Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок "Мой родной город" (город Киров, Кировская область) (9 класс)

Урок "Мой родной город" (город Киров, Кировская область) (9 класс)

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Приёмы подготовки обучающихся 9 классов к сдаче устной части ОГЭ по английскому языку на примере темы «Страна/страны изучаемого языка и родная страна. Их географическое положение, климат, население, города и сёла, достопримечательности» (город Киров, Кировская область)

Ход урока

Информационное пространство

Good afternoon, everybody! I am glad to see you.


Постановка цели урока


There is no place like home.
East or West – home is best


1)      Read this poem. (Spotlight, p.SS1. Module 2)

My neighbourhood is peaceful

It’s the perfect place to rest

It’s easy to relax here

When you are feeling tired or stressed.

My neighbourhood is pretty

It’s the perfect place to stay

You are always very welcome

If you want to get away.


I know you would be happy

In my little neighbourhood

I’d be so glad to see you

And the place would do you good.

The people here are friendly

Everybody wears a smile

Why don’t you pack a suitcase?

Come and visit for a while.


My street is clean and quiet

And it isn’t very wide

It’s shady and it’s leafy

With tall trees on either side.

My house is warm and cosy

It’s attractive and it’s new

It’s also very spacious

So there’s lots of room for you.



2)      What topic are we going to speak about? ___________________________________


3)       Pair Work
Use these words to ask questions. Ask your partner.


  1. What, for, famous, is, the place, live, where, you?
  2. What place, to visit, in, recommend, your, you, hometown, would?

(1.    What is the place where you live famous for?)

(2.    What place in your hometown would you recommend to visit?)


4)      What do you know about your native land and your hometown? Try to answer these questions.
Make groups of four. Choose a chairperson


What do you know about your native land (geographical position, climate, population, etc.)?

What is the place where you live famous for all over the world?

What place in your hometown would you recommend tourists to visit?

















Summarize what you’ve found out.


5)      Are you satisfied with your answers? Do you want to improve your knowledge about your native land and your hometown?


6)      One-minute Task

Continue the sentences:

I think it’s a good idea to learn how to speak about our native land and hometown  because…

I don’t think it’s a good idea to learn how to speak about our native land and our hometown because…


7)      What would you like to learn today at our lesson?

I would like to learn…………………………………


1)      Let’s work on sounds

·         Sunshine city, sunshine city, sunshine city

·         Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you

·         While we were walking,
we were watching window washers
wash Washington’s windows
with warm washing water

·         Mr. Grey is waiting
at the railway station for a train

·         Shut up the shutters and
sit in the shop

2) What is your hometown like? Spotlight 9, p.32, ex.1

Read the phrases. Use as many phrases as you can to talk about where you live.

Example: I live in (a modern city). There are (beautiful houses) and (tree-lined streets). There aren’t (any big shops)…





























3)      Articles

Артикли с географическими названиями


a) С названиями сторон света употребляется определенный артикль: the North.


b) Названия континентов употребляются без артикля: Africa, Australia, Europe, Asia, Antarctica.


c) Названия пустынь и долин употребляется с определенным артиклем: the Sahara (Desert)


d) Названия групп островов, горных цепей, хребтов употребляется с определенным артиклем: the Alps.

Названия отдельных островов, горных вершин, вулканов, холмов употребляются без артикля: Everest.

Названия полуостровов употребляется без артикля: Alaska.


НО! Если перед названием полуострова употреблено слово peninsula, необходим определенный артикль: the Alaska Peninsula.


e) К числу географических имен, употребляющихся без артикля относятся названия

стран, государств




НО! Названия с Kingdom, Republic, States, Union употребляются с определенным артиклем: the United Arab Emirates.

HO! Названия стран во множественном числе употребляются с определенным артиклем: the Netherlands.


f) Названия океанов, рек, пролив, каналов, течений употребляются с определенным артиклем.


