Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок по английскому языку на тему

Урок по английскому языку на тему

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Открытый урок по английскому языку в 7 «В» классе на тему «American animals»

Lesson purposes:

• to promote formation of complete idea of fauna;

• to systematize and generalize knowledge available for pupils of this subject;

• deepening and expansion of skills of pupils on audition;

Problems of a lesson:

• Educational:

 on the basis of available knowledge, abilities, skills, improving them, to train school students in skills of audition, reading, a speaking and the letter;

to enrich with o a lexicon of pupils on the subject "Animals";

 to practise monological speech, dialogical communication, translated from Russian into English orally and in writing;

 to improve skills of singing in English;

 to develop grammatical skills.

• Developing:

 to develop informative processes, memory, imagination;

 to develop cogitative skills: generalization, systematization, logical and figurative thinking;

 to form informative abilities: to ask questions and to answer them, to prove, argue;

 to develop and form the intellectual atmosphere at a lesson.

• Educational:

 to cultivate kindness and love to world around;

 to bring up understanding of a role of the person in interaction with fauna;

 to cultivate desire to communicate in English and to receive thus pleasure and pleasure.

Sociocultural task: attraction of interest to fauna.

Board registration: color magnetic letters, illustrations of animals. Equipment: evident material (a set of cards with the image of animals), a disk, a distributing material: lyrics, cards with a grammatical and lexical material, the tape recorder, an interactive board, the computer, a projector.

Organizing moment

The pupils are taking their seats at their desks.

Teacher: Good morning, Children!  Im very glad to see you! I hope you are all feeling well today! How are you? Sit down, please, and be ready for the lesson. Now, let’s start. Today is the 3rd of March.

Teacher: Now, tell me what is the theme of our lesson today?

Students: Animals.

Teacher: Well done, what animals do you know?

Students give their own answers.

Звучат названия животных (ant, bear, bird, chimp, elephant, frog, kangaroo, parrot, spider, rabbit, seahorse, tortoise).

II.Work books

Teacher: Please, open your student’s books on page 111 Ex.: 1. Look at the board. Do you see the new words?

На доске выписаны новые слова с переводом. Учащиеся выписывают их в словарь и повторяют за учителем.

Teacher: page 111 Ex.: 1 (Слайд 1)

Teacher: Well-well, time for a game. You will get two cards with the name of the animals. In the first card put the missing letter in the gap. In the second, change the letters to get the name of the animal.

Ребятам раздаются карточки с названиями разных животных. В первой карточке ребята должны вставить пропущенные буквы. Во второй, поменять буквы местами, чтобы получилось животное.

Card 1.

  1. _nt (ant)
  2. _i_d (bird)
  3. Ra_b_t (rabbit)
  4. Ch_m_(chimp)
  5. _le_ha_t (elephant)
  6. S_ide_ ( spider)
  7. K_ngaro_ (kangaroo)
  8. _ort_ise (tortoise)

(Слайд 2)

Card 2.

  1. torpac (carrot)
  2. gofr (frog)
  3. hckic (chick)
  4. aksne (snake)
  5. hwela (whale)

(Слайд 3)

VI. Play with ball:

Teacher: Let’s play with the ball. Answer my questions when you catch it.
Teacher: Which animals can swim?
Students: whale, dolphin, shark, crocodile, penguin.
Teacher: Which animals can fly?
Students: bat, parrot, fly, bird.
Teacher: Which animals can run?
Students: rabbit, lion, bear, elephant.
Teacher: Which animals have got a tail?
Students: camel, chimpanzee, elephant, giraffe, goat, kangaroo etc.
Teacher: Which animals are big?
Students: bear, elephant, whale.
Teacher: Which animals are small?
Students: bird, frog, bat.
Teacher: Which animals do you like?
Students: give their own answers.
Teacher: Which animals are you afraid?
Students: give their own answers.

Teacher:  Have you got any pets at home? What pet have you got? (Now, come to our guests and ask them about their pets. Give the questionnaire.

 В раздаточном материале имеется анкета. Ребята подходят к гостям и задают им вопросы про домашних животных.) (Слайд 4)








1. Have you got a pet?

2. What pet have you got?

3. What's its name?


После опроса подводятся итоги, какие самые популярные животные и клички в России.

How many cats have you got? How many dogs? How many hamsters? How many parrots?

What are the most popular pets’ names in Russia? Let’s start with parrots names. Do you know any cats’ names? What about dogs’ names?


4. The British also have got pets. (Слайд 5)

Буфер обмена-4

Teacher:Do you want to know about their favourite pets? Look at the screen and read their pБуфер обмена-5ets’ names. (слайд 6)




5. The comics. Do you like comics? What are your favourite comics? What comics do you know? Can the animals be characters of the comics? Can a pet be character of the comics?

Today we’ll create our comics. Please, read the text of our comics. Open your books at page 89



(Слайд 7)

            It’s Artur. Describe him, please.

Is he clever? Is he big?  Has he legs/ears/tail? What can he do? He can…


6. What can you do? Sing an action song. Let’s rest. (слайд 8)


VII. The end of the lesson:

Teacher: It’s a pity that our lesson is almost over. I’ve enjoyed our work today so much. You’ve been so good students and I’m proud of you.

VIII. The hometask:

And here is your home task. I want you to do the project “My favourite animal” for the next class. Please, draw a picture of the animal you like and write about it. Thank you and have a good day. Bye-bye, my dear friends.





















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Краткое описание документа:

Данный урок способствует формированию знаний о животных,развивает монологическую и дилогическую речь,обогощает лексический запас знаний,закрепляет письмо,аудирование.

Также развивает память,воображение.

Прививает доброту,любовь к окружающему миру,к животным.

Воспитывает чувство ответственности.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .

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