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Буклет-путеводитель к исследовательской работе по теме "Замки Великобритании"

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Лондонский Тауэр (The Tower of London)

Situated in the heart of London next to the River Thames, the Tower of London is one of the greatest medieval castles in England. Famous for its Yeoman Warders (Beefeaters), ravens, the Crown Jewels and its long and bloody history of imprisonment and executions. The castle has also been used as a royal residence, the Mint, the Royal Zoo, a public records office and the Royal Observatory as well as containing barracks for its own garrison and storage for munitions.


Location: By the River Thames next to Tower Bridge

Address: HM Tower of London, London, EC3N 4AB

Access: Open to the public. Admission fee.

Website: www.hrp.org.uk/TowerOfLondon




Замок Варвик (Warwick Castle)

William the Conqueror built the first castle at Warwick, in 1068. Over the years the castle was gradually rebuilt in stone, and by the late 14th century Thomas de Beauchamp had finished an extensive building programme that transformed the defences of the castle, adding the huge gatehouse and barbican and two massive towers that still dominate the castle today. Later as the military importance of the castle declined, the main living quarters were converted into a palatial residence.

The castle was home to the Earls of Warwick until 1978 when it was bought by the Tussaud's Group. The castle has since been extensively restored, and developed into a major tourist attraction.

Location: Clearly signposted in Warwick, less than 2 miles from junction 15 of the M40

Address: Warwick Castle, Castle Hill, Warwick, CV34 4QU

Access: Merlin Entertainments Group. Open to the public. Admission fee

Website: www.warwick-castle.com   

Замок Лидс (Leeds Castle)


Leeds Castle, set in 500 acres of parkland in the midst of the Kent countryside, takes its name not from the city of Leeds but from its first owner, a man named Leed, or Ledian, who built himself a wooden castle in 857. The first stone castle was built in 1119 on an island in the lake, and was later rebuilt and extended by Edward I, a D shaped tower built on the smallest of the two islands in the lake. The castle was a royal residence for six of England's medieval queens and a palace of Henry VIII. The castle grounds contain several gardens and many other attractions.

Location: Located just off Junction 8 of the M20, midway between London and the Channel Ports.

Address: Leeds Castle, Maidstone, Kent ME17 1PL

Access: Open to the public. Admission fee.

Website: www.leeds-castle.com


Дуврский замок (Dover Castle)

One of the largest castles in the country, strategically located at the shortest crossing point to continental Europe, Dover Castle has played a prominent part in national history. Its origins lie in the Iron Age, and a Roman Lighthouse and Anglo-Saxon church can still be seen within the grounds. William of Normandy strengthened existing Anglo-Saxon fortifications here in 1066, but it was Henry II who set the blueprint for today's castle when he had the fortifications rebuilt in the 1180's, adding the massive keep and a series of concentric defences. Over the centuries, the defences were continually enlarged and improved, with the castle retaining a military role into the mid twentieth century. An underground hospital and the command centre used for the Dunkirk evacuation are a legacy from the Second World War.

Location: On east side of Dover

Address: Dover Castle, Castle Hill, Dover, Kent CT16 1HU

Access: English Heritage. Open to the public. Admission fee

Website: www.english-heritage.org.uk


Замок Эдинбурга (Edinburgh Castle)

Edinburgh Castle is built high upon the basalt remains of a long extinct volcano, providing visitors with impressive views of the city and landscape beyond. The oldest part of the castle dates back to the Normans, and there are buildings and fortifications covering every period since. The castle is home to the Scottish Crown Jewels (Honours), the Stone of Destiny, the giant 15th century siege gun, Mons Meg, the Scottish National War Memorial and the famous One O'Clock Gun, which is fired daily at 1.00pm. The castle also contains several military and regimental museums

Location:At the top of the Royal Mile in the centre of Edinburgh

Address: Edinburgh Castle, Castle Hill, Edinburgh, EH1 2NG

Access: Historic Scotland. Open to the public. Admission fee.

Website: www.historic-scotland.gov.uk


Виндзорский замок (Windsor Castle)


Windsor Castle, the largest inhabited castle in the world, is one of the official residences of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Since William the Conqueror built the first castle in 1080.Over the centuries many kings have lived at Windsor, adding or altering buildings, and a serious fire in 1992, and the subsequent restoration and rebuilding, continued this process of change and renewal.The main areas of the castle that can be visited include the State Apartments, where visiting dignitaries are entertained, Queen Mary's Doll's House, the Lower Ward, where you can see the changing of the guard most days at 11.00am, St George's Chapel and the Albert Memorial Chapel. Windsor Castle is a working palace and official engagements sometimes limit areas open to the public.

Location: Clearly signposted and visible in the centre of Windsor

Address: Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 1NJ

Access: Open to the public. Admission Fee.

Website: www.royalcollection.org.uk


Карта Великобритании




Замок Бамбург (Bamburgh Castle)

Standing high on a basalt outcrop, overlooking the North Sea, Bamburgh Castle is one of the most impressive looking castles in England. It is visible for many miles, and from its battlements offers views of Lindisfarne Castle on Holy Island, the Farne Islands and the Cheviot Hills. The first historical mention of Bamburgh is in 547 when it appears as the seat of an Anglo-Saxon king, Ida. Ida's grandson Ethelfrith gave the castle to his wife Bebba. In 1894 the trustees sold the castle to the 1st Lord Armstrong, an inventor and industrialist, who started his own programme of reconstruction and modernisation. Since this time the castle has remained the home of the Armstrong family. The castle also contains the Armstrong Museum of Victorian Industrial Archaeology.

Location: Bamburgh Castle is situated 42 miles north of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and 20 miles south of Berwick-upon-Tweed. Take the B1342 from the A1 at Belford to Bamburgh

Address: Bamburgh Castle, Bamburgh, Northumberland, NE69 7DF

Access: Privately owned. Open to the public. Admission fee

Website: www.bamburghcastle.com







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Автор: Барков Антон

             5 «А» класс

Руководитель: Басалаева И.Е.











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