York to make new plans. But a small line in the contract with Walt's New York distributor ruined everything. It turned out that the owner of Oswald was the distributor and he did not let Walter make any more cartoons with Oswald!

Disney was thinking about a new hero that would be better than Rabbit Oswald. When Walt was a boy he had a mouse called Mortimer, and Walt used to give him pieces of cheese. 'A mouse as a new cartoon hero seems a good idea', thought Disney. This is how Mickey Mouse was born.

(Speak Out)


 A7     Disney's family moved to the country because Chicago wasn't a safe place to live in.

1) True                     2) False                     3) Not stated

  A8    Living on the farm Walt spent much time reading books about animals.

            1) True                      2) False                      3) Not stated

 А9     When Walt drew a picture with coal on the wall, his parents got angry with him.

l)True                       2) False                     3) Not stated

A10   Walt had to get up very early in the morning to help his uncle on the farm.

l)True                       2) False                     3) Not stated

All  World War I did not touch upon Walt Disney's life.

l)True                       2) False                     3) Not stated

A12   Disney's first cartoons didn't make him a fortune.

l)True                       2) False                     3) Not stated

A13   At the beginning of his career Disney could afford to hire neither a playwright nor any

          other assistants.

l)True                       2) False                     3) Not stated

A14   When Walt was prohibited to make another cartoons with Rabbit Oswald, he decided to leave


l)True                       2) False                     3) Not stated


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