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Бинарный урок по английскому языку и истории "The seven wonders of the ancient world"

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Бинарный урок

английского языка и истории

на тему




«The seven wonders of the ancient world»









учитель английского языка

ГОУ ЛНР «Ровеньковская школа № 2

им. А.В. Хоптенко»

Рыбалкин Евгений Юрьевич











2019 г.

Цели и задачи урока:

1.     Развивать навыки аудирования, говорения, чтения, перевода.

2.     Повышать мотивации изучения английского языка.

3.     Способствовать формированию интереса к изучению исторического материала путем анализа различных источников о культурном и историческом наследии Древнего мира.

4.     Обобщить информацию об эллинской цивилизации, внесший выдающийся вклад в мировую цивилизацию.

5.     Углублять межпредметные связи и знания учащихся по другим предметам, в частности истории.

6.     Развивать творческие способности учащихся.


Оборудование: интерактивная доска, smart-презентация, раздаточный материал


Ход урока


I. Hello, everybody. Glad to see you. Sit down, please. Today we are going to talk about the seven wonders of the ancient world and we’ll learn a lot of interesting facts.


Как вы поняли, у нас сегодня необычный, бинарный урок истории и английского языка. Его тема «7 чудес света». Мы  совершим с вами путешествие к семи чудесам света. Оно проляжет по маршрутам не только далеких краев, но и далеких времен. Эпиграфом нашего урока мы решили взять  восточную пословицу которая  гласит: «Все на свете боится времени, но время боится Пирамид». Это о единственном из Семи чудес света, дошедшем до наших дней.


Мы посетим мертвые города Анатолии и спустимся в раскаленные от солнца коридоры пирамиды Хеопса, поднимемся на вершину холма, возвышающегося над руинами Ниневии, и пройдемся по стадиону в Олимпии, выкупаемся в бухте, где приставали галеры Родосских рыцарей, присядем у афинского Акрополя и у темных вод, текущих мимо руин Вавилона.



II. Look at the pictures and label them using the name from the list below. Which of the sights is not one of the Seven Wonders of the World?

III. «It was a very-very difficult task to build the Pharos, the Pyramids the Colossus and other wonders of the world. It took a lot of time and energy. It took a lot of efforts and lives.  However, early people managed to do it. How? What helped them? What could they use for building? Make sentences»

St.1: Early people did not have cranes and  lorries.

St.2: Early people had rafts and sledges.

St.3: Early people couldn’t use diggers.

St.4: Early people could use ropes.

St.5: Early people didn’t have lorries and cranes  but they could use camels and horses.



IV. Следующий этап урока – это работа с текстами  о  семи чудесах света.


Задание 1: учащиеся отвечают на вопросы по текстам. (Приложение 1)

For  questions  1-9  choose  answers  from  the texts A-E.  Some of  the  texts  may  be  chosen  more  than  once.


In which of the texts does it say  the monument

1. was built by a well-known artist?                                 _____

2. was not built for a god or goddess?                             _____/_____/_____

3. was built after all the others?                                      _____

4. was built to make more money for the city?                _____/_____

5. was connected with sport?                                           _____

6. has remains which can still be seen?                           _____/_____/_____ 

7. was the idea of a woman?                                            _____

8. attracted people for religious purposes?                     _____

9. could  be seen from far away?                                     _____/_____



Задание 2: учащиеся работают с лексикой из текстов, находя нужные слова по данным дефинициям:

Find  the  words  in  the  texts  that  have  a  similar  meaning to  the  following. The  first  letter  of  each  word  is  given  to help  you.


1. a calm area of water  next to the land where ships are safe  


2. a tall narrow  building with a powerful light that shows ships where there is danger                                                                                        


3. a building where people go to worship                                  


4. to take control of land belonging to another country or people by force       


5. a hundred years                                                                           c_______________

6. a memory or image which stays with you for a long time           i_______________

7. broken pieces of a larger whole                                                   f_______________



V. Now, please, open your copybooks and write down the date and classwork. Look at this picture. What could be and what couldn`t be at that time, when these wonders were created.