The Atlantic (Ocean)


The Black Sea


The Volga

проливов, каналов

The Suez Canal (иск)

The English Channel (естеств)


The Baikal

HO! Если в названии есть слово lake, артикль не употребляется: Lake Baikal.

g) Артикли с названиями городских объектов и различных учреждений

Обычно употребляются без артикля названия

городов, сёл, деревень


улиц, переулков

Regent Street


Red Square



HO! При наличии конкретизирующего определения употребляется определенный артикль: the City of Moscow, the Minsk of 1945


h) К числу названий городских объектов, употребляемых с определенным артиклем, относятся названия:

Театров и кинотеатров

The Odeon

Музеев и картинных галерей

The British Museum

Концертных залов

The Albert Hall

Клубов и ресторанов

The Russian Tea Room

Гостиниц и библиотек

The British Library


The Winter Palace

Памятников и достопримечательностей

The Great Wall of China

Общественных и исторических зданий

The Tower (of London)


i)Названия, которые употребляются без артикля:


Gatwick Airport


Pennsylvania Station

Станций метро

Mayakovskaya metro station

4)      Make up a noun from  an adjective



5)      These adjectives can help you to express your opinion, feelings and emotions about any place in your hometown. List the adjectives as positive/negative:

Amazing, breathtaking, busy, dull, delightful, exciting, gorgeous, historic, magnificent, historic, picturesque, overcrowded, polluted, remarkable


























Check your answer. Positive adjectives



Amazingудивительный, изумительный

Dull [dʌl] – скучный, хмурый, унылый

Breathtaking ['breθˌteɪkɪŋ] поразительный, восхитительный

[ˌəuvə'kraudɪd] – многолюдный

Busy ['bɪzɪ] – оживленный, суетливый

Polluted [pə'luːtɪd] – загрязненный

Delightful [dɪ'laɪtful] – восхитительный, очаровательный


Exciting [ɪk'saɪtɪŋ] – захватывающий, потрясающий


Gorgeous ['gɔːʤəs] – великолепный, прекрасный, превосходный


Historic [hɪs'tɔrɪk] – исторический, памятный. Не путайте с historical!


Magnificent – великолепный, роскошный


Picturesque [ˌpɪkʧ(ə)'resk] – живописный


Remarkable – замечательный, удивительный





Historic means ‘important or likely to be important in history’

Historical means ‘related to the study of things from the past’

A historic building is very old.

A historic event – is very important and will be recorded as part of history

Historical interest.

Historical context, historical research/evidence

Информационное пространство

Part I
General Information about Kirov Region
Pre-Reading Tasks

1)      In a minute add as many words as you can think of. Try consolidating your knowledge of words associated with the city/town/village by making a word web. Start like this:

































Which words have you written?

































a)      Read the text and fill in THE where necessary


Kirov Region is situated in the European part of … Russian Federation. It is 700 km to …. North-east of Moscow. It is as large as …. Austria and …. Switzerland put together. It occupies 121 000 sq.km. Kirov region borders on 5 administrative regions: …. Perm, …. Nizhny Novgorod, …. Kostroma, … Arkhangelsk and …. Vologda regions, 4 autonomous republics: …. Mary, … Udmurt, … Komi, …. Tatarstan.

… Vyatka is the longest and the deepest river in the region. Its length is 1300 km.

The climate of the region is temperate continental. Winters are long, frosty and snowy. Summers are moderately warm. The fauna of the region is extremely rich. Plenty of animals, birds, fish, reptiles and insects live in its forests, rivers, lakes.

The population of the region is more than1,5 mln people. The main city of the region is …Kirov. The city was founded in 1374 on the bank of … Vyatka River. Its first name was Vyatka. In 1457 the town was renamed Khlynov. In 1780 Khlynov was renamed Vyatka.

 In 1934 it was renamed Kirov.


The population of our city is about 500 000 inhabitants.






Kirov Region is situated in the European part of the Russian Federation. It is 700 km to the north-east of Moscow. It is as large as Austria and Switzerland put together. It occupies 121 000 sq.km.

Kirov region borders on 5 administrative regions: Perm, Nizhny Novgorod, Kostroma, Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions, 4 autonomous republics: Mary, Udmurt, Komi, Tatarstan.

The Vyatka is the longest and the deepest river in the region. Its length is 1300 km.

The climate of the region is temperate continental. Winters are long, frosty and snowy. Summers are moderately warm.


