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Творческая работа по английскому языку по теме Кухни народов мира. Корейская кухня

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По теме: Кухни мира. Кухня Кореи





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Артамонова Жанна Иосифовна









Korea is a geographical territory that includes the Korean Peninsula and adjacent islands and is united by a common cultural and historical heritage. In the past, a single state. In the north it has a land border with China and Russia. To the east of Korea are the Japanese Islands.

In 1945, after the defeat of Japan in World War II, the territory of Korea, at that time part of Japan, was divided into two zones of military responsibility: Soviet and American. Subsequently, in 1948, two States emerged on the territory of these zones: the Republic of Korea in the south and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the north.

The territory of Korea is 220.8 thousand km2. The total population of both Korean states exceeds 70 million people.


1. Namisom Island:

Какие достопримечательности и туристические места в Корее стали самыми популярными среди иностранных туристов в 2021 - 2022 году?-3

Korea has beautiful and picturesque views, where the sights of Korea are located.One of the most popular places in Korea is Namis Island..


Namisom Island became a popular place to visit after appearing in the Korean drama "Winter Sonata" (2002). The island, also called the "Naminar River", appeared as a result of the construction of the Cheongpyeong Dam and you can get here by ferry. Despite the fact that there is something to look at here: the metasequoia alley and other picturesque paths lined with various trees, a statue dedicated to the Winter Sonata series, and much more, the size of the island is not so large and you can get around it in half a day.

For those who prefer a more active holiday, there is a zipline, a UNICEF Charity Train themed train, motorboats, etc.

1. Gyeongbokgung Palace:

Дворец Кёнбоккун

Gyeongbokgung was the most important and largest palace complex of the Joseon dynasty. It was built the very first among the other palaces of Seoul, the name of the complex meant "happiness and prosperity of the new emperor." The palace is distinguished by a huge territory, perfectly even order of the palace buildings.


Павильон Кёнхверу

 Entering the palace complex, one by one you will meet a variety of buildings and buildings, each of which was used for different purposes, so you will enjoy a leisurely fascinating walk through the territory of the palace. By the way, by visiting Gyeongbokgung at a certain time, you will be able to witness an exciting spectacle - the ceremony of changing the imperial guard. And if the trip to Korea took place during the evening opening of the palaces, which takes place every spring and autumn, be sure to take advantage of this unique chance to enjoy a walk and the elegant landscapes of the complex under the moonlight.



1. Seoul Tower on Namsan Mountain

The Seoul Tower on Mount Namsan is called the symbol of the capital of South Korea. This is one of the main attractions of Seoul, where a large number of tourists come all year round in any weather. It is especially recommended to visit this place in the evening to admire the magnificent night view of the city. In addition, various TV series such as "The Man from the Star", "The Legend of the Blue Sea" and others were filmed here, so the Seoul Tower is also a popular place among fans of the Korean Hallyu wave and Korean dramas.


Вид на Сеульскую башню на горе Намсан

Seoul Tower on Namsan Mountain has become a whole cultural space with an observation deck, restaurants and cafes, a museum, etc.; a place where it's nice to come on a date or dinner with loved ones and friends and enjoy a romantic atmosphere. Especially popular are "love locks", symbolizing the feelings of lovers for each other.

Замочки любви



4. Hwadam Botanical Garden:

Hwadam Botanical Garden is located near the popular Konjiam Ski Resort in Gwangju, Gyeonggi Province. Here, where more than 4,300 species of plants grow on a vast territory, you can admire the beauty of blooming flowers in spring, the riot of colors of nature in autumn, and snow-covered landscapes in winter. A monorail leads to the highest point of the forest, a trip along which will allow you to comfortably enjoy the surrounding beauty.

Осенние пейзажи в ботаническом саду Хвадам

Какие достопримечательности и туристические места в Корее стали самыми популярными среди иностранных туристов в 2021 - 2022 году?-13

Here you can just walk along 5 km long wooden paths and meet squirrels, hedgehogs and other small animals. After the walk, it is suggested to look into the house in the form of hanok near the pond and try Korean cuisine.



5. The folklore village of Bukchon:

Пейзажи на улицах фольклорной деревни Букчхон

The folklore village of Hanok Bukcheon traditional houses is an attractive place for tourists, because it is here that you can feel the spirit and beauty of Korean traditions, see the way of Korean life. In the era of the Joseon dynasty, rich nobles, high-ranking officials and members of the royal family lived in this area, where the luxurious Hanok houses are concentrated.


There is something interesting and original in every corner and nook of the village. The highlight of the village of Bukchon are also eight places from where the most beautiful landscapes open. It is worth noting that the entrance to the ancient Peginje house is free for visitors.

Какие достопримечательности и туристические места в Корее стали самыми популярными среди иностранных туристов в 2021 - 2022 году?-16




Popular dishes of South Korea:

1. Kimchi:

Koreans have found a way to make fermented pickled vegetables interesting, delicious and exciting.

A classic appetizer or side dish to any Korean dish, these spicy, salty, sweet and sour vegetables, known as kimchi, begin their journey sliced, tied in bundles and pickled in brine with hot chili pepper, salted fish paste, leeks, ginger.

This is an ancient dish that appeared about two thousand years ago, when it was first mentioned in written documents.

