Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыВнеклассное мероприятие для учащихся 10 классов "День Колумба"

Внеклассное мероприятие для учащихся 10 классов "День Колумба"

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Внеклассное мероприятие – театрализованное представление ,

посвященное дню Колумба.

Дата проведения 17 октября 2017 года

Класс 10 А,Б,В

Предмет английский язык

Ф.И.О. преподавателя Малыгина Галина Александровна

Тема «Христофор Колумб»


Развивающие: углубить знания учащихся по английскому языку.

Воспитательные: развивать интерес к личности Колумба и к предмету.



- формирование разносторонне и гармонически развитой личности;

- воспитание качеств сотрудничества и взаимодействия учителя и учащихся.

Место проведения

Оборудование: стенды и плакаты с иллюстрациями, видеоролики

Ведущие учащиеся 6-10 классов

План театрализованного представления

I.Introduction 10 form «А».

II.Saying Good Bye 6,8 forns.

III.While Sailing in the Ocean 8,9 forms.

IV.Indiana Meet Columbus on the Land he discovered.

V.Back at Home in Spain 10 forms.

VI.If Columbus Hadn’t Discovered America 6 forms.


Lecture Group  10-11 forms.

Quiz  6-10 forms.



Christopher Columbus (1451 – 1506)

Columbus father – Domineco.


-It is August 3, 1492. A new day begins in a busy Spanish harbor. These three ships which you see here are. «The Nina», «The Pinta» and «Santa-Maria». They are starting out to see.

            Some days these ships will be famous. People will know their names five hundred years later. But now the men on board cannot even imagine that. They are afraid of getting lost.

            The pupils sing the song «Columbus Day» to the music of song «The Yellow Submarine».

            The compere I tells the pupils about Christopher Columbus and his voyages.

Compere 1:

            The great Italian explorer Christopher Columbus was the one who brought Europe and the American into permanent contact. For a long time he was thought to be the first Europian to discover the New World, but it is now believed that other explorers had reached in before him.

            Columbus was born in the Italian port of Genoa. At the age of 14 he went to sea and lived a rough life, even spending some time as a pirate.

            When he settled in the Portuguese capital Lisbon he got the idea of reaching China by sailing westward. All experts of the time agreed that the world was round, but most believed that China was too far away for a direct voyage westward. Columbus disagreed.

            The Portuguese king did not support his project, but Columbus persuaded the Spanish king and queen Ferdinand and Isabella to back him.


            King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella (of Spain).

King: – My wife and I believe Columbus. We will pay for his trip. Columbus promises to find a new route from Spain to the Far East.

Queen: - India – Cnina – Japan – the Indies! Lands of gold and valuable spices. If Columbus succeeds. Spain will be rich.

The Scientist: - Christopher, you know the world is round. Why not travel to the Far East by sailing to the west?


1.The pupils dramatise the part of saying Good bye and the departure of Columbus.

Compere 1 (Master of Ceremonies):

-But the world is bigger than Columbus thinks. And there is something else Columbus doesn’t know. Two huge continents lie on his way. Nobody in Europe knows they are there.


(Departure. Saying Good bye. Embraces. Kisses).

Father: - Good luck to you.

Christopher’s wife: - I love you. I’ll be waiting for you.

Christopher and Bartholomew: - See you.

Voices: - God saves you.


(Drifting in the sea).

The sailors in the ships sing the song «We shall overcome».


Compere 2:

In 1492 he sailed the Atlantic Ocean in a ship named the Santa Maria, accompanied by two other ships, the Pinta and the Nina. About one month later the fleet arrived at the West Indies. Columbus triumphantly arrived back in Spain the following year, convinced that the islands he had discovered were off the coast of Asia.


(The part of the dialogue between sailors and captains).

Sailor 1: -Now we can’t see any land. I’m really afraid. What if the wind stops blowing? Our ships have no motors. What if there is storm?

Sailor 2: - The ships are small and made of wood. What if we run out of fuel or food? We can’t go back.

Captain 1: - But the weather is fine. The wind blows steadily. Look, the sea is calm. We have much food and fresh water. There are extra sailors. In fact, so much things are stored below, the sailors have to sleep on deck.

Sailor 3: - What if we are in danger? We cannot radio for help.

Captain 2: - There are 30 sailors. But we also have a doctor, a carpenter, a goldsmith and even an interpreter, who speak Arab and English. There are some boys to help the sailors


Compere 2:

Columbus crossed the Atlantic Ocean three more times for further explorations.

In 1500 he was arrested by the Spanish governor who had come to replace him as viceroy in the New World. From there he returned to Spain as a prisoner in chains.

He made one more voyage before he died, still convinced thatEe had in fact discovered a westward route from Europe to Asia.


            Song «Columbus Day»

In 14 and 92 Columbus sailed the Ocean blue.

And ho told Spanish king

That he will find New Land for him.

So we sailed up to the west

Till we found the new green lands.


We all crossed Atlantic in three ships,

Atlantic in three ships, Atlantic in three ships – 2 times.


And we sailed for many days,

And we passed through storms and blast.

But sometimes we were afraid

To lost the way and not come back.



            Song «We shall overcome»

We shall overcome, we shall overcome,

We shall overcome some day!


Oh, deep in my heart

I do believe,

We shall overcome some day!


We shall live in peace, we shall live in peace,

We shall live in peace some day!