The fauna of the region is extremely rich. Plenty of animals, birds, fish, reptiles and insects live in its forests, rivers, lakes.


The population of the region is more than1,5 mln people.


The main city of the region is Kirov. The city was founded in 1374 on the bank of the Vyatka River. Its first name was Vyatka. In 1457 the town was renamed Khlynov. In 1780 Khlynov was renamed Vyatka.

 In 1934 it was renamed Kirov.


The population of our city is about 500 000 inhabitants.



Exercises on the text

a)      What do the numbers refer to?


121 000       1 500 000      500 000       9       1300       1374



b)     Read the text again and match the numbers
(1-5) with what they refer to (a-e)

1)      one thousand three hundred____

2)      one point five million

3)      five hundred thousand____

4)      one hundred and twenty-one thousand

5)      nine


a.       The size of the territory Kirov Region occupies.

b.       The size of population in Kirov.

c.       The size of the population in Kirov Region.

d.       The number of regions and autonomous republics our native land borders on.

e.       The length of the main river in the region.


с) In the text underline facts that can help you to speak about Kirov Region



c)       Answer the questions


1.       In what part of Euroasia is Kirov Region situated?

2.       How large is the territory of Kirov region?

3.       How far is it from Moscow?

4.       How many people live in our region?

5.       How many people live in Kirov?

6.       What other regions does Kirov region border on?

7.       How long is the river Vyatka?

8.       What is the main city of the region?

9.       What is the official date of the city’s foundation?

10.   How old is the city?

Kirov city map of Russia

Part II
Pre-Reading Tasks


a)      Fill in THE where necessary. Explain why

1_______Theatre Square

2_______  Bulychevs Mansion

3_______  Saltykov-Schedrin’s House

4_______ Grin’s House

5_______Vasnetsovs Brothers’ Fine Arts Museum

6_______ Space Centre for Kids
Alexander Garden 

8_______ Kirov Regional Museum of Local Lore 

9_______ Museum “The Dymkovo Toys”  and

 ________  Monument to a Dymkovo toy

10______ Kirov Regional Drama and Comedy Theatre

11______Monastery of St.Trifon



b)     Read and match the articles and the questions

Sightseeing in Kirov


  1. What craft makes Kirov region unique?
  2. Which building looks like a French castle?
  3. Which museum would you like to visit?
  4. What park is the oldest in the city and region?
  5. Where can citizens of the city celebrate holidays, enjoy concerts in the open air and relax near the fountain?
  6. Where does The Cross Walk to the Velikaya River start?
  7.  What is the perfect way to see the city?
















Read and match the articles and the questions

Sightseeing in Kirov




People call Theatre Square the heart of the city. This place is an attractive sight for tourists especially when people celebrate different holidays there and have fairs, sport races and concerts in the open air. Nowadays, in the centre of the square there is a small garden where you can have a rest. The remarkable musical fountain in the middle decorates the beautiful garden. The fountain was built in 1976. It’s very pleasant to relax near it.

The square was founded in the 18th century.  The first name of the square was Khlebnaya Square because the merchants of Vyatka sold grain, flour and bread here. In 1877 the Theatre was built and the Square was renamed Theatre Square.

Kirov Regional Drama and Comedy Theatre is situated in Theatre Square.

The first performance took place in Vyatka in 1815. It was an amateur theatre. The amateur performances were extremely popular with the citizens. So, the first building of the theatre in Kirov was built in 1877. It was small and made of wood. People called it “a box of matches”. In one of the fires the wooden building was destroyed by the fire.

A lot of outstanding actors performed on the stage of this historic building: in 1924 the famous American ballet-dancer Isidore Dunkan danced here; in 1928 Vladimir Mayakovsky recited his poems on the stage of the theatre. The modern building of Kirov Drama and Comedy Theatre was built in 1939.

Nowadays, Kirov has 3 professional theatres:

·         Kirov Regional Drama and Comedy Theatre,

·         The Theatre for Young Spectators,

·         The Puppet Theatre

If you are fond of music , you can visit the Philarmonic Concert Hall or the Organ Music hall in Lenin Street.


