Инфоурок Иностранные языки СтатьиУрок по английскому языку на тему "Экология" (8 класс)

Урок по английскому языку на тему "Экология" (8 класс)

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8 Б класс

План – конспект  открытого урока


Lesson  4 : “Man  and  Natural World “


Тема: “  The Environmental  Problems”


Цель  урока : обобщить  знания учащихся по теме  “Man and  Natural World. The Environmental Problems ”, прививать  школьникам любовь и уважение к  окружающей среде, природе.


Задачи урока :

                         Практические : 1)развитие навыков    и  умений             

                                                       устной  речи  по теме

                                                     “The Environmental  Problems “                                                        

                                               2)совершенствование навыков  чтения , письма 

                                               3)совершенствование навыков аудирования


                        Воспитательные:1) воспитание у  учащихся интереса  к                                                      

                                                      изучению  английского языка

                                                   2)культуры общения

                                                       3)  умения слушать собеседника 

                                                       4)умения работать  в  группах  


                        Развивающие : 1)развитие языковой догадки , памяти,

                                                    готовности к коммуникации

                                                 2)развитие  мышления  учащихся ,

                                                        развитие      навыков 

                                                       самостоятельной творческой работы                   

                       Образоватльные:1)расширение  эрудиции учащихся , их

                                                    общего кругозора

Тип урока : повторение изученного материала

Оснащение урока : 1)презентация 

                                 2)карточки  с именами

                               3)диск»Музыка в гармонии с природой.Райские птицы»

                               4)раздаточный материал

                               5)карточки  с названиями газет:” Moscow 

                                     News” , “Segodnya” , “Izvestiya “, “Nezavisimaya  Gazeta”

                               6) микрофоны

                                7) телевизор

Технические  средства  обучения: магнитофон   ,         





                                                Ход  урока .

1.Подготовка  учащихся  к учебной деятельности  на английском языке.


       1) Организационный момент.

T :-Good morning ! I am glad to see you.

P:-So are we .Good morning!

T:-Sit down ,please.



        2)Сообщение целей урока

  Т :The protection of  nature  has become  one of the most  burning  problems .The

nature  provides  people  with mineral resources ,  rivers , forests , fields . The development  of industry has had  a bad  influence on the  nature of the whole


What are we going to speak about today?

  Today we  are going to speak about the environmetal problems .You will exchange your opinions  about these global  problems , you ‘ll say  how to protect our Earth , how  to prevent  further pollution of the  atmosphere , what urgent and necessary  measures to undertake.


       3)Фонетическая зарядка

    T: First of all, let’s recite  the poem “Hug the Earth” .Who wants to do it?


Музыкальный фон №6- пение птиц. Ученики читают стихотворение “Hug the  Earth”(by Lorraine  Bayes) на  экране  картины с изображением  природы.



         4)Речевая зарядка.

          T : Now answer my questions , please.


          T:  -What  does the word  environment mean?

P : It means simply what is around us.


           T: What ecological problems do you know?

P : The most serious  environmental problems are :

  1 pollution in its many forms (water pollution  , air  pollution , nuclear  pollution )

  2 noise  from cars  , buses ,  planes

  3 the  distruction  of wildlife and country side beauty

  4 the shortage  of natural  resources (metal , different kinds  of fuel)

  5 the  growth of population

  6 acid rains

  7 the greenhouse  effect

  8 the  destruction of the ozone layer

T : And  let’s consult  the diagram on the  screen and  compare  our answers and see  if  we have not  missed  anything important.

   ( на экране   компьютера диаграмма )




T : Well done , thank you very much . I appreciate    your  answers .Good work


                  -T : But what is the most  important  problem ?

P : There   are  a lot of  ecological  problems  not only  in Russia  but  in the whole world . I  think , the most important ecological  problem  is pollution.

         T : But people  have  always polluted  their countries  . Now it  has become  more serious  .


                -T: What are the reasons for it?

P1 : I think  people  throw away  too  much litter .There is  a lot of  litter  everywhere

P2 : Different kinds of transport  make this  problem  serious.

P3 : Many   factories don’t  recycle their  wastes .They  produce  goods  and   a lot  of litter.

