Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок по теме"ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION"


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Procedure  of  the  Lesson


1.      Warming Up Activities

1.1.   Greeting  Chain

1.2.    Lesson   Subject

1.3.    Phonetic  Exercises


2.          Main  Part 

2.1.    Before  Reading  Activities

2.1.1. Phonetic Drills

      2.1.2.  Puzzle (Writing Activities)

2.1.3. Guess-Game

2.1.4. “Catch a mistake!” (Writing Activities)

            2.2.    While  Reading  Activities

      2.3.    Listening Activities

      2.4.   After  Reading and Listening  Activities 

2.4.1. Skills  Activities  (Speaking Activities – Interaction)

            2.4.2. Skills  Activities. (Speaking Activities – Production)



3.         Final  Part

3.1.   Home  Task  Aid

3.2.   Marks  Motivation







           1.      Warming  Up  Activities

1.1.      Greeting  Chain

            The  Teacher  greets  all  the  Pupils  with  “How  are  you?”  and  they  greet  each  other     one  by  one.  The  last  Pupil  greets  the  Teacher  asking  “ How  are  you?”  The  Teacher  answers  “Fine.  Thank  you.”

      1.2.   Lesson  Subject

The  Teacher  informs  the  subject:  “ Nature.  Environmental Protection.”

      1.3.   Phonetic  Exercises

The  exercise  like  the  following  helps  the  Teacher  make  the  Pupils  be  ready  for 

the  work  at  the  English  lesson. 


If the weather is fine, we will go for a walk.

If the weather were fine, we would go for a walk.

If the weather had been fine yesterday, we would have gone for a walk.

2.      Main Part

            2.1.   Before Reading Activities

            2.1.1. Phonetic Drills

     The Teacher offers the Pupils the Word List for pronunciation:


a rainbow, a rainstorm, a barometer, a shower, a weatherman, a forecast, to forecast, to expect, daily, calm, a mist, misty, changeable, climatic, sunlight, sunshine, an effect, an influence,                   to influence, human, a human, to ruin, a greenhouse, heat, to produce, huge, a coast, fragile,                 a reptile, a savanna, extinct, to endanger (to be endangered), a species, an insect, a mammal,                  to destroy (to be destroyed), a habitat, an inhabitant, cardboard, to damage (to be damaged), to include (to be included), to cure (to be cured), a creature, a resource, to test, a ton, ozone, a filter, ultraviolet radiation, an environment, to pollute, pollution, to cause, a destruction, a shortage, a population, to dump, waste, poison, nuclear, a weapon, to survive, safe, an accent, cooperation, a picnicker, global, a crisis, international, energy, hoorah, personally, a shock, to shock (to be shocked), a term, to clear, a pile, to pile, a (little) bit, a mess, a society, a can, to can, to spoil, a disaster, a praise, to praise, to set to work.




               2.1.2. Puzzle (Writing Activities)

         The Teacher offers the Pupils to solve the Puzzle according to the task:















  1. It says there will rain.
  2. A man who tells us the weather forecast.
  3. It’s all around us.
  4. It’s a synonym to the words “every day”.
  5. Sometimes it appears after the rain together with the Sun.
  6. It’s a building with glass walls and a glass roof where the plants grow.
  7. It’s a synonym to the “died”.
  8. Animals who feed their children with milk.
  9. It’s a synonym to the words “to make clean”.
  10. It’s a process of polluting.
  11. It’s a period of time.


              2.1.3. Guess Game

              The Teacher gives Cards with the task to the Pupils. The Pupils solve the task according to the Card:


  1. It says there will be rain.
  2. It’s a synonym to the words “wait”, “hope”.
  3. It’s a synonym to the words “every day”.
  4. A man who tells us the weather forecast.
  5. Sometimes it appears after the rain together with the Sun.
  6. It’s a synonym to the word “a man”.
  7. It can be broken easily, like a glass.
  8. It’s a synonym to the words “very big”.
  9. It’s a building with glass walls and a glass roof where the plants grow.
  10. It’s a synonym to the word “died”.
  11. Animals who feed their children with milk.
  12. It’s a place where a certain animal or plant lives or grows.
  13. It’s all around us.
  14. To make our water, air or soil dirty.
  15. The people who live in the village, city or country.
  16. It’s a process of polluting.
  17. It’s a synonym to the words “to make clean”.
  18. It’s a period of time.
  19. To tell some good words.