Exercises on the text A

Reading Comprehension

·         Match the Questions with the Dates


When was Theatre Square founded?




When was the musical fountain built?




When was the wooden building of the Drama Theatre erected?




When did Mayakovsky recite his poems on the stage of the Drama Theatre in Vaytka?




When was the modern building of Kirov Drama and Comedy Theatre built?


the 18th century.

·         Answer the questions

Why was the square in the centre of the city called Theatre Square?

What was the original name of Theatre Square?



The Monastery of St.Trifon is a remarkable sight. It was founded by Saint Trifon of Vyatka (1548-1612) in the 16th century. The picturesque monastery complex is mysterious and breathtaking. It includes almost 20 buildings.

In 1580 Trifon was sent to Moscow with a petition in which people asked the tsar’s permission to found a monastery in Vyatka. In1580 Ivan the Terrible granted them a permission to found a monastery. The monastery of  St.Trifon is the oldest building in Kirov.

The first buildings were made of wood. None of the wooden buildings has preserved. In the 17th century the monastery was rebuilt in stone.

It is the place where The Cross Walk to the Velikaya River starts from every June ( it is a procession of people with crosses and the icon of St.Nicholas). The first mention about “The Cross Walk to the Velikaya river” dates back to 1546. The Monastery is magnificent. It is the centre of ecclesiastical life in the city. ([iˌklēzēˈastikəl] духовный, церковный)



Exercises on the text B

Reading Comprehension


What adjectives were used in the text to describe
The Monastery of St.Trifon?


Read and fill in the linking phrases in the text C:

A.    Firstly, …

B.     In conclusion, I want to say that…

C.    I am going to give a talk about …

D.    I think…

E.     Secondly, …

F.     That’s all that I wanted to say.

G.    Last but not least, …



(1)________ Alexander Garden. It is the oldest park in the city and region. (2) _________ this place has a great historical and cultural heritage for some reasons:

(3) ________ , it was founded after the visit of the Emperor Alexander I in 1825. (4) _________, it is still decorated with a rotunda and a fence which were designed by an outstanding architect Vitberg in the 1840s  . These objects are made in the classical style and are one of the best examples of landscape gardening architecture. (5) ______, here you can enjoy the picturesque view on the Vyatka river. (6) _________this park is worth visiting. (7) _________________________________.



D. __________________________________________
Kirov Regional Museum of Local Lore
 is one of the oldest regional museums in Russia. It was founded in 1866. The main exposition covers the history of the peoples of the region from ancient times to the present day. Here you can see the exhibits that are closely connected with historic events of our region. Here one can see the richest archaeological, paleontologic collections, manuscripts and early printed books, religious objects, graphics, materials about the history of political, economic and cultural life of the city and the region.

The ethnographic collection presents household items and clothing of such peoples as Udmurts, Mari, Komi, Tatars, and Russians. The pride of the museum is a rich numismatic collection of 45 thousand coins and notes.

In the hall of old weapons you can see a model of the wooden Vyatka Kremlin. This museum is situated in Spasskaya Street.

The Vasnetsovs Brothers’ Fine Arts Museum

The museum is a pride of the city. It is the first art and historical museum in the North and North-East of Russia. It was founded in 1909. It has one of the richest collections of paintings in Russia. It possesses over 22.000 works of art such as icons, paintings, drawings, prints, sculptures, etc. In the gallery you can see the masterpieces of famous artists: I. E. Repin, K. P. Bryullov, I. K. Aivazovsky, and others.


Saltykov-Schedrin’s House

The historic builing of this museum is very old. It is a three-room house built in the 19th  century. Mikhail Saltykov-Schedrin was a Russian writer (1826-1889). He is famous for his amazing satirical novels and tales. He spent 7 years in his exile in Vyatka. He got to know Vyatka provincial life, customs, habits and traditions. Vyatka is easily recognized in his “Provincial Notes”. The museum is worth visiting because the interior of the museum imitates the way of life in Vyatka in the 19th century.


Grin’s House is a brick building built in the 19th century. Here one can find out information about the creative life of Alexander Grinevsky who is famous for his exciting novels full of romanticism known all over the world. One of them is “Scarlet Sails”.

