Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок 9 (курсы для начинающих)

Урок 9 (курсы для начинающих)

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1.  Цели:  


·     Обобщение изученного материала  

·     Закрепление навыков словообразования

·     Практика устной речи   

·     Обобщение изученного материала






2.1 Phonetics:


·  searching, turn, earning, further, term, murder

·  quality, qualification, quick, queue, unique

·  issue, substitution, conclusion, future, to abuse

·  career, clear, near, hear, fearless, to cheer up

·  court, to devour, beforehand, storage, foremost

·  to beat, teapot, seat, weakness, treason, to eat

·  rare, fare, to declare, beware of, mare, careful 






2.2  The Snowball. Your team gets a word. Give more details to it. Make a sentence and enrich it as much as possible.




Example: A HOUSE

to build a house => My uncle built a house =>My uncle built a house in Tula`s region =>My uncle built a house in Tula`s region when I was a child … etc.


2.3 Some, any, no, every …




Translate the text and compare the usage of words somebody, anybody, nobody and everybody









2.4 Compose your own sentences using the words from the box


often   usually   rarely   ever   never   sometimes   always   





3.          Let`s check your homework 







3.1 Are these sentences true or false?


1)        The author broke his hand.

2)        Their camp is located near the mountains. 

3)        Travis said to nobody about his plans to go on a hike.

4)        They had a fire in the camp.

5)        The author lost his hair during the fire.

6)        Scouts got to the lake by train.

7)        Scouts were looking for Travis during the flood.

8)        The vehicle was broken because of the fire.

9)        The author was going to buy some bullets.

10)       Scouts swam into the lake.





3.2 Continue the following sentences according to the text.


1)        Luckily none of scouts got drowned because …

2)        Mr. Sorensen made all scouts to write letters to their parents …

3)        The author asked his parents to call Travis`s mother because…

4)        Mr. Sorensen was mad at Travis because …

5)        Wet woods didn`t burn so scouts …

6)        The author and Travis rode the canoe because …

7)        The author said that Mark looked great after …

8)        Scouts passed their First-Aid Skill Award when …

9)        The truck was broken because …




4.          Use of English  











4.1 Form adjectives from the given words and suffixes and translate them into Russian.


-ful: care, peace, power, use

-less: care, fame, use, hope

-al: nature, culture, music, physics 

-y: wind, wealth, salt, health

-able: change, understand, suit

-ous: fame, mystery, adventure, glory

-ive (ative): express, connect, talk, create 





4.2 Put words into spaces using correct forms.



She was so shocked at the news that she was …..



Tim is so …..driver; he will cause an accident one day.



The children were having a great time to sliding gown the …..slopes.



Helen gave an amazing …..in the play.



He had no …. for the missing files.



I enjoy sampling …… dishes when I go abroad.



He has made …..progress at school this year.



You shouldn’t be so … on your parents at the age of thirty.



Guess what! Tina sent me a wedding ……



A group of music …..  decided to create their own business.



It’s a good way to improve your ……



The vase is very …. for me, it’s my granny’s present.





5.           Grammar check. Open the brackets and translate the following sentences into Russian but be careful!


1)            When Jack (to open) the classroom door he (to see) that the teacher already (to come) and students (to write) a test.

2)            When he (to return) home his sister (to look through) a book he (to bring) from the library on Tuesday.

3)            We (not to go) to the beach by car yesterday because my brother (to pierce) a wheel when he (to drive) home after some party on Sunday.

4)            He (not to tell) me that he (to receive) a telegram from her.

5)            When he (to look) out of the window, the children (to play) with a ball which Pete (to bring) from home.


6.         Reflection. Please, answer the following questions





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