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Тесты по английскому языку для 9 кл.

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Тесты по английскому языку для 9-го класса



1. Choose the best answer.

     - When are you leaving for …


     - In … week/ I’ve already packed all my     


     A) -/a   B) -/-  C) a/a  D) the/a  E) the/-


2. Choose the best answer.

     When Dr. Watson entered … room,

    Sherlock Holms was lying on … sofa  

    with … morning newspapers near him.

    A) a/a/the  B) the/-/-  C) the/the/-

    D) a/the/the  E) -/the/the


3. Choose the best answer.

    I like to listen … birds singing … dawn.

    So I often get up very early and go to the

    park near our house.

    A) -/in  B) to/at  C) to/on  D) at/for 

    E) to/to


4. Choose the appropriate synonym to the

     underlined word.

    They would like to go there by plane as

     it’s the quickest  way of traveling.

A)    by rails  B) by sea  C) by air

D)    by train  E) by ship


5. Choose the appropriate antonym to the

     underlined word.

     If you want to buy modern goods, you

     should better go to the supermarket in

     the centre of  the city.

     A) to take  B) to sell  C) to produce

     D) to realize  E) to acquire


  6. Choose the best answer.

      - There are two books on the table.

       Which  of … is … ?

       - Both of  them are … .

          A) them/hers/my  B) them/yours/mine

          C) they/yours/ yours  D) hers/his/his


       7.  Choose the appropriate answer:

           She took pictures and ……  .


            A) so did I  B) I do too  C) I did also

            D)  so I did  E) I did

Cоставила учитель английского языка

Лапцевич Н.Н. МБОУ «Школа № 27» г.Балашиха


       8. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.

           You had to rewrite it, … you?

             A) hadn’t 

             B) don’t   

             C) didn’t   

             D) haven’t

             E) did


        9. Choose the best answer. 

             If you … up. we … able to catch an

                early train.

               A) hurried/shall be

               B) hurry/were

               C) hurry/will be

               D) don’t hurry/shall be

                E) had hurried/wouldn’t be


        10. Choose the best answer. 

                It …. years since you … to me.

                  A) have been / wrote

                  B) was/ had written

                  C) has been/ write

                  D) has been / wrote

                  E)  is / has written


         11. Choose the best answer.

                  I think he … back to Balashikha             

                  when    he … his diploma.

A)    comes/will get

B)    will come/get

C)    will come/gets

D)    came/has got

E)     has come/got       


          12. Choose the best answer.

                  If  I … a painter, I … my mother’s


A)    am/ would draw

B)    were/will draw

C)    was/will draw

D)    were/would draw

E)     shall be/shall draw


       13. Choose the best answer.                                                             

              The doorbell rang but I didn’t hear it.

                I …… have been asleep.

                  A) can’t  B) was to  C) can 

                  D) had to  E) must


14. Choose the best answer.

          You can’t help … lies and I can’t stand …

          to you.

A)    telling/to listen  B) tell/listening

C)  telling/listening   D) told/listened

E)   to tell/to listen


    15. Choose the best answer.

           Outside the house he saw Mr. Watkins …

           in his direction. … up to him he greeted

           him cheerfully.

A)    walking/coming  B) walk/came

C) walked/came   D) walked/coming

E) walking/came


  16. Choose the best answer.

        Last night he … up crying as if somebody

         … him.

A)    has woken/hit

B)    had woken/has hit  C) woke/had hit

D)wakes/hits  E) wakes/would hit


    17. Choose the best answer.

           He … to work until he … .

A)    won’t go/recovers

B)    isn’t going/will recover

C)    doesn’t go/would recover

D)    will not go/recovered

E)     hadn’t gone/has recovered


     18. Choose the best answer.

           All the letters ….. yesterday will ….

           tomorrow. Don’t forget….. stamps.

           A) wrote/sent/ stick

           B) wrote/be sent/ to stick

           C) written/ sent/to stick

           D) written/be sent/ to stick

           E)  had written/ sent/ to stick



       Ответы к тестам.

1.  D               11. C           21. A

2.  C.              12. D           22. E

3.  B               13. E           23. A

4.  C               14. C           24. A

5.  B               15. A           25. D

6.  B               16. C

7.  A               17. A

8.  C               18. D

9.  C               19. C

10. D              20. D


      19. Choose the sentence in Active Voice to

           the given one in the Passive Voice.

           The house is being repaired by them.

A) The house has been repaired.

B) They were repairing the house.

C) They are repairing the house.

D) The house is repaired.

E) They have repaired the house.


      20. Choose the sentence in Active Voice to

         the given one in the Passive Voice.

             The message was not written to him.

             A) The message had not been written.

             B) He not was to write the massage.

             C) He has not written the message.

             D) He didn’t write the message.

             E) He was not writing the message


      21. Choose the appropriate articles.

     … Volga flows into … Caspian sea

     A) The/the 

     B) An/an 

     C) -/-

     D) The/an 

      E) the/-


      22. Choose the appropriate prepositions.

    The American delegation arrived …

    Russia on the first of May and left …

    Washington in a week.

    A) in/on  B) at/to  C) in/in

    D) to/on  E) in/for


      23. Choose the appropriate prepositions.

    James is the person I can rely … .

    A) upon  B) at  C) -  D) after

    E) to


      24. Choose the appropriate prepositions.

     I am not interested … footbol at al, but

     I’m keen … baseball.

     A) in/on  B) -/on  C) at/after

     D) in/in   E) in/at


      25. Choose the appropriate non finite-form of

          the verb.