Originally it was called chimche, which literally translated as soaked vegetables, because in the past kimchi was soaked only in ras-salt or beef broth, but by the 12th century other ingredients and seasonings were added to the pot.

Currently, kimchi is made in both North and South Korea, and the southern version is more salty and spicy than the northern one.

Посещение Южной Кореи может открыть глаза на новое измерение корейской кухни.  Это может быть похоже на открытие потайной двери и нахождение за ней новых вкусностей.-2

The seasons also affect the taste of kimchi - refreshing cucumber kimchi is popular in spring and summer, and winter kimchi may contain radish and mustard leaves.


2. Pibimpap:

Pibim means mixed, and pap means cooked rice, so pibimpap is literally mixed rice.

Rice is combined with various ingredients such as sliced beef, namul (sliced vegetables), soy sauce, gochujang (thick red chili pepper paste) and egg on top, cooked as it is spread through steaming rice.

It is said that pibimpap, one of the most popular Korean dishes, past bulgogi and kimchi, was invented out of necessity, like many other national dishes.

In Korea, there is a tradition according to which any leftover food on New Year's Eve should not be transferred to the next year, so the practice of combining various ingredients with rice in a bowl appeared, and pibimpap was created.

Another theory says that it was a traditional dish for workers during the harvest, as it is easy to cook in large quantities to feed a large number of people.

Посещение Южной Кореи может открыть глаза на новое измерение корейской кухни.  Это может быть похоже на открытие потайной двери и нахождение за ней новых вкусностей.-3
Regardless of its origin, Koreans claim that it heals the body, releases energy and protects against diseases in winter, so it is not surprising that pibimpap is considered an ideal food.


4. Ttok:

Ttok are traditional Korean rice cakes, which are made from sticky or non—sticky rice.

Cakes are incredibly versatile, and although they are mostly sweet and can be eaten as a dessert, some simple varieties can be added to savory dishes.

Посещение Южной Кореи может открыть глаза на новое измерение корейской кухни.  Это может быть похоже на открытие потайной двери и нахождение за ней новых вкусностей.-5

Conventional cooking involves steaming, grinding or kneading rice until it turns into a pliable dough, which, if desired, can be enriched with various ingredients and formed into various shapes.


Popular dishes of North Korea:

1. Nanmen:

Pyongyang nengmen is a kind of traditional North Korean noodle dish. It usually consists of buckwheat noodles, thinly sliced cucumbers, Korean pears, vegetable kimchi (often radish-ki kimchi) and thinly sliced beef, chicken or pork, which are served in cold spicy broth (meat broth, donchimi broth or a mixture thereof) with ice cubes and a slice of hard-boiled egg. The dish is traditionally served chilled in a large metal bowl. Hot mustard, vinegar and sugar are also added there.

Что едят в Северной Корее: 6 любимых блюд жителей самой закрытой страны мира

2. Ox tail jelly:

Ox tail jelly is another popular dish of North Korean cuisine. For this recipe, chefs use bull meat — tail, knuckle or tendons. Later, they soak the meat in water to make it tender and soft. A lot of vegetables are also added to the dish: red pepper, chopped leeks, garlic.


3. Dububap:

Dububap or tububap translates as "tofu rice" and is a simple snack that is especially popular in North Korea. It is prepared in just 10 minutes and consists of fried tofu slices filled with rice. The top of each slice is served with chili sauce and sometimes garnished with chopped smoked vegetables.


4. Pansangi:

Previously, panangin or only members of the royal family of North Korea, but now it is one of the most popular dishes among the inhabitants of the country. Pan sangi consists of soju, soup, rice and other dishes served in small bronze bowls. A full panangin includes about 12 dishes





The history of Korea, firmly connected with its culinary traditions, helps to understand the meaning and meanings of dishes, and also correlates their events with the reflection of the life of the Korean people. This makes Korean cuisine not just a legacy of the past, but also a bright bridge between historical traditions and modernity.

The extensive use of vegetables and seafood in Korean cuisine makes it incredibly useful and allows you to keep fit. Thanks to careful canning methods, such as kimchi, Koreans were able to supply food for a long time and ensure their nutrition during the cold winter months.

The peculiarity of Korean cuisine is in direct contact with guests. Food in Korea has always been a means of uniting family, friends and neighbors. Big holidays are often accompanied by a lavish feast, where everyone enjoys a variety of dishes together, mutually making compliments and spending time on communication and sharing stories.

In conclusion, it can be argued that Korean cuisine is a reflection of the ancient and multifaceted history of Korea. The combination of rich flavors and refined cooking techniques makes this cuisine unique and attractive for lovers of exotic food around the world.



1.                 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Корея

2.                 https://dzen.ru/a/YqIBqDYXA1MuDw2T

3.                 https://dzen.ru/a/YZZv7seVJTGbILkJ

4.                 https://guide.travel.ru/north_korea/people/cuisine/#:~:text=К%20традиционным%20блюдам%20относятся%20говяжий,с%20рисом%20%22луотал%22%20и%20др

5.                 https://www.marieclaire.ru/food/chto-edyat-v-severnoi-koree-6-lyubimykh-blyud-samoi-zakrytoi-strany-mira/


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