P4 : In my  opinion  we  know  the rules  but don’t follow   them  when we go hiking or fishing or just  walking in the forest

P5 : Factories and cars  pollute  the air  with harmful gases


              T : Oh , I see you can  give us  many  reasons , thank you.

          As you  have become aware  there are  lots of  problems . Now let’s listern  to some  scientists.


2        Отработка  ранее введенного материала и овладение  различными видами речевой деятельности . 


              1)Развитие навыков  устной речи  .Телевизионное ток- шоу и   обсуждение  темы “The Environmental  Problems”.



         -T: I ‘d like to invite  you to take part  in the TV talk  show “Save  Our Planet”. We have some experts  .They  will speak  on the ecological problems too.

You are  welcome ,dear experts!


    -   Tv woman : Good  morning , dear  televiewers ! We have invited some scientists to take part  in our programme . Let me introduce our guests to you : Miss.   Samodelkina  is  a physicist , Miss.  Nizamova  is  a chemist,  Miss. Gabdulina     is  a  biologist , Mr. Shaberdin  is    an ecologist , Miss.  Smirnova  is a  geographer , Miss . Vinokurova  is a  doctor.

 As you can see ,  they represent  different branches  of science. So it will be   interesting to hear   their opinions on the subject  of our discussion.(to scientists)

Miss. Смирнова , could  you     tell  us   if  Man  can influence  the climate?



    -   Miss . Smirnova : Of course , climate  is   …    hot   in summer   ex.17,p27 (на экране  карта России , ученик показывает на доске         Россию , Сибирь , Москву , Омск  , Ростов , Северный Ледовитый  океан , тайгу , Черное море, Каспийское море)



    - Tv woman : But recently climate  has changed a lot  in our country , hasn’t  it?



   -  Miss. Smirnova  : You are right , especially  in its European  part …on  the  New Year’s  Eve  (ex.17,p28)


    -  Tv woman : Many people say that it is so because of the greenhouse effect.What is it?  Why can the greenhouse effect  be dangerous for the planet?


    -  Miss.Samodelkina : It works like  this … So the atmosphere  becomes warmer.                                  ex.17,p.28

             (изображение  парника и парникогого эффекта,

                                     объяснение по схеме)



     -Tv woman: Where does the carbon  dioxide  come from  ?


      -Miss . Nizamova :People  and  animals   breathe …      more carbon  dioxide!                ex 17,p28

             (изображение сжигания  лесов, газы заводов  , газа)



       -Tv woman :  So I believe that  these changes can be dangerous for  our fragile  planet  which needs protection . Besides a lot of  species  of plants  and animals are disappearing  fast  and can  become  extinct very soon . Am I right?


        -Miss. Gabdulina  :    Yes  , you are absolutely  right . The reason is Man that kills  animals and destroys their habitats ,  for example we  have never   seen a dodo (ex22,p47)      

            (изображение  додо   , животных



         -Tv woman: It is not just  animals  that are in danger .So are plants


          -Miss . Gabdulina  : The  world  had  over  nine  million …   we will never  find the cure .                  ex.22,p48


            -TV  woman: So   you see,  a lot of other  creatures and plants  need growing  space too . Mr. Shaberdin   ,what  makes  the sea waters  dangerous  nowdays?


            -Mr. Saberdin   :   ex21,p65 The sea waters  today are much more  dangerous …       goes   back   into rivers , lakes  and seas                       

              (изображение  воды,рыб)



             - TV woman : Air pollution  is very  dangerous   too. Miss .Vinokurova . Why   were   the statues   damaged ?


             -Miss. Vinokurova:  The polluted  air    had mixed  with the rain  and  damaged  the Statues badly.


             -TVwoman: Where does air pollution in the cities mostly  come from?


             -Miss. Vinokurova :And you certainly  know  that most of the pollution in  big cities  comes from cars  and buses.


              -Tv woman : Thank you  very  much . I’d like to add  that  more  and  more often people  are told  not to be  in direct sunlight .Why is it not safe to be in direct sunlight in certain  places?


             -Miss  . Vinokurova :  More  and more ….       air pollution    ex21,p65

      (изображение пляжа)



              -TV woman:Why are nuclear  power stations  dangerous?


              - Miss. Samodelkina : Nuclear  power  stations can go   ….buses      Ex21p65-66

        (изображение  атомной станции)

              -Tv woman :Who is to blame for all these environmental problems?

