Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыУрок 'Rubbish' 3 class

Урок 'Rubbish' 3 class

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Тексерілді                     ДОІЖО


The theme  of the  lesson:   

How can we clean the world?

 A song “Rubbish! Rubbish! Rubbish!”

Teacher’s  nameBegimbaeva A

Date: 18.02.2017

     Grade:   3


 Present  number:


Absent  number:  0

Learning  objectives(s)  that  this

lesson  is  contributing  to:


Use of  English: To introduce  meaning  of  should / shouldn’t  and using  their  in sentences.

Reading: to explain about  hygiene  and  cleaning  of environment.


Learning outcomes:

1-level (knowing, understand):

All  learners  are  able  to: read  the topic and understand meaning of new words.


(apply, analyze):

Most  learners  are  able  to: understand  about should/ shouldn’t  and  make short  sentence.



(evaluate, create):

Some learners  are  able to:  write words and make up sentence using  these vocabulary.

Language  objectives:

People should/ shouldn’t… Are you ready?


 Laptop, flashcards, scheme, picture.

Cross curricular  link:

Kazakh, Geography, Science.

Previous  learning:

What do they eat in Australia?



Stages  of  the  lesson  and planned  timings

                   Giving  tasks and  using methods

Listening  task.   Group work.  Pair  work.

Grade tasks.

Criteria assessment and  the type of  works



3 min

To make  collaborative  environment

Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places. Students get familiar with the lesson objectives.

Warming up

Game: “Snowball”





5 min

1-level (knowing, understand):

 Learn by heart new vocabulary.


Correct  answer

1 point


(apply, analyze):

Pupils write the unit title and draw a picture about the fourth unit on the fourth page of their passports.

Correct  answer

2 point


(evaluate, create):

Write 4 or 5 sentences using new words.

Correct  answer

3 point


12 min




To organize  learner’s  to be  ready  for  the  new  theme

Presentation: T should give these words: bin, hygiene, kind, pollution, recycling bin, road  safety, rubbish, shopping bag,  smoke,  recycle, reduce, reuse, throw (out),  dirty, fifth, plastic, carefully, both.

T should show  scheme of  should/ shouldn’t  and explain it. Encourage them to use I think we should…

Listening  task: L should look at the pictures and have a rough idea of the story. L listen to the story with their  books closed. L work pairs or groups to try  and work  out  the  meaning  of new words.



15 min

1-level (knowing, understand):

Group work: L read the poster. Make sure they understand  reduce, reuse, recycle. T should divide the class into  three  groups. Each group adds as many ideas as they can to each section of the poster.

Pair  work

Correct  answer

1 point


(apply, analyze):

Extra idea: Ask pupils to make their own poster to encourage other learners at school  to either reduce, reuse or  recycle.

Correct  answer

2 point


(evaluate, create):

L should think about  their school  and  to make sentences using  shouldn’t  and  should.

Correct  answer

3 point


5 min

1-level (knowing, understand):


L look at the picture and write the words in the puzzle to  complete the  word  pollution.


3 mark


(apply, analyze):

L read the  children’s  letter and  write the correct number  in  the box at the end of each sentence in Compo’s  reply.

4  mark


(evaluate, create):

L look at the pictures, write sentences and decide if each one is recycle, reuse and  reduce.

5  mark



3-5 point   «3» mark.  6-8 point   «4» mark.  9-12 point   «5» mark.


 Overview the next lesson

What did we do?





To give  stickers to pupils and know theirs opinion about lesson.



Сабақтың мақсаты мен сабақта  жоспарланған іс-әрекеттерді орындауда не тиімді болды?





Сабақтың мақсаты мен сабақта  жоспарланған іс-әрекеттерді орындауда не тиімсіз болды?






Келесі сабақта өз жоспарыңызға қандай өзгерістер енгізген болар едіңіз?







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