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Внеклассное мероприятие "Интеллект - шоу"

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1.      МБОУ СОШ №9

2.      Учителя английского языка: Опольская Л.В.  Весницкая О.А

3.      Возраст участников: 16-17 лет;

4.      Название мероприятия : «Интеллект шоу»;

5.      Внеклассное мероприятие

6.      Цели: А) закрепить в игровой форме знания, полученные в 1 четверти работы с учебником О.В. Афанасьевой И.В. Михеевой по теме «Человек-созидатель»
            Б) развитие умения работать в группе
            В) развитие оперативной памяти
Задачи: А)развитие умения поминать в слух с общим охватом содержанию
)контроль лексических навыков  

7.      Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийная презентация

8.      Оформление: аудиозапись текста для аудирования, репродукция картины «Мулен муж»

9.       Описание мероприятия:

Intellect-show <<Welcome to the word of art>>




Good day, dear friends. We are very glad you’ve come to our intellect-show today. Today we are going to speak about famous artists and their pictures. Two teams will take part in our contest. The first team is the team of group A. Its teacher is Olga Alexsandrovna. The second team is the team of group B. Its teacher is Larisa Vasilevna. Besides there will be two groups of supports. Our intellect-show will be devoted to Art. Hundreds of years ago, when many people couldn’t read paintings were often designed to illustrate stories, especially Bible stories. And a lot of paintings were made to decorate churches. More recently artists have begun to paint to express their own feeling or explore ideas, or just to create something beautiful. People have always argued about art-how to make it, what it should look like and why. But there are no right or wrong answers.  It’s common knowledge that is a huge difference in what artists do, what kind of art you enjoy up to you. Today there will be many rounds. Some tasks will be difficult, others will вe easier.
Let me introduce the jury… They’ll score the points and announce the score after each round
We wish you good luck, and let us start.
The first round is listening.
You will listen to a guide in an art gallery talking about  рicture «At the Moulin Rouge.» Answear the questions.

If you answear correctly you’ll get 100 points for each task

A.1.What was the Moulin Rouge famous for?

2.Who did Toulouse-Lautrec include in his painting?

3.Which person is Toulouse-Lautrec?

4.Why do some people think he liked painting the dancers?

B. Write the numbers of the people next to their names.


His cousin Gabriel……

His friend, a photographer……

Jane Avril, a dancer…..

La Macarona, a dancer….

La Goulue, a singer……


TEXT “AT the Moulin Rouge”.

OK, now the painting we are looking at now is by French painter Toulouse-Lautrec. The painting is called “At the Moulin Rouge”. AS you probably know the Moulin Rouge is a night Club in Paris. Maybe some of you remember the film Moulin Rouge? In the 19th century, the night club was very famous for its beautiful dancers and singers.

Toulouse-Lautrec did a lot of painting and posters of the Moulin Rouge. He especially loved painting the dancers. And in the paintings he sometimes includes his friends too.   

In the middle of the picture there are five people who are sitting at the table having a drink. The woman who is wearing a hat is a dancer-her name is –la Macarona –and the man sitting next to her on the left is friend of Toulouse-Lautrec. He was a photographer. On the right, here, there’s a woman with fair hair, blue eyes, and very red lips. Her face looks very white. That’s another famous dancer called Jane Avril. At the back of the picture, on the right, there are two women who are standing together. One of them is touching her hair. That’s La Goulue and she was one of the famous singers at the Moulin Rouge at that time.
Now that is very interesting. If you look carefully to the left of the two women, there are two men walking out of the night club. One of them is very tall and the other one is very short. The very tall man is Toulouse Lautrec’s cousin Gabriel, and the other man is Toulouse-Lautrec himself. Toulouse Lautrec was only 1 metre 50 centimeteres tall. He had very short legs and couldn’t walk very well. Some people think that is why he loved painting the dancers of the Moulin Rouge… because they all had beautiful, long legs.

Answers to the questions:
1. It was famous night club in Paris.
2. Famous dancers and his friends.
3. He was only 1 metre 50 centimeteres tall.
4. He had very short legs and couldn’t walk very well.

Toulouse-Lautrec                   4
His cousin Gabriel                  3
His cousin, a photographer  1
Jane Avril, a dancer                6
La, Macarona, a dancer         2
La, Gouline, a singer               5


Questions for the game.

1 Genres of painting 400

George Seurat: «The Circus»                      (impressionism)

2 Phrasal verbs 400

To  subside                                                        ( to die out)

3 Museums and galleries 400                     ( The State Russian Museum)

What museum in ST.Peterburg contains the unique collection of Russian art?

4 English equivalent 500

Готовые краски в тюбиках                        (Ready-made paints in tubes)

5 Definitions 500

Disagreement and unpleasantness between people (discord)

6 Who created it& 500

«Lilacs»                                                               ( Mikhail Vrubel)

7  Genres of painting 500

To what school of painting does Repin belong to? (realism)

8 Phrasal verbs 500                                        (to be dying for)

To want to have something or to do something very much/always progressive, informal

9 Museums and Galleries 500

The largest museums in Russia                  (The Hermitage)

10 Phrasal verbs 200

To become much less noisy, powerful or active                (to die down)

11 Museums and Galleries 200                                  (The Tretyakov Gallery)

What gallery is situated in Lavrushenskyi pereulok in Moscow?

12 English equivalent 300

Прозрачные краски                                                     (transparent paints)

13 Defenitions 300

To take sudden sharp breath                                     (gasp)

14 Who created it? 300

«Flora»                                                                               (Rembrant Van Rijn)

15 Genres of painting 300

Wassily Kandinsky «Improvisation №26 (rowing)»           (abstract art)

16 Phrasal verbs 300

To become extinct                                                         ( to die out/to die away)

17 Museums and galleries 300

What gallery was founded in London in 1824                     ( The National Gallery)

18 English equivalents 400

Холст, полотно                                                               (canvas)

19 Defenitions 400

Behavior, which is not one`s natural manner

20 Who created it? 400

«The Rooks have come.»                                             (Alexey Savrasov)

21 Genres of painting 200

Jan Varmeer «The milkmaid.»                                   (realism)

22 Who created it? 200 “Rye”                                 (Ivan Shishkin)

23 Defenition 200

The condition of being poor                                   (poverty)

24 English equivalent 200

Жанровая живопись                                                (genre painting)

25 Museums and galleries 100

Where can we see “The Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinchi? (the Luvre in Paris)

26 Phrasal verbs 100

To become quieter or weaker and finally stop      (to die away)

27 Genres of painting 100

“Three Musicians.”                         (Cubizm)

28 Who created it? “Three Musicians.” 100             (Pablo Picasso)

29 Defenition  A part (bit) of anything               (piece) 100

30 English equivalent 100 Гравюра, эстамп  (print)




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