The answer is simple:all of us.The technological progress  of the twentieth centure resulted in widespread mechanization , atomic  power stations , new roads and highways . But it cannot be  denied that the price  for rapid industrial development is very high . Our  programme is coming to its end. Let me thank you  for taking  part  in it and our televiewers  for watching it.


  T : Thank you very much . Youve got it!

        2) Развитие навыков диалогической речи.Парно-групповая работа





                     (на экране  рисунки с изображением транспорта)



      T :One of the sources of pollution of the Earth is a railway transport .Of course you have many questions which you want to be answered . So, I want you to visit an imaginary press-conference ,organized  by the journalists of different  newspapers .The Minister of Railway  Transport is invited here .But as  the real Minister  is very far ,we  ask one of the pupils to act this role. Please , Mr . A., take your place here .Respected  journalists , ask your questions  to Mr. A., please.


  -S.T.,I am  a journalist  of the newspaper “Moscow News” Mr. A . , tell us please, if there is any ecological commission at the Ministry of  Railway Transport , and what its functions are ? What is done by this organization and are there any positive results?


                                       (отвечает министр)

  -  Mr .A. :Yes , of course .There  is  an ecological commission at the Ministry of Railway Transport .The  Ministry  recommended that the commission work out   a better mechanism to control the harmful substances of  the main polluters , such as locomotives and railway enterprises . It was decided to create some stations of control .Five such   stations  are functioning now .The researchers of the Rostov University work at the problem of creating the perfect filters , neutralizers of harmful substances .Similar work is conducted in many scientific centres  of our country . It ‘s very  important  to unite the efforts of all scientists , ecologists ,working at this problem . It is necessary to inform people  about the  results of the work done in the field of the environment through newpapers , magazines , TV and radio.


   - I.V., I am a journalist of the newspaper “Segodnya” Mr. A ., I read  that the congress  on ecological  problems would  be held  in London .Will the representative of your commission be  present there ? Will he say anything new  about the protection of nature from further pollution by the waste of the railway  transport?


  - Mr.A.: Of course , the head of the commission will be present at the congress with  a very interesting  report .To my mind  his report  will be  very important .Some excellent proposals will be made .I advise you to watch television and read  newspapers and  you will know  all about  it in details.


  - D.V.,I am a journalist of  the  newspaper “Izvestiya”.Mr.A.,we know that  if steam locomotives  are replaced by the cleaner electric  locomotives ,the ecology will become  better . When  will the railway  be widely electrified?


    - Mr . A.: It’s very  difficult  for me to answer this  question  because   the  economy  of our country  is very poor. But in spite of it  we  have done  much to  solve  this problem . Some railways  of our country  are electrified . In the  near future  it is planned  to electrify some more.


-         A.N.,I am a journalist of the newspaper “Nezavisimaya Gazeta”.Mr.A.. you  know that  the noise of locomotives, of the  passing  trains  very  badly affects  the health  of people  whose houses  and  enterprises  they work at are situated near the railway track .What will be  done in the near fuure to change this situation?


    - Mr. A . Noise is a special  kind of  environmental pollution and most of it is  made by transport , especially by city  traffic , by trucks , trains ,sea and river boats in ports  , planes  near airports , by locomotives  and passing   trains  near  the railway  track . Of course  noise  influences  very badly  the health of people .Great attention  is devoted  to the settlement of this problem. We have found new ways  and  means  to reduce harmful exhaust in all environmental  media , as well as noise and vibration levels . They are used  in many parts  of our country. I think  that the problem of noise  will be solved soon.


 T : Thank you for your  interesting   press –conference . Keep it up !


3)  Развитие  навыков аудирования текста.


    -а). Подготовка к аудированию текста


    -T: Now  you will listen to the  story about the club  where women  were interested  in ecological  problems too.Open you books  at  page 65 , ex 33. Before  listening to the  story  I want you to learn  and remember  the  difficult  words you can meet in the story.


 (учитель читает  новые слова ,учащиеся  повторяют  хором и  переводят значение  слов из учебника).



    -b) Тренировка  навыков аудирования


    - T Let’s listen  to the  story.Then I’ll ask you  some questions.

         (учащиеся слушают  текст)


    - T:  1).Why did the members of the Women’s Club invite  the gentleman?