I would highly recommend you to visit these museums if you are fond of reading.


The Space Centre for Kids named after V.Savinykh.

The modern building of the museum is a beautiful sight.

Here you can find out a lot of information about the most important stages of Russian aviation and cosmonautics, about Victor Savinykh, a Vyatka austronaut, and about Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935), a founder of science and technology of travel through outer space. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky lived and studied in Vyatka. In the museum technology is used introducing new ways to learn about space. A digital planetarium attracts a lot of children and adults.


Exercises on the text D

Reading Comprehension


How to choose which museum to visit?

Answer the questions


1)      Which museum


  1. presents one of the richest collections of paintings in Russia?
  2. is famous for its digital planetarium?
  3. has the largest collection of exhibits connected with the historic events of our region?
  4. imitates the way of life in Vyatka in the 19th century and tells visitors about a famous writer famous for his satirical novels and tales?
  5. tells visitors about the creative life of Alexander Grinevsky?







2) Make notes under the following headings about museums in your town/city.

Museums to visit

Reasons for visiting











If you are working with a partner, discuss your ideas together.



3) Put the words into the correct order to make sentences and advise which museum to visit.


1. One, place, is, visit, must, you …...


2. I, going, suggest, to, also ….


3. I’m, sure, enjoy, you, would….


4. Another, to, interesting, is, visit, place….


5. The museum, called, love, is, you’ll…




1)      Use your ideas from exercise 2 to complete the sentences in exercise 3.




E. _______________________________________
Bulychev’s Mansion
Tourists can admire the delightful piece of architecture in Kirov. It is the magnificent house of one of the richest merchants of old Vyatka, Tikhon Bulychev. People call it “a castle”. It is made of red bricks. Bulychev’s house was designed by a local architect Ivan Charushin on the model of a French castle. The construction began in 1908 and lasted 4 years. The life of T.Bulychev was sad and tragic. After the revolution his property was expropriated.

Bulychev’s Mansion is not a museum. Tourists can’t enter the castle. Now it’s the seat of Russian Security Service Office.

But without any doubt, this historic building decorates our city.


Exercises on the text E

Reading Comprehension


Make up questions using the given words.
Expand the given answers to the questions



1.      What, like, is, Bulychev’s Mansion?


The short answer: Delightful.

The full  answer:________________________


2.      Who, the owner, of this building, was?

The short answer: Tikhon Bulychev.
The full answer: _______________________


3.      How, people, call, do, it?
The short answer: A castle.
The full answer: _____________________


4.      Who, the castle, designed, when, and?
The short answer: Ivan Charushin.

The full answer:_____________________


5.      What, is, the seat of, now, it?
The short answer: The seat of Russian Security Service Office.
The full answer:




F. ________________________________________

Ancient Crafts of Vyatka

Kirov region has been famous for embroidery, wood-carving, lace-making, making birch bark containers, making matryoshka dolls and clay toys. The traditional craft of Kirov region are the Dymkovo clay toys.

Dymkovo clay toys are unique and have their roots in times out of mind. They are known all over the world and are used as souvenirs.  There is the monument to a Dymkovo toy in Spasskaya Street. Dymkovo clay toys are connected with a sping holiday “svistunya”. If you want to enjoy Dymkovo toys, you can visit the Museum “The Dymkovo Toys: History and Modernity”.


Exercises on the text F

Reading Comprehension

Look at the pictures and complete the table with the names of crafts













Read and match the articles and the questions

Sightseeing in Kirov


1)      What craft makes Kirov region unique?

2)      Which building looks like a French castle?

3)      Which museum would you like to visit?

4)      What park is the oldest in the city and region?

5)      Where can citizens of the city celebrate holidays, enjoy concerts in the open air and relax near the fountain?

6)      Where does The Cross Walk to the Velikaya River start?

7)       What is the perfect way to see the city?
















Read again and say what 3 places mentioned in the text you would recommend tourists to visit. Complete the table


The sight

Adjectives to describe it

Facts about it

Reasons for visiting

















a)      List as many words as you can about the picture in 3 minutes.

