Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалы5 Grade. Lesson plan. The weather and Climate. 2021-2022

5 Grade. Lesson plan. The weather and Climate. 2021-2022

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Unit 1: 

Home and away

Teacher`s name

Sh Ashimov




5 v


Weather and climate 2

Weather in my country

Learning objectives

5.3.2  ask simple questions to get information  about a limited range of general topics

5.6.3. Use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics.

5.5.1  plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of  general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

     use the vocabulary of the topic weather to describe weather conditions in statements with some support.

Learners use a wide range of comparative and superlative adjectives.

Most learners will be able to:

Write the weather words correctly

Some learners will be able to:

to compeer our climate with other countries and answer the questions. 

Write short topic about weather in our village

                                                Procedure of the lesson

Lesson stages/ Timing

Teacher`s activity

Learners` activity



Beginning of the lesson


The teacher greets the students.

Pre- learning

Warm up:

Ask each learners to tell you at least 1 word related to weather they remember from last lesson. Ask more able learners to make sentences with words



Teacher organizes a warm-up activity for a start of the lesson. Students watch the video and guess what they are going to do on the lesson.

Learners are informed about the lesson objectives


Teacher introduces lesson objectives

P;  Greeting


P: they watch the video


Children must say words related to the weather



Students watch the video and guess what they are going to do on the lesson






Differentiation by level

FA: Self-assessment  by  “thumbs”






















Middle of the lesson






The main part of the lesson

    R1. L1. Active vocabulary

Listen and read

Cold                                            warm

Hot                                        changeable

Snowy                                   humid

Cloudy                                   dry 

Rainy                                     foggy    Stormy                                 

UE3. Grammar 

What about adjectives with 2 or more syllables? How do you think?

Beautiful- more beautiful -  ?

UE3. Find out (create) the rule

Comparative degree      

Adj+             Adj+

Superlative degree

+ adj               + Adj

Inductive approach” (for new grammar)

Teacher – whole class.

Controlled practice: Teacher models situation. Students drill after the teacher. 

Fog – The weather is foggy.   

Rain – The weather is rainy.

Sun – The weather is sunny.

Storm – The weather is stormy.

Cloud – The weather is cloudy.

Teacher supports less able learners with the following division.

Only ‘y’ (snowy, rainy, cloudy, windy, stormy)

Double consonant before ‘y’ (sunny, foggy)

Drop ‘e’ and add ‘y’ (icy).


Task 1  p; 109

Match the words

(I W)

D- it s raining.


Task 2

Ex; 3 p ; 109

Complete the sentences and read it

1.      In my country its cold in winter

Task 3


“Think - Pair share work”

Differentiation by task.

Low achieving students: ask and answer general questions about weather


Is it sunny?                         - Yes / No

Was it rainy?                       – Yes/ No

Do you like frosty weather?  - Yes/No

Middle achieving students: ask and answer special questions about weather with little support using pictures as prompts.


What's the weather like today?   It's   https://documents.infourok.ru/6a89165b-e6d2-43e4-908b-847890d465e0/0/image027.png today.

What was it yesterday?               It was   https://documents.infourok.ru/6a89165b-e6d2-43e4-908b-847890d465e0/0/image028.png yesterday.

What was the weather like in London?  It washttps://documents.infourok.ru/6a89165b-e6d2-43e4-908b-847890d465e0/0/image029.jpg in London.

What kind of weather do you like?     I like  https://documents.infourok.ru/6a89165b-e6d2-43e4-908b-847890d465e0/0/image030.jpg weather


High achieving students: ask and answer special questions about weather


What's the weather like today?           It's __________ .

What was it yesterday?                      It was ________ .

What was the weather like in London? It was _____ in London.

What kind of weather do you like?     I like _______ weather.



They should listen and write new  words

Then  repeat after me



·         listen and repeat the new words

·         understand the meanings of the new words.


Students should write following sentences

They should complete the words





Children should make up sentences with a little support



Pupils should match words with pictures


- can match words with pictures.




They must complete the sentences






Students will answer the following questions










Pupils will answer the following questions


- read the questions carefully

- answer  the questions


FA: Self-assessment  by  “thumbs”






FA : Self-assessment by “plus” and “mines”

Differentiation by support











FA: Group-assessment by “ two stars and  a wish”

 Differentiation by sсaffolding


2 points for this task (the learner checks himself)


2 points for this task (they check each other)

Differentiation by support





2 points for this task (they check each other)

 strategy for the development of independence and interaction


2points for this task (they check each other)



Differentiation by type of response:

In pairs More able learners answer for all questions

In pairs Less able learners  answer only for 2 questions



2 points for this task (the learner checks himself)


FA : Self-assessment by “plus” and “mines”10-8 points – 5

7-6 points – 4

5-4 points – 3

3-1 points – 2



Excel 5”


(Interactive Whiteboard software)


Listening or watching


























End of the lesson








H/W: ask learners to watch the weather forecast and write about the weather in 5 different cities of Kazakhstan

Plenary . Feedback: A Strategy: “ Archiver 3-2-1”

Teacher asks students to write a reflection of the lesson.

 3 – new words

2 – adjectives to describe the lesson

1 – one activity you like


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5 Ағылшын тілі English Student’s book ExcelStudents book. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Bob Obee.Natalya Mukhamedjianova. “ express publishing” 2017 ж.

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