We shall all be free, we shall all be free,

We shall all be free some day!



We are not afraid, we are not afraid,

We are not afraid today!



Three days have passed.


Captain: - Tierra! Tierra!

                 Look, land, land! Today is the 12-th of October 1492. There’s an island. That must be the Indies! Let’s send the boats and people ashore.


Landing. All sailors knee down and kiss the land.


Indians meet Columbus and his men Indian Dances.

Indian 1:- How did you come here? What for did you come here? What will you do?


The Indians present him with cotton, parrots, gold and fruit.

Columbus: - Is it comfortable to live in grass houses?

Indian 2: - Yes, we sleep in rope beds called hammocks. We use canoes to sail the sea and the rivers.

Columbus: - Now, we are ready to sail back to Spain. We have loaded our ships with a lot food: corn, potatoes, peanuts, papayas, avocados.

Scientist: - We also take six Indians with us to Europe.


Sailor 1: - Yes, we are afraid of getting lost. The ocean is a great mystery. How big is it?

 Sailor 2: - How long will it take to cross the ocean? What is on the other side of it? Will we ever get back to Spain?

Christopher: - Oh, don’t be afraid of getting lost. I am the leader of the voyage. I know a lot about the sea.

Bartholomew (his brother): - Yes, my brother and me are navigators and map-makers. Now we dream of becoming the explorers.


Drifting Home in Spain. The sea, the ships.

Captain of «Santa Maria»: - At last we have reached our country. Our voyage lasted for 32 weeks. Christopher will go to visit the King and the Queen.


A crowd of people in Madrid greet Columbus in the streets, he taken his way on the donkey along the streets to the Queen Palace. Everybody greets him, shouts and cheers are heard, all are clapping hands.

(- Well done! Congratulations! Good job have done! Glad to see you alive!)


The Royal Palace in Madrid.

            Christopher Columbus knees down in front of the Queen Isabella and the King Ferdinand.

Isabella: - You are a hero. We award you the title the Admiral of the Ocean Sea. You have found the new route to the Indies.


(The King awards him the title – the medal)


Columbus Father: - Christopher believes that he has found a new route to the Indies. But that was not the Indies at all… For the rest of his life Christopher Columbus never know how truly great his discovery was! He had really found a new world. It spreads from sea to sea now. It is called America now!

(All pupils sing the song «America the Beautiful»)

            What would Have Happened it Columbus Hadn’t Discovered America?

            That question may sound silly for many people, especially for Americans. Because where would have been country and the American people than? If Columbus hadn’t discovered America there would not have been any tobacco, coffee and as a result there wouldn’t have been coffee pots no coffee with cream, no cafes. Half – Europe wouldn’t have had dinner at all because they wouldn’t have had potatoes and as the result – no smashed potatoes, no fried potatoes, no potatoes pancakes and two thousand two hundred twenty seven potatoes dishes. We would have never eater maize or corn (as Americans call it), no popcorn, no boiled corn. Certainly, children wouldn’t have any chocolate: no chocolate sweets, no bars of chocolate, no chocolate ice-cream, cake. We would have never read about the «Adventures of Tom sawyer», we would have never played the game «Indians», because there would have been no Indians at all. Of course, no cowboys no their jeans, no panamas. We would have known nothing about the rivers Amazon and the Mississippi, the Niagara Falls, cactuses, bizons, grizzly bears. We would have never tasted chewing gums, never see skyscrapers, no hammocks, gramophones, pepsi cola, no Disneyland.

            The only things is evident. If Columbus hadn’t discovered America, it must have been discovered by someone else!


















Отзыв о театрализованном представлении, посвященного Дню Колумба.

            В подготовке данного внеклассного мероприятия принимали участие все учащиеся 9-11 классов. При подготовке учитывались интересы и знания учащихся. Учащимся было поручено подготовить сообщения своих команд на английском языке. Все учащиеся ответственно подошли к выполнению своих заданий. Проводился контроль над работой учащихся при подготовке к данному мероприятию, что благоприятно сказалось на его ходе.

            Поставленные цели и задачи были достигнуты. Повторялся пройденный материал в неформальной обстановке. Повторялась и закреплялась ранее изученная лексика, в целом происходило обобщение знаний учащихся, совершенствовались и развивались познавательные интересы, навыки, устной речи и аудирования. Мероприятие проходило в быстром темпе, чувствовалась увлеченность детей его ходом. Отношение детей к учителям и присутствующим ученикам было доброжелательным и уважительным. Многие ученики проявили большую активность и инициативу, и никто не отнесся безразлично к происходившему.

            При разработке проведения мероприятия были рационально применены межпредметные связи с общеобразовательными дисциплинами: литературой, историей, географией.

            Все запланированные задания были выполнены. Учащиеся творчески подошли к их выполнению. Наличие в школе ТСО и наглядный материал облегчили проведение данного мероприятия и никого не оставили равнодушными и невнимательными.

            Подготовленный план театрализованного представления был полностью выполнен успешно.

            Мероприятие построено на материале, который способствовал активности детей, создавая атмосферу творчества и сотрудничества.

            Театрализованное представление носило не только образовательный и развивающий характер, а также способствовало активизации творческих способностей учащихся и интереса к предмету.


Учитель английского языка                                               Марупова М.Х.


Зам.директора по воспитательной работе                          Крыкова И.А.










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