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Culture map of the UK

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  • UK cultural mapThe work was done by Chelyadina Eugene,
A student of the 6th g...

    1 слайд

    UK cultural map
    The work was done by Chelyadina Eugene,
    A student of the 6th grade,
    School №23.
    Teacher: Yuneeva Tatyana Sergeevna

  • Research objectives.1. Find and study material about the kingdom of Great Br...

    2 слайд

    Research objectives.
    1. Find and study material about the kingdom of Great Britain.
    2. To systematize the received information.
    3. View features in architecture.
    Objects of study.
    Tower of London
    Edinburgh Palace
    Liverpool Cathedral
    is study the cities and their archeology
    Work Plan
    1: Introduction
    Find information about the kingdom of Great Britain.
    Northern Ireland and the city of Liverpool.
    3. Features history in architecture.

  • London. The British capital which leaves few people indifferent. You can spen...

    3 слайд

    London. The British capital which leaves few people indifferent. You can spend hours to talk about the museums, castle, churches and many other sights this beautiful city. London flows the river Thames which is the decoration of the city. This city is home to about 9 million people, it is divided into 33 parts. In addition, there are many famous buildings. One of them is the tower of London which I want to talk about.
    Tower in Russian means fortress. the tower of London is built on the North Bank of the Thames. It is one of the main symbols of the U. K.
    It was a complex of twenty towers, nineteen of them built around the main tower in the center-the White tower. The Central tower, once whitewashed, stands on the site of a wooden fortress from the time of William the Conqueror, built on his orders in haste after he settled in London and declared himself king of England. In 1078, William ordered the construction of a stone fortress-about 30 meters high and walls 15 feet thick. Thus came the tower, grim, proud, unapproachable - never to be conquered again in London's long history.
    As a result, in some towers of the tower settled prison, zoo and many other things. A prison appeared in the tower in 1190. I wonder what the inmates of the chambers of the tower were the only monarchs or their representatives came out of the nobility. Just next to the tower is tower bridge. It was built for a long time. The authorities of England thought for a long time and after 8 years agreed. Began preparatory work which lasted two years. In 1886 began construction which lasted for eight years. Bal bridge officially opened in 1894. It was presented in the form of beautiful towers with a platform on which people cross the river.

  • Liverpool. Liverpool is located in the East of England and has a population o...

    4 слайд

    Liverpool. Liverpool is located in the East of England and has a population of about half a million. This beautiful and famous city was founded in 1207, but received the status of a city only in 1880. Liverpool has always been the main port of England. Also, this city is the birthplace of the world-famous musical group called the Beatles. In this city is the Cathedral is the greatest creation of mankind. It is the largest Cathedral in all of England and the fifth largest in the world. The history of the Cathedral begins in 1910. It was then that the first part of the Cathedral was built. Due to the unstable political and economic situation in the country, the construction of the Cathedral progressed very slowly and ended only in 1978. As I said it is the largest Cathedral in England and therefore I would like to mention the size of this massive structure. The length of the Cathedral is 188 meters, and the height of the towers is 101 meters. It delights with its size and grandeur. Liverpool is a very diverse city. It combines the buildings of the middle ages and a new modern city with a lot of entertainment.

  • Edinburgh is the ancient capital of Scotland. It is one of the most beautiful...

    5 слайд

    Edinburgh is the ancient capital of Scotland. It is one of the most beautiful and famous cities of great Britain. The city is full of Scottish flavor: ancient legends, festivals and joyful atmosphere.
    Edinburgh castle is particularly impressive. It is located at the top of the highest mountain in Edinburgh . The castle, as it is now was built only in the middle ages. He was defensive. The castle produced and continues to produce the impression of an impregnable fortress. the fortress was protected on three sides by cliffs, and on the fourth side access to the castle was protected by a steep road. There was once a large North lake on the North side of the castle. This lake protected the city on the North side. It was drained by the kings of the Hanoverian dynasty in connection with the construction of a new city in Edinburgh.

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в дошкольном образовании


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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Учитель английского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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Актуальные вопросы преподавания английского языка в условиях реализации ФГОС

72 ч.

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Психические защиты и психоаналитический взгляд на личное развитие

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