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Animals need our help!

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Animals need our help





Student: Kameneva  Maryana

                                                      Form: 5 b

                                                                                            Teacher: Tabakaeva  A.P.
















The main part

1.     The Indian Rhino

2.     Koalas

















      People have lived on our planet for many years. They lived and live on different continents, in different countries. People depend on their planet, on the sun, on animals and plants around them. Our ecology becomes worse and worse with every new day. Many species of animals and birds are disappearing nowadays. People destruct wildlife.

      Every day a big number of animals disappear. People kill animals for different aims: e.g. people hunt whales for their meat and oil; elephants for their tusks, crocodiles for their leather and so on. And also animals are used for medical experiments.

     Of course, people can’t stay indifferent to these problems. There are a lot of special organizations, which try to save our nature. The most known are: The Royal Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals (The RSPCA), the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Greenpeace.

   World Wildlife Fund helps to save the wildlife on our planet.WWF includes national parks and nature reserves. Different kinds of animals live there. A lot of animals need our help. For example: koalas, bisons, tigers, white bears, rhinos, grey whales and others.

    We must save wild animals. And we must find the right way to save people and animals. We must take care of nature, because we are part of it.






The main part

1.     The Indian Rhino


       The Indian rhino is a funny animal. It internationally known as the Great Indian One Horned Rhino is a colossally built beast of truly mammoth proportions that is next only to the Indian Elephant.

       The Indian rhino has thick, silver-brown skin, which becomes pinkish near the large skin folds that cover its body. Its upper legs and shoulders are covered in wart-like bumps. It has very little body hair, aside from eyelashes, ear-fringes and tail-brush

       The Indian rhino lives alone and likes to sit in water or mud. It feeds mostly in the morning and evening. The Indian rhino eats grass, reeds and twigs. Rhinos can be amazingly agile and can charge at speeds of 4 to 8 km per hour.

      The Indian rhino is currently listed as vulnerable on IUCN's Red List, but fortunately, their numbers have risen due to conservation efforts. India and Nepal have strengthened their opposition to poaching and have created parks and reserves to protect the rhinos. Traditionally, rhinoceroses have been killed for their horns, which are believed to have medicinal value in many Asian cultures (Приложение № 1)








      Koala one of the most famous and favorite Australian animals. Him name as a bear, though a Koala are not connected to what type of bears. In translation from language of the Australian natives "Koala" means "not drinking", as a Koala do not drink water. They eat leaves eucalyptus.   

        The Koala weighs from four up to fifteen kgs and reaches eighty centimeters in length. Life expectancy about 12 years.

       They have got big round ears and a black nose. The tail at a Koala is not. They have got grey fur and short, strong arms and legs. On legs the Koala has five fingers, with which he clasps a trunk of a tree. Till eighteen twenty two hours per day sleep on trees, and on ground is lowered only for transition to a new tree. Sleep a Koala in of trees.  

     Koala single animal. The mothers very well care of children, the fathers the participations in education of the kids do not accept. The small Koala is born underdeveloped and continues the development in a bag. The newborn Koala weighs some grammes and length about two centimeters. In a bag he will carry spend six months, eating there by parent milk. Then about one year the kid sits on Bottom or on a stomach of the mother, having seized in her fur, and for reception of food to put out a head from a bag.

     Surprisingly that the Koala is able well to float and to jump on trees, though he is usual moves very slowly. The Koala meets only in Australia and only in eucalyptus woods in a  southeast of the country. They are under protection of the state, as they are threatened with extinction. These harmless, lovely and curious animals have a lot of enemies.

     They are production for the foxes, dogs Dingo and predatory birds. The poachers kill them for the sake of valuable fur. Koalas perish on fire. The cutting down eucalyptus of woods conducts to reduction of territory them habitats. The new generation at Koalas occurs very slowly child occurs all once per two years (Приложение № 2).




















        Now more and more people understand the value of life itself, the value of the life of any living creature. 

        In Russia there are 100 reserves and 33 national parks. To help animals people donate  money to buy food, pay vets  and  raise a baby animal.

       Helping wild animals - the duty of man. Help your wild animal! Protect them!

















Приложение № 1



 The Indian Rhino


Приложение №2



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  • Animals need our help

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    Animals need our help

  • The Indian Rhino

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    The Indian Rhino

  • The Indian rhino lives alone and likes to sit in water or mud.

    3 слайд

    The Indian rhino lives alone and likes to sit in water or mud.

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  • It has very little body hair, 
aside from 
eyelashes, ear-fringes and tail-brush

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    It has very little body hair,
    aside from
    eyelashes, ear-fringes and tail-brush

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  • Koalas

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