Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыДиагностическая работа по английскому языку в 6 классе УМК Кузовлев В. П.

Диагностическая работа по английскому языку в 6 классе УМК Кузовлев В. П.

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административной контрольной  работы по английскому языку в 6  классе

за первое полугодие 2017-2018 учебного года


Цель - проверить качество усвоения изученного материала за 1-е полугодие

2017-2018  учебного года.

Время выполнения – 45 минут.

Содержание диагностической работы определяет:

- Федеральный компонент государственного стандарта основного общего образования (приказ Минобразования России от 05.03.2004 № 1089);

-Учебник  «English 6», Кузовлева В. П., Лапа Н. М., изд. -М.: Просвещение, 2015г.,  № в федеральном перечне

Структура КИМ.

В работу  включены заданий: 1- true / false(верно/неверно), 2- множественный выбор, 3, 4, 5–заполнение пропусков.

 Максимальный балл -  28

№ задания

Уровень сложности

Мак-ный балл

Элементы содержания,
проверяемые заданиями диагностической  работы





проверка умения  читать с полным понимаем содержания текста




проверкасформированностиграмматическихнавыков (PresentSimpleи PresentProgressive).




проверка сформированности грамматических навыков (употребление PresentProgressive).




­проверка сформированности грамматических навыков(оборотthereis/areилиtherewas/were.).




контроль сформированности грамматических навыков (употребление PresentPerfect)


Критерии оценивания:

95-100%  - отметка «5»

75 – 94% - отметка «4»

50 -74% - отметка «3»

Ниже 50% - отметка «2»

Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку заI полугодие  в 6 классе


1)Read a story about British life and answer the questions given below. Mark the sentences with the letter T if the information is true and with the letter F if it is false.

   These days most people in Britain do not wear very formal clothes. But sometimes it is important to wear the right thing. Many British people don’t think about clothes very much. They like being comfortable. When they go out to enjoy themselves, they can wear almost anything. At the theatres, cinemas and concerts they can wear what they like – from jeans and sweaters to T-shirts and shorts. Anything is OK as long as you look clean and neat (аккуратный).

     But men in offices usually wear suits and ties (галстук) and women wear dresses or skirts (not trousers). Doctors, lawyers (юристы) and businessmen wear formal clothes. And in some hotels and restaurants men wear ties and women wear smart dresses. Jeans and open shirts are sometimes not allowed (неразрешаются). It is difficult to say exactly (точно) what people wear in Britain because everyone is different. If you are not sure what to wear, watch what other people do and do the same (тожесамое). Or ask the advice of a friend or your host (хозяйка). You’ll be more comfortable if (если) you don’t look different from everyone else.

Mark the sentences with the letter «T» if the information is true and with the letter «F» if it is false.

a) Many British people think about their clothes very much.____

b) When they go out they wear something special.____

c) Women in offices usually wear trousers.____

d) You can say exactly what people wear in Britain.____

e) It is OK to ask your host for advice if you don't know what  to wear.____


2) At weekends Paul and his family do various things. What are Paul and his family doing now? What do they usually do? Choose the correct verb form.


   Paul’s mother usually shopping on Saturdays, but now she (1) (does not go/isn’t going) shopping. She (2) (reads/is reading) a tale for my little brother. But I (3) (play/am playing) chess with my father. At the moment my sister (4) (helps/is helping) mother to prepare chips for dinner. We always (5) (watch/are watching) our favourite films on Sundays.

3)  It is 5 p.m. Bill’s family is at home. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct verb form.

    Bill ______(watch) the horror film. Kate and Helen (1) _____ (not watch) this film. They (2) _____ (not like) horror films. Bill’s mother (3) _____ (prepare) supper. His father(4) _____ (read) the newspaper at the moment. He (5) _____ (like) to read after work.

4)  Put in there is/are or there was/were.

1). … three rooms in our old flat.  2). But now … four big rooms there. 3) In the middle of the living - room … a table, where I can play games. 4). When I was small I played on the floor, because … a big carpet on the floor. 5). My brother has his own room. … a computer on the desk in his room.

5) In the evening the Browns discuss the day. They have done a lot.

Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verb from the brackets.