              2.1.4. “Catch a mistake!” (Writing Activities)

              The Teacher offers the Pupils to correct a mistake in each sentence.


  1. He would take a lot of pictures when he buy a new camera.
  2. If I will feel bad, I will go to the doctor.
  3. If she will be hungry, she will cook dinner.
  4. When it won’t snow, we will go skiing.
  5. As soon as my parents will come, we will set to work.
  6. If we will do nothing, our planet will be in danger.
  7. If you listened to the weather forecast, you will take an umbrella.





                   2.2..   While  Reading  Activities

                   The Teacher gathers the Pupils in three groups and offers them three different texts. The task is to look through, to find and read out:

a)      polluters;

b)      problems they cause;

c)      possible solutions.





            The biggest polluter today is the car. Exhaust fumes are the main cause of bad air quality, which can make people feel ill and have difficulty breathing. This problem is especially bad in some cities where on days when there is not much wind, a brown layer of smog hangs in the air. The number of cars is increasing every year, and this causes serious congestion. Governments then build new roads to try to improve the situation, but this means that they cut down trees and destroy more of the countryside. One of the main problems with cars is that they cause a lot of pollution and often carry only one person. Public transport is more environmentally friendly because buses and trains can carry large numbers of people at the same time. Car pools are another way of reducing the number of cars on the roads. Even cleaner solutions are electric cars and bicycles.





            Pollution is damage to the air, seas, oceans, rivers or land caused by chemicals, toxic waste and harmful gases, as a result — acid rain, holes in the ozone layer.

            Acid rain is rain that is harmful to the environment because it contains acid from factory smoke. Acid rain causes damage to trees, rivers and buildings.

            The ozone layer is a layer of gases that protects us from ultraviolet radiation from the Sun, which can have a harmful effect on animals and causes skin cancer in humans. The ozone layer is being damaged by chemicals, especially CFCs, and when holes appear in the ozone layer, harmful light from the Sun reaches the Earth.

            We can help the environment by recycling or choosing to buy green products. Recycling is when you use something again instead of throwing it away. Glass, cans, paper and plastic can be recycled. Examples of green products are recycled paper, wood from sustainable sources, and organic fruit and vegetables.






            The greenhouse effect is caused by harmful gases known as greenhouse gases. These gases are produced when we burn fuels, especially coal burned in power stations to make electricity.

            These gases go up into the Earth’s atmosphere and stop heat from leaving the Earth.

            Because the heat cannot escape, the Earth is getting warmer. This is known as global warming. Global warming may cause the ice at the North Pole and South Pole to melt and seas levels to rise, leading to serious flooding in many parts of the world. In other places temperatures will rise and there will be less rain, turning more of the land into desert.

            Renewable energy sources such as wind power, wave power and solar power do not pollute the environment. They are much cleaner than oil and coal.


2.3.Listening Activities

            The Teacher offers the Pupils to listen to the song  “What a Wonderful World” and try to understand it.

Louis Armstrong

What a wonderful world

I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see them bloom, for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue, and clouds of white,
The bright blessed day,
The dark sacred night
And I think to myself,
What a wonderful world.

The colour of the rainbow,
So pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces,
Of people going by
I see friends shaking hands,
Saying "How do you do?"
They're really sayin': "I love you".

I hear babies cry,
I watch them grow,
They'll learn much more,
Than I'll ever know
And I think to myself,
What a wonderful world,
Yes, I think to myself,
What a wonderful world


2.4.    After  Reading and Listening  Activities

2.4.1. Skills Activities (Speaking Activities – Interaction)

           The Teacher tells the Pupils that it’s very important to protect NATURE – so our                         PLANET, because it is our only home and we have no other one. The teacher offers the Pupils to make their own dialogue to ask each other and remind how we can solve ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS. The Pupils conduct the work..


2.4.2.      Skills Activities (Speaking Activities – Production)

            The Teacher reminds the Pupils: “If we don’t save our Planet, we will die” and asks to tell what they do to save our PLANET so US. The Pupils conduct the work.






     3.      Final  Part

3.1.   Home  Task  Aid

The Teacher offers the Pupils to prepare PROJECT “ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION” and answer the question “HOW GREEN ARE YOU?” according to the Task.

You use



as usual

















public transport




unleaded petrol




vegetarian food









3.2.   Marks  Motivation

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