Инфоурок Английский язык Статьи«А day without gadgets» текст конкурсного выступления 8класс

«А day without gadgets» текст конкурсного выступления 8класс

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«А day without gadgets»

II Республиканский конкурс ораторского мастерства

«Speaking Contest», Нижнекамск 2022г.

(секция английского языка)


«А day without gadgets»

Домолазова Анастасия, 8А класс МБОУ «СОШ №11», г. Нижнекамск, Лауреат конкурса

Руководитель –Яскевич М.Б., преподаватель английского языка

My warm greetings to everybody.

Тoday the topic of my speech «А day without gadgets» seems to me the goal of an amazing challenge in the social nets and it is actual enough to speak about.  In fact, nowadays it sounds a bit crazy for teenagers, because most of them are delighted with their smartphones. The Internet offers a great number of opportunities:  fascinating games, plenty of interesting information and so on and so far. I have decided that I could spend a productive day without using these devices at all. It will be an unusual day. Do you agree? Let’s try, why not?  Well, I am beginning… What my imagination is whispering in this case?  On the day without gadgets, probably… I would:

1. Firstly, I would go to the library or to the store to take some fantasy or detective books, because reading immerses us in a fantastic world of mysteries and riddles and I enjoy being there. Who has never dreamed of finding himself/herself in a magical world where there is much new, unexplored and incredible? The fantasy world tells about things that always bewitch everybody who approaches them. The end, as a rule, is unpredictable. That is almost as watching a colorful TV film. Nevertheless, it is rather better. In addition, it is well known - books are our best friends forever, they transform our inner world, even our speech and behavior.

2.  Secondly, do not forget about hobbies. Really, as for me, I would do embroidery on the clothes or a diamond mosaic to improve the fine motor skills.  By the way, any useful occupation in your free time makes you an interesting person to communicate with, and shows true advantages for the present and future life.

3. Eh, thirdly, it could be great do aerobics, gymnastics and dances to the music. We train the body to carry heavy loads easily. Besides, gymnastics helps the body to be more refined, more elegant. It is a graceful picture, isn’t it, when we dance or a girl sits on the split, it looks wonderful! A nice proverb often comes to my mind «A sound mind in a sound body». To tell the truth, properly selected music motivates people not to give up in difficult situations. When you feel blue, listen to your favorite singers and groups. Music, dances and sport, I am sure, there is a wonderful cure for pessimism or low spirits.

4.  Next…, also, I would try meditation to put feelings and emotions in order. In this way, we can sort ourselves out and realize what we are inside. Meditation exercises save you after a hard day at work or at school. It relaxes and takes a break from the annoying daily routine. This is 100 percent correct, in my opinion.

5.  Wow, Finally, I have the only secret wish. It’s connected with classical music. In short, about my experience: I went to music school some years ago. From the first lessons, I was shocked and impressed by Mozart masterpieces. Therefore, I’d like to invent Time Machine to move to the past and to listen to compositions of the genius child prodigy in his own performance.  The sparkling love to life and unique music power of most Mozart pieces have the strongest appeal to me. It would be just cool!

So, to sum up, I should say, I’m a strong believer that the above speaking options may replace gadgets and produce more effective days are full of positive emotions and impressions. You will feel a huge difference. However, to be much in the virtual reality or not depends only on the person himself, on his/her choice in total. Here is necessary to find the golden mean.

Thanks for your attention our respectful jury and spectators. (A minute later)

Hush! Listen, listen… something is coming. Oh, it is coming a new day. Digital detox is over. Frankly speaking, it was not my cup of tea. Gadgets with us again!  Hooray!



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