1)-  ___ you ___ the flowers ___, Jane? (water/yet)

2) – I ___ the flowers ___. (water/yesterday)

3) Today Steve and I ___ ___ the paths in the garden. (sweep/already)

4) Tom ___ ___ the room. (already/clean)

5) ___ you ___ Jimmy, the dog, ___ ? (feed/yet)

6) The father ___ ___ it. (feed/just)

7) He ___ it ___ . (every day/do)





1)    a — F; b — F; c — F; d — T; e — T.

2)    1 —  isn’t going; 2 —is reading; 3 —am playing; 4 —is helping; 5 —watch.

3)    1 — is watching; 2 —are not watching ; 3 —don’t like; 4- is preparing; 5 – is reading; 6-likes

4)    1 — were; 2 — are; 3 — is; 4 — was; 5 — is.

5)    1- Have you watered; yet; 2- watered; yesterday; 3- have already swept; 4- has already cleaned; 5 – Have you fed; yet; 6 – has just fed; 7 – does; every day.





























Диагностическая работа по английскому языку за Iполугодие в 7 классе


1. Read Susan’s notes about a day of her school life. Mark the statements true (T), false (F) or unstated (U).

1)    School starts at 8 o’clock.

2)    Susan had  registration twice on that day.

3)    Susan got a good mark for the Maths test.

4)    Susan studies two foreign languages.

5)    During break time Susan went to the canteen.

6)    Susan’s favourite subject is Food Technology.

7)    Susan likes playing tennis after school.

8)    Michael and John made a poster about football.

9)    Susan went home at 4 p.m.

10)Susan wrote her notes on Wednesday.


II. Use of English

2. Here is some information about a young sportsman. Fill in the gaps (1-12) with the correct form of the word.

Sam plays cricket. He is one of the players on the National Skill Sets programme.

My greatest achievement is that I (1) ______ (to play) for Kent. I (2) ______ (to start) playing when I was seven. I (3) ______ (to join) the Kent team when I was nine and (4)_______ (never/to look back) since then because I love it.

I (5)______ (to train) twice a week in the winter and every day of the week in the summer.

I advise young cricketers to enjoy (6) _______ (to play) the sport. If you (7) ______ (to play) more, you’ll play (8) ________ (well). To get good results you should have (9) ________ (good) skills than everyone else, and train (10) _______ (hard) than everyone else, and think (11) ________ (carefully) of all.

My ambition is to get in the Kent (12) _______ (one) team and progress from there.


3. The schoolchildren decided to organize a charity fair. For questions 1-6, write what the schoolchildren want each other to do using the verbs in brackets.

Example:organize a sweet and cake sale( the classmates/Mandy and Tracy) (want) –

The classmates want Mandy and Tracy to organize a sweet and cake sale.

1)bake cakes for a sweet and cake sale (the teacher/Allison) (‘d like)

2)make a poster about different charities (the classmates/Alex) (need)

3) organize a charity concert (Linda/Denis) (want)

4) have a non – uniform day (the teachers/the schoolchildren) (let)

5) donate money (the school/the sponsors) (ask)

6) think about those in need (the charity fair/the schoolchildren) (make)



4. Use the words in the box to form new words that fit in the gaps (1-5) in the text.

Example: More than 80 teams took part in the Robot  (0) Olympiadin Tokyo.

Each team built a robot. One of the (1) ______ says that it is necessary to make children interested in science.One of the boys said, ”At the world (2)_______ we will write a program (3)_______ during the (4) _________. That’s why we have to work harder and more (5) _______.”

























1.1) F; 2) T; 3) N / s; 4) T; 5) F; 6) T; 7) T; 8) N / s; 9) F; 10) T.

2. (1) have played; (2) started; (3) joined; (4) have never looked

back; (5) train; (6) playing; (7) play; (8) better; (9) better; (10) harder;

(11) most carefully; (12) first.

3.1) The teacher would like Allison to bake cakes for a sweet

and cake sale. 2) The classmates need Alex to make a poster about

different charities. 3) Linda wants Denis to organise a charity concert.

4. (1) organisers; (2) championships; (3) professionally; (4) com-

petition; (5) properly.


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