St.1: 5,000 years ago people didn’t ride a bike.

St.2: 5,000 years ago people didn’t dance break.

St.3: 5,000 years ago people didn’t draw graffiti 

St.4: 5,000 years ago people didn’t use helicopters to travel from one place to another

St.5: 5,000 years ago people used to go fishing.

St 6: 5,000 years ago people used to cook food on fire.

St.7: 5,000 years ago people used to swim.

St.8: 5,000 years ago people used to make sandcastles


VI. Работа с датами. Вопрос-ответ.



Homework: Imagine  one  of  the  Seven  Wonders  of  the  world  could  have been saved  from  destruction.  Which  one  would  you  choose  to save  and why?






Приложение № 1


The Pharos of Alexandria crumbled into the sea about 600 years ago but before that it was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It is not known who built the Pharos, but we do know that it was the last Wonder to be built, in 280 BC. In ancient times it was a great help to ships trying to get through the rocky harbour entrance. Yet it was not a lighthouse in the modern sense, but rather a giant advertisement for Alexandria. The remains of the Pharos were found quite recently. The word pharos is still used in some modern languages to mean 'lamp' or 'lighthouse'.


An early historian described the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus as the greatest of the Seven Wonders. The remains of the building - a few stones near modern Efes - suggest that the writer was exaggerating. The temple was large, rich and beautifully decorated, but there were many temples in the ancient world which were much more beautiful. Its power was due to the fact that Artemis was a goddess worshipped all over Asia. In Rome she was called Diana. The first temples on that site go back to the eighth century BC and the many visitors to the temple were important for trade.


According to tradition, the Colossus of Rhodes stood - legs apart - over the harbour at Rhodes and the ships passed in and out between its legs. The Colossus attracted ships to Rhodes because, like the Pharos at Alexandria, it was a giant advertisement for the city. It could be seen from miles away. The statue was built between 294 and 282 BC, to celebrate the defeat of the Macedonians, who had failed to conquer the city. When the statue was pulled down in 654 AD, 900 camels were used to take away the pieces.


The Statue of Zeus has left no remains. We know what it looked like because it was shown on coins and travellers said that it was made of gold and ivory. It was built to celebrate the Olympic Games, and stood for 1000 years before it was destroyed in a fire in the fifth century AD. The sculptor was the famous Pheidias who made some of the finest statues on the Parthenon.


The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was named after the man it was built for: Mausolus, the ruler of Caria. Ancient writers say that Mausolus' wife had the tomb built after his death in 353 BC. During his lifetime, Mausolus filled his capital city, Halicarnassus, with impressive buildings. His tomb made a great impression on anyone who saw it.

I. For  questions  1-9  choose  answers  from  the texts A-E.  Some of  the  texts  may  be  chosen  more  than  once.

In which of the texts does it say  the monument

1. was built by a well-known artist?                                 _____

2. was not built for a god or goddess?                             _____/_____/_____

3. was built after all the others?                                      _____

4. was built to make more money for the city?                _____/_____

5. was connected with sport?                                           _____

6. has remains which can still be seen?                           _____/_____/_____ 

7. was the idea of a woman?                                            _____

8. attracted people for religious purposes?                     _____

9. could  be seen from far away?                                     _____/_____



II. Find  the  words  in  the  texts  that  have  a  similar  meaning to  the  following. The  first  letter  of  each  word  is  given  to help  you.


1. a calm area of water  next to the land where ships are safe  


2. a tall narrow  building with a powerful light that shows ships where there is danger                                                                                        


3. a building where people go to worship                                 


4. to take control of land belonging to another country or people by force       


5. a hundred years                                                                          


6. a memory or image which stays with you for a long time         


7. broken pieces of a larger whole                                                  




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