Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыBusiness English. Talking about your job.

Business English. Talking about your job.

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Business English: Talking about your job



Name of trainee



Class name (or number) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    Level Pre-Intermediate



Number of students



Date                                                 Duration of lesson  45 minutes




To improve speaking skills according to the topic “Talking about your job”


Revise the verb to be/Present Simple




Simple tense, words and phrases for meeting



Expected problems

Present simple: positive/negative



Business start up – 2 (Student’s book, workbook), CD-recording


















              Warm up


 5 min       Students introduce themselves to each other.


Write some job titles on the board. Brainstorm more job titles in English.




 5 min     Input/Presentation


             Board: prepositions (on, after, to, with, for)


             Lexis: work in a company/work for a company


             Discuss the questions about jobs with the whole class.

  1. What’s your job title in English?
  2. Is your job common or very specialized?
  3. Do you know anyone with a very unusual job?


              Look at the photo of trainer, giving the introduction at the start of

              course. Listen and complete the information. (task 1)



              Practice 1


10 min  Individual work, pair work.


             Listen to the tape and fill the gaps. (task 2)


              Answer the question:

              Which other person on the chart is on the course?


              Complete the sentences with the prepositions. (task 3)



              Work in pairs.


             Imagine you are Sue, Dave, Ella and describe your response.


              Listen to the sentences. Focus the attention on the reduced vowel      




 15 min       Practice 2

                   Individual work




long form                               short form

 l am                                                 I'm

you are                                           you're

he is                                                 he's

she is                                              she's

it is                                                    it's

we are                                             we're

they are                                           they're



long form                                          short form

I am not                                                I'm not

you are not                          you aren't/ you're not

he is not                                       he isn't/ he's not

she is not                                    she isn't / she's not

it is not                                          it isn't / it's not

we are not                                   we aren't/ we're not

they are not                           they aren't/ they're not



Do the gap-fill activity to consolidate be. (task4)


Complete the sentences. (task 5)


Underline the correct verb form in the sentences. (task 6)


10 min         Production

                    Pair work



Divide into pairs. Look at your cards and do the task. (task 7)




Tell about your job and responsibilities.



















1 Length of course: ­­_______ days.

2 Course name: lnternational ___________.

3 lvan's job:  ___________ consultant.


# 2


Ella Grady (1) _______ ___ customer service manager.


(2)____________ assistance



# 3

Of, after, to, with, for


  1. I look ______ customer service for Europe.
  2. I report _____ the customer service manager.
  3. He's in charge ______ the department.
  4. We're responsible ______ customers in Europe.
  5. I deal _____ problems most of the time.


# 4


are is I'm he's isn't we're they're aren't isn't

  1. My name's Ella Grady.    I’m__ customer service. lt _______ a very big department only six people.
  2. I'm not in charge of the department. David Kemp ________ the manager _____ my boss.
  3. I work with five colleagues ___________ in the European section of the department.
  4. Alicia, Todd, Mike, Eric and Hans _________ all in my team _______ my assistants.
  5. Sue Arpel __________ on the course. There any directors on the course.


# 5

  1. Ivan works for ___________.
  2. He writes reports about ___________ .
  3. The company doesn't pay him, but ___________ .
  4. Ivan is the right person for the job because ____________.










# 6

1.    I work/works for a hotel company.

2.    We check/checks customer service.

3.    | write/writes a report.

4.    lt don't/doesn't take long.

5.    I don't/doesn't pay.

6.    They travel/travels a lot.

7.    I don't/doesn't like the paperwork.


# 7

You are on a training course. Introduce yourself to

your partner who is also on the course. Talk about

your company and your job.


Your company: Context Interiors

Product/Service: design and manufacture of wallpaper

Your department: design

Your job title: design manager

Your team: 4 designers

Your responsibilities:

-manage the design team;

-design new products;

-do market research on competitors' products.


Your boss: product development manager.


Now listen to your partner. Ask questions and make notes about his/her job and company.

You are on a training course. Listen to your partner, who is also on the course. Ask questions and make notes about his/her job and company.

Now introduce yourself to your partner. Talk about your company and your job.


Your company: TD Consulting

Product/Service: management consulting

Your department: export consulting

Your job title: export consultant

Your team: 1 personal assistant, 2 export assistants

Your responsibilities:

-manage the team;

-visit important  clients;

-work with foreign agencies.


Your boss: senior export consultant.


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The main purpose of your lesson is to teach 'something' to your learners in such a way that by the end of the lesson they will have demonstrated a skill or knowledge they did not have at the beginning of the lesson. It is important to use a range of methods, materials and activities to ensure the learning outcomes are fully achieved. When planning a lesson you should look at what the students and the teacher will be doing at different stages of the lesson. This is important so that you prepare a variety of FOCUS. That means the students are not facing the teacher, listening to the teacher all the time. We have discussed this in many different sections of the course and it is fundamental to good lesson preparation and planning.

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