If this is done in groups, there can be a group competition.


b)     Pairwork

One student pretends to be blind. The other describes the place of interest in Kirov to him/her without giving the name of the sight. The 1st student guesses what it is.


c)      Groupwork

In groups, the students take it in turns to describe the sight in the picture. It may be a competition.


d)     Pairwork

One student writes a letter or a postcard as if he/she is a tourist in Kirov. A letter can include several things that are untrue. Another student reads the letter and decides if any of it is untrue.


Student 1 is going to give a talk about your hometown. Listen attentively.

How many points will he/she get for his/her speaking?

ЗАДАНИЕ 3 УЧ (монолог)  мах 7 балов

Решение коммуникативной задачи мах 3 балла


10-12 фраз; полно, точно, все аспекты




8-9 фраз; тема раскрыта не в полном объеме,



1 аспект раскрыт не полностью



6-7 фраз;



1 аспект не раскрыт, или все аспекты раскрыты не полностью,


или 2 раскрыты не в полном объеме



Менее 5 фраз,



2 аспекта не раскрыты


Организация текста мах 2 балла









средства логической связи






Нет вступления ИЛИ


Нет заключения


1-2 нарушения в использовании средств логической связи






Нет вступления и заключения


Нет средств логической связи


Языковое оформление мах 2 балла


Не более 4 негрубых ЛГ ошибок



И/ИЛИ не более 3 негрубых фонетических ошибок



Не более 5 негрубых ЛГ ошибок



И/ИЛИ не более 4 фон. Ошибок



Понимание затруднено



6 и более ЛГ ошибок


И/ИЛИ 5 фонетических


ИЛИ 3 грубые







Remember to say:

  • what your hometown is like;
  • what it is famous for;
  • what place in your hometown you like most and why;
  • what your attitude to your hometown is.

You have to talk continuously.

Информационное пространство

Give your opinion about Kirov



I would highly recommend this place to you.

It’s a waste of time.

This city is worth visiting.

This city is not worth visiting.


Let’s finish our lesson up.

Step 1. Name the activities we were doing in the class.


Step 2. Think and say how the activities on the board are connected with the language, our learning.

Step 3. Parking Lot


What went well?


What can we change?


What are the questions?


What are the insights?



Now I know_____________________________


Домашнее задание

35. You have 30 minutes to do this task. You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Ben:

      From: Ben@mail.uk

      To: Russian_friend@oge.ru

      Subject: My Hometown

…So, I’m really looking forward to coming to your city – finally! But it’s so sad that I’m coming when you are away! Anyway, can you tell me what places I should go to? What things should I do? What things should I eat and drink?

Write a message to Ben and answer his 3 questions. Write 100–120 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.



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  • Настоящий материал опубликован пользователем Тиунова Наталья Юрьевна. Инфоурок является информационным посредником и предоставляет пользователям возможность размещать на сайте методические материалы. Всю ответственность за опубликованные материалы, содержащиеся в них сведения, а также за соблюдение авторских прав несут пользователи, загрузившие материал на сайт

    Если Вы считаете, что материал нарушает авторские права либо по каким-то другим причинам должен быть удален с сайта, Вы можете оставить жалобу на материал.

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  • Автор материала

    Тиунова Наталья Юрьевна
    Тиунова Наталья Юрьевна
    • На сайте: 4 года и 10 месяцев
    • Подписчики: 0
    • Всего просмотров: 3066
    • Всего материалов: 3

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки



500/1000 ч.

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Курс повышения квалификации

Английский язык для IT-специалистов

36 ч. — 180 ч.

от 1580 руб. от 940 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 148 человек из 46 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 68 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в дошкольном образовании


300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 232 человека из 53 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 458 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Актуальные вопросы преподавания английского языка в условиях реализации ФГОС

72 ч.

2200 руб. 1100 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 352 человека из 75 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 1 232 человека


Фундаментальные принципы здоровья и двигательной активности

2 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Психология и педагогика в работе с детьми: эмоциональные и зависимые расстройства

5 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 53 человека из 23 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 23 человека


Психологическая экспертиза в юридической сфере: теоретические аспекты

2 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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