          The man … in the gardn gets a lot of 


           A) worked  B) to work  C) works

           D) working  E) is worked


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Тесты по английскому языку для 9-го класса



1. Choose the best answer.

     - When are you leaving for …


     - In … week/ I’ve already packed all my     


     A) -/a   B) -/-  C) a/a  D) the/a  E) the/-


2. Choose the best answer.

     When Dr. Watson entered … room,

    Sherlock Holms was lying on … sofa  

    with … morning newspapers near him.

    A) a/a/the  B) the/-/-  C) the/the/-

    D) a/the/the  E) -/the/the


3. Choose the best answer.

    I like to listen … birds singing … dawn.

    So I often get up very early and go to the

    park near our house.

    A) -/in  B) to/at  C) to/on  D) at/for 

    E) to/to


4. Choose the appropriate synonym to the

     underlined word.

    They would like to go there by plane as

     it’s the quickest  way of traveling.

A)    by rails  B) by sea  C) by air

D)    by train  E) by ship


5. Choose the appropriate antonym to the

     underlined word.

     If you want to buy modern goods, you

     should better go to the supermarket in

     the centre of  the city.

     A) to take  B) to sell  C) to produce

     D) to realize  E) to acquire


  6. Choose the best answer.

      - There are two books on the table.

       Which  of … is … ?

       - Both of  them are … .

          A) them/hers/my  B) them/yours/mine

          C) they/yours/ yours  D) hers/his/his


       7.  Choose the appropriateanswer:

           She took pictures and ……  .


            A) so did I  B) I do too  C) I did also

            D)  so I did  E) I did

Cоставила учитель английского языка

Лапцевич Н.Н. МБОУ «Школа № 27» г.Балашиха


       8. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.

           You had to rewrite it, … you?

             A) hadn’t 

             B) don’t   

             C) didn’t   

             D) haven’t

             E) did


        9. Choose the best answer. 

             If you … up. we … able to catch an

                early train.

               A) hurried/shall be

               B) hurry/were

               C) hurry/will be

               D) don’t hurry/shall be

                E) had hurried/wouldn’t be


        10. Choose the best answer. 

                It …. years since you … to me.

                  A) have been / wrote

                  B) was/ had written

                  C) has been/ write

                  D) has been / wrote

                  E)  is / has written


         11. Choose the best answer.

                  I think he … back to Balashikha             

                  when    he … his diploma.

A)    comes/will get

B)     will come/get

C)    will come/gets

D)    came/has got

E)     has come/got       


          12. Choose the best answer.

                  If  I … a painter, I … my mother’s


A)    am/ would draw

B)     were/will draw

C)    was/will draw

D)    were/would draw

E)     shall be/shall draw


       13. Choose the best answer.                                                             

              The doorbell rang but I didn’t hear it.

                I …… have been asleep.

                  A) can’t  B) was to  C) can 

                  D) had to  E) must


14. Choose the best answer.

          You can’t help … lies and I can’t stand …

          to you.

A)    telling/to listen  B) tell/listening

C)  telling/listening   D) told/listened

E)   to tell/to listen


    15. Choose the best answer.

           Outside the house he saw Mr. Watkins …

           in his direction. … up to him he greeted

           him cheerfully.

A)    walking/coming  B) walk/came

C) walked/came   D) walked/coming

E) walking/came


  16. Choose the best answer.

        Last night he … up crying as if somebody

         … him.

A)    has woken/hit

B)     had woken/has hit  C) woke/had hit

D)wakes/hits  E) wakes/would hit


    17. Choose the best answer.

           He … to work until he … .

A)    won’t go/recovers

B)     isn’t going/will recover

C)    doesn’t go/would recover

D)    will not go/recovered

E)     hadn’t gone/has recovered


     18. Choose the best answer.

           All the letters ….. yesterday will ….

           tomorrow. Don’t forget….. stamps.

           A) wrote/sent/ stick

           B) wrote/be sent/ to stick

           C) written/ sent/to stick

           D) written/be sent/ to stick

           E)  had written/ sent/ to stick



       Ответы к тестам.

1.  D               11. C           21. A

2.  C.              12. D           22. E

3.  B               13. E           23. A

4.  C               14. C           24. A

5.  B               15. A           25. D

6.  B               16. C

7.  A               17. A

8.  C               18. D

9.  C               19. C

10. D              20. D


      19. Choose the sentence in Active Voice to

           the given one in the Passive Voice.

           The house is being repaired by them.

A) The house has been repaired.

B) They were repairing the house.

C) They are repairing the house.

D) The house is repaired.

E) They have repaired the house.


      20. Choose the sentence in Active Voice to

         the given one in the Passive Voice.

             The message was not written to him.

             A) The message had not been written.

             B) He not was to write the massage.

             C) He has not written the message.

             D) He didn’t write the message.

             E) He was not writing the message


      21. Choose the appropriate articles.

     … Volga flows into … Caspian sea

     A) The/the 

     B) An/an 

     C) -/-

     D) The/an 

      E) the/-


      22. Choose the appropriate prepositions.

    The American delegation arrived …

    Russia on the first of May and left …

    Washington in a week.

    A) in/on  B) at/to  C) in/in

    D) to/on  E) in/for


      23. Choose the appropriate prepositions.

    James is the person I can rely … .

    A) upon  B) at  C) -  D) after

    E) to


      24. Choose the appropriate prepositions.

     I am not interested … footbol at al, but

     I’m keen … baseball.

     A) in/on  B) -/on  C) at/after

     D) in/in   E) in/at


      25. Choose the appropriate non finite-form of

          the verb.

          The man … in the gardn gets a lot of 


           A) worked  B) to work  C) works

           D) working  E) is worked



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