P:They  invited  the gentleman to talk about different  problems of ecology.


-         T: 2) What problems  did he mention?

  P:He  mentioned  air and water  pollution,acid  rains ,  the greenhouse  effect, the growth of population and the shortage of food.


     c).Тренировка   в аудировании  с детальным пониманием прослушанного.


  - T : The gentleman paid much attention to cars  and buses . Now  you’ll  listen to the  text  again  and   complete the sentences . I’ll give you one minute to look through  the  text.


                    (учащиеся  просматривают текст)



                       Учащиеся   слушают текст  2  раз


  Cars  bring help quickly and this is very (1) for the police  and fire brigades and

ambulances .Cars and buses do important work-they (2) goods ,take  people to and from  work .But  they are dangerous ,noisy,(3) and unhealthy . And there are  a lot of traffic jams . They do a lot of  harm to the city (4) and  ruin the beauty of the countryside because many  new  roads are (5) everywhere . Though the cars are very convenient and (6) and they are  much (7) than trains and boats , people  suffer a lot  from  them because nowadays people don’t have  much  exercise .everybody knows that it is much healthier to walk or to ride a (8).But fewer people  do it  every day . Most of us prefer to go by car.


-         T: Now  let’s check up your work, read the  text,please


 Keys: 1-important











T:At home  you  will try to retell the story  with your own conclusion.



4)Совершенствование навыков письма


 -T :These days it  is  impossible  to open  a newspaper  without  reading about the damage  we are doing to the environment . The earth is being threatened and the future looks  sad . What can each of us do to protect the  environment ? Let’s find the answer  in the text. Read the text  and open the brackets .


                         (учащиеся  читают текст )



We cannot clean up our (pollution) rivers and seas overnight . Nor can we stop the (appear) of plants and  animals . But we can stop adding to the problem while (science) search for answers ,and laws are passed  in nature’s (defend)

   It may not be easy to change  your lifestyle(complete) ,but  some steps are easy to take :cut down the amount  of (drive) you do, or use as little plastic  as possible.It is also  easy to save energy , which  also reduces (house) bills .We must all make a personal (decide) to work for the future  of our planet if we want to (sure) a better world for our grandchildren.


       -T :Let’s hope  for the best

5) .Совершенствование навыков чтения  .


T: We’ve  already spoken about ecology and the importance  of keeping  the environment  clean .I  suggest some important  rules to protect   the environment   Look  at the slogans  on the screen  and  read   them ,please.


                На экране  8 картинок  учащиеся читают надписи на экране




-Don’t  pick wild flowers .

-Don’t litter the ground  with cans ,paper and bottles

-Don’t  frighten  animals

-Don’t  harm plants

-Feed birds  and help them

-Plant trees  and flowers

-Recycle used materials  such as  metal,bottles and paper

-Clean rivers and springs


6) Проверка домашнего задания

 T:Your hometask was  to think of your own slogans                                                                                                     Please ,who will begin?


P1: Protect environment  from industrial  pollution

P2: Stop the danger  of environmental disaster

P3: Attract  more public attention to environmental  problems

P4: Ensure nature conservation

P5: Nature is the source  of people’s  life

P6: International cooperation  is necessary to create  a system   of ecological  security

P7: Keep the land ,air and water  clean .

P8: Let’s  make  the world a better  place

P9: Put litter away

P10 :All  woods are home  to animals . So, behave  as guests


P1:Take part in environmental  activities

P2: Make  an environmental  programme  in  our school .Carry it out

P3: Help nature .Protect it.

P4:The  protection nature  means the protection  of our Motherland

P5: The Earth is  our home .Don’t pollute  it.

P6: Be a friend  to  fish . Don’t throw  rubbish  into their homes.

P7: When you hike, leave the place  clean

P8: Leave  wild flowers for others  to enjoy

P9: Plant  a tree to create  homes  for birds  squirrels  and other  small animals

P10: Environmental  protection concerns everybody


 7)Исполнение песни

T:After the discussion of  the ecological  problems  I want you  to sing the song  which sounds  as a call to the peoples   of the whole world  to save the Earth.Please sing the song “Colours  of the  wind”



3.Заключительный этап урока


1)Домашнее задание .It’s time to write down your hometask  . You are  to  retell  the story


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